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Guide Wynnbuilder Release Thread! Now updated to 2.0.3!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by hppeng, Jan 16, 2021.

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  1. hppeng

    hppeng 0 intel is the correct amount of intel HERO

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    Some of y'all have already seen this circulating around #class_builds in wynn discord, but if you haven't here it is!

    This post is the public release of WynnBuilder, a fast, client-side building aid! Check it out at https://wynnbuilder.github.io/ !

    • Built-in support for 1.19 and 1.20 items
    • No Skillpoint bug!*
    • More compact GUI! No more scrolling to the bottom of the page to see your damage!
    • EHP calculations, next spell costs
    • Correct-to-ingame damage calculation
    • Level Adjusting, for building at not level 101 (as of version, spells do NOT update for your level. Most builders build for higher combat levels with all spells and spell tiers unlocked.)
    • Adjustable IDs
    • Crafted items!
    • Custom item creation and usage! (gets a bit clunky if you use too many customs in a build)
    • Item search
    • Weapon powder special boosts and damages built-in

    So, a few weeks back, @ferricles and I were doing some caste construction (category creation, group generation, socioeconomic status setup, echelon establishment, ranking reformation, family fabrication, department designing, assortment assembly, or whatever it’s called these days) and realized that the Wynndata Builder is slow. And that sucks.

    So we decided to make our own Builder. And it go vrooooom.

    This post is not bashing Wynndata. Wynndata is awesome. Its item search is amazing and it’s certainly the best curated set of data on Wynncraft’s item system in existence. WynnBuilder would not exist without Wynndata.

    That being said, The goal of WynnBuilder is:
    1. Be fast.
    2. Be a builder.
    The goal of WynnBuilder is not:
    1. Be Wynndata. @Saya

    Near future plans:
    1. Add item search. This mostly because I need to search 1.20 items, and because Wynndata is at danger of going dark.
    2. Add changing IDs of a build. This is a nice feature WynnData has that we have not implemented yet.
    3. GUI updates/nice-to-haves.

    This is the top of the webpage. Each blank gray box is an input label that you can click on. You can arrow key-tab it in, type it out (capitalization matters), and/or click on the desired item. We don’t have a powder GUI, so you’ll have to type in the powders. “e6” stands for Earth 6, etc.

    Once you’re done building, click “Update Items” and a summary of build stats will show up! We’ll get to the other 3 buttons later.



    Those buttons apply weapon powder specials and spell buffs. They’re pretty cool.

    Below that, we have skill point stats and all item stats. You can type in a new number (say, 114 into intelligence) and click update, and all stats and related damage will update! If you’re lazy and don’t want to do 70+45 in your head, you can also do that…

    “Update Stats” so far only updates skill points. We do plan to implement updating other IDs of the build!





    We’ve written the equip order and skill point info to be anti-skillpoint bug proof (aka brute forcing all permutations) and have included some useful melee and defense stats. Enjoy!

    Next up, we’ve got the full spell stats. The summary spell stats are at the top for convenience.[​IMG]


    And we finish with some of the newer features: Set bonuses and next spell costs.

    Now back to those 3 other buttons:[​IMG]

    Reset: Resets everything. Use this mainly to clear out all items from the inputs and make a new build.

    Copy Short: copies a shareable link. For this build, it copies:

    Copy For Sharing: copies the link and all equipment. For this build, it copies:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Topaz
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Gert Whooshy Bonkpole []

    (armor powders not copied)

    Our builder tool works differently than Wynndata’s: The first time you visit the page (and each time we push new updates), the Wynncraft item database is downloaded to your computer and cached (as a 3MB cookie). All the calculations required for the builder itself (skill point and damage calculations) are done on your local machine, without needing to talk to the server. This makes it pretty fast!

    However, this can also cause some problems. For starters, the builder requires Cookies and Javascript to be enabled on your browser.

