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Guild ⚘⚔⚘ Fuq | Kangronomicon ⚘⚔⚘

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Dar-krusos, Sep 23, 2015.

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  1. Erucidal

    Erucidal Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: Erucidal

    Class/level: I am currently a level 76 (almost level 77) mage. However, this level will certainly be expected to rise.

    Previous Guilds:I got involved into guilds when they were released. However, aside from one guild I had created for the fun of it (which is now dead, obviously), I also was a part of Terrian for a while, and we ranked generally in the top ten or around it. However, for the most part, this is going to be the first time I'm going to try to get involved into guilds again.

    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: They became inactive. Hardly any of them had members going on the server anymore except for me, so I therefore left.

    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: I'd like to join primarily so I could get back into the experience of guilds again. Back when guilds were released, I had a lot of fun with guilds, and there was always this great sense of community that I enjoyed. Thus, I'd certainly like to get involved with guilds, and I'd love to do it with a guild that is so prestigious like this one. I can definitely help out a lot with the guild; I am extremely dedicated. As a result, I can help out in any way possible, whether that be grinding for xp daily (which I will certainly do if I get accepted), donating a regular stream of emeralds, or assisting in guild wars. I'm a great team player, and I can contribute to the overall success of the guild without worrying about myself.

    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): I'd rate myself as a 6. I've done it a lot before; however, it's been a while since I've done so. Despite me being rusty at it, I'm certainly experienced with team combat, and I could therefore learn what I've forgotten very quickly.

    Timezone: I live in the Mountain Time (MT) Zone.

    Average amount of hours online per day: It really depends upon the day. During weekdays, I'll generally try to get on for an hour or so, although I may not have time. However, during the weekends, I can go on for multiple hours, usually around 3-5 each day.

    Additional information (optional): Thanks for taking the time to read this application. I hope you consider me for joining the guild.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
  2. Dar-krusos

    Dar-krusos We never change do we; no, no, no~ VIP

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    Accepted! Thanks for the read xD
    We'll invite you as soon as possible, so wait for a bit c;
    shelaqueen likes this.
  3. yazan

    yazan Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    lol dude u don't know
  4. teegah

    teegah Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: teegah

    Class/level: Archer/76

    Previous Guilds: Just a small one with a few friends, we made it to try out guild battles. I also applied to HoL but I never got an invite.
    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: All of the people became inactive and I still enjoyed playing wynncraft and it was boring and sad being in an inactive guild.

    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: Because playing wynncraft alone is boring. I feel like I'm missing out on a big part of the wynncraft experience by not being in an active guild and not interacting with this awesome community. I would like to join this guild so I can meet new people to enjoy wynncraft with and participate in guild battles with a tight-knit community. As a part of this guild, I would contribute xp and emeralds from grinding, and barter with other guild members. I also love guild battles and I would definitely be an active participant in them.

    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god):
    I would say 5. I've done a lot of them with friends, but haven't been able to do one recently due to not being in an active guild .


    Average amount of hours online per day:
    Depends on the day. On average, I would say 2-3h but if it's a weekend or I don't have much school work, it could be between 3-6h.

    Additional information (optional):
    Thanks for taking the time to read my application. Have a nice day.
  5. Erucidal

    Erucidal Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thanks for accepting my application!

    However, I noticed I haven't been invited yet. Is it possible that I could be invited soon? (Sorry if I'm being impatient; I don't know if this is how long invitation usually takes.)
  6. Dar-krusos

    Dar-krusos We never change do we; no, no, no~ VIP

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    Oh, sorry. We should've invited you a.s.a.p, but looks like we haven't gotten around to it. You've been invited, now!
    shelaqueen likes this.
  7. its_Carlos

    its_Carlos Kangronomicon [Fuq] Veteran

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    You wrote a pretty good application, even thought your lvl is not the highest you are accepted.
    teegah and Dar-krusos like this.
  8. its_Carlos

    its_Carlos Kangronomicon [Fuq] Veteran

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    bump to first page
  9. its_Carlos

    its_Carlos Kangronomicon [Fuq] Veteran

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  10. CaptainPigenator

    CaptainPigenator Bacon + brain = Your doom

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    Cool, im gonna applicate next week when i get home from holiday :P
    its_Carlos and Dar-krusos like this.
  11. what2121

    what2121 Dankius Memius HERO

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    IGN: what2121

    Class/level: mage 76

    Previous Guilds: Nobility

    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: i left because the owner of thw guild has been inactive since i joined.

    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: i want to join because i seem to always see someone from fuq online and active guilds are way more fun than inactive ones. Also i can contribute a healer or medic to groups doing hard quests like bobs tomb or toa.

