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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    All of the teleporters into the base are littered around from Brooklyn Bridge to the Yankee Stadium. Hence why being on Staten Island earlier was a "problem".

    "I have . . . obligations," she says. "I also have rules to follow. I was hoping you wouldn't be so foolish to get yourself involved in a situation you're naive of." She then pauses before continuing, "This isn't a game. You're risking your life getting involved."

    Okay . . . Im adding the True Sight part since you edited your post or something.

    Using True Sight, you're able to see the wings again and of course, the golden halo above her head. You notice a blue light in their body (Blue = Undefined) and a similar white aura around her like Kayla's. There is also a bigger light blue aura surrounding the angel alongside a miniature Borealis above the halo. What now?

    Shut up lol
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
  2. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "As if my life wasn't already at risk when Quantum and Alexis managed to escape. They'll probably come back against the M.S.S.A and I happen to be a part of it."
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "You don't understand," the figure shakes her head. "The Magia Tenebris is an ancient clan, a clan who's motive is to destroy the world and summon an ancient divine being who's motives are to rule the world with his own filthy creations. They don't have an understanding of mercy to anyone who gets in their way and will ensure their enemy's deaths are like living hell. So I say to you again: Last Chance."
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Funny really. Destroying the world would be my death too. Between having my upcoming death be a living hell and making a chance for someone to stop them, or preserving my own life for just a few more years, forsaking the others who fought for this world... Which do you think I would pick?"
  5. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "I know well clear what you would pick," Aquila starts to sound agitated. But then . . . she softens up. "But I don't want your death to be on the girl's conscience . . ." she pauses before continuing. "I am her Guardian Angel after all and a death that she thinks she's caused will break her . . . Leave the work to us. Have faith."
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "... But all of that... is based of the fact that she'll remember me... isn't it? So what do I do then?! Just sit in the back, knowing a girl 7 years younger than I am is playing a part in the war?! A war that, I would just sit back, and watch?! I would be disappointed in myself."
    "Having this information already marks me as an enemy... doesn't it. So I don't have anywhere to hide anyways. Regardless of what I do, I'll die sooner or later, so I might as well help before it happens."
    "We're fighting Quantum and his friends here... I don't think many of the people we know will survive this war... But she doesn't know me well anyways. No one does... If I keep her at arms reach, then I'll just be member of the society who died in the war..."
    "And if that will be my death, if that is how I'm going to die, then I'll do something while I can."

    BTW if Aquila starts acting as if Kayla's right behind me, then I'll change topics. >.>
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    oof, this paves the way to rich history and lore

    "You're not going to convince him Aquila," this time a new male voice says. Suddenly, a casual looking guy appears of nowhere. They appear to be mid-twenties but something tells you they are much older than that. Also, no one seemed to notice that the guy just popped out of nowhere topkek.

    "Noctua . . ." Aquila growls.

    "The council has been watching you try to get involved and let's just say, they got intrigued with your answers to Aquila," the guy apparently named Noctua directs to you. His form of speech appears to be much more casual than Aquila's formality.

    "Noctua . . ." Aquila says clearly a lot more agitated. "Leave."

    "I don't see your problem with letting him get involved," Noctua shrugs.

    "You're letting him sign is own death warrant by letting him join!" Aquila yelled. However, the yelling did not turn heads. Must be magic or whatever.

    "Then why are you letting the person you are 'guarding' get involved, huh?" Noctua countered.

    Aquila bit her lip before saying almost desperately, "Noctua, just leave . . . please."

    "It isn't just the girl's conscience you're worried about huh?" Noctua fires. "It's yours as well."

    "Shut up Noctua," Aquila snaps regaining herself. "We need not to risk the lives of others when it is unnecessary."

    "Goddamnit Aquila," Noctua curses, his expression saying that he's reading her perfectly. "Since when have you grown so soft?"

    Aquila's gaze goes to the ground and she mutters, "I don't know........" she falters. "I don't know what to do anymore . . ."

    Noctua doesn't reply with anything before looking at you. He then says, "You surely have some guts to want to be involved in this. I applaud you for that."
    [ Meme Book ]
    New Important NPC: Noctua
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Woooo!!!! Another long response!

    OOC: Well shit... how do I go about this to offend the least amount of people/angels? .-.

