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Guild ✯ Necronomicon ✯ [ Feq ] ( A New Thread Posted By Mrghostly )

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by i eat bees, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. Frost E Dragon

    Frost E Dragon Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: Frost_dragon99

    Class/level: Archer, 50

    Previous Guilds: None

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: Retired from the server for several months, Pre-Guild Just now coming back

    Timezone/Country: USA, Central

    Average Amount of Time Online: 5-6 hours daily

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? Varies on how good the guild is

    Do you like doing guild wars? I really haven't tried any guild wars in this server yet, but on MMO's I seem to do fairly well.

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? 9

    Skype (optional): sleekshot222

    Age (optional): 17

    English level 1-10: 10

    Additional Information (optional): My name is Ch, My name is Ch, My name is Chigga Chigga Slim Shady!
    I'm sorry but the opportunity is too great!
  2. M3M3LORDZ

    M3M3LORDZ Travelled Adventurer

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    Ign: M3M3LORDZ
    Class/Level: I am a lvl 84 mage
    Previous Guild: I Am in King Of Theives (KoT)
    Reason for leaving/kick: I left because it was a guild me and my friend created and it was not are plan to make it permanint.
    TimeZone/country: UCT and I live in America
    Average Amount or play time: I play around from 8am to 10pm my time so I average around to 12 hours of my life (IM A NO LIFE)
    Skype: djcraftmc (I was 8 when I made this #Dont judge)
    Experience with other Guilds: Just Know Commands really
    Age: Im 12 and im decently mature for my age
    English: 10-10 cause well I was born in america
    Additional Information: ALL I DO IS WYNN
  3. GuardShredd

    GuardShredd Shady guy under the bridge that sells potatoes.

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    Class/Level- Archer Lvl 84 Warrior Lvl 22
    Previous Guild- I am in KoT a guild of me and another friend of mine
    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked- We decided to apply for this guild and leave are guild behind (It was a small 2 person guild, those people being me and a friend)
    Timezone/Country- I am EST in the U.S.A
    Average amount of time online- I usually play from 9:00 AM to 10:00-11:00 PM all week (Around 13 hours)
    Skype (Optional) My skype is shredder_playz (I was a child when I made this skype don't judge name :D)
    Experience with guilds- I don't have a lot of experience with guilds, but I know the commands and guild wars etc.
    Age (Optional) I am 13 years old.
    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? I will almost always have my guild xp on 25-50% and donate a good emeralds almost daily.
    Do you like doing guild wars? I haven't did many guild ways but the couple wars I have done I loved it!
    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? I think I'm a solid 7/10.
    Additional Information (Optional) My name is Zach and I've been playing wynncraft for about a year (some on a different account) I enjoy wynncraft a lot and uh.. That's about it!
  4. MeSlimeyNoob77

    MeSlimeyNoob77 I CANT PLAY WYNNCRAFT (java probs)

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    Class lvl:Lvl 64,Archer (im nearly lvl 65)
    Previous guilds:HaHaUnited(idk why i got kicked)Historical(They raised the req lvl so i got kicked)DaClassyGoats(I left to help out 3zPz in Artifact)Artifact(Left cuz there were only 3 people in the guild who were active)
    Avg amount of time online:Weekdays:around 30-45 mins.Weekends:around 90 mins
    Emeralds/Xp donation:Emeralds:Any spare emeralds that i get(Thats about or more than a stack atleast per day).xp:15%usual.8%when farming and 45% when I want to give the guild some xp :).
    How much I like doing wars:I AM HYPED ABOUT WARS!!!(I would have to do atleast 1 per day when i was capt in one of my previous guilds)
    How mature i am(as 5/10 being medium):7/10
    English level:8/10
  5. Burritoos

    Burritoos I Build Things HERO

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    IGN: Burritoos

    Class/level: Archer, level 66 (i will probably level up more until you read this)

    Previous Guilds: Friend's guild. ("The Nachos guild")

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: I left my old guild becuase except for 1 person, they were inactive and it wasn't fun.

    Timezone/Country: UTC/GMT +3 hours, Israel

    Average Amount of Time Online: 1-4 hours a day

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? i will donate about 20% of my xp to the guild, and if i join i will donate 1le, and from time to time i will donate more ebs

    Do you like doing guild wars? I did only one on my last guild, but it was an accident xD but its sounds cool!

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? 9

    Skype: (I wont say it here but i will say it if i get accepted <:)

    Experience with guilds: as i said i was on one guild, but they were inactive.

    Age: 14

    English level 1-10: 6

    Additional Information: em... i applied for the wynncraft build team XD but other then that none :)
  6. yolli

    yolli Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: GaPoiVNv2

    Class/level:archer 95 warrior 91

    Previous Guilds: hax and fuq

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: leaved cuz of 2 much wars and pressure and fuq not active

    Timezone/Country: Israel utc+ 2:00

    Average Amount of Time Online:5hour a day

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? a lot of xp

    Do you like doing guild wars? ye but not like in hax 70 a day I can do like 30 a day

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? 7

    Skype (optional):yes ill give if I join

    Experience with guilds (optional):

    Age (optional):14

    English level 1-10 (optional):7-8

    Additional Information (optional):I like cookies and my name is omri
  7. Nirguy

    Nirguy Nirguy

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    Hmm why does your account says your IGN is yolii?
  8. Obito

    Obito Playing Wynncraft Theme Songs Since 2016

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    IGN: ReversedFlashII

    Class/level: Knight/24

    Previous Guilds: None

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: N/A

    Timezone/Country: UTC-8:00/United States

    Average Amount of Time Online: 1-2 hours

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? I'll do my best to donate one emerald block per day.

