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1.18 The Economy Update - Changelog

Discussion in 'Major Updates' started by Salted, Dec 3, 2018.

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  1. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    That's good to hear. It took me a surprisingly long time to get to level 50.
  2. Morterm

    Morterm Hi

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    Wow cool

    Yes I might be half dead
    TalkingKittyCat likes this.
  3. Mainegor

    Mainegor Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Very exciting news
  4. BCrule

    BCrule Well-Known Adventurer

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    Looking like the coolest update I've seen in my time on this server, thank you guys for all your hard work!
    Stag2001 likes this.
  5. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    SEL please don't die I need your help to make an EPIC build
  6. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    i can't remember is the glistening melon from the golden cow a misc?
  7. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    The item Name is Golden Root, and yes it is misc.
  8. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    i better find it again then
  9. Cookiesss

    Cookiesss Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Can't wait for it to be released for everyone.
  10. tomjerry92

    tomjerry92 Warrior Sympathizer

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    This is going to be a real GRIND but at least it looks like it will be a fun one
  11. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    i played the beta and it was boring and tedious
  12. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Playing the beta isn’t an accurate way of judging the update. It’s a beta for a reason, so things that are fundamentally flawed can be improved
    trex1611 and Dexmio like this.
  13. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    yea they were fun at first but once they were made so complicated and had their length extended through forced token collection rooms it became a chore. kinda like the new mechanics we got like..fishing...and mining.. in a game that has never had a space for them because you kill enemies for gear and not spend 1000 years making items.
  14. faragoo

    faragoo Gavel citizen

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    So you're against grinding resources, but you're ok to grind monsters ?
    CrunchyCol and A Human like this.
  15. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    yea because i dont need to waste extra time making the armor that is ultimately better than the craftable armor
    plus its only 1 step in farming but in this new thing its mining, smelting, forging and its just all around a time waster when you could go after better gear by farming monsters
    when the update itself is flawed there isnt much to do to fix it. plus in the past wynncrafts betas have really just been bug testing and seeing if ppl like it and since the community is like "anybody who dislikes what wynncraft team does is hitler" and some of the community managers get super offended at any sight of criticism then no matter what the update will be liked. because those who dislike it dont matter.

    also a community manager locked my joke post even though it was obviously a joke
    she said "this isnt even worthy of being in nemracts bar"
    a bunch of snowflakes on here
  16. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    But... your profile picture..
    Which thread of yours was locked? The ‘1.18 - just play runescape’? That is obviously breaking the ‘no shitposting’ rule, I mean its literally just 10 words that could easily be a profile post. All threads like that are closed due to being pointless, whether they are about the update or not. Your second version of it in Nemract’s bar has not been locked , so I don’t see what you’re complaining about.

    Next, everyone agrees the update can and should be improved. Nobody is saying that people who dislike it are bad people.

    And finally - sure you might dislike making your own weapons. But many others do enjoy it, and crafted items can easily become powerful if you do it right. Its the same as builds - you need to make them well for them to be good and/or useful.

    Overall you just seem to be complaining that the server is not going in the exact direction you want it to, as you seemed to hate 1.17 as well for similar reasons. And 1.16 too.

    I see your points but you seem to have a very specific hope for the game and the CT has a different vision for it. They add what they think is necessary, and professions are what they decided it was finally time to add.
    trex1611, T-Flex and Dr Zed like this.
  17. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Out of curiosity, what direction are you hoping the game/server will go in.
    trex1611, Spinel and faragoo like this.
  18. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    We barely know any of the endgame ingredients or possible crafting recipes. How are you so sure that every crafted item will be "bad"? Have you seen the Rare Mob Megathread and that one ingredient for jewling that has like 10% walkspeed? From what I can tell, you can use at least 3 ingredients by then, so using all three of these will be better than any walkspeed accessory we have, durbility aside.
    That's because no update since Gavel has ever brought such major and complex mechanics. Also, crafting levels are the most contentious part of the update, and according to some people who played the beta, they've already improved by making crafted items give more XP.
    2. No useless content, spamming, or cheating the 10 character limit.

    (Useless content is: not putting any thought into a post or a post that has no purpose or does not add anything to the section or thread.) Spamming is any low quality post submitted repeatedly on the forums, including the shoutbox. Skipping the 10 character limit by adding something like “10chars” to your message is also not allowed except in the Trade Market when offering or negotiating an item price. You are allowed to post an otherwise useless message to bump a thread such as a shop, but not more than twice a day.
    Your post was breaking the rules, which is why it was locked, not because of us being "snowflakes"
    You can't expect a loyal community to not get offended by lazy "criticism", EVERY community does this. Look on the Hytale announcement thread, and scroll down to the reply where someone said "It looks like trash." That post had 30 dislikes the last time I checked.