    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0
    (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): 3 (ik kinda low but i just recently got into guilds and the few that i have done i did well in)

    Timezone: Arizona (no daylight savings so its weird)

    Average amount of hours online per day: on weekends its about 6-10 hours and weekdays, because of honework, around or less than 1 hour

    Additional information (optional):
    I like long walks on the beach and i have a pretty decent shop :D
  12. its_Carlos

    its_Carlos Kangronomicon [Fuq] Veteran

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    Gratz! You have been accepted to Kangronomicon. You'll be invited soon.
  13. Hydrowarrior

    Hydrowarrior Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: Hydrowarrior
    Class/level: Archer 75
    Previous Guilds: None
    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: N/A
    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: Just realized that Gavel got updated so I started playing again recently.
    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): 0 (never heard of one)
    Timezone: CST
    Average amount of hours online per day: 1 mon-thurs 2-6 fri-sun
    Additional information (optional): Like I mentioned I just got back into this game, I have no le just a full set of legendary armor and maelstrom for a bow.
  14. DarkDemonDragon

    DarkDemonDragon Sorta Veteran

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    Why are all the top guilds recruiting lately? Did guilds get more room or was there a purge of inactive players o.O
  15. spudsmasher46

    spudsmasher46 Member

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    Does anyone need an invite to the guild still?
  16. The Arbiter

    The Arbiter lord of I don't know couldn't think of anything VIP+

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    IGN: XTheArbiterX
    Class/level: Mage 88, assassin 83
    Previous Guilds: TNA
    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: not being on enough time on. I was waiting for gavel
    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: I would like to join to have a guild that is active and most of the time as a lvl 88 is boring so would like a guild that is warring a lot to take over the world
    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): 8.5
    Average amount of hours online per day: 1-2 hours on weekdays and 2-4 on week ends
  17. Codeminer

    Codeminer Archer's= caampers

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    IGN: codeminerJS
    Previous Guilds:Bob's Guild,The Plebs
    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked:Bobs:nobody was ever on
    Plebs:kicked for inactivity in wars although i was only there for 3-4 days
    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild:I have a friend in this guild and I would like to help out a guild in any way that i can
    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god):0
    Timezone:EST Boston
    Average amount of hours online per day: 15 min to 1.5 hours depending on schoolwork
    Additional information (optional): I am a archer i hang around cinfras i have been playing since 1/15/15
  18. 9x9

    9x9 I luv money and xp bombs CHAMPION

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    IGN: 9x9.
    Class/level: Dark Mage, 90.
    Previous Guilds: The Blues (BLU) and The Sebbelonien Plebs (TsP).
    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: BLU was disbanned and I left TsP because I wanted to try making my own guild.:
    Why you want to join and you can contribute to the guild: I want to join because I want to participate in wars and help the guild stay at the top of the hill.
    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): 7? With mage you can barely die..
    Timezone: UTC +1.
    Average amount of hours online per day: 7-8 hours a day.
    Additional information (optional): Nothing else to mention.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  19. Primeside

    Primeside huehuehue c; CHAMPION

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    IGN: Apinityy

    Class/level: Level 84 Mage and Level 77 Assassin. I am currently trying to level up my other classes but those are my main classes.

    Previous Guilds: Celestial Spirit(CSG), Kangronomicon(Fuq), Dark Horizon(DHz).

    Reason for leaving said guild/being kicked: I left CSG because it was inactive and there was nobody to talk to since the leader was too protective of his guild. I got kicked from Fuq due to inactivity which was when my computer broke and when I had a lot of studying to do. I left DHz to join Fuq but then joined back DHz when I got kicked from Fuq. I am planning on leaving DHz because it is also very inactive, I'm usually the only one on.

    Why you want to join: I want to join Fuq because I noticed that this guild is very active and has a nice community that I wish to be part of and hopefully will be part of.

    Rate your guild war experience on a scale of 0 (never done it before) to 10 (I'm a god): I'd rate myself around 7 since I have experience and was able to help capture land for my previous guilds but I wouldn't consider myself a god in guild wars.

    Timezone: Central Time Zone

    Average amount of hours online per day: Around an hour on school days, 2-4 hours on weekends, sometimes all day.

    Additional information (optional): I'm back and more active.. :3

    Thanks for reading. :)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  20. werty41

    werty41 SnailLord HERO

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    IGN: werty41
    Class and level: My highest level class is a level 90 mage.
    Previous Guild: Before I left I was in a guild called google Chrome.
    Reason for leaving previous guild: My old guild began to get inactive and at some point I was the only one ever online in my guild.
    Why do you want to join: I would like to join to have a social, interactive guild and participate in guild wars and activities. I can contribute 5000 Xp each day.
    War experience: 0. I would like to join to experience a guild war.
    Time zone: 5:00 Est ( eastern time standard)
    Average time: I usually play 5-6 hours on weekends and Friday's after school. However I cannot play on school days. Once we get to summer I will be active everyday.
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