    Additionally, the local item database can become corrupted due to a bad download or something. In this case, there are four things to try (in order):

    1. Hard refresh the page. (Ctrl+Shift+R on chrome.)
    2. Delete site cookies. (Search for “delete site cookies <browsername>” where <browsername> is the name of your browser if you don’t know how to do this). Refresh the page after.
    3. Delete site cookies, AND delete cached data (Again, do a google search if you don’t know how to do this). Then refresh the page.
    4. Message me (@hppeng) on forums, or on discord (not provided). Please provide screenshots and the following information:
      1. Platform
      2. Browser
      3. Build link that is failing
    Fully supported for:
    • Chrome on windows (incognito OK)
    • Firefox on windows (Private mode not OK)
    • Chrome on Android

    Partial support:
    • Firefox on Android is functionally view-only

    Part 2: Damage calculation updates

    While developing Wynnbuilder, we realized that a lot of information on the ingame wiki (and the game site) is wrong when it comes to spell damage. To work around this, we did a lot of ingame testing (Thanks @iTechnicaly, @Highmore, and @Penguin7922 !), and were able to reverse engineer correct damage numbers for each spell.

    Note: If you haven’t read @motoki1 ‘s damage calculation thread, give it a read! It’s slightly outdated and missing some details, but its generally correct and will help your understanding of the game overall. https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/how-damage-is-calculated.176082/

    Now, for the details:

    Each spell has a Spell Multiplier and Elemental Conversions (except the healing spells, which have a fixed % of max health heal):

    • Heal:
      • First Pulse: 12%
      • Second and third pulses: 6%
    • Teleport:
      • Damage: 100%
      • Conversion: 40% Thunder
    • Meteor (Blast Damage):
      • Damage: 500%
      • Conversion: 30% Earth, 30% Fire
    • Meteor (Burn Damage):
      • Damage: 125%
      • Conversion: None
    • Ice Snake:
      • Damage: 70%
      • Conversion: 50% Water
    • Bash (First Damage):
      • Damage: 130%
      • Conversion: 40% Earth

    • Bash (Explosion Damage):
      • Damage: 130%
      • Conversion: None
    • Charge
      • Damage: 150%
      • Conversion: 40% Fire
    • Uppercut (First Damage)
      • Damage: 300%
      • Conversion: 20% Earth, 10% Thunder
    • Uppercut (Fireworks Damage)
      • Damage: 50%
      • Conversion: 40% Thunder
    • Uppercut (Crash Damage)
      • Damage: 50%
      • Conversion: 20% Thunder
    • War Scream (Area Damage)
      • Damage: 50%
      • Conversion: 75% Fire, 25% Air
    • War Scream (Air Shout, per hit)
      • Damage: 30%
      • Conversion: 75% Fire, 25% Air
    • Arrow Storm (Per hit, x60)
      • Damage: 10%
      • Conversion: 25% Thunder, 15% Fire
    • Escape (Landing Damage)
      • Damage: 100%
      • Conversion: 50% Air
    • Bomb Arrow
      • Damage: 250%
      • Conversion: 25% Earth, 15% Fire
    • Arrow Shield (Shield Damage)
      • Damage: 100%
      • Conversion: 30% Air
    • Arrow Shield (Arrow Rain Damage)
      • Damage: 200%
      • Conversion: 30% Air
    • Spin Attack
      • Damage: 150%
      • Conversion: 30% Thunder
    • Multihit (1st to 10th Hits)
      • Damage: 27%
      • Conversion: None
    • Multihit (Fatality)
      • Damage: 120%
      • Conversion: 30% Thunder, 50% Water
    • Smoke Bomb (Per hit, up to 10x)
      • Damage: 60%
      • Conversion: 25% Earth, 30% Air
    • Totem (Smash Damage)
      • Damage: 100%
      • Conversion: 20% Fire
    • Totem (Damage Tick)
      • Damage ticks: 20%
      • Conversion: 20% Air
    • Totem (Heal Tick)
      • Heal: 4%
    • Haul
      • Damage: 100%
      • Conversion: 20% Thunder
    • Aura (Maximum damage, one wave)
      • Damage: 200%
      • Conversion: 30% Water
    • Uproot:
      • Damage: 50% (soon to be buffed)
      • Conversion: 30% Earth
    Powder specials that do instant damage (Quake, Chain Lightning, and Courage), have 100% elemental conversion in their respective elements for the purpose of damage calculations.

