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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    It's okay... Just gotta start reading minds or something. >.>
    Not really charging... just kinda... watching. And spamming my abilities as much as I fvcking can. But certainly not charging. >.>
    Awww, she's hiding again. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
    K, I'll try harder. ;-;
    Did- did he just. What. He can do that? o-o
    ... spiders? Those little tiny things? o-o And falling? She can teleport and hover, right? >.>
    Can I know who the guy was? xD And now I know she's not a (completely) untouched maiden... ;-;
    dared. dared. Okay. Time to start playing the Kings game and Truth and Dare with everyone. Who's up for a few (alot actually) rounds?
    *raises hand*
    Niko'll bring the alcohol totally non alcoholic fruit juice.
    Okay, let's cross that +1 off my list...
    back to zero... ;-;
    Ooo, this is going to be painful.
    I'll ask everyone in the group (Arya, Jamie, Kayla, James, Zach, Ken, Jay) Their opinion on the other six.
    Then I'll ask Kayla and Arya their opinion on Noctua and Aquila getting together.
    Also, ask them to come up with a ship name. ^-^
    Ask Aquila if she's ever going to repay Tim for the sundae she froze.
    Ask Quantum who hes favorite girl is (and why)
    Ask Alexis who her favorite guy is (and why)
    Ask Aquila if she's okay with the GM allowing Tim to make innuendos around Kayla. >.>
    That should be all for now? xD
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Jay Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    Jay: Well I think they're pretty chill. We're a pretty diverse group of people I'd say. Arya being immortal, Zach being a musician and low key investigator, Jamie being a musician as well except likes classic as opposed to Zach, James being the humble and most normal dude in our group, Ken being the loud annoying guy with some magical Kendama, and Kayla being the one who actually does most of the work. I'd say the six are a pretty tight group. I'm just the medic

    Anonymous Interviewer: Anything Else?

    Jay: Nope.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    James Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    James: ...Well I'll just say that they carry me. (He Smirks). But really, our friend group is pretty nice and unique. I think we could use more time together though just for fun and stuff and get to know each other better.

    Anonymous Interviewer: Anything Else?

    James: (Shakes his head)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    Zach Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    Zach: I think our group is pretty lit and chill dude. Nothing else to say about that.

    Anonymous Interviewer: . . . Okay . . .


    Ken Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    Ken: Dope.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Uh, anything else?

    Ken: Dope.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...Okay...


    Jamie Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    Jamie: We're all wierd. None of us are anything alike to each other and it's somehow wierd as to how we're able to get along so well.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Anything else?

    Jamie: (Shakes her head)

    Anonymous Intervier: ...


    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: I expect that you're gonna be in this room for a while and for a lot more questions.

    Kayla: . . . Oh . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: Anyway, what do you think of the other 6 in your group.

    Kayla: Well . . . I think everyone in our group is pretty nice and cool . . . in their respective ways . . . I think we have gotten to know each other pretty well . . . I kinda want the group to expand as well so we can have more people to talk to and be friendly with...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...Anything else?

    Kayla: Nope.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...



    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Alright, I feel bad for you to get this question. What do you think on Noctua and Aquila getting together? Also, create a ship name.

    Kayla: That would be cute...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Wait wha-

    Kayla: It would be nice to see Aquila somewhat happy again...

    Anonymous Interviewer: . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Leaves the room)

    Kayla: ...


    Arya Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What do you think on Noctua and Aquila getting together. Also come up with a ship name.

    Arya: ...

    Arya: Pervosio! (Vanishes out of sight)

    Anonymous Interviewer: . . . Wow . . .


    Anonymous Interviewer: Will you ever repay Tim for the sundae you froze?

    Aquila: . . .

    Aquila: (Turns Invisible)

    Anonymous Inveterviewer: . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: Emo as fu-


    Anonymous Interviewer: Please don't kill me. Who is your -

    Quantum: (Summons Nerfed Nibiru Spell)

    The building then get's absolutely destroyed by a meteor as Quantum teleports away.


    Anonymous Interviewer: . . . Please don't kill me. Who is you -

    Alexis: (Summons and throws axe straight at Interviewer)

    The axe buries itself in the interviewers head and his body goes limp blood spilling everywhere.


    Anonymous Interviewer: Hello Emo Angel. Are you okay with the GM allowing Tim to make innuendos around Kayla?

