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A New Way Of Acquiring Mythics

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Hakan0404, Dec 31, 2018.


(Answer after reading thread) How should this system be implemented?

  1. Implement this system and keep the old one (will need mythic drop rate nerf to keep current rarity)

    9 vote(s)
  2. Remove random mythic drops and make them be acquirable this way only

    0 vote(s)
  3. Don't add this at all and keep the current random drops

    36 vote(s)
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  1. Hakan0404

    Hakan0404 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Have you ever dreamed of having a mythic without relying completely on random chance? This suggestion might just be for you.

    What is the idea actually?
    Simple really. Add a consistent way of letting players get mythics without making them any less rare.

    Dropping System
    Every mob that is level 90+ (level could be tweaked to be higher or lower) will now 100% drop an untradeable item called Mysterious token (again, not sure about the name). Mobs will always drop just 1 of that item for the purposes of how this new way of acquiring mythics will work.

    The Math (skip if not interested in calculations)
    The base chance for a mythic to drop is 7/1000000 or roughly 1/143000 (rounding up).
    If a player is able to gather 143000 of these new tokens, said player would be able to buy a mythic from a merchant located somewhere on the map.

    The Inventory Problem
    Obviously it is impossible to fit 143000 items in your inventory. To counteract these token have to able to be upgraded into tiers just like emeralds can be. 64 Mysterious Tokens will be able to be traded in for 1 Grand Token, and 64 Grand Tokens will be able to be traded in for 1 Master Token. So 35 Master Tokens (143360 Mysterious Tokens) will equate 1 Mythic.

    Trader Locations
    Now where to place the Token trade-in merchants and Mythic merchants is more of a bonus than anything else (hell, they could just be in major cities). I suggest Token trade-in merchants be in cities, while the Mythic merchants themselves be in a place relating to the lore of the mythic item in question. For example Lament's merchant could be placed in Sarnfic. Other items like discoverer, which's lore is quite sparse, are a bit harder to choose a location for (maybe Thanos Vault since there's a lot of precious blocks in there?).

    Should players have a choice?
    Now the last point in this thread is whether players should be able to choose what mythic they get. I believe yes, as that would prevent huge amounts of player frustration when they have been grinding for a very long time to get a mythic for their build.

    Ids and Stats
    Two questions are to be asked here - "Should mythics bought with tokens be untradeable ones?" and "Should mythics bought with tokens have set stats?". I do think token mythics should be untradeable as to prevent a massive mythic influx in the economy making them have virtually no value. As to whether those mythics should have set stats, or be able to be id-ed like normal items I'm undecided, so feel free to comment what you think.

    Kind of irrelevant, but I know some of you are going to say "How much sense does it make that a random merchant has an item so rare, it is thought to only exist in myths?". To that I answer "As much sense as it makes for a random turtle by a pond in Corkus to have it".

    Pros and Cons
    - A new consistent way of acquiring mythics, instead of making it a gamble
    - Players who don't want to engage in the economy to build their way up to a mythic now have a way to get themselves one solo
    - Poor players no longer need tons of emeralds to afford a mythic

    - The tokens used for buying the mythics could clog up a player's inventory really quickly when grinding

    Feedback is greatly appreciated, as well as correcting any grammar mistakes I might have made as English is my second language. Thanks for reading the whole thing (unless you skipped to the end and are just reading this) and I hope I didn't bore you!
    sulphursmite likes this.
  2. boykisser

    boykisser i will kill again HERO

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    So, basically the same thing, except it relies only on tedious grinding and consuming already sparse inventory space during grind sessions
  3. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    this isnt going to happen lol
    well you actually get a mythic guaranteed with this
    WilsonKry, mouldy and Take like this.
  4. PinkGangsterGoat

    PinkGangsterGoat bump 10char CHAMPION

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    Maybe if those tokens you keep talking about don’t use up any physical inventory space, but still no. What about loot chests?

    Btw even though I’d probably have 3 mythics by now, it’s still a no for me.
  5. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    I like the idea of guaranteed mythics. The main problem I see is the inventory concerns. If every mob drops one mythic token, then this is going to fill inventory space incredibly quickly. If the tokens were not physical objects then I could see this working, but I think there would be a major influx of mythics into the market with this.
    sulphursmite likes this.
  6. Hakan0404

    Hakan0404 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    As I said all mythics acquired this way should be untradeable.

    I though about that, however I wasn't sure if this would be able to be coded into the game, seeing as emeralds are still a physical item as well
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  7. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    I'd say untradable, unrerollable, and ID's set at 70% of base value for positive, and 115% for the negatives
    IE: they'd be worse than a perfectly average roll of that mythic if you were to get it as a drop. If not, it would kind of ruin the entire market for mythics imo
    trex1611, Tsukiji and PikaLegend like this.
  8. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    The whole point of mythics is that they are rare. You could go your whole wynncraft play time and get none. Sure it can suck. Or it can be great. But by adding this it kinda removes the fun from actually finding a mythic. What the point of loot running and grind if you can just buy a cata with tokens? Does that then devalue emeralds as you don't need emeralds to then buy mythics?


    Mah boyo Pyschotherapy doesn't even have the highest kill count if I recall but most of his are done outside war unlike most the other ones that high.
    But holy damn if this becomes a thing Cybel I'm coming for you and your minions!

    Also this gives a MASSIVE advantage to players who pay.
    Double loot bombs.
    So now we are halving that number.
    It now takes 71500 mob kills to get a mythic
    Mob totems. 30 minutes of mob totems can get you a few thousand kills at even places where the spawn rate is rather low.
    Now understand that most people who have hero rank have alot more then 6 totems a day.
    Most of us have access to friends accounts who don't really use them aswell as alts that have ranks.
    Marcus has 5 Hero ranked accounts iirc
    There are a few other people that ik who have multiple accounts with ranks. The fact is there are people who could get Mythics in literally DAYS.

