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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The first guy who entered your room with a gun is now unconscious on the floor. They are in NIBIRU garb but as you recall from earlier, definitely not from Order NIBIRU. What now?

    Everything practically looks untouched except for the end of the girl's dormitory hallway which is still semi-destroyed. You then proceed to go down your list of Second Sight targets.

    For some reason, Quantum and Alexis is still unsuccessful but you manage to Second Sight Aquila even though you've never technically seen them in person. Maybe it's because you saw them through Alexis but whatever. Anyway, the scene changes from a security room to an Order SIRIUS dorm room. Looks like you get to eavesdrop on Aquila and Kayla's conversation.

    " --- be removed by other people?" you hear Kayla say. She's fiddling with a necklace that has a silver bow and arrow pendant on it.

    "The necklace can't be removed by other people," you (Aquila) say. "It harms other people who touch it."

    "Can't people just make it fall off me without touching it?" Kayla asks.

    "No, it will just stay there," you (Aquila) respond. "Only, literally, by your hands can it be removed."

    Kayla looks like she contemplating a list of questions before asking,"So what about Order AQUILA? You said it got destroyed . . . but how?"

    "Order NIBIRU and Alexis," was your (Aquila's) simple response. "I intend on announcing that to the group though with more detail." You (Aquila) then pause before saying, "There's also another matter I and the angels would like to keep secret."

    "Which is?"

    "The dead members of the Magia Tenebris have been resurrecting themselves," you (Aquila) say gravely. Kayla is speechless, a shocked expression on her face. "Us Angels have been able to deal with the situation for the most part but we're afraid we need more firepower," you (Aquila) continue. "The Magia Tenebris continue to grow in power and numbers by not only resurrecting their own clan but also reviving other dead villains. We're asking for your help only as of now due to you having a load of free time so we can keep this situation as secret and controlled as possible. The reason why we haven't been able to resolve this situation so quickly is because the majority of our race is claiming that they don't want to deal with mortal matters that don't affect us. Now the situation has spiraled into a much bigger picture where we can no longer deal with it on our own. It's only the council and a handful of other angels myself included that are doing the workload."

    Judging by Kayla's expression, this was not what she expected to be the reason that they had to talk in private.

    "I don't know if I'm ready for that . . . facing them again . . . ," Kayla says with a little desperation planted on her face.

    You (Aquila) soften your expression and say, "You'll have the support of some angels. I promise nothing bad will happen this round," you (Aquila) reassure her.

    "They're brutal . . . Too brutal . . . ," Kayla murmurs. You (Aquila) say nothing and Kayla puts her head into her hands close to sobbing and shaking her head.

    You (Aquila) then stand up and say, "I'm sorry to put this burden on you . . . you do not have to participate if you wish, but I'll give you three days to think about it," you (Aquila) then pause before saying, "Goodbye Kayla, for now." The scene then changes from the dorm room to the center of the mystical sky islands. You (Aquila) then mutter to yourself, "I see we have an eavesdropper. I advise you not to spill this secret nor get involved in it Tim Harris. It's sad I can't kick you out in the normal world to keep you from secrets you shouldn't be aware of." You (Aquila) then sigh before saying, "Farewell, Roderick Caillte." Suddenly, the scenery changes from the mystical sky islands to a security room. Looks like you're back in your own body. What now?

    The police officer says, "Local gang came in and blew up the Bank of America. Some of them also tried to run away with files in their hands but we foudn them all unconscious farther down the road. It's a little strange, huh?"
  2. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    I take another look back at the car to see if it is still there, before asking "You have any idea whos car that is?"
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Oh god, this is long. But making me keep secrets eh? Good thing that was a recommendation. Not to get involved? Good that that's a recommenda- You know what? I'm cool with that. .-. But wow.

    I mull over that for a second. Then I pick the communication device (can I call this a tablet?)
    EyeOfOdin: Hey can someone go and help Kayla over at the girl's dorm?
    EyeOfOdin: Do we even have people who fix these things?
    I sigh.

    If I can contact Dr. Lakrow or Mr. Lopez: "You may want to check to see who the rest of the M.S.S.A prisoners are. Things may be happening." Then I cut the call.
    Roderick Caillte... I haven't heard that name in years.
    "Hanzo, if there's anything that needs me, give me a call."
    I get up and walk down the halls.

    "I'm sorry to put this burden on you . . . you do not have to participate if you wish, but I'll give you three days to think about it."
    A burden... on her? Or did it include me as well...

    "The dead members of the Magia Tenebris have been resurrecting themselves."
    A secret, that was given to me... could decide the fate of this world...

    "I don't know if I'm ready for that . . . facing them again . . . ," Kayla says with a little desperation planted on her face.
    A girl 14 years of age... facing a problem, that I was conflicted to help with...

    "Now the situation has spiraled into a much bigger picture where we can no longer deal with it on our own. It's only the council and a handful of other angels myself included that are doing the workload."
    Then they'll need all the help they can get.

    Gritting my teeth I make my decision. I look up to see that I seemed to have made my decision long ago, by walking to the girls dorms. I'm going to get myself involved, whether they like it or not.
  4. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The car is still there and the police officer says, "Nope. I've seen that car around the city before but I don't know who owns it."
    Well what did you expect eavesdropping on a conversation with an angel involved?


