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Guild ✴ Children Of Eris ✴ Now Recruiting Active Players! ✴ No Level Requirement! ✴

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Cenpyla, Apr 8, 2016.

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  1. Daexohn

    Daexohn seen some sh*t

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    In-Game Username: Daexohn
    Discord Tag: Daniel(not real name)
    Time Zone: EST
    Main Class & Level: Warrior, lvl 40
    How Often You're Active: Every 1-4 (if not on after a week im most likly on a trip)
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: Iv'e always wanted to join a guild and yours sounds the most interesting
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: I'm great at going long distances,farming,dungeon clearing,most patient person,and a big anime nerd

    I usually play Minecraft or watching youtube/anime and i often go tree climbing. I have a good sense of humor or so i'm told and i love just being in a virtual world and living a somewhat distant life from mine but cooler.
    (also i'm a great person to talk to if need cheering up)

    thanks for reading!
  2. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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  3. Zredy

    Zredy Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Elderzz
    Discord Tag: Elderzz
    Time Zone: GMT +1, Croatia (UTC +2)
    Main Class & Level: Archer Lvl. 42
    How Often You're Active: Well now that the holidays are coming i'll be on from 2-7 hours
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I am just looking for a place to hang out with people and have fun
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: Well, recently I have started recording a Wynncraft series on my YT channel (I don't have many subs) and I just like to help people get better armor, weapons, and level up. I can help in a lot of situations since I played on Wynn for 1 and a half year already (on and off because of school)
    Tell Us About Yourself!: Well, I am just another guy that likes Gaming, Minecraft and recording for YouTube. I also like playing the piano and helping people out. I also really enjoy hanging out with people and just talking(or playing something) because it cheers me up when I'm sad.

    Thanks for your time!
    Verle and Cenpyla like this.
  4. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Lia77 and Verle like this.
  5. Stardrifter21

    Stardrifter21 Grand Star Explorer

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    IGN: Stardrifter21
    Discord Tag: Stardrifter21
    Timezone: Pacific Standard
    Main Class & Level: Lvl 21 Archer
    Activity On Wynn: 1-3 Hours per day
    Why you want to join our guild: I just want to hang with some casual and chill people and have fun doing so. Maybe mske some new friends and new adventure members.
    How I can contribute to this guild: I can donate emerealds and as of right now for my first guild I want to make sure that everyone of the owners and chiefs have white horses I can also be availible to help out people in Wynn so that the higher level players dont have to spend time traveling in between lands.
    About me: I am a very dedicated person. Give me a task and I will not return to you unless the job is done. Very excited to meet new people and meet some new friends.
  6. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Lia77 and Verle like this.
  7. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Bump Bump Bump~
    Lia77 and Verle like this.
  8. ButteredDiamonds

    ButteredDiamonds Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: ButteredDiamonds (Ask if you really want to)
    Discord Tag: ButteredDiamonds
    Timezone: CDT
    Main Class & Level: Assassin, LVL 11
    (Also have LVL 41 Archer (no equipment except lvl 5 bow) & LVL 17 Warrior (Fully equipped except for horse and bracelets, rings, etc.))
    Activity on Wynncraft: ~1 hour on weekdays, ~2 hours on Saturday, ~30 min on Sunday
    (Will go on sporadic 2-3 hour runs, but will also go on for days without playing. WILL INFORM if I will be gone for more than a week)
    Why I want to join your guild: I love what you're doing, and I just want to have fun with a bunch of friends.
    How I can contribute to this guild: I can show the ropes to new people and will help low-leveled players. I can also contribute emeralds, but I would rather not, as I am helping my brother get a horse.
    About me: I am a 13-year old boy, but I figure myself as very mature (You can judge that for yourselves). I am very much involved in video games, and I love them, but my parents don't like me on my computer all the time. I am a tad bit shy and don't like busywork, but I will help people and make very close friends. Also, I have a brother, and if he is on, I will help him rather than anyone else (he's a bit of a noob). And as I am writing this, I realize I am a bit of a pessimist.
    EDIT* I would also like to know how I would get accepted, if it is in this forum, through Discord, or in game.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  9. TheOnly_Juan

    TheOnly_Juan "Where words fail, music speaks." VIP

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    In-Game Username: TheOnly_Juan
    Discord Tag: #7673
    Tumblr URL: Don't have one, but if needed, I'd be glad to create an account!
    Time Zone: Eastern
    Main Class & Level: Warrior - Level 17
    How Often You're Active: Maybe 3-5 hours a day?
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I've recently joined the server not too long ago and playing solo has been quite a lonely experience. Therefore, I thought I'd come onto the forums to seek out if a following guild would take me in and the name of your guild just drew my attention!
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: I'm not really sure what it is that I could offer, but whatever it is that you need, I can make sure I'll be there to assist in anyway possible. Whether it's needing an extra companion on a quest, help finding a certain thing, or simply someone to talk to, I'll try to contribute anything you see fit.
    Tell Us About Yourself!: Well, if you haven't figure it out already, my name is Juan and I'm 17 years old. I enjoy playing Minecraft, but just got really bored of playing the same old thing. My favorite color is blue as you can see that I'm using all over my application! I'm a simple gamer as majority of the people are online. I try not to be a nuisance to the fellow players around me. Uhm, what else? I guess you can say that I am quite mature, but I may be silly at times! I do moderate on another server, but I won't mention the name as it could get myself in trouble. That's pretty much it I guess? I guess if the time comes, you'll be able to learn more about my persona.
    Extra: Anyways, I sincerely hope you guys consider me as a fellow guild member. If not, no biggie, right? Well, see you guys in game!
    Verle and Cenpyla like this.
  10. BurnTehJues69

