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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Oh I didn't read that sorry then that changes things

    I summon 5 light green shards around me prtoecting myself from all sides
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "I called AQUILA, the Order that held Quantum's partner," I say grimly. "I think we need to get ready for Alexis and part of NIBIRU getting ready to rendezvous with Quantum."

    Have I seen Alexis before? If so, I use Second Sight targeting Alexis. Otherwise, I'll expand True Sight further, to see if anyone was arriving or disappearing from headquarters.
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    On mobile, cant give good responses until tomorrow but do you guys notice the pattern in the names of the Orders?

    Also @Tsu, yes, you’ve seen her once when there was a small meeting for where to lock Quantum and Alexis up.
  4. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I close the door, sit down on a chair and open the envelope.
  5. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    iirc, Sirius and Aquila are stars, while nibiru is a conspiracy about a tenth planet of the solar system

    As for leon, idk... Leo?
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Close. Sirius is the brightest star in Earth’s night sky. Nibiru also known as Planet X is believed by some people to collide into Earth causing the end of the world, titled the Nibiru Cataclysm. Hence, Quantum’s asteroid summoning move being called “Nibiru Nerfed.” Leon is another name for Leo and is the lion constellation. Aquila is the eagle constellation. So in general, all the Orders are named after space things.
    Titling that move “Nibiru Nerfed” is a literal joke imo. But anyway, you gonna say your response to this @Nikolai Mael since you’re here?
  7. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    I mean, the sword's still on the floor near him, right? I'll have the sword keep Quantum busy by stabbing it at him repeatedly, maybe fire a reprisal shard or two at him every now and then, while Niko starts to run in to assist the mages.

    If the mannequin falls, the sword drops and then vanishes (orange shard) to keep up appearances. If possible, I'll search for another mannequin from my... collection and attempt to run back to the group.
  8. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You open the envelope to find what looks like a rushed, short, handwritten letter from Dr. Lakrow. You can especially tell that from the way it is poorly ended.

    (Insert Some Random Date Here)

    To Ms. Skilar,

    You can probably presume what this letter is going to entail about. To cut things short, we fear Order NIBIRU right now. We fear what they might do in the near future. According to what we got from one of our spies, they already have control over Order LEON and have control over 2 other Orders. We don't know which Orders, but if NIBIRU starts to gain control over the supervision of other states, we can only assume the worst of the worst. Opposed to what Jamie might tell you (she tells everyone that whatever she's delivering is not an invitation letter), this is a secret invitation letter into Order SIRIUS. We need you to Order NIBIRU knows you and might trust you if we are to send you to them. Please take some time to consider this letter.


    Dr. Lakrow

    You get ready for bed assuming that your parents are coming home late from work. But only after what feel's like 2 minutes of sleeping, you hear some racking on the walls which wakes you up. What now?

    As you brace for impact, it appears that another Shardaic Mage has it covered. A purple, transparent, wall is summoned and reflects back the particles that the clones behind you are shooting. This effectively evaporates one side of the clones but as you look back to where Quantum is, he has disappeared along with the other row of clones he made.

    The same man who summoned the reflect wall curses and mutters something uncanny under his breath. Finally, he comes up with something to do. "Someone here, call a search party!" he commands. Then he yells into his phone. "Mr. Hanzo . . . or whoever is in the Security Room, contact the teenagers using that . . . that, group chat thing! James . . . or anyone! Help me with getting these Weapon Masters out of the falling hex! Let's go!" The man claps his hands together to emphasize speed. What now?

    "What the....." Quantum barely parries/blocks the flying sword with a random shield he summoned out of nowhere. He then dodges your Reprisal Shard attempts by teleporting a little back and then formulating another purple barrier separating him from everyone else. "You're an interesting case," Quantum comments to you. It seems that he saw right through your secret. "Well pardon me to cut things short but I have to get going to somewhere so have fun!" Quantum bows before vanishing out of sight. It appears that the clones in the back have been dealt with by a Reflect shard and the clones in the front vanished alongside Quantum.

    Mr. Lopez curses and mutters something uncanny under his breath. Finally, he comes up with something to do. "Someone here, call a search party!" he commands. Then he yells into his phone. "Mr. Hanzo . . . or whoever is in the Security Room, contact the teenagers using that . . . that, group chat thing! James . . . or anyone! Help me with getting these Weapon Masters out of the falling hex! Let's go!" Mr. Lopez claps his hands together to emphasize speed. What now?

