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A Definitive Tier List For Every Wynncraft City

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by wish, May 29, 2019.

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  1. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    how tf is corkus S
  2. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    You do have a... major killing, automatic drone army ready to kill you in a moment's notice. And all you really have protecting you are said people in Detlas who are basically equally as destructive shooting out arrows with bombs and potential scamming... also the robots can look like humans soooo... that's fun.
  3. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    For light theme users:
    Hello forum dwellers,

    Have you ever thought to yourself: What would life be like living on the land of Wynn or Gavel? Welcome to me trying to be funny, while also providing a mostly honest review of each city on the map from worst to best using a tier list. As I speak, I am actively trying not to be disgustingly biased. Without further ado, let's get this bread.

    F Tier

    Lexdale - Honestly, do I even have to fuckin' explain. I don't know about you, but Cultists, Werewolves, demonic pumpkins and god knows whatever else is not a very appealing combination of wildlife around your home. Not to mention, there's probably no food and the Cultists are watching you all the time. Sorry hun' but I'm not feeling this one.

    Ahmsord - OK. Is it really that cool? To live on literally nothing? I don't like the idea of my house literally floating in the empty vacuum of space. Not to mention the town square is literally a sumo wrestling ring, except you die when you fall. How do the villagers here feel secure at the slightest? At least big daddy Gordon Hamsey is here with his dope ass food to save this city from being at the bottom spot.

    Gelibord - same as Lexdale. +90 points for Gryffindor because there are no cultists. But still, not fucking pleasant.

    E Tier

    Olux - Jesus Christ. The first time I walked into Olux on my level 50 or so archer, I felt genuinely sorry for the inanimate object on my computer screen which was the villager standing in the graveyard commiserating on his most likely bad life choices. And crazy scientists that turn people into a fate worse than death in a machine of flesh and metal? Not quite my cup of tea. At least there's clean water... Nevermind.

    Rymek - I mean... It's nice for the bandits. And if they like it here. Sure. But they are Bandits so... Not really my cup of tea.

    Thesead - I know what you're thinking: "But Skarlet, how can Thesead be rated so low?! Thesead is such a beautiful and peaceful little town!" - it fucking sucks. Imagine going out for a morning stroll when the two only viable options out of the city are, a) a narrow ass passage with badits packed like a can of sardines or b) Running down a hill with angry cows holding spears.

    D Tier

    Almuj - Imagine constantly complaining about the lack of water when there are multiple channels of water running from the back of the city to the front of it.

    Nesaak - Too cold to think properly. Next.

    Lusuco - I guess there's a reason to look forward to Christmas, but I am not quite sure If I am comfortable with the supposed death itself living on a tower less than 500 meters away.

    C Tier

    Detlas - How the actual fuck do people sleep here with assholes (us, the players) throwing random exploding arrows and fireballs all over the place while arguing weather or not he scammed you by buying your 4/4 Mementos using Grook Feathers

    Rodoroc/Thanos/Maex - I don't understand these goddamn dwarves. Is it normal to live right next to boiling hot lava? And live in such a dull, boring, colorless environment? Jesus Christ, no wonder why they take it out on Doguns.

    Llevigar - Yeah I know it's glimmering quartz and villagers here are probably the reason why most of the player base have like 5 emerald blocks but might I remind you their power plant is a nuke that no one knew how to stop from fucking exploding. Where did the villager go when Llevigar exploded? - everywhere.

    Nemract - nothing to do besides getting drunk or not staying sober.

    B Tier

    Eltom - It's really not that bad, considering it's supposedly hidden or something, so no random asshole can just wander through. Sounds decent until you realize you might as well live in North Korea if you're hiding from the world like this.

    Selchar - Not too bad. It's safe, no hostiles anywhere nearby. It's a good place if you're looking to discuss politics with drunk sailors for 40 hours a day.

    Troms/Ragni - Ah. The two mighty citadels. Beautiful city. Enough said. Slight zombie problem, but we'll ignore that for now.

