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Guild ✨ Lux Nova ✨| Lvl. 81 Active Community & War Guild | Recruiting Level 50+ | #1

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by EnderJay456, Apr 1, 2021.

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  1. Bob the Devourer

    Bob the Devourer Well-Known Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: GodEaterBob
    Discord: Bobert#5867
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Highest class and combat level: Mage (Level 67) (Still working up my level for this class)
    Average weekly playtime: 7 -9 hours (Mostly because of a lot of stuff happening throughout each week that I have to take care of)
    What country and/or time zone: GMT +8
    How will you contribute to the guild: As a fellow player, i'd contribute through trying my best to be active and participate in events, listen to announcements, as well as cooperate w/ other guild members (if I get accepted that is o . o)
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Warring, I lean towards yes because there's always something to fight for, and winning it makes it feel more rewarding, but too much will get me tired so I take breaks from time to time hehe.
    Why did you choose LXA: A certain friend was recently accepted into the guild, and was wondering if I am able to join them here to help in these sorts of things.
    Tell us a little about yourself: People like calling me "God" instead of just "Bob", I usually tend to grinding and getting stronger
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): I was invited before unexpectedly by a guild named "Not Ache Shadow" but a few days after due to inactivity and such, I am sure Lux Nova is way better.
    Anything else: "Embrace your dreams and protect your honor. . . AS SOLIDER! COME AND GET IT!" - Zack Fair (FF Crisis Core)
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  2. Niko_OwO

    Niko_OwO Well-Known Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: Niko_OwO
    Discord: Bad Sniper#3278
    Gender: Male
    Highest class and combat level: Assassin Lv.104
    Average weekly playtime: 6 hours if I'm not busy
    What country and/or time zone: Taiwan GMT+8
    How will you contribute to the guild: I will try my best to help the guild
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes
    Why did you choose LXA: Well , it looks fun
    Tell us a little about yourself: I can speak a little English.
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): none
    Anything else: I am a shy person , so I don't usually open mic
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  3. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations both GodEaterBob and Niko_OwO, you're both accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
  4. Nightfox0330

    Nightfox0330 Skilled Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: Nightfox0330
    Discord: Kyuubi#5640
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Highest class and combat level: Archer, 59
    Average weekly playtime: 4-7 hours
    What country and/or time zone: GMT +8
    How will you contribute to the guild: I will try to be more active n contribute stuff
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): No cuz i sux at pvp
    Why did you choose LXA: Some of my friends got accepted by the guild and I was hoping that i can join them to help the guild as i heard the guild is a very awaesome guild

    Tell us a little about yourself: Play a lot of games like osu n valorant .w. (even tho i sucks at val)

    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): No, this might be my first if i got accepted
    Anything else: Any good food from your country for recommendation? .w.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  5. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations Nightfox0330, you're accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  6. SillySunshine

    SillySunshine Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Minecraft IGN: SillySunshine
    Discord: SillySunshine#3256
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Highest class and combat level: Mage Lvl 67, but I dont play that account anymore; that was from four years ago! Right now I'm a level 50 Shaman.
    Average weekly playtime: Maybe 15 or so hours a week?
    What country and/or time zone: USA, EST
    How will you contribute to the guild: I think I was in a guild years ago, but I honestly can't remember? I don't remember what you do in a guild, I'm mostly just looking for a community to play with and to make new friends.
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes
    Why did you choose LXA: This guild seems very friendly, and it's one of the few that I can actually join since I'm only level 50.
    Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a little shy but very friendly once I'm able to become comfortable in a group! I love working with plants and have a small garden of my own, I'm going to college right now for an Associates in Science. Once college starts again I will likely be playing a little less, but I'll still make time to play!
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): I cannot remember.
    Anything else: I'm pretty much good with whatever this guild throws at me; I'm a fast learner, and so long as everyone is kind I can see myself thoroughly enjoying my time in Lux Nova :)
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  7. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations SillySunshine, you're accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
  8. therealgman_

    therealgman_ hunt man CHAMPION

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    it is bump time
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  9. Aeratian

    Aeratian Travelled Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: Aeratian
    Discord: Aeratian#1001
    Gender: M
    Age: 16
    Highest class and combat level: Mage 72
    Average weekly playtime: 10-15 over the summer, drops to 4-8 during school.
    What country and/or time zone: PST (Pacific)
    How will you contribute to the guild: I'll try to participate in as many events as I can and, I'll participate in some of the wars once I grind up.
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes
    Why did you choose LXA: Saw the guild name pop up on global announcements a lot and I'm very interested in warring. I also need a community for tips as I just recently rejoined the game from about 4-5 years ago.
    Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a rising junior in high school. I'm very extroverted and am very comfortable talking to strangers. I am currently trying to recover from my crippling league addiction over the summer and have been pretty successful so far.
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): I was part of FKL but most active members came online at midnight so I couldn't participate much.
    Anything else: Can't wait to join y'all. Think it will make my experience much better.
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  10. Defect

