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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. ItsNeel

    ItsNeel An Old Mage HERO

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    Your application has been denied.
  2. EnderMudkip

    EnderMudkip Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: EndWolfAssassian
    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: 93 mage
    Your curent build: Mana Spam Speed mage
    Why you want to join the guild:Cause i want to have an active guild
    Which role do you prefer?: Other: Could i be loot running, i find myself to be very lucky while loot running
    Timezone: MST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I can Usually play for a couple hours a day, but sometimes i get lots of schoolwork
    Anything else we should know about you?: no
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1
    Previous Guild(s): My own
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: It was just me
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 45 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Ive only changed my name once and it was years ago
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: probaly
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: A couple maybe
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes
  3. DiloQueen

    DiloQueen 100 Mage 100 Assassin 100 Hunter 100 Mage VIP

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    IGN: DiloQueen
    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: Mage, Mage, Assassin, Hunter all level 100
    Your curent build: Water/spell damage/mana regen build for mage Looking for build for my assassin
    Why you want to join the guild: because war is fun
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and ill do csst on 100% guild xp whenever theres one and we arent warring
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: 3-4 hours or more daily
    Anything else we should know about you?: i like cheese
    Guild War Experience(1-10): I was in fuq when it was big and was in Le Flowers so a solid 9-10
    Previous Guild(s): Fuq Hax (i left because i quit for half a year) LEF
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Just incase i dont get in im still in LEF But the guild only has 3 active members
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 181
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: not very often i wont do it in the guild because of the glitch
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: yes if i hide in the corner :P (yeah i could easily)
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: depends how many tries it takes but however many will happen when im on
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes ma'am
  4. TimeMC

    TimeMC Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: Spectrum_MC
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: knight, 3 mages, archer and ninja all 101, rest of them are 100
    Your curent build: apoc abuse build
    Why you want to join the guild: i want to be part of the best guild in wynn, and im getting bored of not being in a guild
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): warring
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. decently active
    Anything else we should know about you?: i sell tacos in a taco truck
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10
    Previous Guild(s): arcana, pickles
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: i just wanted to join other guilds
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 363
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: once 6/29/2017 @ 3:08:58 PM
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: yes
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: as many as needed
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes i do
  5. Alodian

    Alodian Some random person VIP+

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    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: Warriors 101
    Your current build: Apoc Build
    Why you want to join the guild: I was kicked for inactivity, and I'm not going to be inactive anymore
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: 3h
    Anything else we should know about you?: I like to have a good time playing with friends and doing random shit and just having a good time
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 6
    Previous Guild(s): HackForums, Arcana and two others I don't remember
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Im still in it just applying for haxs
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 133 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Change it for fun but will tell a higher staff member when i do https://namemc.com/profile/Alodian.3
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Fuck yeah
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 5
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch? Yes
  6. qqcora

    qqcora Professsional mythical pokemon :3 CHAMPION

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    bimonthly hello from the heaven of ppl who dont play wynn @GodlySinbad
    GodlySinbad likes this.
  7. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Megapost incoming.
    Denied, but you may revise your app and reapply in 2 weeks.
    Denied, please reapply when you're only applying to one guild at a time (in reference to your application to PUN).
    Unfortunately your application has been denied, you may reapply in 2 weeks if joining Hax still interests you.
    Same for this application, denied but you're free to reapply in 2 weeks.
  8. RoseGoldIsntGay

    RoseGoldIsntGay k e k HERO

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    GN: RoseGoldIsntGay
    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: 101 Mage some random ass mr build
    Your current build: ^^
    Why you want to join the guild: I like having a goal in this block game (goal getting xp and territories)
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP Farming (like kiling mobs and i host cssts)
    Timezone: IDT (israel day time) UCT/GMT +3 hours
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: everyday for around 2-5 hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: i like rare potatoes
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 0 :D
    Previous Guild(s): RoseGold (my own guild)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: 1 person in that guild. me.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 60
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: i swore never to change my name (got banned on hypixel because of it and its absolutly worth it) 2/11/2016 @ 9:28:29 PM
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: i can solo her (i got 27 catalysts)
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: as much as possible
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes!
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2017
  9. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter+ for invite.
  10. TastyLikeBread

    TastyLikeBread WynnTuber VIP+

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    IGN: KrypticG0D
    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: Mage 100
    Your curent build: Mana/Spell Dmg
    Why you want to join the guild: My Guild Never Does A War So I Was Hoping To Join This One!
    Which role do you prefer?: I Prefer Any Role!
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Im Active 3-4 A Day!
    Anything else we should know about you?: I Got My First 100 Today 8/30/2017
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1
    Previous Guild(s): GetRektByUs
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Because The Guild Never Does Wars
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: I Cant Check
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: KrypticG0D, TastyLikeBread, TheTastyPizza
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes I Probobaly Can B/c You never said alone <--- xD
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 4-5
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
  11. DaveZombee

    DaveZombee -0-

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    I ain't a Hax member by I don't think "active member" is a role
  12. Pleuvior

    Pleuvior Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Pleuvior
    Highest Class & Level: 100, Assassin
    Why you want to join: Hax is a active guild and I have spoken to other members that seem to have a good time!
    What role are you more attracted towards? Farming
    Timezone: British Time (BST or GMT)
    How active are you? I can come on for multiple hours on weekends but may not be as active on weekdays. I should be able to log on when I have all of my school work sorted.
    Anything else we should know? I have hosted many CSST partys
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10? 1