    Do you like doing guild wars? I have never done it, but I am looking forward to it.

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? 9.

    Skype (optional): owen_chen13

    Experience with guilds (optional):

    Age (optional): 14

    English level 1-10 (optional): 10

    Additional Information (optional):
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  9. yolli

    yolli Well-Known Adventurer

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    Because name change
  10. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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  11. Nirguy

    Nirguy Nirguy

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  12. RedBullcc

    RedBullcc Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: LemonMC_2000
    Class/level: Warrior,76 and Assassin,63 (planned to get to level 68 within 3 days)
    Previous Guilds: HoL
    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: Being inactive for too long at past (I am joining this server again xD)
    Timezone/Country: Hong Kong
    Average Amount of Time Online: 4hours/more a day
    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? em... I will contribute what I have to the guild... at least 1LE/week?
    Do you like doing guild wars? Absolutely. I'd love the feeling of killing tons of mobs
    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? About 6
    Age (optional): 16
    English level 1-10 (optional): 5 , I am not good at English at all
    Additional Information (optional): I love wynncraft! I will play as much as I can!
  13. Nerd_Phantom

    Nerd_Phantom Hey CHAMPION

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    your English level is 6 just so you know. accepted, @LordMuttonChops will add you as soon as he gets online.
  14. Nerd_Phantom

    Nerd_Phantom Hey CHAMPION

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    i have Roi to give me info on the guild, no need to talk here.
  15. J890098

    J890098 Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: Talk2justin

    Class/level: mage lvl 71

    Previous Guilds: small guilds made by the people I meet grinding.

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: the guilds never have anyone online and there are no guild raids.

    Timezone/Country: Pacific western standard

    Average Amount of Time Online: 2 hours a day average. I am not sure once school starts.

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? 10 % of exp and 10 % of all emeralds I gain.

    Do you like doing guild wars? They look very fun but the guilds I used to be in did not attack any territories

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? People tell me I am very mature but I believe I am only 8/10

    Skype (optional): jstin890098

    Age (optional): 15

    English level 1-10 (optional): I am fluent in English 9/10
  16. windrush25

    windrush25 Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: Pixel_Thunder

    Class/level: Archer/55

    Previous Guilds: I forgot name

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: The Guild died

    Timezone/Country: Central Time Zone, USA

    Average Amount of Time Online: a few hours, depends

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? As much as i can

    Do you like doing guild wars? Yes! They are fun

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? Ehhh an 8 and it just depends

    Skype (optional): (classified)

    Experience with guilds (optional): I can be pretty level headed and i can sort out problems

    Age (optional): 13

    English level 1-10 (optional): ummm 10?

    @LordMuttonChops and @TheMineNerd
  17. DeathMaster43

    DeathMaster43 Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: DeathMaster43

    Mage 38

    Previous Guilds:

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked:

    Timezone/Country: France

    Average Amount of Time Online: 2-5h /d

    Skype (optional):

    Experience with guilds (optional) : /

    Additional Information (optional): 19 years old

    English level : Good school level
  18. _Prototype

    _Prototype Newbie Adventurer

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    : _Prototype
    Class/level: Archer lvl 49/50

    Previous Guilds: /

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked:

    Timezone/Country: France

    Average Amount of Time Online: 3-6h /d

    Skype (optional): prototype_9999

    Experience with guilds (optional) : /

    Additional Information (optional): I am 16years old

    English level : i have a good school level

    I am a friend of DeathMaster
  19. ItzParkerr

    ItzParkerr Pineapple From sukroC

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    IGN: _Parkerr_

    Class/level: Mage/60 1/2

    Previous Guilds: There was one but i can't recall the name.

    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: I Changed Name And None Of The Helpers Or Whatever They Are Called Wouldn't Add Me Back.

    Timezone/Country: America EST

    Average Amount of Time Online: 3-4 hrs possibly? I don't count the time but its a good amount.

    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate?: I'm gonna be donating at least 15% of my xp to the guild I am leveling a lot right now.

    Do you like doing guild wars?: I haven't had experience since i lagged a lot when i was in my old guild but now I wont lag as much and I'll be able to participate.

    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are?: 6-7

    English level 1-10: 6 probably I sometimes mess up punctuation and spelling.
  20. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    IGN: EpicZ501
    Class/level: Mage level 60
    Previous Guilds: N/A
    Reason for leaving prev guild/being kicked: N/A
    Timezone/Country: E.S.T. America
    Average Amount of Time Online: 3-6hours a day (some weeks i take breaks)
    If you join the guild, How much xp/emeralds will you donate? Lots of xp and emeralds IN TOTAL an LE or more
    Do you like doing guild wars? DUH of course
    In 1-10 how mature do you think you are? 8.1
    Experience with guilds (optional): Although I have never been in a guild my nerdiness made me study them for an hour so I know lots of good things i can to do contribute to the guild.
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