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Game Mechanics A Journey Beyond Quest Escort Mission

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Squatch_it, Oct 16, 2023.

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  1. Squatch_it

    Squatch_it Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    As a quest, A Journey Beyond is great - it has an enthralling storyline and it's a fun mission...until you reach the escort portion. I've seen numerous threads and messages regarding how difficult this portion of the quest is, with some players even deciding not to attempt to finish it after several failed attempts at this part of the quest.

    I am suggesting that this portion of the quest is TOO DIFFICULT. Especially when players who have achieved level 100+ cannot make it through this quest within the first 5 attempts or within a few hours of gameplay - maybe this quest is too difficult. I have also seen that it is even harder for specific classes such as archer and assassin to make it through the escort mission as their combat capabilities and spells are not well suited to completing this quest.

    I play a level 103 assassin. I have tried so many different styles of builds and have read through almost every forum post I can find regarding this quest to try and find any tip, suggestion, build, or otherwise to help me complete this quest. It has been months of on-and-off attempts and I have still been unable to make it past the second part of the escort mission - the sickly toxins. That one area is bad enough that I don't even want to attempt the rest of the escort because if I can barely get through that one area, I doubt I'll get through the rest.

    I'm suggesting that the escort portion of this mission needs a desperate revamp so it's actually playable and enjoyable rather than rage-inducing and stressful.
    Elysium_ likes this.
  2. Earthbrine

    Earthbrine The Dirt of the Realm CHAMPION

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    get a spin spam build, stand next to Aledar, and spam spin attack.
    If you still struggle, drink some skill potions, eat some food, use a crafted scroll, make sure you're using at least fabled tomes, and overkill that section of the quest.
    Honestly, I can see how some classes could struggle with the escort, but as long as you stay near Aledar, and take full advantage of your AoE attacks, you'll be fine.
    Squatch_it likes this.
  3. Squatch_it

    Squatch_it Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    I'll definitely try this as I haven't seen this suggestion yet, thanks for the tip!
    Earthbrine and Elysium_ like this.
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