    A Tier

    Cinfras - Besides the occasional mermaid running into the city while two guard golems try desperately to stop her, it's a generally nice ass place. But hey, I too like being blackmailed by gardeners and offered illegal passports.

    Relos - Nice beach side little peaceful town. Expedia rates it 4/5 stars.

    S Tier

    Corkus City - You can't go wrong with living in the most technologically advanced town in the known world. If you don't like this place, you are probably one of those people who eat cereal with a fork and a side of well done steak with ketchup on top. You would have to have balls of diamond to go out of your way and say "Corkus sucks", but we all know you don't have the balls.
    Was this useful?
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    Sadly, it's not the first comment so it's probably not helpful.
  4. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    Ok this tier list is bullshit im going to come back in a few days with an actual fucking tierlist
    robincaiye and Jbip like this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Nesaak belongs in F tier because of the asshole (i.e the Ice Barrows key guardian) using pull spell through a wall while I'm in the bank.
    Corkus has these same guys to but at least 99% of the time they don't make it into a town and stalk me through a window.
    Rawb, brokenmotor and wish like this.
  6. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    And don't even get me started on all the Ice Yetis or whatever they were called just casually roaming throughout Nesaak and kill any afk player in sight. Especially ones in the bank.
    Shots likes this.
  7. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    NITEHAWKX, Rawb, brokenmotor and 3 others like this.
  8. dbleo

    dbleo Dream Crusher HERO

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    Relos is ass wtf
  9. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    your list is bad and you should feel bad
    robincaiye and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. TooSpicy

    TooSpicy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The only reason I hate lexdale is because every respawn spot in a different dimension is usually lexdale and I once died 50 times afk in lexdale
    Isabeau37 likes this.
  11. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    i dont need a list to feel bad about myself
  12. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    your opinion of yourself is low

    thats not good

    you need to be like me

    an ego so inflated that depression cannot touch you
    NoItsBecky_127 and wish like this.
  13. Coffee KQ

    Coffee KQ Beauteous Brew VIP+

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    This guy is a legend i 200% agree lol
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  14. Nyam

    Nyam egg HERO

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    hi i made my own tier list for some reason i have an assignment due in like 11h and i've barely started help i'm so tired and i'm going to fail this subject but hey i made a tier list here you go

    Kandon: SS
    this is the optimal town. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
    no really everything you could possibly need is in a 15m radius it has basically every merchant you could ask for aside from an LE merch and a marketplace but if you need those it's only like 100m from ahmsord and on top of that it connects the sky islands and the canyon with fast travel to corkus so you have basically instant access to three of the best lootrouting locations in the entire game what more could you possibly want kandon is just really great ok

    Ragni: S+
    super cheap scrolls and fast travel to detlas and from there you can go to cinfras or pretty much anywhere you want, it's the only place other than kandon i dedicate an inventory slot to keeping scrolls for, there's also the added bonus of being able to farming bob's tears even without needing any gear and without ever needing to be able to ever be in danger so its ok for mindlessly grinding if you're level 1 or something idk ragni is good shut up
    Ahmsord: S
    the sky islands are kinda pretty, i'd live here
    Troms: S
    this would be like high a-tier because of the temple of legends and all the jungle grinding spots and all the stuff it has but there's a fancy cake so i have to put it up here Void Village: S-
    aesthetics are somehow even better than the sky islands but you can only get to here from ahmsord or something so that brings it down a little also there's like nothing here
    Pirate Town: S-
    aquatic yeehaw
    i love this place and it has a bunch of stuff but being in the middle of the ocean kinda sucks so that brings it down a little
    Detlas: S-
    okay i'd be lying if i said this place wasn't super convenient but honestly detlas is kinda overrated and idk why something like cinfras isn't the main city for more endgame-ish players instead and i'd put it lower if it wasn't for literally all four refineries being like 250m from the city you're on thin ice detlas you'd better know that

