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Art ✩ Alternative History Flag Thread ☭[not Accepting Requests Atm See Page Four]

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by MyNamesHalo, May 20, 2016.


Would you like more of these 'Alternative history flags'?

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    22 vote(s)
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  1. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Oh yeah, by the way, sources if you just want to be sure.

    The eastern, populated part of China that includes 95% of the Chinese population can be regionalized into all of the following, except: A. the North China plain, dominated by the Huang He (Yellow) river and the capital city of Beijing; B. the Chang Jiang Basins in the center, dominated the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) river, the city of Shanghai; and including the populated, interiorly located province of Sichuan; C. the Xi Jiang Delta in the south, including the Xi river and the city of Guangzhou (Canton); D. the Northeast industrial region, including the steel city of Shenyang; E. the Xizang plateau that is characterized by the Tibetan organized theocracy headed by the exiled Dalai Lama.

    from: http://maps.unomaha.edu/Peterson/geog1000/Notes/Notes_Exam3/China.html (I first saw it somewhere else, but a quick google search gave me this)
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  2. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Quick note: I will be at my grandparents for the week so I wont be able to work on this in the coming week, but Im still thinking about the scenarios!
    Coolfood likes this.
  3. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Ey! Sorry that I had been inactive for the past few days, its just that I kinda lost interest over the days but fortunately I still hadn't forgotten about this beaut of a thread! And as a sign that I'm still working on the upcoming scenarios I will post a new flag here right now! With the scenario coming in a few days (or weeks, I dunno you can't tell me how to live my life).

    Also, the second part of this thread will be continued in this comment as I will be adding to it when new scenarios arise (this is to avoid the text limit on the forums), the same goes for all the other parts of this thread when each part has a couple of scenarios or so.

    Anyway, without further ado...

    Part II

    What if the Roman Empire never fell?
    Suggested by @sc1020 Reborn (aka ShadowMage1)

    Flag of the Roman World Republic (RWR)
    RWR flag.png
    Notes: Yes, the phoenix could of been drawn better but ey, at least its not the worst thing ever, right?



    Sources: Alternative history hub, yahoo answers, and other sites I forgot about.

    The Roman World Republic, or rather; the RWR is an empire that is known to be the largest empire to ever span the Earth in its timeline after surviving its supposed downfall in 476 AD. Some of you might have noticed that this was the year in which the western half of the empire fell, with the eastern half surviving until 1453 (if this was the case then kudos to you). This eastern side of the empire lasted a whole 977+ years after its western counterpart fell and is better known as the Byzantine empire. Now if you ask me, the Roman empire had a really freaking good run during its time. Unfortunately all great things must come to an end and the empire was no exception. Before we go on about this supposed "RWR" we must look at why the empire fell in the first place. Oh and by the way, by "fall of the Roman Empire" I mean the western empire. As most sources do not refer to the Byzantine empire as "Roman" even though they called themselves Roman in their time.

    Now I'm not here to teach you on why the empire fell, no, that is what your history class is for; this is an ALTERNATE history thread or more specifically this is a FLAG thread for ALTERNATE history
    scenarios. However, I will briefly state which problems led to the empire's downfall.

    The fall of the Roman Empire was rather a combination of problems such as...


    The Economy


    Assassinations of Leaders

    and even the introduction of Christianity

    No, I'm not anti religious, I'm just simply stating that there were simply too many differences between the beliefs of the Roman gods and the beliefs of Christianity, especially since the Romans persecuted Christians and even killed Christ himself, and when Christianity actually became the official religion of the empire (thanks to Constantine the Great) there would obviously be some...backlash . Not to mention; in our timeline the (corrupt) Church burned ancient texts that could of been used for education and scientific purposes causing them to be lost forever. leading to the Dark Ages...

    Lets assume that some magic fairy dust gets sprinkled and *poof!* the empire is able to take care of these factors (and yes, Christianity wouldn't be as prominent of a religion as it is today if not at all).