    Aquila: ... Azura. Sucks. (Turns Invis)

    Anonymous Interviewer: . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: Still emo as fu-

  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Uh, hi? What you doing on dis thread?
  4. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I want to know what time this is referencing. >.> Far as I know, Niko has yet to send a barage of attacks. xD
    Oof. Everyone's turning invis on me. Also, rip interviewer...
    Let's go with some more simple questions. >.>
    Kayla, Arya and Aquila
    likes, dislikes, favorite animal, color, food and person.
    O, I see what's he's doing. He copied content fron earlier pages on the top 11 threads in forums games. Probably to get 10 messages.
    (Ligit the only reason I realize this is because I got 10 alerts from him.)
    The line he quoted here was from when Niko was training... Jay? Jacob? James? Probably James. >.> It's very early on.
    Edit: It's Jacob
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  5. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Like I said, you're gonna be here a lot.

    Kayla: ...

    Kayla: What did I do?

    Anonymous Interviewer: Blame the GM and Arch exposing the GM.

    Anonymous Interviewer: Anyway, what are your likes, dislikes, favorite animal, color, food, and person?

    Kayla: Well . . . things I like? . . . Music...books...hanging out with friends...archery... (she trails off).

    Kayla: Things I dislike? The cold, rain, arrogant people, liars... (she trails off).

    Kayla: For the last four, my favorite aminal is a horse, my favorite color is purple, my favorite food is lumpia, and person . . . (A few seconds pass till she turns slightly red).

    Anonymous Interviewer: You gonna answer or wha -

    Kayla: What? Oh yeah I'll answer...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Cmon, who is it?

    Kayla (flustered): I - ... You know what? No! I'm not getting pressured into this...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Aw, cmon, no one will know . . . except for me.

    Kayla (flustered and blushing): ... No!!!

    Anonymous Interviewer: Yes.

    Kayla: No! (Get's up frustratedly flustered and blushing and leaves the room).

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Evil Smirk)


    Arya Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What are your likes, dislikes, favorite animal, color, food, and person?

    Arya: Likes? Uh, magic? Friends? Food?

    Arya: Dislikes? Myself. Power Hungry people. Yeah.

    Arya: Favorite Aminal? Owls. They're smart and witness a lot of things.

    Ayra: Color? Yellow. Food? Pizza. Person? . . . Someone no one knows and is dead...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Oh . . .


    Aquila Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: What are your likes, dislikes, favorite animal, color, food, and person?

    Aquila: I thought I already answered likes and dislikes.

    Aquila: My favorite animal is the eagle. If you aren't daft, I think you can understand why. My favorite color is blue. I don't have a favorite food, I'm not picky. And my favorite person is Kayla...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Ayy, you didn't go emo for once.

    Aquila: ...
  6. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    (Actually because the two I spent the most time interracting with is Aquila and Kayla)
    That cliff. .-.
    Edgy edge is edgy.
    Did no one turn invis for once? O-o
    Aquila, and the group of 7, opinions on @Tsu's description when giving the medication to Kayla? What about the bow name? >.> The the sword joke in the private room? (Since this is all OOC, give then the info before asking them to respond. xD)
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Can I ask aquila if she thinks that she ows me for switching places with her mid attack?
  8. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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  9. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Poison from another world. (page 68)
    Btw, I don't think we'll ever go back to the actual RP for a while. >.>
  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Kaz Brekker?

    Say, Kaz, can you tell me a bit more about you and your group?
  11. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Im not gonna do Kaz’s or Arch’s group for I do not own those characters.
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  12. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    @Azura said Kaz wasn't his character so he's not doing him.
    Kaz and friends are from ... Six of Crows?
    Han and co are from... Seven Realms?
  13. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Idk what those are.
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Books. :p
    Courtesy of @Arch for making them an addition to this story. >.<
  15. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Aquila Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Do you think that you owe Zander for switching places with you before you got crushed by Noctua?"

    Aquila: ...

    Aquila: No. (Lie)

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Claps Slowly)


    Aquila Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think abou -

    Aquila: (Reads it. Puts up middle finger. Vanishes)

    Anonymous Interviewer: Oh.


    Jay Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Jay: Tsu, you are absolutely filthily disgusting. Get the f out of here before I fucking summon a rift and slaughter you in your house.

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Dashes out of the room)


    Ken Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Ken: (Claps absurdly loud).

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...You gonna say anything else other than clapping.

    Ken: (Claps twice as fast).

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    Zach Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Zach: ...