    Llevigar: A+
    it looks really nice location is decently convenient-ish and it has pretty much everything you could want, also great for crafting although i don't think refineries are as close
    Nemract: A
    nemract is very nice, a-tier
    Cinfras: A
    this would be higher if it was as easy to quickly climb the airbase if it was to jump down it honestly that airbase is a nightmare why do the stairs slope so slowly are you trying to make me slightly dislike cinfras more than i otherwise would because it's working
    Ternaves: A-
    im gonna take my horse to the old town road im gonna ride til i cant no more
    Aldorei Town: A-
    this place sucks and the elves are racist but hey at least it looks pretty with the fancy rainbow shrine and cotton candy trees and just in general

    Jofash Docks: B+
    hey i predicted there being a second entrance to gavel because of the giant hole i found in the wall here like a year before it even came out haha also this place is great but mobs spawn here and there's like nothing here so it's stuck in high b-tier
    Selchar: B
    seavale reef is pretty nice and potato island is great for like level 1-30 cooking but the distance the bank is from the rest of the town just feels passive-agressive at this point and also its in the ocean so no
    Rodoroc: B
    why is it so good
    i like rodoroc but its in molten heights and molten heights sucks
    i feel so conflicted so here will do
    Corkus City: B
    i'd probably just be objectively wrong if i put this any lower because it's like one of the best towns in terms of convenience of stuff here but i still really dislike the whole atmosphere of corkus
    like you take one step outside the town and everything is trying to kill you like not only are there aggressive mobs everywhere but the guards are ranged and will not hesitate to shoot you if you happen to stand in front of them
    also im biased because corkus sucks so i never learned to navigate it
    Nesaak: B-
    it's kinda cute, i like this place but it's not too convenient since it's only a small town but at least it finally has an item buyer
    Nivla Village: B-
    ok this place is adorable but there's nothing here

    Bremminglar: C+
    the potato merchant is singlehandedly holding this town up from low-tier
    Thesead: C
    i'm not really sure how this could be any better for what it is, it just sucks because it's in the canyon and just in general feels average
    Maltic: C
    it's pretty cute and does what it's meant to do well but nothing really stands out about it
    Rymek: C-
    the mesa sucks to navigate and making this more bandit-themed rather than cowboy-themed feels like a wasted opportunity in my very extremely super biased opinion
    Thanos: C-
    this would be low-tier but it has fast-travel to rodoroc now so you can literally go straight to rodoroc using ragni scrolls and fast travel if you're ok with the cinfras -> thanos walk

    Lusuco: D+
    i miss the ice canyon lootroute
    this town is a sad reminder of what was once great
    Almuj: D+
    Bantisu Temple: D
    it looks nice but there's nothing here and it's in the canyon so it sucks by default
    Elkurn: D
    this would be lower but it actually does a really good job of fulfilling its purpose of keeping low-level players from running into the tundra and dying and getting stuck at nesaak because they checkpointed it and it would be a little weird if there was just no civilisation in this area i guess
    Bucie: D-
    discount ternaves
    Maexico: D-
    i really like that this place has its own character kinda that's different to rodoroc and thanos, but it's still a molten heights town without much to do here aside from getting pride of the heights
    i don't know why it doesn't just drop from them directly in the first place, feels like an unnecessary complication to me that an ingredient that you obtain from a miniboss is locked behind a questline in this way

    Olux: E+
    this place smells, and for some reason lacks a tailoring station unless i'm just very blind
    Efilim: E+
    suffers from mild lexdale syndrome in that aggressive mobs sometimes wander into the town and annoy you or spawnkill you if you try to afk here
    Gelibord: E
    lexdale syndrome mainly from the two key guardians that can spawn here and it just sucks, but at least it's really convenient for prof levelling
    Eltom: E
    yeah ok if you're trying to hide why do you have a giant airbase also it's literally visible on several maps in other towns i think unless that was fixed idk
    also why do i respawn here when i die at hive
    isn't that meant to be part of thanos' job
    Mage Island: E-
    it looks pretty nice and it has some stuff i guess but it's still ew because it's in the ocean and in one of the most inconvenient places possible in the ocean at that
    Iboju Village: E-
    please stop respawning me here, i'd rather be at troms so i can at least get some inventory space if i died while grinding or something