    Edit: Updated to new format.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
  13. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Both applications have been denied, you're welcome to make improvements to your applications and reapply in 2 weeks. Thank you for your interest in the guild.
  14. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Highest class and level:

    Builds i have that are endgame:
    Apoc Build
    Hive bow build
    Why you want to join the guild:
    My guild is inactive during my timezone
    Which role do you prefer?:

    Guild wars and Exp grinding
    UTC +2
    How active are you on Wynncraft?:
    Average 2-3 hours online (7+ during spring and other "school free periods")
    Anything else we should know about you?:
    besides that my first language isn't English, not really
    Guild War Experience:
    (Never lost a war, though I've only been in 40-50 wars)
    Previous/Current Guild:
    Arcana & HackForums
    How often do you change your name?
    I changed is once about 2 years ago
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?:

    Easily, no pots required
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?:
    3+ (depends on how busy i am that day)
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?:
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
    J0nSn0w likes this.
  15. SteppingOnALego

    SteppingOnALego Seasoned Lego Stomper

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    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: Mage 96
    Your curent build: High Agility Morrowind Build
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to have an objective in this game besides leveling up and questing and also to make new friends
    Which role do you prefer?: I would prefer XP because I would help out the guild and also get good stuff for myself to use, swell as level up my mage
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours: Well i play soccer and i might be offline for a weekend if I have a tournament somewhere away from my PC
    Anything else we should know about you?: I like making people laugh
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 7
    Previous Guild(s): I forget probably some randy guilds
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Inactive and lack of warring
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I started to change my name every chance i could i have probably had 3 IGN's including this one, 1st IGN was LegoManQui I had that for like 4 years, than SteppingOnALego i had that for like 4 months than I have my current IGN
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: I haven't really grinder Qira I'm on like fire boss but I'm sure i could last a long time in there being a mage and having high agility
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as possible i really enjoy them
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yeah of course
  16. DynamiteBuyer

    DynamiteBuyer Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: ItsYuuuge
    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: Mage and Warrior 100
    Your current build: 20/4 MR/ Spell damage
    Why you want to join the guild: I'd like to participate in wars - I haven't had the chance in other guilds
    Which role do you prefer?: I enjoy emerald farming because it's more chill but I would like to try out wars
    Timezone: PST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: At least 3 hours a day
    Anything else we should know about you?: ( ° ʖ °) I need a life
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1 But I'm trying to learn
    Previous Guild(s): New York Nibbas
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Wars are very rare and the chat is always dead
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 65
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I don't change my name anymore, previous ign: IcyEdge
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Easy Peasy solo
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: I'm not sure how long they last but as many as is asked of me :)
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Of course
  17. Alobe

    Alobe Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Alobe
    Age: 16-20
    Your current build: Melee Earth Mage(Compiler wand, Chestplate of ineptitude, Vaward, Hive boots, Centipede)
    Why you want to join the guild: This is a constantly active guild that has players who are knowledgeable about the game, the players also seem friendly.
    Which role do you prefer?: XP and Emerald Farming
    Timezone: Eastern Central
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Around 2-3 hours a day, Southern Crescent Orchestra may keep me offline for tuesdays.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I am always helping people.
    Guild War Experience(1-10):7 ( Most of the wars glitched out)
    Previous Guild(s): House of Purity,Beasts
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: They became inactive within a week.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: Hours of playtime is 53 but multiple people including myself can assure you I have played for more than a few days.(It also says I joined a year ago so playing for roughly 2-3 days would be unrealistic.
    How often do you change your name? Never
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as you all would like.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  18. secresity

    secresity The Worst Assassin. VIP+

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    IGN: Secresity
    Highest class and level: Assassin, level 100.
    Your curent build: Hive Infused Water Build.
    Why you want to join the guild: It gets really boring staying at detlas trying to sell mythics.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) Warring, because it's basically the only thing I can do that has some purpose in the game haha.
    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I have a good sense of humor and I think I fit in well with this guild.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 7.
    Previous Guild(s): HackForums
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I went inactive for about 3 months but I really want to start playing again.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 168 hours, keep in mind I havent played in 3 months. I used to be very active.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history:
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes, I can.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: At least 3, I've had problems where 1 war took about 1 hour to even start.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes, I do.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
  19. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Accepted, contact a recruiter or higher for invite.
    Denied, but you are welcome to revise your app and reapply in 2 weeks.
    Accepted, contact a recruiter or higher for invite.
    Accepted, welcome back.
  20. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    IGN: Glenncrafter
    Age: 18
    Highest class and level: 2 lvl 100's
    Your curent build: https://wynndata.tk/s/86G1bk
    Why you want to join the guild: I miss you guys D:
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): warring (cause it's fun in group)
    edit: Annoying chiefs/captains by not warring
    Timezone: UTC+1
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I play like everyday for hours (besides sometimes a day when I have irl plans (not so common for the next 1.5 weeks))
    Anything else we should know about you?: I am going to university in 2.3 weeks (but if I see I won't have enough time for wynncraft I'll leave)
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 8-9 (You teached me)
    Previous Guild(s): Hax, Dogsamongus
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: nobody is ever online (i'm lonely :'( )
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 96 hours (it'll be 100 this week)
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: NEVER !!!
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: hmm not quite sure :p (ofcourse!)
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: Depends on the circumstances (average: 1-5)
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
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