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Shop ♖ Mythic Emporium ♖ [closed, Thank You All For The Good Memories]

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by Khaps, Apr 24, 2017.


What mythic would you want the most per class (and boots) choose one of each

  1. Guardian

  2. Thrundacrack

  3. Warp

  4. Fatal

  5. Slayer

  6. Warchief

  7. Cataclysm

  8. Grimtrap

  9. Spring

  10. Stratiformis

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  1. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Hello and good job for finding this

    I'm actually making the thread to help newcomers with leveling, please, don't steal it... (again)

    Hello there!

    This is the second part of me helping newcomers, in this, I'm going to present to you how to level up easily and at low cost when you are starting your first/one of your first class
    If you aren't new and want to level up as fast as possible, I'd recommend @JackyKit's guide : https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...-run-1-5-days-added-csst.181756/#post-2134567
    However, I'll still give important informations and add more to his post.
    First of all, just know I might use some complicated words and even though I'll most likely explain them, I may forget, here's a kind of "dictionnary" by @MarioYoshiBoo to understand what I meant :
    First of all, I'm going to start by letting you choose between 3 main choices :
    Super fast : Grind only - Repetitive, easily boring
    Fast : Grind and dungeon - Repetitive but more fun than grinding
    Slow : Quests - You'll have to do dungeons and grinding to, but its going to be way more fun, and you'll develop a lore knowledge wich is super useful to talk with old members

    But this isn't all that i'm going to talk about in this guide, click the spoiler to see everything i'm going to talk about :
    Here is how I'll present it : Section - What I talk about

    Super fast - Grinding Spots
    Super fast - Totems
    Super fast - XP Parties
    Fast - Dungeons level I recommend, also putting items you should use
    Fast - Max xp set
    Fast - What is a CSST Party
    Slow - Youtubers I recommend to watch (3 different languages)
    Slow - Discoveries
    Slow - How I recommend to proceed the slow way

    Super fast :

    To grind easily, there are spots that are quite good, those are all listed in the thread made by JackyKit, I'd recommend you taking a look at it, I'm still going to say it myself by giving more precision and erasing parts that are needed only in his guide :
    Emerald Trail
    Cons :
    - There isn't really a safe spot, but at this level, its pretty easy to survive
    Pros :
    - Identifier and item buyer close, allowing you to get easy money
    Tip From Jacky : While going there, start Enzan's brother quest, you'll end it when going to the next farm point.
    Detlas Suburbs
    Cons :
    - No safe spot, but once again, it is still pretty easy to survive at this level
    Pros :
    - Detlas is close, allowing you to get identifiers, item buyers, potion merchants, banks and much more.
    Tip from Jacky : While going there, finish the Enzan's Brother quest you started while coming.
    Also do the quest Spider Cave wich is really short.
    Time Valley
    Cons :
    - Annoying to farm at one point
    - No shops at all
    Pros :
    - Close to Suspended Flowers quest, this way, you can start with Lacrona at detlas, go to the Time Valley, farm there, and later come back to detlas
    - Totems useful
    Tip from Jacky : This is a really good spot to place your totems if you have some, (go all the way down the thread to understand what a totem is)
    Halloween Quest 2014
    Start the quest Halloween Quest 2014 You want to complete it until you get to the boss, once you are there, just kill it repetitively for 1/2 of your exp bar every time.
    Cons :
    - Boring, you can't leave or you lose a lot of time having to re-do the quest up to there.
    - Can't use totem (useless because bosses don't spawn multiple times)
    Pros :
    - A lot of exp (1/2 level)
    - You are completing a quest (thus giving you more exp)
    Tip from Jacky : Once you kill the boss, /class and come back, thus, it will respawn faster, when you are done with this, scroll to detlas, sort your inventory and head towards the next grinding spot.
    Abandonned Mines
    Cons :
    - Mobs hit hard
    - No shops close
    Pros :
    - Useful for totems
    - Xp is going super fast
    - Free high tier chest and some others close
    - Multiple safe spots
    Free tip : Here is how you should get to there in a video since its hard to describe
    However in the video they never go in a safespot I'd recommend, so, if you aren't really well protected, I'd recommend going into the torch you can see at 3:04. To get there, simply climb the wall next to it and jump there.
    Tunnel to ToA
    Cons :
    - Not really any real safespot
    Pros :
    - Close to both Nesaak and Lusuco if you want a pause and doing some quest
    - Totem is really useful
    Tip from Jacky : Because Tunnel to ToA is also close to the herb cave, xp parties sometimes happen there, if it does occur, go there and farm with others (i'm going to be explaining later on what is xp parties, and herb cave is next farming spot)
    Herb cave
    Cons :
    - Boring, you'll have to stay there for a while
    Pros :
    - Totems useful
    - Since it is somewhere you'll stay for long, totem parties often happen, making you able to actually get xp alongside :D
    - Close to Troms, Lusuco, Nesaak
    Tip from Jacky : At level 58, Get to Nemract then Llevigar, start An Iron Heart Part I and An Iron Heart Part II for Greaves of Honor, this item gives up to 39%xp (Shameful Greaves gives up to 39% loot but other pants give more making it worth less compared to Greaves of Honor) also buy a scroll to Llevigar, it will be used later on.
    Free tip : If you want to do both grinding and quest and have already done these quests :
    - Mushroom Man - Lv. 12
    - Maltic's Well - Lv. 18
    - Grave Digger - Lv. 20
    - The Corrupted Village - Lv. 27
    - Wrath of the Mummy - Lv. 36
    - Bob's Lost Soul - Lv. 45