    The scenery changes from a Security Room to a burning futuristic complex. You can feel yourself (Alexis) running down a burning corridor with several explosions going off in the background. You also notice some other figures in dark cloaks helping you (Alexis) escape. It appears that Order NIBIRU had come to help break out Alexis. You have just entered what looks like the main hall of Order AQUILA except burning in ruins with debris everywhere. Suddenly, an angelic figure appears in front of you (Alexis) with their wings slamming the ground hard. It was obviously a Guardian Angel who took the form of a young teenage girl. You (Alexis) recognize this angel and feel compelled to insult them but don't. You (Alexis) instead say, "Look who it is! Hi Aquila! Aren't angels always late to the party?"

    The Angel presumingly named Aquila ignores that comment and responds, "Where do you think you're going?" Her voice is what you expect from a normal teenage girl but not from an angel.

    You (Alexis) only snicker and say, "I think I'm escaping. Duh! Are you blind? Or are you just old and tired?"

    The Angel Aquila narrows her eyes and the temperature suddenly goes from blazing hot to chilly and breezy. You (Alexis) again feel compelled to say something uncanny but in the end say something else. "Do you really think cold wind is going to stop me from fleeing this place? You're too late Aquila. Face it."

    Aquila, finally getting annoyed summons an ice bow at lightning speed and shoots an icicle straight at you (Alexis). You (Alexis), however, easily block it by summoning two axes in a cross position to block the arrow. Aquila does not slow down though. She summons a load more ice bows flying on their own all shooting different size icicles and arrows. She also causes icicles to form and drop from the ceiling and even causes a mini snowstorm. But as you (Alexis) are about to get crushed by a huge icicle from the ceiling, Quantum makes an appearance and casts a hex freezing all objects in place. Then, he does three more gestures and teleports all allies out of the building into a warehouse.

    "Mr. Harris!" Mr. Hanzo yells your name and shakes you out of your vision. "Mr. Lopez wants us to contact the teenagers who fought Quantum before!" He then hands you a pad. "It only works to your thumbprint and eye scan. The teenagers have a group chat which we can access through here." What now?

    [Memory Book of Magic Updated]
    Aquila = Name of a Guardian Angel
    Aquila's Magic Type = Bow Weapon Master / Ice and Water Elementalist + Guardian Angel Stuffs
    Alexis = Axe Weapon Master
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll go back and head to the waiting room I was supposed to go in the first place
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I do what was said to contact the teenagers. While doing so, I say, "Hanzo... Quantum just met up with Alexis and NIBIRU. They were strong enough to stand up against Aquila, the angel... I think things are going to get out of hand really quickly..." After doing so, I'll contact Mr. Lorry and tell him that Quantum met up with Alexis and NIBURU after a fight at AQUILA, and that Quantum teleported them into a warehouse somewhere.
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You find yourself waiting for a long time. Maybe the adults were all out on a search or maybe everyone was solemn from the recent events. Finally, the kid named James from earlier walks into the room and says, "The tour for you is canceled today, it will be held tomorrow. Everyone's busy trying to hunt down Quantum although I only see that as hopeless." What now?

    Do you mean Mr. Lopez? xD Also, Aquila isn't super super powerful compared to Quantum but can still hold a reasonable fight against him 1v1. But what would your character know about Aquila anyway?

    Once Mr. Lopez got the message, he orders everyone to search any warehouse in the city and also tells you that he's going to tell Dr. Lakrow the bad news. Then you look at the group chat. It actually appears to be a group chat for everyone in Order SIRIUS but apparently, the kids, teenagers, and young adults took over. None of the older folk appear to even talk or pay attention to this chat and it looks like some of them have deleted themselves from the group. Actually, it looks like all of the adults took themselves off the group so it's now only a young adult and lower exclusive group chat. You can see some of them conversing.

    (Wrong spellings in this chat are on purpose)

    DoubleSwordProWielder: an alarm went of just now and they said a criminal escaped frmo the prison!
    TheDJMechanic: w8, wat? who escaped?
    AncientOne: ^^^^^^^^
    DoubleSwordProWielder: i dont remmber but mr. lopz is sending every1 on a search now!
    ImApparentlyAGlassCannon: well they aren't going to get far with order sirius and mr. lopez in charge
    LittleBirdy: does Dr. Lakrow know?
    DopestShardMage: you stole my question
    DoubleSwordProWielder: i have no idea

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]

    What do you do?
  12. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Where? By walls, do you mean hallway? Window?

    Either way, quietly stuff pillows under my blanket and retreat to the shadowiest place in my room.
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    I meant like from outside the house. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough.