    So the Empire continues to expand inward (the empire simply wasn't very interested in outward expansion I guess) conquering Germanic tribes and other peoples making the Empire one of the most diverse in history. Eventually the Romans survive long enough to get their hands on some gunpowder or as I would like to call it: "The thing that goes boom boom when you light it" leading to a significant advantage to the Romans. As the empire gradually expands, the Romans build more cities, outposts, roads, etc along the way until they eventually encounter China

    ...but seeing that this fictional empire is called the Roman WORLD Republic it's obvious to see that China would eventually be conquered if the Romans were able to successfully win a war against them somehow.

    The Romans have conquered all of Europe and most of Asia, as well as a few African states thrown in to boot yet it wouldn't be a while until the Southern Hemisphere would be "discovered" as the Romans weren't particularly too interested in outward expansion unlike in our timeline as they necessarily wouldn't need to, especially with the amount of land they had gained over the years.

    Yet the interest is eventually spiked up and colonies are soon set up in the Americas. Other Empires plumage to the ground, land is acquired, treasure is gained, the Roman culture has been spread around the new world, and new cities are built.

    The Romans
    somehow conquer most if not all of the world and any rebellions, partially those from certain Germanic tribes are crushed. But with all this land the Romans would be partially light rulers allowing the different regions maintain their cultural and political statuses (like the UK but bigger?) and the empire rather becomes a unified collection of different political members.

    Technology is more advanced than in our timeline as the Dark Ages never occurred and the Romans spread their ideas around the world, hell; they made a computer FROM GEARS. I think its safe to bet that the Romans could of easily done more in their time had they survived. They could of probably landed a man on the Moon a good amount of years before the United States sent the crew of Apollo 11 there ('MURICA!).

    Also I'm running out of ideas now so uh...the Romans eventually fight aliens...?

    Map: Too lazy to make a map ATM but it's basically the whole world; just imagine that.

    Edit 2:

    What of Russia won the Crimean war? Suggested by @Kaiser Zahr'ghûl

    Flag of the Liberated Ottoman Movement or LOM (Trust me on this one)

    Sources: Alternatehistory (not the YT channel) Wikipedia And Google Images for Tracing the swords on the flag and the Islamic symbol (yes I wanted the symbol to be accurate to the one on the Ottoman/Turkey flag)
    LOM flag.png

    The Crescent symbol is...well you know what it is...the green represents the Caliphate and the red represents the Sultanate. The White stripes represent Turkish Purity (as white generally represents purity) from foreign influence.


    The Liberated Ottoman movement or the LOM was a political movement/government of the former Ottoman empire seeking to be free from the USSR after it won the Crimean war. Before we talk about the LOM though we should give a short summary on the War and what effects would take place had the Russians won the war.

    In short Russia was expanding into the Danube/Balkans Region which was under Turkish (Ottoman) control at the time. This obviously led to having a Turkish-Russian war take place, after all its like if you were a baby and someone wanted to look at whatever you're holding at the moment, even if they're not taking full control of it. But being a baby you don't like that and whoever is taking the *insert item name here* you're holding is stealing what is yours, of course the Turks wouldn't like that; or really anyone for that matter! Soon the French and British Empire (and the
    kingdom of Sardina) get involved fearing of Russian expansion and now its a 4v1 scenerio. Not very fair if you ask me...also religious tensions played a major role too as Russia made an issue of the fact that the holiest religions were under Turkish control. However Russia and everyone else involved agreed with peace talks and Russia's naval base in the Black Sea was SUPPOSED to be run down in order to reduce their naval power. However Britain and France were no longer strong enough to make it happen, and there would be increasing tensions between them. The other problems weren't necessarily solved either; as the Turks and Russians fought another war in 1877 but this time there was no involvement from the Brits and French.

    Now if we wanted Russia to win the war we would need to sprinkle some fairy dust once again so their army could actually git gud and rekt everyone. And Russia wouldn't of evacuated Sevastopol following the storming of the vital Malakhov bastion by French troops making the Russians give in.

