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Guild ✮✮ |Nefarious Ravens|Lvl 89|Community & Warring Guild

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by FateSpoiled, Jul 29, 2021.

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  1. Seppel_2003

    Seppel_2003 Newbie Adventurer

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    IGN: Seppel_2003
    Discord Username: Seppel_2003#0946
    Age: 19
    Level and Class of your main Character: lvl 94 Shaman
    Rough playtime per day/week: it alternates between 3-4 hours in the evenings and up to 6hours at weekends, but varies in term times and holidays
    Why would you like to join us?: I’m looking for a community to explore the map with. I need help with some bosses and to just generally meet new people.
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: As above - provide me with support in finishing my quests, working out builds that actually work and just find new people
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: No One was online anymore
    Do you war/have interest in war?: I don’t currently, but maybe soon.
  2. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    Hey there! Thank you for applying! We'd love to invite you to join NFR! I'm sending a friend request on discord so we can extend our discord invite to you :)
  3. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    Guess who updated the forums thread ;)
  4. clore

    clore Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: clorecent
    Discord Username (Name#1234): clore#0001
    Age & Timezone: 16, EST
    Level and Class of your main Character: Lvl 104 Mage
    Rough playtime per day/week: 1-2 hours on weekdays 3+ hours on weekends
    Why would you like to join us?: Looking for a friendly guild to war and do other events with
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: Introduce me into warring, very new to it
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: IBT, left due to timing complications
    Do you war/have interest in war?: Yes
  5. Heathclyff

    Heathclyff Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: Heathclyff
    Discord Username (Name#1234): Heathclyff#7969
    Age & Timezone: Paris
    Level and Class of your main Character: 106 archer
    Rough playtime per day/week: 5h or more
    Why would you like to join us?: Lvlup my prof
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: Let me use the booster for e teachers in the skies
    [Let me use the booster for e teachers in the skies: Gks / Storage (it's guild with my friends)/ Prof
    Do you war/have interest in war?: Why not war. I have aftershock build dps
  6. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    OwO i'm doing a little bump
  7. Zepartt

    Zepartt Zepart CHAMPION

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    IGN: Zepart
    Discord Username (Name#1234): Zepart#4357
    Age & Timezone: 17 GMT+2
    Level and Class of your main Character: 105 Assassin / 99 DarkWizard
    Rough playtime per day/week: 4/5 hours a day
    Why would you like to join us?: Iam looking for new players to play wynncraft with cuze iam currently just playing alone the whole time its gets really boring, and i want to get more experience in guilds.
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: a fun and active guild to find new people in that can share their experience about wynn.
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: Titans Valor, I got kicked because i was inactive because a new game got out and i decided to play that instead of wynn.
    Do you war/have interest in war?: Yes and on my main profile i have done 101 Wars.
  8. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    Hey there! We'd love to invite you to our guild! I've sent you a friend request on discord so I can DM you :)
  9. abeautifulthing

    abeautifulthing Professional Optimist CHAMPION

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    IGN: Rxgue____
    Discord Username (Name#1234): Rogue#2468
    Age & Timezone: 19, AEST
    Level and Class of your main Character: Warrior 82
    Rough playtime per day/week: Usually play while I am working, so 4 hours in the evening 3 weekdays and 6 hours midday one weekend, as well as more hours here and there. I am just getting back into it so I have yet to settle into my routines.
    Why would you like to join us?: I want to chat while I play to some friendly people (not kids, LGBT+ and female inclusive), help & have help with quests/raids/boss fights, and am a bit competitive about guild championship.
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: Have some friendly people active during my playtime. Allow me (when I can and want to) to war!!!!!! and win!!!!!
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: Ascendant (teeny guild from 7 years ago) - Nobody is active any more. Nerfuria (just joined) - Mostly people from Europe, barely anybody active during my play hours.
    Do you war/have interest in war?: I want to war but definitely need to level up and get a proper build first. Don't know how to war yet either.
  10. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    Hi there! We would love to invite you to our guild! I'm sending a friend request over discord so I can send you our discord invite :)
  11. CucumberDaddy11

    CucumberDaddy11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hello! :) I hope whoever is reading this has the most stress-free day <3

    IGN: CucumberDaddy11
    Discord Username (Name#1234): CucumberDaddy11#4240
    Age & Timezone: 18, EST.
    Level and Class of your main Character: I don't currently have a main, however my highest is a 105 warrior.
    Rough playtime per day/week: My playtime varies, but I do believe I average 7 hours a week of casual play, typically in the afternoon.
    Why would you like to join us?: I am very interested in meeting new people and hopefully creating one or two long-term friendships!
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: Treat me kindly, please. I'm a little slow, haha.
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: I was a very active warring member in Lux Nova. I didn't quite click with the members there - I had good chemistry with everybody and made quick work of befriending every active member, it's just that everyone there happened to have known each other for years and it was hard for my newbie little self to squeeze in, lol
    Do you war/have interest in war?: I would love to war! I used to do it nearly every day during my stay at Lux Nova. I unfortunately lost my old warring build, so I would need a bit of time to design a new one :)
  12. FateSpoiled

    FateSpoiled Owner [HAVN] | Guild Mum CHAMPION

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    Hi there! We'd love to invite you to our guild, I've sent you a friend request on discord :)
  13. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    IGN: thedumox
    Discord Username (Name#1234): ThedumbOX#2724
    Age & Timezone: 16, AEST
    Level and Class of your main Character: Level 105 Archer, I'm also levelling some other classes so that I can war.
    Rough playtime per day/week: Per day is inconsistent, however 5 hours per week is doable on weekends + random weekday playtime
    Why would you like to join us?: I would like to join the guild community, as its something I haven't interacted with.
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: I would like a little support with class building, and I'm also interested in hunting :)
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: Used to be part of a small guild called Fuzzy Spiders, but it died and I left. I joined another guild called The broken gasmask (TBGM), And I left about a couple months ago for my exams.
    Do you war/have interest in war?: I am interested in warring and could afford some cheap builds.
  14. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    Hello :)

    IGN: Zitrine
    Discord Username Citrine#0678
    Age & Timezone: 21, GMT +1
    Level and Class of your main Character: Recently got back into Wynncraft, deleted all old characters (level 100+) to get a fresh start- so right now my highest is a Shaman and Mage at level 75 both and my current Knight at 50. I understand if this does not qualify me even with my former experience but I'll gladly reapply once my Knight reaches 80+ :)
    Rough playtime per day/week: I cannot guarantee activity every day but as it looks right now I put at least 10 hours into Wynncraft every week.
    Why would you like to join us?: I wish to seek friends that keeps me engaged with Wynncraft, why I picked NFR is because I wholeheartedly trust people that say they are LGBTQIA+ inclusive and those communities tend to be the best.
    What do you expect NFR to do for you: Mostly what I described above, a friendly community.
    [If Applicable]Previous Guilds/Affiliations & why you left: Used to run a guild with a couple of friends years ago when guilds had just started out, but that's about my experience with guilds. Much has changed.
    Do you war/have interest in war?: Absolutely, they seem very engaging nowadays!
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