    You can complete Temple of Legends when you'll have completed this quest, you'll get access to the temple and an incredible place to farm at level 68-75.
    However if you haven't done these quests, I don't think its really worth it to do so. Because as you'll get to level 75, it won't have any use to farm there (or even earlier)
    At this point, you can choose between 2 grind spots :
    Demon cave : Good in a team, useless solo
    Frozen Heights : Good in a team or solo until Lv. 90-95
    Both are really close to Rodoroc, wich is hard to access if you don't know the way yet, so you should follow this guide by @Hippie :
    However, CSST is better, CSST is a dungeon I'm going to explain later, but if you see someone shouting about it and you are level 71+ you should definitevely try to access it via The Forgery.
    The demon Cave has been very well explained there : https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/how-to-make-an-efficient-demon-cave-party.176196/ However I have to remember to you that it is useless to solo farm there.
    If you want to access the Demon Cave, you should see this video :
    Cons :
    - Can't farm solo
    - You can die easily
    - Safe spots aren't really since you can be shot by ranged mobs.
    - Bad xp compared to CSST
    Pros :
    - Better xp than Frozen Heights
    - Close to Rodoroc
    - Totems useful
    Tip from Jacky : Use the Llevigar scroll you bought when you went to Llevigar to complete the quests An Iron Heart Part I and II then go to Rodoroc
    The Frozen Heights are close to Rodoroc too, I'll upload a video later of me going there
    Cons :
    - Less XP than CSST or dcave
    - A bit far from Rodoroc in a bit complicated route if you don't know it yet.
    Pros :
    - Close (enough) to Rodoroc
    - You can solo grind there
    - Totems useful
    - Safe Spot (kinda, read below)
    There is a safe spot in the Frozen Heights, however, its not really good, as once in a while (like 15mins?) a mob spawns there, so if you are afk...) I'm going to show the safe spot in my video.
    The Frozen Heights are pretty hard to access from Rodoroc if you don't know the way yet. This, is why I'm going to record a video about it rather than explaining because i'm sure I'll just confuse you.
    For now, here's this vid, but I'll change it because he only starts moving at 4:08
    However, the Frozen Heights should only be used at a maximum level of 90-95, higher, it will take much longer to level up, and I would rather recommend to wait for a dcave/CSST party (going to explain what a CSST party is, don't worry)
    Fast :

    The fast way is here to avoid you being bored by just grinding non-stop, it won't provide more exp (until CSST) and makes you more likely to die, however, dungeons are less boring than farming for hours in the same spot...