    I mumble to myself, "Guts? I don't have any... It's my selfish decision to be known by doing something..."
    I look up at Noctua. "I don't believe we've met before? Come in and talk, the other girl's going to be here soon."
    I walk around Aquila into the resturant. If she's still looking at the ground, I tap her shoulder as I pass and say, "Cheer up, Kayla's going to be here soon. She would want the people she knows to be happy."

    OOC: I do have a few questions if we are still waiting and Kayla doesn't get here.
    OOC: wait... do people just see me talking to air then? xD Wow. I'mma see that Kayla's actually hiding around the corner, seeing myself talk to empty air. >.<
  9. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Mobile :/

    People see the angels (not the wings ofc), your conversation is just lowered in volume . . . majorly. Their minds also register something else that makes sense if they were to look in your direction and see Noctua appear out of nowhere.
  10. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Huh. Useful. Did they change their looks too?

    OOC: Normies don't know about magic, do they?
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Nah they didnt change their looks. They still saw Aquila as a 13 year old teenager with a silver cloak and Noctua as a mid twenties dude.

    Normies dont know about magic
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: So two males, about 20 years of age, having 2 girls 7 years younger walk into private room with them... Uhh... hmm. Well then. .-. I feel like I could have done this better. >.<
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Your first idea was just as bad. Bringing a 14 year old girl as a 21 year old male into a private room. Honestly wtf were thinking lmao? Not to mention the fact that you walked straight into the girl’s dorm hallway. Are you drunk? xd
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Yes probably. xD At least, I probably will get drunk. >.> Besides, the girls know I have True Sight so... uh... why hasn't the association found a way to counter me yet? .-.
    OOC: Also, I just realized. Kayla's guardian angel watches over her and is 1 year younger.
    OOC: and then poof someone Aquila knows (probably an angel) appears infront of me. He's 20, I'm 21. >.>
  15. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "A solitary expensive looking car is surveying the scene of an explosion. Maybe the owner would have been here long enough to know what was going on? Also, if you were meeting a client, where would they be?"
  16. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Well Aquila and Noctua are much much older but they take the forms of 13 / mid twenties people.

    Also i figured out that I will be on mobile for a while longer so Ill be typing out my long response lmao

    “Are you assuming that I caused this?” the woman says ignoring your question.
    You enter the restaurant with Noctua and a waiter leads you into a private room (yeah Im too lazy to add any detail due to me being on mobile). When you guys sit down, Noctua says, “You know how freaking wrong this looks right now?” He then holds up two fingers. “Two younger ladies with two males.”
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Hmm.... Technically it's two older males sharing a little girl since Kayla's not here yet... unless Kayla is here? Double date!!!! :D I'll get stabbed for this won't I... >.>

    *cough cough*
    "Er..." Glance at the girl(s).
    OOC: I just realized how little of an excuse I have for this... .-. I was pretty sure I had something going but... Rip me. Let's hope who ever interrogates me for this is as good as I am. :D
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Yes, you’d get stabbed by both of the girls (or shot? they’re both bow masters but kek).

    Yeah Aquila’s still there leaning on the wall of the restaurant in a deep train of thought.

    “Uh....” Noctua starts. “Yeah don’t get on Aquila or Kayla’s bad side. I once had to go under the fire of both of them because of some snarky but true comment I said. It was wierd too because they’re opposite elements.” he jokes. “But really, they’re similar in several ways. Both are glass cannons, both are bow masters, both are emotion based, and both are on the same side. So yeah, don’t get on their bad side because I won’t back you up,” he says jokingly again.
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: wait... so Kayla's not there then?

    I look at Noctua as if trying to say "If you were trying not to get me on their bad side, then not saying that comment would be helpful!"
    I then sigh (how many times have a sighed now? I need to keep track. xD) and say to Aquila, "You should sit down. Order something to eat, enjoy a bowl of icecream or something."

    On that note, do they serve noodles?
    If so: I order noodles. I haven't eaten since they were spilled 11 pages ago. .-.
    If not: Sigh (+1) and then order a drink (non alcoholic. ._.), carrot juice, lemonade, or orange juice (I only move on to the next one if they don't have the current one). And a parfait (lots of berries. >.<)

    After saying my order: "Do you guys know what Kayla would want? Or should I call her?" (Only say this if Kayla's not there)

    OOC: Yes Aquila, I have her number. Pls dun kill me... T.T
  20. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    "Oh No ma'am, excuse me for getting aggressive. But I would appreciate an answer. Also, if you don't mind me asking, who was this client?"
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2018
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