    After this the Ottomans give their provinces to Russia through a treaty agreement creating more Russian influence in the Balkans (not necessarily full control as the Russians didn't necessarily want to have full control in the first place, and that would just make everyone mad at Russia; as if your dog peed on the Rug but even worse). The inhabitants aren't necessarily too happy about this and small wars are fought across the region. Russia wins these wars (because scenario) and this even creates more influence among the region (again, probably not full control as that would gain negative attention, or at least even more backlash) as well as making them a greater power in Europe and maybe even spreading more influence across former Ottoman provinces and other areas as the Ottoman empire slowly degenerates...

    However deep in the occupied but not really region a movement is taking place urging the Turks to fight against Russian influence in the region via protests and even battles, after all no one wanted to be under the control of Russia back in the day let alone influence. This movement could be like what you see in Free France during WWII or the
    Mujahideen but less intense I guess. If the movement actually succeeds is up to you.

    Edit 3:

    I'll be gone for a week (again?), so instead of keeping you waiting (especially those who made requests before) and to keep the hype train going...if there ever was one to begin with...I am going to post the flags that will be featured in the upcoming scenarios! I will first post the first two right now and the rest of the flags later today (or tomorrow or even later, its 9 where I am right now). This is also how I will handle future requests from now on. I will post the flag first (as that was the main focus anyway) and the scenario (which I will write once I'm back) later (if you haven't noticed those take a substantially longer time due to me trying to think of what to write, research, and laziness (so sorry about that))

    What if North Korea didn't invade South Korea? Suggested by @Labyrinth

    Okay, unlike the last few previous scenarios I'm not going to give an in-depth summary of the event that this scenario is based off of because I'm pretty sure you know what the Korean war was about if not here is a Wikipedia page of it:
    click here

    If North Korea didn't decide to screw up with the border by invading their neighbor then the Korean war wouldn't of happened in the first place, the war which resulted in...not very great views of the US and South Korea, but in an alternative world where the war didn't happen North Korea eventually eases tensions with South Korea after shifting from a communist economy to either a capitalist system or something closer to what Vietnam has today even like most former communist countries, and the eventuality of unification is easier and comes sooner, or at least that's how I view it (again these are mainly for fun, if you don't agree with me to the point that your scenario has a different result from mine that is fine, though the only time I would "fix" my scenario is if I get factual statements wrong).

    Unified Korea:
    Unified korea flag.png

    The...actually you have to be a moron-no...an imbecil-hell you're even dumber than that; you're the perfect example of an idiot to not know what the "symbol" in the middle is supposed to represent like, like have you not looked at a map!? Anyway...the yin and yang symbol which obviously represents the balance of the universe is derived from the pre-unification south Korean flag (I would of added the trigrams but I thought that would make it look too much like the South Korean flag). The colors of the yin and yang symbol have the same symbolism as in their South Korean counterpart; the blue represents the negative cosmic forces, and the red represents the opposing positive cosmic forces. The "crescent" is supposed to represent the sphere of the Earth and shows that Korea is a whole, single, and unified country of this world.

    What if the United States invaded China through Korea?
    Suggested by @Devastation


    I will keep this short and sweet

    Back when the Korean war was still in swing after North Korea invaded their neighbor, the US general at the time, Douglas MacArthur wanted to push the North Korean Forces all the way back into China. However, the president at the time, Harry Truman disagreed with this plan, and eventually fired him; he basically didn't want to start WWIII. Especially after the allies were just done dealing with the Axis in the previous world war (good idea). But what if we did push the war into China? Well for one, this would trigger a war like Truman predicted, in fact, it would trigger WWIII. The "Allies" including the US would not only be fighting against the North Koreans, but also against the Chinese and perhaps even against the Soviets as well, but I won't dwell unto the subject of WWIII for now (as 1. I don't have any ideas, 2. I don't feel like it at the moment, and 3. That would be too predictable for something involving alternative history).

    Lets say that the US does manage to get hold of former Chinese land in the world, using that land to set up the State like district of the United Territory of Korea (UTK), consisting of the entire Korean peninsula and the Chinese territory gained in the war.