    Powder specials that boost damage for a duration (Curse, Courage, and Air Prison) all provide an additive ID % boost to spell damage, melee damage, and poison damage EXCEPT for air prison, which only boosts air damage (and only for one hit).

    Additional Comments:
    The Thunder powder special (Chain Lightning) tooltip ingame is also inaccurate. For some ungodly reason the displayed values go from 80% to 240%, but when we tested ingame we found that the actual damage multipliers, we found that the actual damage numbers were as follows:

    Tier 4: 200%
    Tier 4.5: 225%
    Tier 5: 250%
    Tier 5.5: 275%
    Tier 6: 300%

    Additionally, the chain lightning damage decreases by 20% for each arc (For example, Tier 4 chain lightning would do 200% damage to the first target, then 180%, then 160%... and Tier 6 does 300%, 280%, 260%...)

    Powder and Spell Conversion Rounding

    The more attentive users of Wynndata may have noticed this slight bug:


    Basically, Wynndata doesn’t apply powders correctly! Oh no!

    Through basically pure luck, we were able to reverse engineer the way Wynncraft calculates powdered weapon damage.

    Powders have two effects on weapons: They add a small boost to raw damage (this works as expected) and they add a certain % Neutral to elemental damage conversion (this doesn’t work as expected).

    If you recall from motoki1’s damage calculator, spell conversion happens before powder conversion. Here we encounter the caveat: Spell conversion (and powder conversion, as we’ll see in a bit) works in integer math.

    For example, assume I have a spear that does exactly 6 neutral damage at slow attack speed (1.5x damage multiplier), and I cast Charge (150% spell multiplier).

    Charge has a 40% neutral to fire conversion. According to previous results (link), damage is done in floating point. So I should be doing 2.4*1.5*1.5 = 5.4 fire damage and 3.6*1.5*1.5 = 8.1 neutral damage, right?


    What wynn actually does:
    1. Take 6 neutral damage, and convert 40% of it to fire. We’re left with 2.4 fire damage and 3.6 neutral damage.
    2. Round both numbers down. We’re left with 2 fire damage and 3 neutral damage.
    3. Multiply by spell conversion and attack speed (2.25x) to get the final damage, in floating point.

    Powder conversion works the exact same way. For example, using Monster:

    Monster has a base of [160-205] Neutral Damage and [200-275] Fire Damage.
    Fire Powder VI adds +15-19 fire damage and converts 37% Neutral Damage to Fire Damage.

    Step 1: Apply one fire powder.
    Fire Damage: [200-275] + [15-19] = [215-294].
    37% base neutral: 0.37[160-205] = [59.2-75.85].
    Subtracting from base neutral, we get [100.8-129.15] -> [100-129] Neutral Damage
    Adding to the fire damage, we get [274.2-369.85] -> [274-369] Fire Damage
    Notice how we’re flooring both damages. This means, yes, we lose a tiny bit of damage in converting for each powder applied.​

    Step 2: Apply second fire powder.
    Fire Damage: [274-369] + [15-19] = [289-388].
    The neutral conversion applies to the base damage, so again we convert [59.2-75.85] damage.
    This leaves us at [289-388] + [59-75] = [348-463] fire damage total,
    and [100-129] - [60-76] = [40-53] neutral damage remaining.​

    Step 3: Apply final fire powder (yay!).
    Fire Damage: [348-463] + [15-19] = [363-472]
    There is less than [59.2-75.85] neutral damage remaining, so all of it is converted to fire.
    [363-472] + [40-53] = [403-535] fire damage as expected! Woohoo!​

    Why does wynn need all this fancy rounding smh

    TL;DR: Spell conversions (And powder conversions) are applied directly to base damage and use integer math, with numbers being rounded down at each step. Powder conversions are applied iteratively and not all-at-once.

