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A Modern Day Fantasy Rp [6/10]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Aquila, Mar 26, 2018.


How often do you use the Memory Book Thing?

  1. What is the Memory Book?

    23 vote(s)
  2. Never

    1 vote(s)
  3. Almost Never

    1 vote(s)
  4. Sometimes

    3 vote(s)
  5. Occasionally

    1 vote(s)
  6. Somewhat Constantly

    0 vote(s)
  7. Frequently

    2 vote(s)
  8. All the Time

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    ”It was trying to kill me too!” I reply. ” And it could’ve been a danger to more people if it hadn’t Bern stopped. What are you doing here yourself?”
  2. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "Have you been stalking me? There's no way you could possibly figure that out, even if it wasn't true. I thought you worked for some random order of that M.S.A.A for a moment."
  3. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    "It's what they're trying to solve right now," Chaz gestures at the kitchen. You can see the group along with the male who said "Nice work," in there. You see one of the rocks explode inside a transparent green dome before one of the guys hand over the rest of the rocks to another person.

    "Well we do have a weapon master," James says gesturing at Kayla who is sitting on a chair appearing to be in a deep train of thought again. "They can't really control weapons they didn't specialize in though," he finishes.

    "How did he knock out the chef?" you hear Zach murmur before he proceeds to go check both of the unconscious bodies. He then finds three hidden knives and a gun in the hooded figure and a little card that had the symbols "F8" with a tribal design on it. The card itself is white and the design on it is black. "Has anyone heard of anything called F - 8 before?" Zach asks.

    The figure chuckles and says, "I was the one who dispatched that lion on them. They would've been struggling right now if you hadn't intervened. The lion's fur is resistant to the violinists magic and the other girl was already tired," then he pauses before saying, "Watch your actions Ms. Skilar. You may make yourself an enemy of Order NIBIRU." He then proceeds to go down the stairs but then turns around and says, "Oh one last thing . . . a letter from the new leader of Order NIBIRU," he reveals a black envelope from under his cloak.

    "I haven't been stalking you," the figure says. "Why would I be sta. . ." he then stops abruptly and pauses before saying, "Well I figured you were new due to the way you dealt with that . . . Chimera . . . screaming dumbly the whole time," he pauses again. "I also used some runic magic . . ." he says. He then takes off his hood and you can definitely tell that it's a male in their mid-twenties now. "I can teach you some things about the magic world," he says before pulling out a white card out from under his cloak with the symbols "F8" in black alongside some tribal designs. "I lead a little magic club you could say . . . called F8 or Fate rather. I don't work for the stupid M.S.A.A. I go against them. We usually meet up at the Starbucks on 76 9th Avenue during lunch times or whenever I decide to hold a meeting," he then gestures for you to take the card anticipating your answer.
  4. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think "Eh they'll work everything out without my help" and just continue eating but keep paying attention to them.
  5. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "F8..." I say. I repeat once more, "F8..." Then, "sounds like Fate, doen't it? Still no idea if that helps though..."
  6. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    .... I'll begrudgingly take the card.
    "Ehh... you don't seem that bad, I guess. Then again, my bar for "bad" is quite high. I guess I'll be seeing you some time...?"
    (Tone implies asking for name)
    ((Although you clearly got that reading it, seeing as text is the absolute best medium for communicating tone))
  7. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    You watch the group discuss things for a bit until Chaz nudges you to look at the entrance of the cafeteria. You turn around to see a group of three more teenagers with two girls and one boy. One of the girls is wearing a Yankees cap and holding a violin case. The boy who looks 16-18ish has two swords, one on each side.

    "That's the other half of the six teenagers who fought Quantum before, aye," Chaz says. The dish of shrimp lumpia is only half depleted by now. The group of three sit at a table as if waiting for the other group to come back even though they are busy discussing in the kitchen (the group of three didn't notice their friends in the kitchen). What now?