    Zach: I'm out. (Stands up and leaves)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    James Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    James (with a mortified expression): ...Please don't ever say that again, make me read that again, or say anything even relatively close to that again (Leaves the room).

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    Arya Interview

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Arya (with a smirk): Why wasn't I there to see this?

    Anonymous Interviewer (horrified...then smirking): ... Well you were Dried Out.

    Arya (No longer Smirking): ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Arya: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Arya: Fu -


    Jamie Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Jamie: ... You know, I'm not even going to say my thoughts about that. That is just....wrong . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: ....K....


    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Wall Comb back.

    Kayla: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: So uh, here's some OOC stuff you would never know about in the actual world but what do you think about it?

    Kayla: Why do you all think so dirty mindedly . . .

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Shrugs). Ask Tsu that.

    Anonymous Interviewer: Oh wait, nevermind. You're the one getting interviewed. Ha! sike! That's the wrong numba!

    Kayla: ...

    Kayla: (Leaves the room)

    Anonymous Interviewer: Tsu, I'm very good at jokes, aren't I?

    Cornix: You're actual cancer. Get out.

    Anonymous Interviewer: No u

    Cornix: ...



    Aquila Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Aquila: ...

    Aquila: Kill yourself Tsu.

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Claps Slowly)


    Jay Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Jay: ...

    Jay: (Summons a rift and goes through it)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    Ken Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except -

    Ken: (Claps absurdly loudly)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: Not again...

    Ken: (Claps twice as fast)


    James Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    James (mortified): Why . . . just why?

    Anonymous Interviewer: Yeah the bow got named back to Iron String now. Might be named Fier Sarma however.

    James: ...


    Zach Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Zach: ....

    Zach: (Leaves the room)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...


    Arya Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Arya (snickering): Okay, it went from funny to not funny. (Lie)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Leaves the room)


    Jamie Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Jamie: ...

    Jamie: Oh dear, that's Kayla's favorite bow ... Don't you dare bring her in here and show her that.

    Anonymous Interviewer (smiling): ...

    Jamie: (Breaths out Frustratedly)


    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: Same thing as last question except on a different thing now.

    Kayla: ...

    Kayla (head in her hands): No....!

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Laughing)

    Kayla (folds her arms shaking her head): No...why...why...?

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Laughing Intensifies)

    Kayla: (Head goes into hands again)



    Aquila Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in -

    Aquila: (Turns invisible freezing the whole room up and trapping the interviewer in a block of ice)


    Jay Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer (shivering): You know what you're in here for.

    Jay: (Reads it . . . starts to laugh). Okay, that wasn't actually that bad...

    Anonymous Interviewer (shivering): ...


    Ken Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for.

    Ken: (Claps Absurdly Loud)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Leaves the room)

    Ken: (Claps twice as fast)


    Zach Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for.

    Zach: I'm not even going to read that...

    Zach: (Leaves the room)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: But it wasn't even that bad ...


    James Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for.

    James: (Starts dying on the chair he's sitting on [dying of laughter])

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: You good bruh?

    James: (Continues to die on the chair)

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ..Okay...


    Arya Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for.

    Arya (starts smirking): That was too good...

    Anonymous Interviewer: (Claps Slowly)

    Arya (still smirking): That clapping is you and your crush.

    Anonymous Interviewer (horrified): (Stops clapping... and rushes to the door instantly).

    Arya (smirking): Payback.


    Jamie Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for...

    Jamie: Not reading that.

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: These are great interviews amirite?

    Jamie: ...


    Kayla Interview:

    Anonymous Interviewer: You know what you're in here for.

    Kayla: ....

    Kayla: Oh yeah that...

    Kayla: That was funny at the time when he said it...

    Anonymous Interviewer: ...

    Anonymous Interviewer: K

    Tisaun likes this.
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Another question this time to Chaz
    "Why did you approach Zander when you first saw him"
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Oof. Luckily @Tsu is no longer here to hear this. >.>
    And Aquila turned invis again. ;-;
    Aquila, Kayla, Arya what do you think of @Azura ripping off you three for different rps?
    Tisaun likes this.
  18. Nikolai Mael

    Nikolai Mael A mess of clockwork, a loss of time CHAMPION

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    Edit: Should probably quote this so you can see the post.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  19. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    Then I rush at him and tackle him with my elbow.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  20. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    So guys, I'm probably gonna rage quit for the day...

    I had editted and updated the meme book in the editting section..

    Suddenly, my computer decides to lose internet connection for no reason and I lose all my progress.

    Yeah I'm done.

    That took like an hour to do.
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
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