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Guild ✫✫ The Clowns [MALD] - Community & War Guild - Recruiting Level 60+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by AkhilFV, Jun 21, 2022.

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  1. SlatyNtus

    SlatyNtus noob noob CHAMPION

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    1. Yousuff
    2. gmt british summer time uk
    3. dark wizard lvl 78 and my ninja which im leveling currently 50 ish
    4. bought 8-12 hours rn but soon will be 4-8
    5. adventuring and exploring the little things, invested in the lore asf would like to learn more and ofc the raid and gear building, basically everything and i'll war when im higher level on my assassin.
    6. Will war soon and can be active in the community.
    7. Was in fox years ago recently found out they all basically quit wynncraft, i was in shadowfall and another big one i dont quite remember, everytime i've left a guild it was because i quit the game.
    8. I am, I just need to learn how it works it sounds fun asf tho.
    9. I was in cinfras and i saw some sexy banner and was my beloved cosmetic is the jester hat so i knew it had to be clown gang for life
    10. Discord Tag: ifku
    11. 19, i aint no weeb or furry and idk why my pfp is this...
    AkhilFV likes this.
  2. Starson

    Starson Astronomical Clown HERO

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    2. EST (GMT-4), United States
    3. I have a level 105 Shaman class I mainly play on currently, as well as a level 103 Assassin that I'm currently trying to find or make a build on.
    4. My activity is rather all over the place, some days play for several hours straight and some none at all. I will usually at the very least play for an hour or two on the weekends.
    5. I love doing the quests, fighting bosses, and just generally exploring around Wynncraft.
    6. I'll try to help out others with raids, quests, all of the sorts whenever I can, and just be someone you can hopefully get to rely on for some help with any fight that is giving you difficulty, as well as improving my own skills and get better at the game.
    7. I was previously apart of "Idiotco" (ICO), and I left simply because of my lack of interest in playing Wynncraft at the time.
    8. I still don't know much about warring, how to do it, or its mechanics, but I'm willing to learn how to do so and am interested in helping any way I can.
    9. Looking through the forums, and the banners surrounding certain areas I traveled through intrigued me on what this clan could do for me
    10. Starz#7117
    11. 15, In my free time I love to listen to music, exercise and solve jigsaw puzzles.
    AkhilFV likes this.
  3. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    you've been accepted! I've sent you an invite in-game (/gu join MALD when you're online next) and a friend request on discord to invite you to our server
  4. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by? - MilkTheViolin
    2. Timezone / Geographical Region - Cali; PST
    3. What classes do you play and what level are they? - Warrior and shaman, both 105. Leveling up an archer to 105 now too
    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft? - 10-20 hours a week
    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft? - I like lootrunning and leveling new classes. I also like doing raids occasionally too.
    6. How can you contribute to the guild? - I can help out with raids and would like to do wars when I get more experience (I've never really done wars before)
    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left. - Just a friends only guild (FHF). We all left to find bigger guilds with more active players.
    8. Are you interested in warring? - I would like to do wars occasionally. My main focus right now is leveling up my archer.
    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild? - I looked through the Wynn forums and found it. It seems like a good guild to be in!
    10. Discord Tag - proudcow
    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional): 21; have been playing Wynn off and on for about 8 years!
  5. Joches

    Joches Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by? - Joches_ , (Joches)
    2. Timezone / Geographical Region - PST (NA)
    3. What classes do you play and what level are they? - Assassin (104) and Archer (105)
    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft? - Casually on and off for a few hours. Maybe like 5-10 hrs a week
    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft? - Quests with friends on new classes or lootrunning and some raids.
    6. How can you contribute to the guild? - I can help out with raids and other guild activities.
    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left. - A friend guild, left to look for active player guild.
    8. Are you interested in warring? - Maybe, never done it before but I could try it once in a while.
    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild? - Not referred, saw on forums.
    10. Discord Tag: jochesje
    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional): - 21, Looking for an active guild to hang out with other active players
  6. Kraxli