    "Fate?" Kayla perks up the moment you say that word. "Fate is a year old gang of magic users who despise the M.S.A.A. I've had some run-ins with them in the past and they're a pretty big group."

    "Do they . . . perhaps have people in their group who's magic are only purple?" Zach says looking at her.

    "Yeah, that's the higher ranking part of the group," Kayla nods. "That part of the group calls themselves 'Destiny of Fate' although it's kind of a childish name," she says.

    "Why would they be attacking a bank then?" Zach questions. "So we have one guy from F8 trying to blow up Order SIRIUS while the 'Destiny of Fate' blow up a bank and try to run off with some files. No one outside of Order SIRIUS knows the secret entrances or can teleport into the base," he says, "so someone inside of Order SIRIUS is a spy and let this guy in unnoticed." He then looks at the vent. "The question is where they entered and where this vent leads. Anyone know that?"

    "Yeah, just come by that Starbucks any day at around lunch time," the guy says. "You can call me Lex. What may I call you?"
  8. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I use True Sight to look through the walls, and follow where the vents leads. If it goes out really far, use Enhanced Sight.

    If I find anything important, report my findings to Zach.

    Otherwise, I shake my head. I say, "I just used my ability to follow these vents. I didn't see anything."
  9. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    "Marcus. Nice to meet you, then? Family's getting home any moment, so.."
  10. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    @Azura sorry but my life is hectic right now and I'll be on a school trip until next Monday so my responses will be few and far between.
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "They don't know where their friend are let's what will be the first thing they'll do"
  12. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    ”I thought I already was.” I take the envelope and walks inside to open it.
  13. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    It's all fine lol

    The figure chuckles again and says, "Nah. You're a mercenary. We see you as neutral," he then cackles maniacally as he walks down the stairs leaving you with the black envelope. Once you reach your apartment, you set down your stuff and open the black envelope. Inside reveals a small chip and a small handwritten note saying: We are aware that Dr. Lakrow sent or is sending you a letter. If you are to team up with Order SIRIUS, we will not hesitate to blow up this bomb and this building. We will not hesitate to hunt you down mercilessly to the ends of the world. Do you mark our words? You then look back again at the chip and can only assume that's the bomb. It seems easily disposable but someone might trigger it before you are able to get rid of it and walk away. What do you do?

    "Yeah . . . alright, I'll disappear," Lex grins. He then points a gun hand gesture at the blood puddle and a little-faded symbol appears over it. The blood evaporates alongside the symbol leaving no trace that it was ever there. "I guess I'll be seeing you soon," Lex nods before vanishing himself in front of you. What now?

    You're able to see the vents split into two paths. One of the vent routes lead to the security room but the way the vents were built show that it would be absolutely impossible to crawl from the security room into the kitchen. (Basically, imagine a U shaped vent except all the sides are straight. A person crawling would have to fall down face first and then somehow climb back up). You follow the other path and it splits off again. One of the paths lead to the main hall but show a similarly built fashion as the vents that lead to the security room. The other path leads to a hidden entrance into Order SIRIUS that is barely used and you can see another open vent there. You also see a little sign that says Room 9-17. That's probably how this guy got into here.

    You then tell Zach your findings.

    "Room 9-17?" Zach says. "That's a secret entrance? I thought there were only like, 5 secret entrances."

    "There's actually about 30ish secret entrances," James says. "Four of them are blocked up because they are too hard to access." James then asks, "Shall we teleport there or walk?"

    The three just sit there still waiting. They're conversing of course and the male is typing in his phone but they still haven't appeared to notice their friends in the kitchen. Looks like the group in the kitchen isn't ready to leave just yet.
  14. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Let's run, I don't want anyone using their magic up if it's not nessacary. I'll inform the others in the group."

    I pull out the device to type
    EyeOfOdin: Yet another change of plans. Someone broke in, 9-17. We're leaving the cafeteria now.