    Defect Newbie Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: Defecty
    Discord: DEFECT#9114
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Highest class and combat level: Assassin, 51
    Average weekly playtime: right now since i started 4 days ago estimate : 35 hours
    What country and/or time zone: EST/USA
    How will you contribute to the guild: Participate in wars
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes
    Why did you choose LXA: This guild seems organized and its one of the few top guilds that allow low level players like me
    Tell us a little about yourself: This is probably not relevant but 3k hours on csgo faceit lvl 10, love fps, and i can grind a lot.
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): none
    Anything else: if i join ill probably be begging for dxp bombs xd
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  11. EnderJay456

    EnderJay456 Aphelion Immigrant CHAMPION

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    Congratulations on being accepted into Lux Nova, an invite to our discord will arrive to your pms shortly.
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  12. Sl4zz

    Sl4zz Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Minecraft IGN: Sl4zz
    Discord: Slazz#6969
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Highest class and combat level: total lvl 57. archer combat lvl 51
    Average weekly playtime: started about 4 days ago. 27 hrs playtime
    What country and/or time zone: Im in Australia
    How will you contribute to the guild: I will play a lot and participate in wars
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): yes and no
    Why did you choose LXA: The guild seems very good and is about my level range
    Tell us a little about yourself: i love playing minecraft games like, wynncraft and hypixel. i love fps games and i can grind a lot
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): i wasnt in any guilds before
    Anything else: :D
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  13. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations Sl4zz, you're accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
  14. CallMeDuck

    CallMeDuck Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Minecraft IGN: CallMeDuck
    Discord: CallMeDuck#9740
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Highest class and combat level: Shaman 75
    Average weekly playtime: 25+
    What country and/or time zone: United States, EST
    How will you contribute to the guild: I will be very active and committed to the guild.
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes

    Why did you choose LXA: I would like my first guild to be a nice community that I can have fun with and make good friends with.
    Tell us a little about yourself: I have no life so I play games 24/7. I used to play wynncraft a lot and recently got back into it with a few friends of mine.
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): None
    Anything else: Im currently trying to speed level to at least 100 before I start doing professions which is why my professions are low.
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  15. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations CallMeDuck, you're accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
  16. L3G1T21

    L3G1T21 Travelled Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: L3G1T21
    Discord: L3G1T21# 5373
    Gender: Male
    Highest class and combat level: Assassin Level 50
    Average weekly playtime: 16+ Hours
    What country and/or time zone: Philippine Standart Time
    How will you contribute to the guild: I can help by joining parties either for quests, dungeon parties, grind parties, and overall help players progress.
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes, the concept seems promising.
    Why did you choose LXA: The promotional post seems interesting and promising. The community seems nice and the events seem exciting. The guild I can tell would be a good one.
    Tell us a little about yourself: I am a Minecraft player who plays different games. I also play on different servers.
    Previous Guilds: N/A
    Anything else: School Work can interfere but other than that, have a good day!
    (Hopefully not a necropost)
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  17. BaconNguyen

    BaconNguyen Newbie Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: BaconNguyen
    Discord: CallMeBacon#9504
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Highest class and combat level: 60 mage combat level 59
    Average weekly playtime: 1-5h a day
    What country and/or time zone: Vietnam/ GMT+7
    How will you contribute to the guild: Being active and do stuff
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): yes
    Why did you choose LXA: because i need a guild
    Tell us a little about yourself: I like Bacon
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): no
    Anything else: gib bacon
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
  18. Icey_Diamond

    Icey_Diamond ♛ Icey_Diamond - Digital Artists CHAMPION

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    Congratulations L3G1T21 and BaconNguyen, you're both accepted into our guild! :D
    Please check your messages for our discord link invite.
  19. EspChar

    EspChar Lux Nova, Nerfuria and First Fleet veteran *:・゚✧ VIP+

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  20. Ashadow

    Ashadow Travelled Adventurer

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    Minecraft IGN: DutchFantasyGirl
    Discord: AlanaPeters#4068
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Highest class and combat level: Archer lvl 77
    Average weekly playtime: 15 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less)
    What country and/or time zone: Netherlands CEST
    How will you contribute to the guild: XP and other stuff
    Do you have any interest in warring (Yes or No): Yes
    Why did you choose LXA: I want to try the guild experience and this seemed like a friendly guild
    Tell us a little about yourself: I'm terrible at responding to messages, but if you spam me enough I will notice :)
    Previous guild affiliations (and why you left): None
    Anything else: I can speak Dutch (as mentioned in my name)
    Icey_Diamond likes this.
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