    • WynnData for:
      • 1.20 custom items
      • Inspiration
      • Font and color styles
      • Display style inspiration
    • QuantumNep (overall UI design) @Neptune
    • Dr_Carlos (Additional UI details) @dr_carlos
    • Atlas Incorporated for helping us test features and provide feedback

    Thank you for attending my TED talk, have fun with Wynnbuilder, report bugs thx

    2023/07/14: Wynnbuilder experimental branch is now updated to Wynncraft patch 2.0.3, including new major IDs (and old ones!)

    See it for yourself here: https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder/

    • @ferricles (keeping me sane, code review, dev)
    • @Neptune (overall UI design, ability tree initial dev and data)
    • @touhoku (best im)
    • @aspiepuppy (unknown forums help) (atree data)
    • zeer (answering all my stupid questions)
    • Wynnbuilder discord #dev-ers ( @Sockmower , @iTechnically , @nbcss ) for idea bouncing and more
    • Atlas Incorporated
    have fun with Wynnbuilder, report bugs thx
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2023
  2. thepicferret

    thepicferret Chief of Avicia, Send help wynncraft addicted HERO

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    Wynnbuilder is pretty epic ferret approved!
    ThedumbOX, starx280 and hppeng like this.
  3. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    rip wynndata
    Waiter1986 likes this.
  4. hppeng

    hppeng 0 intel is the correct amount of intel HERO

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    Wynndata is alive and well, item search works great and it has a bunch of other support (Custom items, crafter/crafted, etc) that are not / will not be supported by WynnBuilder in the near future. I recommend using WynnBuilder in conjunction with Wynndata item search.

    Also WynnBuilder doesn't have iphone support, or Android Firefox support, for some reason. I honestly have no idea what's going on on phones that causes it to break.

    That being said... sad :(
  5. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    actually though a really useful tool ~~that doesn't take twelve years to load~~
    Rymux, Coffee KQ, ThedumbOX and 7 others like this.
  6. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Ayyyy! I've been wanting something like this for a while now. Thanks Hpp.
    hppeng likes this.
  7. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    How do you guys pronounce hppeng? I say huh-PENG
    hppeng likes this.
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Are cookies even allowed on github.io?

    (just asking, otherwise good work)
    hppeng likes this.
  9. Raw_Fish

    Raw_Fish Wynn enjoyer CHAMPION

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    pog project
    hppeng likes this.
  10. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    This is sick man. I'm just curious as to how some of the powder specials work (mainly courage and curse). The DPS isn't scaling with what the powder specials say on the can, e.g. for courage it says +150% dmg (base dmg * 2.5 presumably) but the site multiplies it by 1.2477.
    starx280 likes this.
  11. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    powder specials work like identifications, it just straight up add 150% spell damage and melee damage temporarily
    so the more spell% or melee% you already have, the less effect it will give comparatively
    hppeng and iExpo like this.
  12. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Oh that's so sad. Okay well ty
  13. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    potato approved
  14. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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    Epic build
    hppeng likes this.
  15. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    bru get wynntils
  16. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Guys I have more stuff planned
    hppeng likes this.
  17. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Hope everyone's seen this by now. Almost off page 1 of wynncraft...
    Nevermind. Somehow it's back at the top now. Odd.
    creature, Shoefarts and hppeng like this.
  18. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    You posted. Every time someone posts, the thread moves to the top of the front page.
    Many people will post 'bump' to bump a thread to the top.
    hppeng and Thega like this.
  19. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

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    Really? Why don't they do a post that actually adds to the thread, rather than just "bump?"
    hppeng likes this.
  20. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    So that more people see the thread and it doesn't just become inactive and everyone forgets about it.

    Hang on - you're saying you have more than 750 posts and you don't know what a bump is?
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