    If you are a newcomer, dungeons will be hard to complete solo, you might need a friend or someone to carry you at first, but as you'll get more experienced, and even though the dungeons will get harder too, it will become easier, don't worry.

    Mage is probably the class that is the most disadvantaged to complete dungeons in low level I'm saying that because of its low damage hits and the amount of mana not being sufficient for heal to be useful. However, when it gets to level 21, its probably one of the class where you'll have the easiest time doing dungeons and others stuff as it has a lot of potential tankiness and high damages thanks to its meteor.

    Here are the levels I'd recommend completing the dungeons at if you are a newcomer/old member for the old member I'll consider that you bought good armor around that level wich I'll list:

    Decrepit Sewers : 12/When you get a nice weapon / 8
    Helmet : Heliophilia (Lv.8) - 13xp
    Chestplate : Blessed Wrappings (Lv.5) - 13xp
    Leggings : Potentially Darkiron Scrap (Lv. 3) but if other it doesn't matter
    Boots : Audacity (Lv. 9) - 13xp if you wait until then, or any (preferably Exion (Lv. 5) thanks to its Mr)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Keeper (Lv. 4) - 5xp
    Necklace : Beauty (Lv. 6) - 5xp
    Spear : Maltic's Old Spear (Lv.7) - 13xp
    Wand : Ancient Wand (Lv.11) if you wait until then or Sketiq (Lv. 7) maybe, but no real good weapon except Ancient Wand.
    Bow : Iron String (Lv.5)
    Dagger : Dislocater (Lv.9) if you wait until then
    Infested Pit : 21 (every class gets a pretty nice buff there) / 21
    Helmet : Neolithic (Lv. 20)
    Chestplate : Chimaera (Lv. 13) - If you wait until level 23 I recommend Katoa's Warmth (Lv. 23)
    Leggings : Lemon Legs (Lv. 18) - 9xp
    Boots : Hunger (Lv. 17) - Remember to keep on hitting since it has ls but -hpr
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Keeper (Lv. 4) - 5xp
    Necklace : Beauty (Lv. 6) - 5xp
    Spear : The Berserk (Lv. 19)
    Wand : Reticence (Lv. 18) - 20xp
    Bow : Skin Piercer (Lv. 18)
    Dagger : Almuj's daggers (Lv. 20) - 7xp / Iron Knuckle (Lv. 15) - 10xp
    Lost Sanctuary : 27/When you get an Op weapon and if your armor is around that level / 27
    Helmet : Little Inferno (Lv. 27)
    Chestplate : Nemract's Ruin (Lv. 27) - However if you are looking for xp mainly and waiting until level 29 I recommend Detlas' skin (Lv. 29) - 20xp
    Leggings : Conductor (Lv. 25)
    Boots : Almuj's Walker (Lv. 25) - However if you wait until level 28 I recommend Mud (Lv. 28) and if you wait until level 29 I recommend Meanderthal (Lv. 29) - 13xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Durum's Serenity (Lv. 25) - 13 xp, obtained from boss altar
    Spear : Legendary Smasher (Lv. 26)
    Wand : Detlas' Legacy (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Bow : Glacial Crest (Lv. 27) - Watch out for -hpr (it has ls to counter it though)
    Dagger : The Divide (Lv. 26)
    Underworld Crypt : 30 / 27/29 (you can do at both level)
    Helmet : Little Inferno (Lv. 27)
    Chestplate : Nemract's Ruin (Lv. 27) - If you are looking for xp take Detlas Skin (Lv. 29) - 20xp though.
    Leggings : Conductor (Lv. 25)
    Boots : Meanderthal (Lv. 29) - 13xp - take Almuj's Walker (Lv. 25) or Mud (Lv. 28) depending on if you want to go at a lower level though!
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Durum's Serenity (Lv. 25) - 13xp, obtained from boss altar
    Spear : Legendary Smasher (Lv. 26)
    Wand : Detlas' Legacy (Lv. 25) - 10xp - Use Red Candle (Lv. 30) if you do the dungeon at level 30 though
    Bow : Glacial Crest (Lv. 27) - Watch out for -hpr (However it has ls to counter it) - Use Nemract's Rage (Lv. 30) if you do the dungeon at level 30 though.
    Dagger : The Divide (Lv. 26)
    Sand Swept Tomb (SST) : 39 / 35
    Helmet : The Berserker's Helm (Lv. 34) - It has -hpr so watch out even though it has ls
