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Community Event 100 Stacks Giveaway (ended)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dalarn, Feb 15, 2018.

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    DJTHEDIAMONDPIG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well this sucks, this is for the 20 stax but idk how to upload screen shots on the forums, but anyway the reason I want to win is so I can contribute all of those emeralds to my guild, I am great full that I have a family, dog, cat, and rabbit, that I have friends and for wynncraft.
  2. Dalarn

    Dalarn Useless content

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    I gave away all my items and 18 stacks. Got 12 stacks left to give out for the third giveaway. Stay tuned till tomorrow! I edited my original post.
  3. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    Giveaway 2
    I only have 4 raw le in my bank and I am grateful for some of the nice people in the community
    Screen Shot 2017-06-11 at 5.30.21 PM.png
    PikaPrince likes this.
  4. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Giveaway 2

    I want to win the giveaway so i can be rich and finally afford mythics.

    Things i am grateful for:
    • Having enough food and water
    • Being healthy
    • Having a nice home
    • Living in a stable environmental, family wise and geographically.
    • Being born with genetic characteristics that make me face less discrimination in said stable geographical region ^_^
    • Not facing as many challenges in school
    • Being sentient

    Giveaway 1
    Humans, or at least the organisms providing the genetic material, were from a planet whose name is now lost, from a neighboring galaxy. A deadly plague was wiping out all life on the planet, including the sapient species living there. With technology only equivalent to that of late 20th century humans, they had only one option, a final cry to the cosmos of what had been lost on their tiny speck of dust. A DNA bank was launched, containing genomes of species they considered the most important. It was shielded from radiation, and launched using a primitive rocket. Using a maneuver similar to what Voyager I did, the rocket was slingshotted out of the sun's gravitational well and into space. Unfortunately, the shielding failed and all but one DNA sequence was corrupted. Hundreds of millions of years later, the bank was drawn into the gravity well of a yellow sun, and then that of a rocky planet, one that had the rare quality of supporting life. This had drawn the attention of a group of refugees from another world, who wanted to settle someplace new. Not wishing to corrupt ecosystems, they scanned for sapient DNA, and found some in the form of the data bank, crashed on a continent. They took this new form, and populated the planet. And, unknowingly, saved a race from a distant galaxy from extinction.
    What's the best way to relax? A perfect simulation of your life, except everything is better! In the real world, personal holodecks are all the rage. Pop in, and indulge in whatever fantasy you choose. The most popular, of course, is your life, but where EVERYTHING goes right. Kind of like the luck factor was turned up! Some have theorized that because of the complexity of the computers running the simulation, the characters might actually be sentient! This has posed some ethical concern over creating conscious beings for simple leisure. Think about a refrigerator light; open the door, everything is fine! Close the door, and everythi
  5. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    2. Useless content.
    (Not putting any thought into a post or a post that has no purpose or does not add anything to the section or thread.)
  6. Ryycee

    Ryycee Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    just give the last stacks to replying people like me, people who are poor and just dreaming of them mythics....
  7. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Heya! I admit it isn't a perfectly objective view of history, but it sure is as likely as any other scenario ;P
    So despite playing this game for ages I never got to be wealthy because I have a talent for making items disappear.
    Entering for Giveaway 1:

    Existence in a nutshell - a giveaway submission


    Aaaand we are live! Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to our annual Horizon™ business statement!
    Now, I am aware that you all have been itching to know the latest about our current development, but before we go into the details I'd like to make a general statement for our new investors here tonight.

    We at Horizon Enterprises have spent decades funding and investing in DNA services in order to perfect the process of modelling custom life. It was only recently that we launched our latest educational program, known to the public as "PetPlanet". Scanning remote galaxies we found several planets full of unused potential, and planted the basis for life as we know it.
    From that point on we observe their behaviour, and document their progress as they attempt to build their own civilization. It can't be expected that they will ever reach a level of intelligence comparable to ours, yet we hope to be able to make some interesting discoveries - and, of course, provide our audience with entertainment!
    Now, without further ado, lets talk about the big news.