    Also, this is not criticism. This is being rude. You're completely disregarding the work that the CT put into this update just because you don't like the idea of professions. Think about how many revamps, resources, and rare mobs that have been placed all over the map. Plus, desert discoveries and MH quests. That's pretty dedicated if you ask me.

    Also Also, criticism is received on here if it's constructive, which yours isn't. Look at @Dr Zed 's and @Nepeta Leijon 's criticism on the update. And guess what? They recognize the work that's been put in the update, say things they like about it, and give suggestions to improve what they don't like. Those are 3 things that they did that you didn't do.

    Even criticism on the whole game isn't forbidden. Take a look at @T-Flex 's thread from a while ago. https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-disappointing-state-of-gameplay-end-game-content.193918/

    Again, he states that he loves this game and only says these things to improve it. On top of that, he's a vet and a former IM member, so he's not a nobody either. Even though I disagree with him on some parts (Like how PvE is too easy. Wynn isn't meant to be a hard game, and if it was, it would turn away newbies from continuting to play and experience the cool endgame quests) and some of these things are fixed, he criticized things that actually mattered at the time, such as mythics and class imbalances, instead of petty things like, "It's just runescape." And guess what? When threads like these are made, THEY LISTEN. They stopped doing area updates and instead brought us two updates in a row to overall improve the quality of the game. Also Also Also, notice how nobody on T-Flex's thread lashed out on him for criticizing the game.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  19. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Just to expand on this:
    There's a difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Saying "This update is bad, you've ruined Wynncraft" isn't constructive criticism. What does it tell the dev team other than your dislike of the update? How do you think it makes them feel if you're just going to complain and not offer a solution?

    If you want to write good criticism that will be noticed and won't get you "disliked" it must be constructive. Generally, you'll want to:
    Address the feature you dislike in an unbiased manner, explaining what it does/how it doesn't work.
    Explain why the feature is flawed/bad and why you think that way, and the impact it has.
    Follow on from your points on why you think the feature is bad, and come up with a solution that you believe will make the feature good. Explain why you think this will fix the feature. This should still incorporate the overall idea of the feature, however. You shouldn't just say "Remove the feature it's bad", but moreso "Change the feature so it does this instead"

    Crafted items are bad, because many current items are better than it.
    I can easily find a better chestplate that outdoes any crafted chestplates I can make.
    Crafted items should be made slightly stronger than regular items as a base, or should be more versatile and customisable. This way, there will be more incentive to craft.

    Examples of bad criticism would be:
    Crafted items are shit, I can find any item from a mob that's way better. They should be removed because nobodies going to use them, or they're going to be so strong they break the game and it's unfair.

    Crafted items suck. They're boring. Remove them.

    In conclusion, the dev team does want criticism, as long as it's constructive. What they don't like is people bashing their work and making it seem like they wasted their time and effort. Saying that a feature is bad and not fully explaining why you think that, or offering an alternative to work with, is bad and gets people nowhere. That is what gets ignored and makes people out to seem like they don't matter. Honest and constructive criticism that accepts the work, addresses the flaws and provides a solution in a calm and unbiased manner is what gets noticed. Criticism doesn't have to be a bad thing. However, hating on something is not criticism, and is most definitely a bad thing.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
    trex1611, CrunchyCol, Dr Zed and 9 others like this.
  20. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    I'll try not repeating what Nepeta and Yuri said, so I'll give you personal experience instead.
    Before my IM role, I criticized the game, a lot. Not just the game, the forums too, Wynncraft as a whole. I never got shut down. Hell, I even think criticizing in a respectful manner is what pushed me upwards. I had the opportunity to directly talk to admins, mods and content team and your opinion couldn't be farther from the truth. They respect and value criticism a lot, as long as it's given in an appropriate manner.

    When I was part of the IM team, I spent a lot reading other people's replies. I really did. And the thing(s) that bothered me was tasteless criticism that had no intention of giving us feedback and refusal to listen. Criticism without purpose is a waste of time, for you and me both. If you want to shit on the game, go ahead, but don't call it feedback. Secondly, people need to learn to listen. Try seeing things from different perspective rather than trying to prove you are right.

    If you are frustrated about the update, that's good, it means you care. Caring is good and Wynn needs those people, but you'll need to express yourself differently. Your words can move mountains, so you'll need to construct them from feelings adequately if you wanna be taken seriously. I understand it's easy to get angry/frustrated and let your emotions speak instead, but rather than letting that happen, take a step back, take a deep breath and come back when you are calm and collected.

    If you don't care, well, then everything is different. Your words have no positive purpose behind them and you are here just to vent, tho judging from your replies, I don't think that's true.

    I really hope you gather something from this. Cause Wynn is a lot of things, but they certainly don't consider anyone a hitler because they disagree or criticize things.
    Spinel, JoshLegacy, trex1611 and 11 others like this.
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