    You could say the the district would be governed like modern day South Korea, with democracy and all. But not only would its allegiance be held under the Stars and Stripes, especially in governing, but pro-American and pro-Korean propaganda would be more common place, just like how propaganda was widespread in previous wars such as WWII. The district's population would also be fearful of invasion from enemies such as the Chinese and it's allies. If the District doesn't collapse during the war and it keeps most of its territory if not all of it, then we could see an even more prosperous Korea than Today's South Korea after recovering from the war, potentially becoming an Asian world power by the likes of Japan or China today.

    United Territory of korea (UTK):
    UTK flag.png

    The Ying and Yang symbol that the current South Korean flag uses is, well, the same symbol as that flag, except that the red also represents enemy territory across the blue or rather, the border of the unified district. The peninsula obviously represents the...well...original peninsula. (sorry if some parts are pixelated by the way)

    Map provided by OP


    What if Ravens became the dominating species? Suggested (with important points of the scenario written) by @DraaAAAAAAAAA!!!

    United Nations of Avis
    (They Call Earth a different name in this timeline cause bad bird puns)

    The blue represents peace, and I'm pretty sure everything else is obvious including the olive branches even...

    "Well gee Halo, these scenarios are neat and all but you know what is missing? What if everyone were birds?" Well my dear friend I have just the scenario for you just *insert number* months late!

    In order for a scenario like this to even occur in the first place, there would have to be a change to the point where our ancient ancestors (or monkeys if you want to simplify things) didn't have the opportunity to evolve leading up today with humans walking around and such. The most feasible way that this would happen would probably be an extinction of some sort or if our ancestors were in a situation that didn't require the evolutionary traits that they gained (I took honors bio, I know what I'm talking about- where did this red water come from?). Oh! And there would also have to be a point where the situation requires further mental development for say Avian creatures such as Ravens, but not necessarily gaining any additional or changed physical traits, for this to happen we would need to sprinkle some fairy dust once again *dust sounds* and we're golden!

    Anyways...fast forward to present day and society is similar to what we have today as over time Ravens wouldn't have a problem evolving their mental development as their mental and psychological capabilities are more advanced than most species today , with the descendants of the Raven species creating innovations such as the writing, vehicles, internet, bird porn, etc (maybe they put humans in zoos if a primitive form of them existed!!!??111). These birds would use their talons (claws, feet) to pick up and make use of certain tools like in real life but to a greater degree. (The beak may work as a second manipulator.) Also, they could convergently evolve large inner claws like raptors (i.e. eagles and hawks) and dromaeosaurs.

    I'm no expert on animal behavior and how animals would behave given the situation that they would become the most advanced species like humans, hence being the main reason why there isn't a map at the moment (also Draven just wrote the second half of this scenario so...yeah I'm pretty much done here); but what I can say is that landlocked countries aren't a developmental disadvantage as these birds don't have an emphasis on sea based travel, or even trade for that matter as it would be easier for one (or maybe a group of birds or a plane idk, what I'm trying to say is that they wouldn't use boats) bird to deliver trade as they would prefer flying over sea based travel though other means such as boats. Like today's birds, they would live in a variety of climates, yet there would be more of an emphasis of resource gathering and working during the tundra/taiga summers with less work time in the winter where everyone watches ̶B̶i̶r̶d̶P̶o̶r̶n̶H̶u̶b̶ BirdTube on their BirdPhones and BirdPads. Civilizations would be very vertical with

    "Entire cities of giant skyscrapers linked together by strong bridges and struts in a pyramid shape, surrounded by a partial shell or something"

    ...further emphasizing that there wouldn't be as much of a need for ports and such. Birds that reside mainly in colder climates would still separate them from those who lived in warm climates politically. Pollution would also significantly be reduced "because them birds don't like to breathe that smog while flyin - MyNamesHalo 2k16".