    Then I start running.
  15. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    I go over a few ways of disarming it and eventually decide to try to slightly open it and flush it down the toilet hoping the water will make it stop working and that it won’t blow up the treatment plant.
  16. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    If I'm done with the food I go check out what's taking them so long in the kitchen
  17. hmtn

    hmtn Archivist of the Realm VIP+

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    I... read the card.
  18. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    It literally only has the logo 'F8' and a black tribal design on both sides. No information at all. Looks like you're gonna have to remember which Starbucks it is.

    I mean sure . . . that works . . . ish. The chip goes down the toilet and doesn't blow up. However, you start to hear the sound footsteps running up the stairs and banging on your door. How the heck did they know?

    You and Chaz finish the food and you decide to check on the group in the kitchen. However, just as you stand up, you see the group run outside the kitchen and stop. They've noticed their other pals.

    "Well I feel like an idiot now," the guy with the two swords says jokingly.

    "You shouldn't, we didn't see you guys either," the guy who looks 20ish chuckles.

    "Room 9-17?" the girl with the Yankees cap starts looking up from her phone. "That's a patched-up secret entrance. Its teleporter leads to one of the non-used rooms in a Bank of America building."

    "So the burning bank attack from earlier was just a way to get into Order SIRIUS?" the other girl in the group says.

    "Possibly," the 20ish-year-old guy responds. "We'd need to know more about Fate's intentions on these attacks and also who tipped Fate off this secret entrance?"

    "Fate always meets up at the Starbucks on 76 9th Avenue during lunchtimes," the girl who shot the intruder says. "All their workers at that place are also part of Fate so you could question those people."

    "Hoooooold up!" the guy with the two swords waves his hands. "Before we uh, go wreck Fate or whatever, let's introduce ourselves!" He then turns to the one guy who hasn't spoken yet that isn't James and looks 20ish as well (aka Tsu). "I'm Ken," he bows informally and jokingly. "And you are?"

    Yet another change of plans. Someone broke in, 9-17. We're leaving the cafeteria now. :EyeOfOdin

    [ T y p e M e s s a g e H e r e ] [ E N T E R ]

    You then run out with the rest of the group only to be stopped by Zach who gestures you to a group of three other teenagers with two girls and one boy. One of the girls has a violin case and is wearing a Yankees cap and the boy looks 16 - 18ish and has two swords, one on each side. Looks like the rest of the group is already here. Then the group of three stand up also noticing your group.

    "Well I feel like an idiot now," the guy with the two swords says jokingly. He's most likely Ken using common sense.

    "You shouldn't, we didn't see you guys either," Zach chuckles.

    "Room 9-17?" the girl with the Yankees cap starts looking up from her phone. "That's a patched-up secret entrance. Its teleporter leads to one of the non-used rooms in a Bank of America building."

    "So the burning bank attack from earlier was just a way to get into Order SIRIUS?" the other girl in the group says. How did she know about that?

    "Possibly," Zach responds as if that was completely normal. "We'd need to know more about Fate's intentions on these attacks and also who tipped Fate off this secret entrance?"

    "Fate always meets up at the Starbucks on 76 9th Avenue during lunchtimes," Kayla says. "All their workers at that place are also part of Fate so you could question those people."

    "Hoooooold up!" the guy with the two swords waves his hands. "Before we uh, go wreck Fate or whatever, let's introduce ourselves!" He then turns towards you and says, "I'm Ken," bowing informally and jokingly. "And you are?"
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    "Hey, I'm Tim." I follow up with an informal bow. "Can you guys go to 9-17 without me? I know I said I would tell you guys everything at the cafeteria but... There's someone here I'm worried about..." I say the last part in a whisper and try to discretely motion to the person I saw with red and orange magic.
  20. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I turn to Chaz and whisper just loud enought so he's the only one who can hear me
    ''This just seems way to interesting to not pay attention to. What do you say we follow them, of course unless you have other plans?''
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