    To demonstrate the success of our recent studies, we'd like to take a closer look at what we call environment XO#32. Even though we had some interferences it turned out to be one of our most unique instances, so lets get right into it.
    As usual things started off rather slow - some basic life forms and simple organisms, yet nothing too exciting for quite some time. At some point Bob from Purchasing adjusted the heat values and caused a massive volcano outbreak, which unfortunately wiped out most of our subjects.
    Though we wouldn't be the proud intergalactical business we are today if we let ourselves down just like that; we quickly spawned in some basic supplies, to promote gathering for the remaining species. The so called "human" quickly emerged as the dominating force, and discovered simple agriculture and metal processing right on schedule, with social injustice and witch hunts following right after. A bit later they they got the hang out of the whole "settling down" thing, yet it took them a horribly long time to discover essential AI technology.
    Anyways, even though massacring each other to prevent progress had been a common theme in XO#32's history, they eventually got together in order to work on a tiny bit more sophisticated advancements; or at least pretended to get along, we admit we haven't found out for sure so far.

    They were about to discover space travel when our intern, George, stumbled over our remote heat sync and caused a short circuit - temperatures increased exponentially, and what started out as global warming soon turned the whole planet into an oven.
    As embarrassing as this mishap was, we at Horizon Enterprises are trained in strict emergency procedures and were therefore able to safely relocate a few subjects to a planet within their known system. Even though the human species recovered and is growing again, it does seem like a rather poor choice picking the individuals was made, seeing how the name for their new home turned out to be "earth".
    As if that wasn't enough, they seem to be blissfully unaware of their roots, nicknaming their once beautiful homeland "Mars", and even attempting to travel there one day...
    If only they knew!

    And no, we are not accepting any new interns.

    Not the longest story I admit, but it did take quite some time and I hope quality can make up for it. Oh well, good luck with the giveaway! :)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
  8. Khoa001

    Khoa001 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This is for the twenty stacks. I am grateful for a very normal life with little surprises, not much happens, but that's nice because no news is good news. I am also grateful that I don't need constant stimulation I can be pretty boring and not mind. I am entering this giveaway because I really want a fatal wand and a little excitement would be nice.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018

    DJTHEDIAMONDPIG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ok I found out how to post screen shots now so this is for the 20 stax giveaway.
    I am grateful for wynncraft (obviously), my family, and friends.

    ok after trying time and time again the dang screenshot wouldn't get accepted, but I'm just going to tell you it
    [DJTHEDIAMONDPIG>Kairi764(WC6)]why did the grook cross the trail?
    [DJTHEDIAMONDPIG>Kairi764(WC6)]to prove to the player that he wasn't AI

    that's all I can do to show the funny "screenshot"
  10. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    T he vides'o is've'm's'd's cool and g o o d

    I want to win the giveaway because gay
    I am grateful for

    An screeen shoot of a conversion in game ingame


  11. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Nice giveaway :) Thanks for doing something generous for the community (even if it includes a lot of writing xD)
    PikaPrince likes this.
  12. TaiWeeb

    TaiWeeb Well-Known Adventurer

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    How do you win the 3rd giveaway
  13. MathGangster

    MathGangster Well-Known Adventurer

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    give it to me thanks
  14. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Here goes nothing!