    Chestplate : Erratio (Lv. 35) - It has -hpr so watch out even though it has ls - If you wait until then I recommend Mummy's Rag (Lv. 38) (obtained via Wrath of the Mummy) especially if you have a slow- weapon
    Leggings : Dead Sands (Lv. 32) or if you wait until then take Chained Pixels (Lv. 38) - 21xp thanks to its possibility of tanking a lot and its awesome xp
    Boots : Meanderthal (Lv. 29) - 13xp or if you wait until then Giant Step (Lv. 37)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Durum's Serenity (Lv. 25) - 13xp
    Spear : Chaleur (Lv. 33)
    Wand : Waves Raiser (Lv. 35)
    Bow : Nemract's Rage (Lv. 30)
    Dagger : Stabsand (Lv. 32)
    Ice Barrows : 48 / 47 (can be done at level 44)
    Helmet : Shinespark (Lv. 47) - Faded (Lv. 39) - 20xp - Choose depending on what you want : xp or more tanking/damages
    Chestplate : Giant's Bracer (Lv. 42)
    Leggings : Chained Pixels (Lv. 38) - 21xp
    Boots : Seven-League Boots (Lv. 44) - 20xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Durum's Serenity (Lv. 25) - 13xp
    Spear : Fierce Thunder (Lv. 39) - 10xp - Or if you wait until then Fissure (Lv. 48)
    Wand : Sage (Lv. 47) - 42xp
    Bow : Thunderbolt (Lv. 42) - 16xp - Or if you wait until then Eruption (Lv. 49)
    Dagger : Scorpion (Lv. 44)
    Undergrowth Ruins : 54 (can be done below, its really one of the easiest dungeons) / 51 can be done way earlier, just take the items you used from the last dungeon
    Helmet : Shinespark (Lv. 47) - Or if you wait to wait until then Venison (Lv. 54) - 20xp
    Chestplate : Ragni's Mail (Lv. 50) - 10xp
    Leggings : Bridge of the Divide (Lv. 51) - 26xp
    Boots : Cerid's Ingenuity (Lv. 45) - or if you want to wait until then Anchoryl (Lv. 52)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Hexed Amulet (Lv. 51) - 21xp
    Spear : Fissure (Lv. 48)
    Wand : Sage (Lv. 47) - 42xp
    Bow : Contamination (Lv. 51)
    Dagger : Reaper of Soul (Lv. 51)
    Galleon's Graveyard : 66 / 60
    Helmet : Venison (Lv. 54) - 20xp
    Chestplate : Cage of Bones (Lv. 57) - Or if you want to get more xp but less hp use Matryoshka Shell (Lv. 55) - 26xp
    Leggings : Kratke (Lv. 58)
    Boots : Bad Wolf (Lv. 60) - 42xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Laen's Curiosity (Lv. 25) - 10xp
    Necklace : Hexed Amulet (Lv. 51) - 20xp
    Spear : Skyfall (Lv. 59) - 8xp - Or if you want to wait until then Remikas' Righteousness (Lv. 63) - 20xp
    Wand : Diablo (Lv. 58)
    Bow : Infinity (Lv. 55)
    Dagger : Locrian (Lv. 57)
    In the Corrupted Dungeons, a dilemma starts, do you want to get less bored and have to pay a bit/spend time on finding key guardians and Uth Runes or do you prefer just grinding to go faster?
    Anyway, let's continue on with the levels
    Corrupted Decrepit Sewers : 73 / 70
    Helmet : Spectre (Lv. 65)
    Chestplate : Adamantite (Lv. 70)
    Leggings : Crystal (Lv. 69)
    Boots : Stalagmites (Lv. 67) - 13xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Hexed Amulet (Lv. 51) - 20xp
    Spear : Scythe (Lv. 70)
    Wand : Ethereal (Lv 70)
    Bow : Maelstrom (Lv. 70)
    Dagger : Chakram (Lv. 70)
    Corrupted Infested Pit : 77 / 75
    Helmet : The Forgery (Lv. 74)
    Chestplate : Adamantite (Lv. 70)
    Leggings : Crystal (Lv. 69)
    Boots : Passus Lux (Lv. 73)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Hexed Amulet (Lv. 51) - 20xp
    Spear : Bob's Mythic Spear (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    Wand : Ethereal (Lv. 70)
    Bow : Bob's Mythic Bow (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    Dagger : Arma Gauntlet (Lv. 75) - Or Bob's Mythic Dagger (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    At this point, I'm going to list items wich aren't xp items, because if you don't use cosmic set, you're not looking for xp.
    However I do recommend you using it as its good in both xp and tanking etc etc.
    Here is the set you should use for max xp :