    "They're not devoted entirely to their social group like porpoises like dolphins and orcas or ants and bees, but they're not rational agents either, looking out only for themselves, like solitary animals. They have social classes, they stop working with cheaters, they solve cooperative puzzles, they even use their beaks to mimic hand gestures." And it wouldn't be far fetched to say that they would evolve to have the ability to comprehend a language(s).

    Like in our timeline a international union is proposed after the 'Great seed war' in order to prevent future conflict; and so the United Nations of Avis is formed, why is it called Avis you may ask? Well in this timeline, they decide to call Earth 'Avis' cause Avis is Latin for bird or something and bad bird puns blah blah blah. Come to think of it, life may be better if everyone were birds...huh

    What if Che Guevara wasn't caught and continued to fight in South and Central America?
    Suggested @FlubbyB

    American (not the USA just most of Central and South America) - Soviet Alliance flag / ASA:

    ASA flag.png

    Pretty obvious for the most part...though the two gears (which also represent the working class) represent the two countries (The American countries and the USSR) and how they need to work together to function to their fullest potential

    I'm hoping that you are already aware of who Che Guevara was, or at least what he was known for, if not here is a wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che_Guevara

    Moving on...

    Say that Che wasn't caught by the CIA in Bolivia (cause as you all know, we freedom loving muricans absolutely despised them dammed commies) and continue to fight in South and Central America...?

    Well to keep things interesting, not only would communism (he was more interested in Marxism, a form of communism. be a more prominent form of governing in a majority of South and Central American states seeing how influential Che was, but his influence could pave the way to a unified Marxist state with parts of it located in most of Central and South America after Che's time had passed (with the exception of Brazil and French Guiana and potentially other anti-communist countries that are aided by the US)

    This new collection of Communist states wouldn't be ruled by Che as he wasn't very into power and someone else would rule over the new unified state (perhaps even Castro?)

    This new state would immediately gain the attention of the Soviet Union and they share a friendly relationship, at first. This relationship leads to the creation of the American Soviet Alliance and they become the biggest country ever.

    However, relationships get increasingly strained as the gap between their different views on Marxism continues to increase potentially leading to the South and Central American countries splitting from the Soviet union as we saw with the Chinese during the Sino-Soviet split.

    Eventually the USSR collapses in 1991 and the Communist American countries are the only major communist power left. In this new history changing decade the Marxist countries have two choices to make.

    1. Learn from the fall of the Soviet Union and attempt to stay unified but attempt to reform the government (that was the original plan that was supposed to happen, but the coup happened and unification wasn't ideal anymore)

    2. Continue to go their original Marxist ways with a high chance of collapsing in the future

    3. Continue to remain mostly communist but in a looser form with a market economy (like modern Vietnam?)

    4. Decide to split up back into the pre-ASA states like what we see today

    The choice that is made will be up to you...

    What if the Slavic countries (besides Russia) formed a union? Suggested by @eeveelution

    Union of Slavic States flag / USS:

    USS thing1.png

    The Blue represents peace and prosperity ,. the white circle represents a peaceful Europe, the 12 points from the stars represent the 12 nations that make up the union, the yellow represents prosperity, and the yellow path represents the direction that the Slavic nations must take in order to achieve prosperity (take a shot for every time I say that word...)

    The first short scenario since...the first flag actually!

    After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Slavic states (besides Russia) had been holding discussions on whenever an economic union of Slavic states should be formed, similar to that of the European Union. During the 2000s, this union finally comes to into effect with its ultimate goal on promoting economic prosperity within the

    What if the Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland formed a union called "The United Scandinavian states"? @FlamingPinecone

    During the 2000s, the Scandinavian countries agree that in order to initiate greater political and economic prosperity within their area and the rest of Europe, they would have to merge together and from the United Scandinavian states, sorta like the Kalmar Union, but unlike the Kalmar union, there would be less of an emphasis of total unification due to the diversity in each of these countries, as well as the issue of different languages. So despite considering themselves "States" there would still be considerable political and cultural divides within the union (if this union was formed much earlier this wouldn't be the case possibly but that isn't what the OP of this scenario wanted). Like actual states (or rather, US states), each country has a say in political decisions solving the problem of having Denmark be as dominant during the life of the Kalmar Union back then which could of possibly contributed to the fall of the original union. Despite its name, the union would eventually "acquire" Finland and Iceland due to the connected heritage between both countries as seen with their similar flags, and how both are sometimes considered to be a part of
    Scandinavia. Whether this union dissolves or becomes a prosperous nation is up to you...