    Salmon Valley rest in the center of Kacien, the land in which I live in. The valley is commonly used as a passage from Swanswell to Thericien. Swanswell is a vintage port city that had gotten hit by a storm that had come a few years back. It has recovered, and regained its beauty ever since, although about everything they make goes back out to trade to recover. Swanswell is usually the city in which tourist first see, usually coming from ship into the port. Swanswell is accessible through the north exit of Salmon Valley, while Thericien is the the South. Thericien is more populated, and obtains more residents, some in which are relatives of mine. Most businesses are based in Thericien, mainly the reason for it being so populated. Also, most people travelling to Ciralia, the political city of Kacien, stop by Thericien. The Unird passage begins at the south exit of Salmon Valley, and ends at Felithiel, which is farther back from Ciralia. Ciralia is the political city, which I have mentioned, that reassembles white buildings, with beautiful greenery. The white walls extend around the city, and Ciralia is also home to the beautiful palace in which the royal family resides in. The city is home to many residents, although most of them are political/important people of Kacien, and their families. Last but not least, the council is based in Ciralia, which makes a lot of important decisions for Kacien. Nydaret and Felithiel are minor cities, meaning they are smaller, although they have lots of residents. Those cities are more like Salmon Valley, although much more populated. Salmon Valley is only well known because many crops, such as rice come from there, and it is a common passage to cities. There are a lot of other towns and cities, although these villages, and towns are the most important ones that hold most of our population. Salmon Valley is the land I call home, which belongs to Kacien. And this is where my story begins.

    I sat still, my back arched against the cherry blossom tree. I laid sprawled upon the grass, which was covered in thick layers of pink, faded red leaves. The sunset came upon the valley, streaks of pink going past the lake that rest besides my house. This is what I did everyday at dawn. I never wished to miss a chance to get a spectacle view out of the scenery in which remained looking vital throughout the years. Behind me was the old vintage farmhouse in which I lived in. Sometimes I would wake up early enough to catch the splendid sunset. It was getting darker, and smoke from the chimney was rising through the air. That was a sign that dinner was almost ready. I passed through the rice fields, and made it to the front entrance of my home. The smell of cheese, and basil filled the air, and my mother was in the kitchen draining tortellini from a small pot, in which had been cooking on the stove.

    “May! Welcome home, my darling. Your sister is hiking with your father down the valley right now, although we can start without them,” my mother said, with a gentle voice. My Mother went outside to search for Father while I ate. I wasn’t too hungry. Everyday was simple, and usually consisted of the same things in Salmon Valley, but I liked it that way. This is the place I’ve called home all my life, and I loved it ever the same.

    Something was different when I woke up this morning. A caravan rest outside our house, and our parents had packed our belongings. I was rushed out the door quickly, not even a bite to eat. As I sat next to my father, my mother explained we were going to Ciralia. Surprised, and confused, I sat patiently. Within the next few hours, we would go through the Unird Passage, onto Thericien. We ate sandwiches in the caravan while passing by the gorgeous city. The white government city of Ciralia was right ahead. Kacien was a beautiful land. Ciralia was much more high tech than Salmon Valley. Salmon Valley remained very old fashion through the years. The caravan came to a sudden halt. It appeared to be some sort of town square. Stepping out of the caravan, something was odd. . . the streets were empty. Where was everyone? It was only then noticed the orange cloud of fire that rested in the sky. Had the sun exploded? My father and mother had a concerned look on their face. Maybe this is why we came to Ciralia, the transports, I thought to myself. A new sound filled into my ears. Footsteps, panic! A crowd was in the farther distance. We hopped into the caravan, as the stampede of people came rushing towards us towards the capitol. The caravan was overran, tipping over the crowd. I screamed for my mother, being trampled on the street. Pain was felt all around my body, and then a huge force hit my head. The world went dark. . .

    I woke up, almost jumping up in the air. I was alone, no one around. Where was I now? Then a figure approached me. "Oh, good. You have awaken. Kacien is gone, like the rest of the planet. Not many people made it out, mostly the citizens in Ciralia or Thericien. I found you, and picked you up. I was fortunate to be able to grab you in time and reach my ship. I have my eyes set on the green and blue planet over there, as we try to get out of this system. I'm Gale. Hey, why don't you name the planet, why not? Come on, you have to at least think of something," the figure said. Wondering, and worried about my family, I was able to mumble out, "Earth."

    The end! I hope you enjoyed it! It took my a long time to think about this all.

    Also, for the other thing.
    1: I wish to win the giveaway, and would be extremely happy if I did since I want to put some money into a saving for a deciphering event since I want to give back to the community, and also part of it could go to helping me with stuff. Overall, thank you for even doing this giveaway. It is very kind of you to give to the Wynn community.