    Helmet : Cosmic Visor (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Chestplate : Cosmic Vest (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Leggings : Cosmic Ward (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Boots : Bad Wolf (Lv. 60) - 42xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Altum Spatium (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Spear : Wybel Horn Spear (Lv. 90) - 39xp - Watch out its hard to kill with it, so I'd rather recommend Zephra Shredder (Lv. 93) or if you want to go lower level Blade of Purity (Lv. 78) - 26xp
    Wand : Wybel Ivory Wand (Lv. 90) - 39xp - Watch out its hard to kill with it so I'd rather recommend Nepta Floodbringer (Lv. 93) or if you want to go lower level Bismuthinite (Lv. 82)
    Bow : Wybel Fluff Bow (Lv. 90) - 39xp - Watch out its hard to kill with it so I'd rather recommend Return To Ether (Lv. 90) - 34xp - or if you want to go lower level Torrential Tide (Lv. 85)
    Dagger : Wybel Tooth Dagger (Lv. 90) - 39xp - Watch out its hard to kill with it, so I'd rather recommend Thrunda Ripsaw (Lv. 93) or if you want to go lower level Rewind (Lv. 80)
    Corrupted Lost Sanctuary : 81 / 80 (can be done before but since you can get cosmic, i'd recommend it at this level)
    At this point the list is for both new and old members, because even if you're new, with the quests or the farming done, you should be able to afford buying those items, however, remember the xp I give is the maximum you can get, don't go for this if you are poor!
    Helmet : The Forgery (Lv. 74)
    Chestplate : Adamantite (Lv. 70)
    Leggings : Post-Ultima (Lv. 76)
    Boots : Passus Lux (Lv. 73)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Altum Spatium (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Spear : Bob's Mythic Spear (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    Wand : Bob's Mythic Wand (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    Bow : Bob's Mythic Bow (Lv. 75) - 10xp
    Dagger : Arma Gauntlet (Lv. 75)
    Corrupted Underworld Crypt : 85 / 82
    Helmet : Fenmask (Lv. 81)
    Chestplate : Adamantite (Lv. 70)
    Leggings : Dark Shroud (Lv. 82)
    Boots : Ventus Tail (Lv. 80)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Altum Spatium (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Spear : Blade of Purity (Lv. 78) - 26xp
    Wand : Bismuthinite (Lv. 82)
    Bow : Spiritshock (Lv. 81)
    Dagger : Rewind (Lv. 80)
    Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb (CSST) : 88 if Solo, 71 if in a CSST party (ASAP) / 88/71
    I'll give a good xp set for that level since its when you can first access CSST and you don't have the ??? set yet
    Helmet : Clearsight Spectacles (Lv. 71) - 33xp - (Requires completion of Finding the Light)
    Chestplate : Matryoshka Shell (Lv. 55) - 26xp - or if you want better hp use Adamantite (Lv. 70)
    Leggings : Greaves of Honor (Lv. 58) - 39xp
    Boots : Bad Wolf (Lv. 60) - 42xp
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Hexed Amulet (Lv. 51) - 20xp
    Spear : Remikas' Righteousness (Lv. 63) - 20xp
    Wand : Ethereal (Lv. 70)
    Bow : Maelstrom (Lv. 70)
    Dagger : Chakram (Lv. 70)
    Helmet : Third Eye (Lv. 88)
    Chestplate : Booster Plate (Lv. 84) - 16xp
    Leggings : Dark Shroud (Lv. 82)
    Boots : Ventus Tail (Lv. 80)
    Ring 1 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Ring 2 : Rarity (Lv. 1) - 14xp
    Bracelet : Rayshyroth's Knowledge (Lv. 66) - 16xp
    Necklace : Altum Spatium (Lv. 80) - 25xp
    Spear : Rikter (Lv. 84)
    Wand : Bismuthinite (Lv. 82)
    Bow : Torrential Tide (Lv. 85)
    Dagger : Rewind (Lv. 80)
    CSST :
    Now that I teased you enough on CSST parties, let's talk about what it actually is :
    CSST parties are organized by players, it requires some stuff :
    - Dungeon Bomb
    - Xp bomb (highly recommended)
    - A Party (obviously)
    - You need to be Lv. 71+ to enter the dungeon