    Ravine Village: F+
    basically just exists for a quest, having an identifier and a blacksmith in the ravines is nice i guess but there's no bank since it'd be weird to put one here so you may as well just go to ragni once you've done the quest
    Corrupted Village: F+
    this place exists for a quest, that's about it
    Avos Village: F+
    corkus, nothing much is here, but it gives a nice necklace at least
    Dogun Village: F
    this place kinda just exists for a quest again and lava is annoying
    Nodguj and Dujgon Nations: F
    just like corrupted village, it exists for a quest except this one decided to exist in the ocean so it's even worse
    Relos: F-
    it honestly feels like relos only exists because 'hey corkus is pretty big we should probably have a second town in here'
    it exists for the sake of existing
    go away, relos
    Heliolux Village: F-
    when i first heard about the realm of light i got kinda excited and i was like 'yay i think i'm gonna like this place'
    but not only do you need a quest helmet to get in but it's just the generic corruption stuff
    like it works in wynn but you really didn't need to bring it here
    the decay being basically just a renamed corruption was bad enough but then the realm of light was just straight-up corrupted why this really wasn't necessary in my opinion
    also it literally only has a potion merchant it doesn't even have a bank or anything so grinding here isn't even viable anyways
    i feel like if this place got a respawn point, a bank, a blacksmith and maybe an identifier if that's possible without breaking the lore it could easily be at least low d-tier, or high b-tier if there weren't two quest helmets associated with this place

    Leadin Fort: Lexdale tier+
    only exists for a quest, requires a quest helmet to get in and the untradable 'upgraded' helmet you get afterwards is not only bugged to become un-IDed all the time but doesn't actually grant you access to this place anyways
    this place is just annoying, it gets in the way when i'm trying to spam escape to go past the side of the town and i hit a barrier that's just like "go away we're orcs and we're almost as racist as aldorei's elves"
    Lexdale: Lexdale tier
    this doesn't deserve to be on the tier list with the others
    it has a respawn point, even though mobs literally spawn inside the town and can spawnkill you over and over again if you lost some gear upon dying or if you're just undergeared to begin with
    and there's literally nothing here aside from an accessory merchant
    you know your town is useless when it doesn't even have a potion merchant
    it's meant to be a quest-locked town i think but you can literally just use any movement spell to get over the wall so that doesn't even work
    let's not forget that this town would probably be completely different if everyone's favourite quest, eye of the storm, didn't exist
    this town is just badly designed in pretty much every way aside from the fact that the music is nice and it looks good for its purpose it's meant to have but i really don't like what that purpose is
    please remove the respawn point here at the very least, no-one deserves the torment of respawning here if they happen to die in the realm of light or something

    these are my personal opinions so it's okay if you have different ones and stuff
    i just haven't slept in a while and my tired self felt like sharing
    NoItsBecky_127, Lex!, Rawb and 9 others like this.
  15. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear says maltic has a bomb theme though
  16. JuicedBananas

    JuicedBananas Famous Adventurer HERO

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    As a tier list enthusiast, I feel the need to give my own hot takes. My opinions are based mostly on gameplay.

    S TIER
    Detlas: Detlas in its current form is an absolutely perfect city. As the game's hub town, it needs to be small enough that players can see each other, be easy to get around in, and have all it's facilities nearby each other, and it does all of these things perfectly. Detlas is also designed with tons of stuff for people to jump around on while idle, which makes it fun to screw around in the city.

    Nemract: Nemract is super fun to explore when you're a new player and has a bunch of quests. Getting to this town as a new player is the first time you feel like you've overcome something difficult. The mansion quest was way cooler when it didn't teleport you off map and you could actually see the town outside tbh.