    Rip I won't be able to respond again until like 2 hours :(
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
  5. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    I go to the car and knock on the window.
  6. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Ehh, things get a lot more complicated here.

    Hey can someone go and help Kayla over at the girl's dorm? :EyeOfOdin
    AncientOne: Huh? What happened?
    No U: :up arrow:
    Pauze: :up arrow:
    TheDJMechanic: Can you guys actually take this situation seriously for once?
    DoperThanDopestShardMage: :up arrow:
    Do we even have people who fix these things? :EyeOfOdin
    InsertCreativeNameHere: ???
    AncientOne: ?

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]

    You then call Dr. Lakrow and say, "You may want to check to see who the rest of the M.S.S.A prisoners are. Things may be happening." Then you cut the call before Dr. Lakrow can respond.

    Afterwards, you tell Mr. Hanzo, "Hanzo, if there's anything that needs me, give me a call." Then you exit the security room and walk down the halls.

    . . . WAT . . .

    Uh, I guess you go into the girl's dormitory hallway where you SHOULDN'T be but oh well. No high official adults other than you being the head of
    surveillance so I guess you're good. You notice that you entered on the end that is practically destroyed alongside the unconscious hooded figure laying on the ground. Question is which one is Kayla's room. What now?

    You knock on the window and the back window rolls down revealing the woman inside the car. "Yes?" she asks before pulling out her phone and answering an incomming call. She puts one finger up to postpone your answer before 5 seconds pass and the call ends. She then puts her finger down allowing you to answer.
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Well it's not like True Sight didn't allow me to see things I wasn't supposed to. On that note-

    I activate True Sight and then knock on Kayla's room. Let's close my eyes afterwards and pretend I'm didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to.
  8. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    The door doesn't open but you can hear shuffling from inside. "Who is it?" she says softly and quietly.
  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Can I talk to you for a bit?"
  10. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Topkek 101 . . . smooth lmao

    The lack of response for a couple seconds shows that she wasn't expecting a male in the girl's dormitory rooms *cough cough*. She seems to regain her self-confidence though and says almost normally, "If you want to talk with me, maybe not in the girl's area . . ."
  11. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Not only do I teach interrogation tricks... I do dating tricks as well! >.<

    "Should I wait for you outside or do you want to give me a place and time for the date?"
  12. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    wtf she's 14 and your 21 lol
    this is why u dont go in places u arent supposed to be in lmao

    "I guess we can talk right now . . . I need something to clear my head," she pauses before continuing. "Go to the cafeteria . . . I'll follow shortly."
  13. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Perferrably somewhere with.. less people. There are things I want to talk about that I don't think you want others to overhear..."

    OOC: Basically, "I want you to be with you, alone." xD
    OOC: Just read back to see this was said right infront of me... woops.

    OOC: And now I find myself at a 14 year old's door. .-.
  14. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    If this NPC wasn't fricken mentally distracted atm, she wouldve rekt you by now.

    There's another slight pause before she responds again, "Where then do you want to talk . . . ?" Kayla says.
  15. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: So now's a good time to propose then, right? Since she won't beat me up for it... >.>

    I shrug. Then realizing she can't see it I say, "I would say either of our rooms but that would be a bit improper wouldn't it. How about this, give me your number. I'll contact you once I find a place."
  16. SpookyTigger

    SpookyTigger I’m a pro at kermitting sewer slide.

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    I quickly ask, "Hello, ma'am, who are you? Do you know what is going on here?"
  17. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Like as if what you are doing right now isn't "a little improper"

    You can hear more shuffling inside until a little piece of paper is slid from underneath the door. It has a phone number on it. That easy? Maybe it's because she's still having a mental breakdown or something. Anyway, yeah, what now?

    The woman responds, "No. I was waiting here at the end of the Manhattan Bridge to meet with a client before the bank was blown up. Now if I may ask, why did you come up to me of all people?"
  18. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: It's only a 21 year old man standing right outisde a 14 year old girl's door till he gets her number... Oh. >.> Anyways, got her number, so lets gtfo.

    Lets take the paper and... leave the compound... somehow. .-. I actually don't know how I'm supposed to leave...
    I call a resturant and get a reservation in a private room (One of those high class ones where people know better than to be listening in). Then I call Kayla afterwards and tell her we're meeting there. I'll go there and wait for her.
  19. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Good job. You're doing your objective effectively and not getting into things you shouldn't be getting into.

    Also . . . would you like me to select the high class restaurant on Google Maps or can you do that?

    Before you are even able to enter the restaurant, you are stopped by a small silver cloaked figure. "Last chance," a now familiar female voice says. It's Aquila but this time, her wings are nowhere to be seen.
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    OOC: Keeping an eye on this situation. >.> ish... shh...

    OOC TBH, I'm not sure where I pop out so I'm not too sure where to limit my search area to... Can you pick?"

    I sigh and close my eyes. I Second Sight Aquila. "If you were going to stop me, couldn't you have done in before I made a reservation? Unless you want to join me here? I think there's enough room." I end Second Sight and open my eyes. (If my eyes have to have open for this, then just True Sight instead, detecting magic)
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