    Also, you said 100 stacks, although you never clarified if it was le, or emerald blocks, or just emeralds. So yeah. Thank you! Enjoy my story!

    IceResistance: What do you call a chicken?
    IceResistance: a chicken, right?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  15. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Like me
  16. PikaPrince

    PikaPrince Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I think this channel is unique in the sense it talks about controversial topics in religion. I learned multiple things just from one video, thanks for giving me another channel i can watch xD.

    I really want to win this giveaway to afford to buy the stratiformis and spring ive always wanted. As well as gifting people who have helped me across my wynn? And life journey.

    Im very grateful to you, who have given me this oppurtunity, even if i dont win, to get le and introducing me to a new interesting channel. My family, who have supported me in my life, @Pom and @LTMS, @Stag2001 as well as the whole of ME and numerous others who supported my wynn journey, (though now the market has been toxic lately.) As well as Irl and giving me a reason to come back to wynn, despite irl problems.

    @Pokextreme LOL

    Thanks, ~Avos
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    jaymansil and Pom like this.
  17. jaymansil

    jaymansil Radicalist warrior in wynn

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    Okay so for the 50 stacks
    now I didn't need to do a big essay on this so here's it summed up in a few words...
    Life is a lie.
    Ill be taking my 50 stacks now...
    Jure Gerbec and PikaPrince like this.
  18. DominikGamer

    DominikGamer Nothing to see here HERO

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    Giveaway 2:
    Well, i want to win the giveaway, because i lost a lot of le because of the cataclysm nerf, approx 7 stacks, so im very sad
    Im very grateful because i have good guild friends, who can help me whenever i need help
    and funny convo:
  19. DominikGamer

    DominikGamer Nothing to see here HERO

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    Giveaway 1
    i had a lot of work with this :c
    don't judge me for my bad english im hungarian, k?
    Well, i think it'll happen in like the 2100s, when people will invent travelling at the light's speed, so space travelling won't take too long, but hibernation chambers will be needed too. We'll also need better and bigger space ships. So, humans will probably search for other planets where people are able to live, because earth will be so polluted and dying until that, so we'll need other planets. If people would find a new planet in a new galaxy, travelling would still take years even at the speed of light. Millions of people would migrate to that other planet with the hope of a better life. Scouts would arrive first, to find out what the new world contains, if the water is drinkable, if air is enough clear and not poisonous. And if they woud find the planet good, they would bring people there. People would bring machines, materials, animals, plants, vegetables, fruits and other things to be able to build a new civilization on the new planet. They would travel in huge space ships that are even bigger than the titanic , which thousands of people would fit in. They would hibernate themself, and robots and AIs would control the space ship towards the new world. The travelling would take over 50 yeards, so this is why hibernation is required. Animals would get hibernated too. The spaceship would collect energy from the sun's and stars' power. As they would arrive on the other planet they would wake up from hibernation and start to work. They would take machiens off the ship, and start to format the terrain. Everyone would get a new life, with new chances. Everyone would have their own job, like lumberjacks, miners, hunters, of course they would still do these with machine. They would start to seek out the new planet's resources, like ores, plants and animals. After a long time of terrain formatting, they would start to build houses, these wouldn't look very futuristic because of the limited resources that they have currently. Not too later other space ship would start to arrive with lots of people in it. The planet would look way different than earth, it might have 2 suns, 3 moons or even crazier! People would change the plantes in some years. In a few hundred yeards the planet would look way different, people would build huge cities, farms, countries, and everything like on earth. There would be way more people until that. Technology would get so modern until that people would be able to get everything in just a second, they would be able to travel at the speed of light on the planet, and maybe even teleport with machines. This civilizatian would look way different than the current , here one earth. But people don't think about pollution, this world would get polluted in just a few hundred years, There would be more than more litter, environment would get seriously polluted. Because there wouldn't be any wars and they have cure for most diseases, too many people would live on the planet. So people would have look for a new world again.
  20. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    I litterally came online 10 seconds after the 2nd dropparty stopped ;-;
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