    Troms: It took 'em like five years but they finally made Troms actually look like a fortress! This town is fun to move around in because it has lots of elevated areas while keeping the facilities on a flat path.

    Pirate Island: Fun to explore and move around in. Towns that are difficult to move around in get annoying when you have to return to them frequently, but since you only need to enter this town for one quest it never gets old.

    A TIER
    Bremminglar: It's easy to move around in, a convenient respawn point when you're trying to get past the ocelot hellscape in the savannah, and sells potatoes. What's not to love?

    Corkus City: Super easy to move through and find the facilities, and has the powder exchange. Perfect size for a hub city.

    Selchar: The oceans sucks and so does Selchar, but it sure as hell makes itself suck as little as possible. The town being atop a mountain makes it great for launching yourself off with a movement spell, and the flat, solid top means you won't fall accidentally unless you're stupid. The Seavale reef nearby is also the coolest thing in the ocean, by which I mean the only cool thing in the ocean. This town also gets rekt by the big man Santa Claus himself in the future so it's got that going for it.

    Ragni: Ragni, according to the content team, exists to encourage new players to leave the town as quickly as possible. It does an alright job at this, but I think it's just a bit too big. After that initial hurdle, though, the fact that all it's facilities are on one street makes for a great introduction to crafting.

    Iboju village: For a town on a mountainside, this village is remarkably easy to move around in. There's a clear path to climb up, and no walls blocking you from jumping down. Also a convenient checkpoint on your way to Troms.

    B TIER
    Elkurn: Very few people know just how essential Elkurn is as a respawn point. If this town didn't exist dying at the portal or Time Valley would put players in Nesaak or Troms. Combine this with the fact that new players sometimes rush to Nesaak for no reason and Elkurn has probably saved more players from getting stuck in the Nesaak area than anyone realizes.

    Kandon-Beda: A bit hard to move around in but unlike some other towns this one is somewhat fun to get around. Has fast travel to Corkus.

    Nivla Village: Has resource processing stuff right next to a massive forest, to ensure that new players can get huge wood. Thank you Nivla Village.

    Olux: I can't say anything bad about this town. Easy to move around in, has it's facilities in good locations. It just doesn't have much special going for it.

    Maltic: This is usually the second town new players find, and it's a good breather from the large fortress that is Ragni. The fact that it has an identifier and item buyers now makes it a useful pitstop.

    Rymek: Having a town with citizens who fight back is a neat gimmick. Also contains Reggie, the best mob. The only downside is that getting up the canyon walls is annoying, and the lifts that are supposed to make it easier are only unlocked after beating the final mesa quest, so by the time you get them you're done here.

    C TIER
    Ahmsord: Looks sweet but it's surrounded by void so you're bound to fall off and die instantly.

    Almuj: The bank is quest locked. They even redesigned the quest and left the quest-lock in. I even told them this sucked when I tested the quest and Vill was like "that's how it was before so it stays." Reworks are supposed to make things better, not leave them the same! i still love you vill <3

    Jofash Docks: There's not much special about the docks. I've never spent much time here since the only quest has you leave immediately. There's nothing particularly bad about this town either though, so I'll say it's average.

    Llevigar: Very smooth paths, and the houses are fun to explore, but my god are the streets long. I feel sorry for anyone with negative walkspeed.

    Ternaves: This town is built like two separate towns and the part of the Christmas quest that a billion people messaged me asking how to fix is here. But it also has the horse merchant which is the best merchant in the game. If you play It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones while horse breeding your odds increase by 50%, by the way.

    Ravine Village: This is the most standard location in the game and I have absolutely nothing to say about it.

    Mage island: Exists mostly as a liminal space during quests. Getting to the floating island is a bit hard.

    D TIER
    Bucie: This town wasn't even on the map till recently. A lot of people probably don't remember that it exists. The only thing I can say for it is that it isn't annoying to get around in.