    Now, what is the goal of a CSST Party?
    The Goal is to get a lot of exp, because this dungeon is easy to complete and gives A LOT of exp when completed, thus, making you level up way faster.

    How to spot a CSST Party :
    - Ask in Shout
    - See someone saying something like "CSST in my server"
    - Have a friend/guildmate telling you about that

    How to do a great CSST Party :
    * Be organized : You must have a leader, often the party creator that will tell everything that needs to be done, that person must have already done a lot of CSST Parties to be ready in case of anything, for example :
    Sometimes when you start the dungeon and too many people come at once, you will end up being stuck because you need to walk into tripwires.
    It is easy to get rid of this :
    - Tell people to go back
    - Wait a bit
    - Try again one by one
    Doing this, the tripwire will activate again and stepping on it will make you continue into the dungeon :D
    * If you didn't shout to make people come and no one noticed there was a CSST Party going on and you're lonely, you've got to tell people to come, doing CSST alone doesn't benefit at all :
    - You don't get the extra xp from other players in the party
    - You can't heal if you're not a mage
    - You can't get resi and str if you're not a warrior
    - You'll not do enough damage to go through the parts of the dungeon while it would make you able to complete way more runs in way less time

    Slow :

    Quests and fun are the main words in this one even though you'll have to grind sometimes. In the Slow way (wich is the one I recommend if you start) you are going to do quests mainly and while I recommend not watching the answers online, the wynncraft wiki or Youtubers doing the quests may help you if you are stuck.
    Here's some channel I recommend :
    @Hippie and @SoloSnuggles. Their channel is really great, they explain well and I do recommend it. Click here to access to their channel.
    French : @Creecreeprs If you are french you probably already know him, but not only is he a nice guy (oui je suce) but he also did most of the quest since I don't think he did the ones that just came yet.
    To access his channel, simply click here
    First of all, thanks to @StoopidDog for sending me the link
    So the channel name is Karu_Ender and from what I saw, he doesn't speak in his vid, so if someone has a replacement with someone who is talking.. :p
    To access his channel, simply click here
    I don't know for other languages, so please tell me if you do know some :D

    Discoveries :

    While it doesn't give a ton of xp, I do recommend trying to get discoveries too, and this time I definitevely say
    don't look at the answers online
    It isn't going to reward you much in terms of xp and won't reward you at all in terms of fun...
    Some days ago, while leveling my new low level class, I found a secret discovery with a friend, none of us knew of it, and wow... Even though it didn't really reward muchhhh in terms of xp, we were so happy to find one!