    The racking on the walls grow louder and louder and you can hear some non-human sounds. You wonder if the neighbor could hear this aswell. What now?
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: hahaha.. yeah, that's what I meant. >.< Also, I wonder who these names are. xD
    DoubleSwordProWielder is probably Jacob but I have no idea who the rest would be. ;p;
    OOC: Also, what is my username or can I pick one? If possible, can I be EyeOfOdin? (Does this seem like something a 12 year old would make? xD) Also, I'm gonna assume that people with little authority can see this so I'mma be frugal with my information. >.<

    For if I have to type in General chat - EyeOfOdin: Mr. Lopez just went to tell Lakrow apparently. This person named Quantum just ran off like that. Anyone know about him before?

    For if I can Private message the group of people who fought before - EyeOfOdin: You guys do know that Quantum just escaped right? But yeah, we kinda need to talk... With all of you.

    OOC: If possible, make a ping notification or something for the private messages.
  15. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    Isaac'll wait. I swear if you pull a Devilman Crybaby on my parents I will find a way to make you pay.
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Yeah DoubleSwordProWielder is Jacob. I mean, you could also ask Mr. Hanzo to guess who each of them are.

    Mr. Lopez just went to tell Lakrow apparently. This person named Quantum just ran off like that. Anyone know about him before? :EyeOfOdin
    ImApparentlyAGlassCannon: **** ******* *** ***** ************
    AncientOne: Well Then . . .
    DoubleSwordProWielder: isnt quantum like that super bad guy that no one here likes?
    LittleBirdy: Kayla, I'd watch out. You are the one who sort of shot that final blow at him, plus, have thwarted him several times before.
    InsertCreativeNameHere: what Jamie said ^^^
    TheDJMechanic: Uhmmm, I'm actually like 5 feet away from Dr. Lakrow. We're near the Manhattan Bridge and a bank blew up.
    DopestShardMage: why dont you tell her what happened then?
    TheDJMechanic: Mr. Lopez just arrived through teleportation
    KENdama: wait, who tf is EyeOfOdin? ive never seen you in this chat before.

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]

    Oh . . . The racking on the walls stop and Isaac lives happily ever after.

    The racking on the walls stop . . . oddly. Suddenly, there's a knock on your door. "Hello?" a man's voice calls.

    Yes it's still the middle of the night.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: InsertCreativeNameHere. >.>

    "Hanzo, I have contact with them... I think? I don't really remember who most of those people are." I show him my screen. After wards, I type something.

    EyeOfOdin: [insert names (their actual names) of the people who fought Quantum] Meet me in front of the security room.
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Mr. Hanzo snorts when he reads some of the names that these kids/teenagers/young adults chose. "Okay, uhh . . . AncientOne is definitely Arya. TheDJMechanic is Zach. or Zachary whichever one you prefer. GlassCannon is Kayla. KENdama . . . well obviously is Ken. DoubleSwordProWielder is most likely Jacob. DopestShardMage could possibly be James although he doesn't really boast like that. Little Birdy . . . absolutely no clue and InsertCreativeNameHere, no clue there either." Mr. Hanzo finishes. He then shows you a list of the group who fought Quantum in the past. You start typing.

    Ken, James, Zach, Jamie, Kayla, and Arya. Meet me in front of the security room. :EyeOfOdin
    KENdama: but wait, who are you?
    DoubleSwordProWielder: y wasn't i called?
    DopestShardMage: this is the group iirc that fought Quantum?
    LittleBirdy: Minor problem, I'm at Staten Island, a little far from where all the hidden entrances of SIRIUS are.
    TheDJMechanic: Again, burning bank. Black Cloaked dudes running away. Dr. Lakrow and Mr. Lopez are here.
    ImApparentlyAGlassCannon: i can get there shortly.
    InsertCreativeNameHere: I'm already in the base. Heading to the Security Room now.
    KENdama: I'm also on Staten Island.
    DoubleSwordProWielder: can't arya just go get both of you on staten island?
    AncientOne: I was about to mention that.
    LittleBirdy: I thought you said this long type of teleportation drains you majorly?
    KENdama: ^
    AncientOne: I figured something out.......will be there shortly.
    KENdama: ok good, but still, WHO IS EYEOFODIN???

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Hello Eye am Odin"

    EyeOfOdin: I'm one of the security workers. I'll explain more when you get here.
    EyeOfOdin: If you're can't get here, that's fine, I'll update you on the rest later.

    I'll use Second Sight on Mr. Lopez while waiting for the group outside the Security Room.
  20. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    That joke literally made me cringe hard. Also, I cannot give a response yet until @Paradoxical says what he does next since Dr. Lakrow is near him and Mr. Lopez is near Dr. Lakrow.
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