    Cinfras: Tried and failed to be a new hub town. It's way too big to be the centerpiece of Gavel. A town of its size is a cool idea, but would work better as a more out of the way location. Hub towns need to be small so that the players there are within chat range of each other and can quickly move between facilities. Also climbing up to the airship is annoying.

    Nesaak: Mobs sometimes get in and the town has very little going for it other than some standard buildings. Boring as snow.

    Relos: I've never explored this town fully, just ran through it on loot runs. It's a bit annoying to get through because of the steep hills.

    Temple of the Legends: This place feels super lame nowadays because it's a midgame area with an okay grinding spot and a merchant who will give you an alright secondary weapon. It hypes itself up way too much because it used to be the endgame. Back in my day this was where the cool kids hung out!

    Thesead: Annoying to get into and out of but not as bad as the other towns in the Canyon. Walls prevent you from doing cool jumps easily. Lame.

    E TIER
    Efilim: Efelim is that one town with elves. Efelem's name seems to have no consistent spelling, as it's spelled differently at several points in the game. There's also absolutely nothing to do here. Ifelim is confusing and boring.

    Eltom: Getting up here is annoying, getting down from here is annoying, and I always seem to respawn in this town when dying in a quest area, particularly the Hive. It has a fast travel to Thesead, a town which is about two minutes away and buried into the mountains just as badly. Thanks?

    Heliolux Village: It's the village in the light realm! You'll never have fun while you're here. The inside of the village is this wacky donut thing that's hard to find your way around in and has a bunch of skinny stairs which suck to use. Also they still haven't finished the questline.

    Maex: I think they added some stuff to this town in the Economy Update but I don't actually play this game anymore so throughout all of my experience this town has been completely empty. There were a few loot chests here in my loot run though so it's not the worst.

    Rodoroc: There's lava and fire absolutely everywhere, walking distances are long, and the facilities are scattered in inconvenient spots. Most people have gotten used to dealing with this town's problems because of how much time is spent in the Molten Heights in the endgame, but it still sucks.

    Thanos: It's surrounded by mountains that make it difficult to leave. Lots of people also get lost inside the town even though I find it extremely easy to navigate. Has some fun quests, including the vore quest, but most people end up remembering it as the town that's annoying to get out of. Thanos needs to snap half the mountains surrounding it.

    Bantisu Temple: I have no idea how to get up here and I doubt anyone does.

    Corrupted Village: Elkurn is just as close to the portal and isn't corrupted, meaning this place's lore makes no sense. Used to have lava parkour.

    F TIER
    Gelibord: Has a big pool of water in the middle, isn't safe from mobs, and the powder manual gets clicked by accident constantly. All around bad time.

    Lusuco: This town is where you respawn when fighting Bob instead of Nesaak. Seeing as Lusuco is right next to the Tower of Ascension, and that Bob respawns you here, surely dying in the ToA must respawn you in Lusuco too, right? Wrong, it respawns you in the Iboju village. Lusuco exists solely to be a respawn point for ToA and doesn't even do that correctly.

    Guild Hall: Guilds are terrible.

    Ice Nations: Wanna swim back and forth between two islands to solve a political dispute? Now you can! Bonus: Swim to a boat that doesn't have a fast pass from the Ice Nations.

    G TIER
    Lexdale: Lexdale is the worst town. It's main entrance is quest locked, but you can enter the town area before doing that quest, meaning you'll have to find a different way out if you respawn here. Did I mention that quest is the only one Lexdale is used for, and it's the worst quest in the game?
  17. Rhythmically

    Rhythmically Well-Known Adventurer

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    I like gelibord :c
    Isabeau37 likes this.
  18. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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  19. m0chu | anson

    m0chu | anson gaze of th e snowbank

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    i absolutely love this. have a like
    wish likes this.
  20. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Lexdale is 1# guys, no players will disturb you during your time there since nobody likes it.

    Wait, that makes no sense.
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