    How I recommend to do it :

    I recommend to first farm a bit (like to level 5)
    Then start doing quest, having done this will allow you to get a bit of items to protect you from potential danger and you'll learn a bit of the world mechanics (and most likely get items to use)

    I have done all the quests for my level and have none left :

    Just grind a bit with the spots I showed you or go into dungeon according to your level and if you are a newcomer or not (My recommended dungeon levels are above)

    I Don't know how to end the quest I started :

    Just simply look at a play-through according to the spoilers I put above, you can also just look at the wynncraft wiki

    My quest seems to be bugged :

    Just simply go
    here and report your bug, however, remember to look at the sticked post to not post something others already reported.

    Totems :

    Totems are one of your best friends to level up if you are grinding, those can be obtained daily by having a rank you can buy on wynncraft store.
    VIP :
    2x Totems
    VIP+ :
    4x Totems
    HERO :
    6x Totems

    Now, you may be wondering "What does a totem do"
    Well, totems multiplicate the mobs that are here when you put in your totem during the whole 5 minutes that it will last.

    So you need as many mobs as possible when you put your totem, the less there will be at the start, the less there will be during the 5 minutes.

    And now, here comes more knowledge :
    I've seen a lot of 100s not knowing how to use a totem properly, and that always made me feel weird...
    So, soon, even if you are a newcomer, you can surpass 100s in a certain way : knowledge.

    If you don't want your totems to be useless or worst, make mobs spawn even less, there are some rules you need to follow :
    "Don't kill" : Leave the mobs alone.
    "Gather" : Put them together so that when the person will put the totem, all the mobs will be in, it would be sad that 50% of the mobs are outside of the totem.
    And one that rarely comes because rare are the person who know that "Wait"

    Yes, wait.
    You usually need to wait for 3-5 seconds, so now, you may ask me why :
    - Is it because they are all in the same place and one could take all the kills?
    - No, anyway, your party will spread the xp
    - Is it to wait for more mobs to spawn for more xp at once?
    - Nope, wouldn't make much sense
    - Is it because the totem takes 3-5 seconds to take effect?

    Basically, if you kill all of the mobs in the first 1-2 seconds, it will be like you didn't gather any mob into your totem, and it will be a worthless totem.
    So there are 3 things to follow for a good totem :
    - Don't kill
    - Gather
    - Wait

    If you do this, you can get A LOT of xp
    For example :
    With 1 totem and without dxp and without a party I managed to get from level 1 to 10 at the first spot (close to Ragni)
    Then with another totem close to detlas I got from level 10 to 16 (got extra xp from the spider quest doe)

    So if you want optimal xp, remember to make sure you are following all of the 3 parts

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  2. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    we didn't say he accepts your offer
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  3. BisexualDog

    BisexualDog Boogie Boy CHAMPION

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    Im new to this shit.
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  4. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  5. SaltyMeatBalls

    SaltyMeatBalls LoL VIP+

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    Bump bump bump
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  6. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  7. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  8. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    pls do it like this:
    nope D:
    nope D:

    that is much easier to read
    Khaps likes this.
  9. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  10. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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  11. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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  12. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    nice signature, lemme copy that xD
  13. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    I edited it a bit, so now it is not that big
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  14. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  15. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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  16. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    Please tag me if you got an Apoc here :]
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  17. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    i'll remember to do so ;)
    Allamak and SaltyMeatBalls like this.
  18. LTMS

    LTMS Ninja Water Frog

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    Bumpety boo
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  19. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    I Will buy it first then ....
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  20. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    NEVER!!!!!!! >:]
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