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Poll Results: What mythic would you want the most per class (and boots) choose one of each
Members who voted for 'Cataclysm'
- Nyam
- SlyD0g
- The Trash King
- Risu
- Ascended Kitten
- MrRitmo
- Mimo
- Corn Flake
- TherapueticLiz
- NajimiChan
- Schmuel
- NeroXever
- dukioooo
- Orionid
- Kusu~
- Wind2048
- Draken17
- wett_dreamz
- devnull2112
- mcfelimon
- Toastedholic
- Major_Lue
- Killz Phillz
- Rektdesu
- StoopidDog
- Last
- SemicolonThree
- Explosiveshield
- FoxGamerMC
- Paks
- Ripjaw95
- Minkashev
- Buttered
- Glenncrafter
- superguineapig
- Rebelliot
- RemRin
- td8349
- Sirblue
- busterboy225
- CavemanJimbo
- Dovahzul
- DerpTryhard
- 100% not kaerss
- DarkBacca
- victorpotato2
- Maximi777
- highbread
- Hesnilo
- Elephat
- JLSuper
- goldwing13
- BabyWalrus
- YellowDamage
- nightbaker
- FrostyRose
- Luky0
- Renzlawr
- Azerest
- jafthekiller
- NorthRanger
- 장정우
- 13threemc
- Verle
- JordanTheGuy
- Derpy_Watermelon
- SpaceWarrior9000
- Wildn
- sonickid3003
- rainbowx1994
- Novalescent
- CrunchyCol
- Stag2001
- Klaus_Hansen
- AncientAncient
- Agnar
- 19kss
- Scarlenn
- tomisdaman27
- Slimeybones
- lochie5491
- PikaLegend
- Poprony
- LegendPlay
- NeoAstrology
- Alpha_v2
- LordCompost86
- FTB_player123
- Rexshell
- FrostLord
- Dottriggered
- DerVillager
- Vaward
- Casparof
- Syniz_
- Zanpip
- Blang
- Prof_EGG
- WynnChairman
- At World's End
- Fwap a Durp
- Mrussell75
- dez
- Mcioder
- izzy4234
- TKiwisi
- RayShanty
- Z0niix
- Eagle_Shot
- AzsmirKazsmir
- xBeliever
- Emeraldruler
- Stycore
- Johnny Mcgeez
- TheNelsonator
- nilire4810
- sami ~
- The Law
- Joka
- Zyrbaiakor
- Ra3y_Alddsn
- silent the noob
- _Onyxia
- depressed_snail
- Miles_
- Sevis
- Jossoj123
- MemeAccountAdmin
- Skymint
- Point0_Seconds
- Primed Suda
- Gundalf
- yahoorijish
- What29
- clau012
- CreepaBoy
- Kracker_
- snorlax109
- Moojj
- metal_marmott
- _Sxm
- Lumiqe
- Begone
- Dark_Side_05
- Vibin5202_789
- Def
- Battleslay1000
- Peeves5200
- Skrynat
- Jared2183
- binsterwinster
- MathGangster
- neffetsaieh
- Kylek1133
- Horsekin
- Fred18295
- iTsDurp
- Jack_Chelsea
- CallMeLucko
- TheKingofStuff
- ImCold
- YourBroCameron
- NonicPvP
- PatrickIsAdopted
- Rifted
- Metalizor
- Sodata
- TheStormLizard
- Ronnoc
- Neganom
- Nemodes
- Chaosunium
- JonIsUgly
- Pyromanic
- nms3456
- OolongTeaa
- Locky1110
- HorseDuck
- jgc062911
- Marky
- CaptainZora
- Robbee
- Chigo_
- orkrider015
- PerdyNoob
- Hero Cerebrum
- Zepic12
- DoctorCorgi
- Sg_Voltage
- RarleyExposed
- tortellini
- Contoured
- Nlergand
- DJ_Pedro
- Emilia
- unusualphysics
- Suitup27
- _Tiger
- SilverRare
- Goovin
- Risingplex
- DragonDoesGamez
- AntiBajanCandian
- Explodncheez
- Epicness937
- ghoti0315
- carroriemate
- RealHerbstar
- TheBestPudding
- Spinel
- Bubbly
- VovaTheEpic
- xSkiing
- *EpicJay*
- Aquarius958
- Jalapeno9
- LogicalTitan
- SgtClips
- JohnnyNubPotato
- Inflamenta
- Nyctimus_
- shudder
- TitanZERØ
