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World A Little Easter Egg

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Rory_the_fish, Aug 31, 2016.


Is it a good idea?

  1. Yeah

    4 vote(s)
  2. Nah

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Rory_the_fish

    Rory_the_fish Triple integral

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    So recently I was wandering around, doing the Temple of Legends quest and I began to think about the helmet you create. It's purpose is to protect the player from corruption. I was pondering this when I suddenly remembered doing the Heart of iron II quest. There were 2 endings to that quest, a good one and a bad one (one where you take a bribe and one where you report what's going on to the sherif). I also remembered reading on the wiki that more of these "double ending" quests existed and assume they both have good/bad endings. Anyway I suddenly thought: hey isn't taking the bribe in heart of iron II a bit like corruption, you're being corrupted by greed. So I thought it would be a cool Easter egg if when you tried to do the bad ending (for this quest specifically), if you're wearing the helmet thingy they it stops you and says something like: "is this really the right thing to do?" It would be a cool Easter egg as it makes sense and would not impede on the player's options (should they wish to be a terrible person they can take the helmet off and then talk to the scientist guy to claim their ill gotten goods, then put it back on right after).

    Tl;dr whilst wearing the anti corruption helmet from the temple of legends quest, it would be impossible to accept the bribe from the scientist in A heart of iron II

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, any criticism; be it constructive or blatant ad hominem is helpful. feel free to add your opinion and possible improvements.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    While it's a decent idea, in the world of Wynncraft, corruption refers to the dark magic that originates from the Nether, not corruption as in greed and such.
    Stycore, The Fool, Shanaaro and 2 others like this.
  3. PerfectlyColored

    PerfectlyColored Generic Title

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    I don't think it's an easter egg if you suggested it. What would be the point? Also, i agree with captainganon, corruption is not what you're talking bout.
  4. Rory_the_fish

    Rory_the_fish Triple integral

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    2 good points.
    I'd probably say that the "Easter eggy" part of this is the dual meaning of corruption.
    Also what makes this any less valid as an Easter egg if I suggested it? Not everyone reads the forums and few of those who do will stumble upon this thread. So why not make it an Easter egg? There would still be a lot of people unaware of its existence.
  5. Twomoo

    Twomoo Travelled Adventurer

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    I kinda Like this idea, can we do it xD
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    More people are on the forums than are on the game on average. We've got around 50k on the forums, while the average in-game is only 500-1500.

    Why it's not an easter egg is because, if it's not a secret to begin with, it's not a secret ever. So it takes away from the point of easter eggs, which are little hidden jokes
  7. Theepicsquash

    Theepicsquash Error: Originality not detected. VIP+

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    Just 1 point, Iron Heart is a lv 58 quest (correct me if im wrong) and ToL is lv 68, I would probably do Iron Heart BEFORE Tol
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