    Kraxli Kraxli VIP

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    1.Kraxli - I prefer to be called Gabe or Krax.
    2.EST(GMT+1), Europe
    3. I've got two classes, a level 83 Mage and an upcoming Assassin, lvl 6
    4. I will try to play Wynncraft during the school year for short periods of time(max. 30mins), not every day(I will hit for 3-4 times a week).
    5. I am mostly doing caves and quests. After those I focus on discoveries and secrets.(Mainly for maxing outthe classes) If I don't feel like doing those, I just organize my Ender Chest. I also do slaying posts sometimes.
    6. I think I would only be able to do anying leveling related except professions. I am really talkative and friendly.
    7. No. I haven't been in any guilds.
    8.No, I don't have any interest in warring.
    9. I was looking for guilds to join, and there was a shout about looking for recruitments.
    10. Gabee#2057 / gabeeheehee
    11. I easily rage online and in real life. I have basic piano skills and I'm really good with tech. And also girls hate me.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
  7. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Hey y'all! Your applications were accepted several days ago, but I was traveling and wasn't able to get back to you guys on it immediately. It looks like my chief's sent you in-game invites, but y'all were offline at the time and for whatever reason they didn't give you any other indication of your acceptance...
    I noticed y'all are both in another guild right now but if you'd still like to join MALD, we'd love to have y'all. I've sent you discord friend requests as well.
    Hey, you've been accepted! I've sent you a friend request on discord so I can invite you to our server and get you set up in the guild :D
  8. Crossbones4528!

    Crossbones4528! Travelled Adventurer

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    Crossbones4528, prefer just cross
    Assassin 102 warrior 67
    I play around 10 hours a week mostly on weekends
    I like raids and dungeons exploring new parts of the map
    I can contribute xp and help out in any events or help lower level classes in raids and dungeons
    Yes, The Gamer Donuts, I left cause no one really did anything I want to join a more active guild
    I am very interested in warring
    I came by MALD by seeing the territory markings in game the searched up the guild and decided I would like to join
    Discord is Crossbones4528
    I am 16 really enjoy wynncraft kinda grind it like nothing else, I play tennis and play an instrument.
  9. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    You've been accepted! Let me know once you've left your current guild so I can invite you. Easiest way would be to /msg AkhilFV in-game probably.
  10. Crossbones4528!

    Crossbones4528! Travelled Adventurer

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    I left my guild can you send the invite
    AkhilFV likes this.
  11. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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    1. IGN (In-Game Username) & what do you prefer to go by?
    My IGN is XExposure
    2. Timezone / Geographical Region
    AEST, Eastern Australia
    3. What classes do you play and what level are they?
    I main warrior and basically only play it, I’m level 106 on it.
    4. Activity? How often do you play Wynncraft?
    I try to play Wynncraft daily. I can play 2+ hours in the holidays and probably 30 minutes a day during school.
    5. What do you like doing in Wynncraft?
    Right now I enjoy doing raids and loot runs and just playing with my friends.
    6. How can you contribute to the guild?
    I can contribute to the guild as I have a high level warrior account. I can do raids with other guild members, and also participate in wars.
    7. Have you been in any guilds in the past? If so, please tell us which and why you left.
    Titans Valor - I was kicked because my discord broke and so I couldn’t check in with the guild.
    Glow - A placeholder guild
    Idiot Co - I’m currently in this guild and I want to leave after just 3 days in it :skull: because they’re idiots.
    8. Are you interested in warring?
    Yes I am interested in warring and I have some decent funds for getting war builds (1 stx+3 moon towers)
    9. How did you hear about MALD? Were you referred to the guild?
    I heard about the guild on the forums. TheNelston was also talking about MALD in Idiot Co chat
    10. Discord Tag: nato_bean
    11. Age / Additional information / Anything else you would like to share about yourself and your interests (Optional): I’m in high school right now
  12. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Looks good, lmk when you've left ICo so I can send you the invite.
  13. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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    I have left ICo. Can I also get the discord?
  14. Phanleanhkhoi

    Phanleanhkhoi Severely skill issued adventurer

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    1 Phanleanhkhoi
    2. 7+ timezone
    3. I have a level 105 archer ,level 105 warrior, level 105 assassin, level 95 shaman
    4. About 1 hour a day, 2 to 3 hours on weekends
    5. Get riches and doing TNA, Forgery
    6. I can craft 21% stealing accessories and contribute GXP
    7.Walrus HQ. The guild fizzled out and died. I left
    8. I will show up to war whenever my tank class isn't too far away from warring terriotry
    9. I was scrolling forums and found the guild
    10. Discord Tag: phanleanhkhoi
  15. AkhilFV

    AkhilFV [MALD] The Clowns - Owner CHAMPION

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    Hey, I sent you an invite in-game! You can do /gu join MALD to join. Message guild chat in-game for the discord, or you can dm me at flamingvictini
  16. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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    Bump 10char
  17. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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  18. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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    Bump join!
  19. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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    daily bump :o
  20. XExposure

    XExposure Skilled Adventurer

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