- Lord Saraldar
- Duffi
- PinheadMcCree
- Take
- Alfapeet
- Jofash_
- PatheticFlower
- ggg743
- tomka700
- Muchwag
- xShadowMoon
- ExertKarma
- Muchwrath
- Shinara
- Egigua
- A_Purple_Banana
- TheNotoriousTNG
- Knighteee
- Window1432
- Robby_Pro_7
- Cqspar
- __StarFox__
- Ekko
- An_Old_Friendo
- Keetsu
- Andromeda_IX
- SnarbyDragon
- Smurf
- XxGeniusxX
- Xcela
- AttractiveMan
- Palea
- Admiralwienerdog
- KingDrew_
- BilgewaterBazuka
- Krake999
- TheGiantSpider
- xAlexDew
- Dubinzi
- HappyDancerMa
- DeltaTear_
- CringeAura
- Redblock1
- Yemoooka
- LolzXD
- Snowythewolf33
- Wynns best ever
- EgdarTheRuiner
- Reegan
- TheSaltyDragon
- Th3arrow
- HueTheColors
- TG_Vortex
- iSilas
- Guggygo
- GrayStriker
- Rexeoleo
- fa6
- BetterDenYou
- oMirki
- FrostOps
- Wynnooblet
- Dermondhunter
- minecraftiscool
- sulphursmite
- DailyWynn
- PhatomPhorce
- XmasDelta
- ClamLord
- Derrp
- brokenmotor
- Ocelot
- PyroPyxel
- RoseGoldIsntGay
- Vorpentfyre
- Icey_Diamond
- Mushtie
- PotatoShaga
- Manuscript
- andi1bandi
- (O_0)
- Caekin
- Kirby7068
- Shy_Phoenix
- Chraosulus
- MegaLatios
- Maracs
- Space
- AIexxx
- davapava222
- Realises
- ThePooWrangler
- SalvioHexia
- Elleliavan
- ShadowEdges
- PapaPenguin_Jr
- Tierim
- Enjoy_My_Kill
- LagZa
- Bramblesthatcat
- DiamondYveltal
- Denuclearization
- SABR22
- Sabitus
- djnrjr
- 7Mile
- LazyCarrot
- Seasonality
- Kapex
- JuJu23
- :wynnic_e:
- Halloweeb
- Zoro996
- xMateo
- markxcz
- Itz_Prince
- Bisquets
- Burnette
- imMegu
- DaFamousRedPanda
- SoccerDefense11
- NervNichtPls
- DarthChaosxd
- Tek
- Puffaww
- FrostNiinja
- Hearty
- Ryycee
- xImCuteCherry
- Lousyre
- c_Yw0355ICK
- xuar
- __Blacky
- SKv guild
- CarbonatedFFFF
- Xuansis
- Dinner
- Vyzr
- Westcoast915
- SirEnderLord
- xBeezle
- Turbostratus
- Yugito
- jllyq
- Mama Shrimp
- _Leo
- FreeProGamer
- Ragnarok
- mantidmadness
- DeathLucifer
- Lucky_Creeper
- PK2006
- Roused
- FrozenGalaxy
- Qwynn of Wynn
- _Gravity__
- A Human
- GetALifeNerd
- IdealBacon
- Trekkie_Cow124
- AveragePumpkin
- Asthæros
- EnderJay456
- McwLP
- RdpGt
- _U4
- RSeamus2
- EatSumRice
- goyslayer
- RonnyBoy2017
- ToMpSe
- skypower13
- Awesomekid209
- CoCoMonkey
- Benjalaga
- eggwrap
- A_Potato0_0
- yugzi
- UnlimitedDespair
- WladDalwM04
- Majik_7
- themonesterman
- ricokatie
- Mega__
- Wybels
- Salamansky
- Takorii AKA Tako
- fogoscorpion
- Jirayut
- Varianth
- Epicminer721
- minecraftgamer46
- GotHimInA1Point7
- hyresw
- 1MillionShroomz
- 0scar/0
- btdmaster
- Sebiee
- Gustavotnt
- Patuqi
- SmartboardOW
- FailureAssassin
- Chairpotato
- 789poiu3
- Maetheal
- Prankster999
- Kqxorr
- slimycubed
- Ansomnia
- The random one
- Culet
- Bowajility
- Steve2005517
- Blackgold227
- LooLooAsuna
- Jraqn
- AnonymousEXE
- Iboju
- spikey1311
- SakusNya
- DustyKatrius
- Via_Silvas
- BirdKing101
- Critiri
- GoulartJJ
- Fully_Maverick
- TS_potato
- Wynnonymous
- Stormfall
- Gladion Altair
- UncleGrolan
- plazmavolt
- Artifacter
- 1tommyhill
461 total votes.