    United Scandinavian states flag:
    United scandanavian states.png

    As with all other Scandinavian flags (including Finland and Iceland) the USS flag inhibits the Nordic cross as a symbol of the common heritage and goal between the merged countries (the cross is also white here as to show the purity of the heritage between the countries) with the five stars representing the five countries that make up the union. The Yellow Represents the Wealth of the Countries and blue representing the determination of the union.

    Part III

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2017
    FlamingPinecone, Flubby, hmm and 3 others like this.
  4. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Roman Empire scenario is up!

    Also The next scenario is

    "What if Russia won the Crimean war"

    which is gonna be tricky for me since I had NEVER heard of such an event and while I'm looking into it I'm a little confused so far.
    So if you want to maybe give a summary of the war or maybe even write the scenario for me? If not that's okay too and I'll just continue to look into it...

    After that there should be 2 Korean War scenarios
    Coolfood likes this.
  5. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    What an amazing scenario! The Romans becoming more advanced than we are today could be a possibility since the Dark Ages have halted scientific progression and ruled over by the authoritarian Church.
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  6. hmm

    hmm girl who fucked ur mom last night

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    What if
    Instead of monkeys
    RAVENS become the dominating species
    They use their feet (and sometimes their beak) to manipulate things
    They would have the abilty to fly
    How would that affect territory borders?
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  7. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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  8. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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  9. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Strategically speaking, for the Midwestern offshoot of America, the capital would be better placed in Minneapolis/St. Paul, in Minnesota, as it is centralized and is the northernmost hub on the Mississippi river, making it a valuable trade asset, as well as it being the last thing before Seattle, in northern America

    "What if Che Guevara was never caught in Bolivia, and continued to fight in South and Central America?"
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  10. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Will change it ASAP!
  11. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! Flubby, whose alternate history of the FSMR is it? Mine. Honestly, the FSMR is something that I can change myself. If I say that the capital is Madison, then the capital will be at Madison. You don't get to choose which capital the FSMR is situated in.
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  12. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Okay okay Ill put both segments in the scenario, so the reader can decide where the capital should be instead of strictly having someone else's segment changed and potentially having an argument with each other (may not happen but better to be safe than sorry)
  13. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Never said it needed to be changed :/ I was just saying that one thing made more sense than another. WOAH WOAH WAOH WOAH WOAH! Shadow, whose thread is this? Halo can make a choice if he wants.
    FlamingPinecone and MyNamesHalo like this.
  14. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Flubby, take a good long look at this.
    I created the scenario. Not Halo. He even appreciated that I created my own scenario for it instead of requesting "What if X did X?" to him so that he can create the scenario.
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  15. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Okay guys, chill for a sec, instead of just replacing one's segment with another I decided to put BOTH capital location scenarios in the scenario, making the reader believe where the capital should be located out of two choices. This way the thread isn't changed and both can be credited
    ShadowMage1 likes this.
  16. kioph

    kioph ahh yes heavy melee hmm yes

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    Alternate history!
    Motherfucking yes!
    I'll be spamming you with suggestions
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  17. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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    What if the Slavic countries (except for Russia) got together and created a Socialist Union after the downfall of the USSR? It would be kinda like the USSR but without the communism bit (communism = conservative socialism, while this would be either just socialism or liberal socialism. Think kinda like the Nordic countries or something) and a bit more like the EU (they would be part of the EU but they'd also be one country).
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  18. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Geez, looks like I'll have to be more active then....
  19. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Bumped again + added more flags
  20. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Semi-necro but for a good cause
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
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