    Sorry mate but the fact that I would have found 6 EXTRA mythics (presuming I picked up the tokens) would just ruin them for me.
    Also these tokens would have a value of HIGHER then emeralds which have a lower chance to drop.
    143000 emeralds CANNOT get you a weathered (My math points a 10stack weathered at around 2.6million emeralds)
    Which would put the value of these tokens at 20x the worth of emeralds.
    Now if we say bump that towards Idk a discoverer... a strati... a cata...
    We are talking upwards of 40x more valuable then emeralds (And don't pull any funny shit we all know people will be buying a strati over a damn warchief)
    Tsukiji likes this.
  9. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Mythics are supposed to be rare and RNG based, thats a balancing feature of them. I know people hate things being RNG based but thats just the way it is. stop making it non RNG based
  10. sulphursmite

    sulphursmite Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i like this feature,
    im sick of this game being entirely luck based
    7 in one million, are you kidding,
    there should be more skill or effort involved. not just one day opening a loot chest and Oh look "I GOT A GODLY DISCO",
    instead, taking weeks to months gradually building up effort,
    not only would this stabilize the economy,
    the current system could have people who have lots of mythics getting insanely lucky, but investing no effort and time in the game and getting easily rich
    ur kidding right, mmorpgs usually don't have this, they have you work and invest time and effort towards getting a better weapon
    the people who invest effort are the ones with the benefit,
    and the people who do not will be the ones with no benefit
    it includes fairness, skill, effort, time, logic
    I don't know about you, but i did not come on wynn to get LUCKY, or to spend 1 year getting a mythic.
    I went on wynncraft to invest time and effort and actually do interesting stuff, for cool rewards.
    so this whole RNG aspect is making the game completely luck based
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  11. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Oh yes people who have invested NO EFFORT
    https://www.wynndata.tk/stats/player/Psykko 31k chests 2.4million Mob kills and 5583 hours ingame
    https://www.wynndata.tk/stats/player/Putrid 66k Chests 1.6 Mill mob kills and over 7000 hours ingame
    https://www.wynndata.tk/stats/player/Afterburner0128 57k Chests 600k Mob kills and 2292 Hours ingame
    https://www.wynndata.tk/stats/player/Love 26k Chests 1.1million Mob kills and roughly 3650 Hours ingame

    To put this into perspective.. You have opened not even 1k chests just under 70 thousand mob kills and 475 hours ingame

    Nearly everyone who has more then 1 mythic has put in effort to get it. Thats part of the reward.
    People who have opened THOUSANDS of chests
    People who have killed MILLIONS of mobs
    People who have doing Quests over an over again. Deleting classes and starting again lookin at u nickel <3
    People who have worked selling legendaries and rares and built up money through that.

    Thats a good point to make as well. There are other ways of getting mythics outside grinding mobs and chests.
    You can buy them from players. Yes its hard to get the money. But thats part of the reward.
    You are never going to be able to buy a cata straight away. Or a godly discoverer.
    But you work upwards, start small try get an Az or something low level. Maybe a pair of the boots? Then go for something slightly more expensive like an Apoc. Apoc is a really good mythic and it costs around 3-4 stacks. Lowest I've seen is somewhere around 2 stacks. 3 Stacks is the Quest Le from 2 classes alone (you get about 90le or smth from a class) not to mention you can selling the good legendaries that you get along the way for extra bank.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    trex1611, Tsukiji, SUPER M and 2 others like this.
  12. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    no, im not kidding

    1, this doesnt have to be the same rpg as other rpgs.

    2, this would fucking kill the mythic market

    3, being able to choose your mythic is unballanced

    4, this is how they designed the game, you can A, get lucky. or B, put forth effort to get rich enough to buy a Mythic.

    5, The world is not fair, dont use "fair" as an argument

    6, Despite being possible, if you loot run regularly and "work and invest time and effort" because of how RNG works it would be near impossible to wait a year before finding a Mythic. And by then you should be able to afford one anyway.

    7, Literally grind seavale until youve scraped up enough LE to buy a Mythic. 0 luck there.

    tl:dr this would be a horrible feature
  13. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I don’t agree that mythics should be totally luck based, but this isn’t the right way to fix it. It’s almost the same thing - statistically, after killing that many mobs you’re almost guaranteed to get a mythic anyway, except with this method you get an untradable one. Maybe there could be a bit more to this - maybe only some mobs drop these tokens, but then you can use them for boss altars that drop mythics. Or something like that, I don’t know.
    This is a good idea, but in practice it makes little difference.
  14. sulphursmite

    sulphursmite Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i wrote that when i was tired and 2 in the morning, so i now see the point y'all are trying to make

    i probably shouldn't post when im tired lel
    then i sound like an absolute retard
    trex1611 likes this.
  15. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    It’s a pretty well-written suggestion, just some things about it don’t really make sense or don’t really have much positive affect on the gameplay
  16. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    People need to learn that "alot" is not a word. I have no idea where on earth this incorrect word comes from. It's a mistake I see too often, by people who may not even be stupid. Gets on my nerves.
  17. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    responds to an argument that beats him into the ground with a grammar lesson lol
    SaltyKing likes this.
  18. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I'm just stating how to type, my man. Not a dig towards anyone and I have not participated in this lovely conversation before that moment. I do think his idea is silly though. (The OP's)
    tig likes this.
  19. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    oshitlol I thought you where some1 else, my bad xd
    StormKing3 likes this.
  20. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    That's okay XD
    tig likes this.
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