    BurnTehJues69 Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username DaddysKittens
    Discord Tag BananaMuffins9
    Time Zone Poland
    Main Class & Level Mage, level 62
    How Often You're Active 6+ hours a day
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild To maek new friends
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild I'm a gurlll gamer
    Tell Us About Yourself! I'm a 17 year old gamer from Poland, I like to cook yummies and place games x3 (rawr)! I also watch anime sometimes x3 #totalweeb xD. My boyfriend also broke up with me recently so I'm realllyyyy lonely . Please accept me.
  11. NotLuca

    NotLuca Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: NotABoy

    Discord Tag: Xenerik #8495

    Tumblr URL: -

    Time Zone: Gmt +1 (Germany)

    Main Class & Level: mage (55)

    How Often You're Active: daily for a different amount of time, but mostly a couple of hours

    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I always wanted to join a guild so i joined KoF some days ago but that guild sadly disbanded and now i obviously want to join a new guild! The fact that you use a voicechat (discord) made me to applicate here because talking whilst playing is 100 times cooler than writing whilst playing (:

    How You Can Contribute To The Guild:
    I can help the other guildmembers with quests (aslong they need any help ._.) and can keep a nice atmosphere with my funnyness and my jokes on the discord

    Tell Us About Yourself!
    I am just a 17 year old Boy that likes to play videogames.. Besides minecraft i play League of legends since a couple of years! I also like soccer (or football how we call it here in europe) aaaaand my favourite color is blue :D
    Cenpyla and Verle like this.
  12. NotLuca

    NotLuca Travelled Adventurer

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    Still waiting for an answer ._.
  13. Raxcental

    Raxcental Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Raxcental
    Discord Tag:
    None yet but soon :)
    Tumblr URL: N/A
    Time Zone: PST
    Main Class & Level:
    Level 30 Warrior
    How Often You're Active:
    1-6 hours a day
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild:
    I would like to make new friends and finally get into voice chatting online :)
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: I can donate weapons to lower levelled players. Maybe help out on quests when needed.
    Tell Us About Yourself! I'm a student at ITT. I like reading, music, video games, exploring, and new shiny tech. My favorite color is cyan!
  14. JengoD

    JengoD Chief Memer

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    very nic eguild
    Cenpyla likes this.
  15. Verle

    Verle Atlas Devotee HERO

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    Bump bump~
  16. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Bump Bump Bump!~
    Verle likes this.
  17. Shalyk

    Shalyk Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: VoidicAvali
    Discord Tag: Maxsu227 #8401
    Tumblr URL: Nope.avi
    Time Zone: EST
    Main Class & Level: Level 46 Assassin
    How Often You're Active: IDK, it’s summer and a good number of games I usually played "broke" somehow, so I'll be playing on this for most of my time. If you a number, then 1-4 hours. 1-12 happens sometimes...
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I want be in a group that I can help out. Somewhere that I hang out with others on this server. Feels lonely by myself.
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: Other then EXP and emeralds, I'll help anyone that needs help anyway I can if it's in my power and is reasonable. (I have some stuff that I can lend)
    Tell Us About Yourself!
    First, my favourite colour is purple, and the spelling is correct, I'm Canadian.
    Anyway, I'm an 18-year-old Male gamer that likes to support anyone that needs help in any way I can. I'm a bit socially awkward and will try to do whatever I can to make others comfortable.
    Also, I’m a math/science person, so spelling might be a bit lacking at times. That or I'm just very tired. :)
    Cenpyla likes this.
  18. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Verle likes this.
  19. Cire360

    Cire360 Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    In-Game Username: Cire360

    Discord Tag:
    Cire360 (DJay)#7700

    Tumblr URL:
    Don't use tumblr

    Time Zone:
    Atlantic Time

    Main Class & Level:
    50 mage

    How Often You're Active:
    very active when I'm not doing school or homework

    Why You Want To Join Our Guild:
    I like to help people

    How You Can Contribute To The Guild:
    I don't know i can be that person who just makes you laugh at stupid stuff I've done in the past...... I'm not that interesting

    Tell Us About Yourself!

    Favourite colour Purple, Favourite animal Skunk, 3 favourite music artist are Marianas Trench, Krewella and EDEN..... I can be socially awkward I'm a 14-year old Female. I like to help as much as i can and my time on depends on how much school work i have due to I'm behind in school. I'm also Canadian so i spell things differently and i major in math especially remembering numbers.
    Verle likes this.
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