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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. Frostlyy

    Frostlyy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: firechainZ
    Age: 15
    Highest class and level: Mage lv90 || Now 94
    Your curent build: Hybrid Raw/Spell dmg
    Why you want to join the guild: to have experiences, active players to chat with, and especially feeling a part of a huge group of pros. my goals and achievements when joining is that to have an endgame gears, become the best Mage Sorcerer/Fighter there is and help dominate the wynnworld, since there are a few spots HAX havent got yet, i believe someday, everything could be covered with HAX. With this, i believe someday ill be the greatest Mage someday!
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) : Warring /Grinding
    Timezone: Western
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. Weekdays : 4-5Hrs Weekends : 6-12Hrs
    Anything else we should know about you?: i like improving myself to reach the top
    Guild War Experience(1-10): -, havent tried it, but im willing to try one
    Previous Guild(s): Guardian
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: my friends who invited me there left Wynn
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 52Hrs
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Wynncraft, from Frostlyy -> firechainZ 21/6/17 3:34AM
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 2 Will be my current number due to my lack of power and the need of better gears
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  2. xMini_

    xMini_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Mini_PlayzYT
    Age: 5-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-20, 21+ I am 15
    Highest class and level: My highest class is Archer and it's lvl 95
    Your curent build: I have a high WS build (for fun purposes), but when fighting mobs I use a Mana Regen, raw Spell Damage build. It allows me to do bomb spells fairly quickly. (I do 5k-10k damage)
    Why you want to join the guild: My old guild was hardly active and we didn't do much together.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) I honestly don't have a preference. I'll do whatever is needed.
    Timezone: CDT, UTC/GMT -5hours (Midwest).
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. I'm online almost everyday. When online, I'm on for 4+ hours. I am in Boy scouts and I do go on campouts that last 2-7 days at times.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I like cake?
    Guild War Experience(1-10): My last guild didn't really do wars so I would say a 2, but I am able to learn about it fairly quickly. Note: I do know a bit about how wars work.
    Previous Guild(s): I left my last guild a couple months ago and do not remember it's name. Sorry.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I left due to it being inactive.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 51 hours.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I don't change my name that often. Probably once every 6 months. My old previous IGNs were Mini_PlqyzMC (11/6/2016), Mini_PlayzMC (9/25/2016), and a few more. Note: My sister used to use my account so some name changes was from her.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: I haven't really tried yet, but I bet I could survive for the 5 minutes.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: I really would like to take place in the wars. Basically saying if there's a war going on, I'll most likely be in it :).
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes I do. I don't plan on changing my name for a long time.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  3. AzraelTheGreat

    AzraelTheGreat Hardcore Player. VIP

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    IGN: AzraelTheGreat.
    Age: 16-20.
    Highest class and level: Archer • Level 100.
    Your curent build: Water + Air kind of build, relying more on water.
    Why you want to join the guild: The guild I was in is somehow inactive so I decided to apply for HAX, knowing that it will offer me a better experience such as warring since the guild is a huge one and holds a lot of territories, therefore many territory attacks will be done to keep these under the name of HAX. I really do find this guild very interesting and hope for a future in HackForums, since a friend or two are in, I can't remember very well. A friend sent me this link and I said; "Hei, sure, why not try my luck, this is a nice guild and these guys seem to be cool, I anyway don't have anybody to play with as they all gone missing..." It will be a new experience for me and we can share our skills and experiences and become even better and stronger. I'm looking to make some new friends aswell. I want to be more involved into the community than I am right now and be part of something important on Wynncraft
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP.
    Timezone: UTC + 2
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Mostly all day long. It is summer, and Minecraft is my 'activity' having Wynncraft as a hobby. I am active everyday 12 hours +, if not going outside for one hour or two, which I don't really do, I go out with friends only at night and that is around 23:00 (11 PM) or later.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm a very cooperative person, having great communication skills and I can find solutions to problems very easily. I like to be very helpful and I always wander around helping players with quests or anything they need help with.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): One, due to not having the chance of being in a war before because of the bug, but I am willing to persist even if the bug makes it's presence felt and keep on trying to attack the certain territory that must be captured, that's what I've done in the guild I was before applying to you, but no success.
    Previous Guild(s): Jaguars.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Inactive.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: Sixty two hours, not sure why, I spend a lot more time on Wynncraft than that. Maybe it is because of the namechange I did recently from PurpleFoxYT to AzraelTheGreat, but again, not entirely sure. I've been on Wynncraft since 2014, just kind of inactive but I am now back and I'm staying, for long and good.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I will not change my name anymore, but here is a 'history' of the names I played as. The first name I ever had on Minecraft, the one I purchased the game with, and followed by the namechanges are in this order: MinerMihai - Bl4ckJok3r - J0K3RK0V4K - MisuMihai - PurpleFoxYT - AzraelTheGreat.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I can, and I'm willing to take part at each attack if I'm not busy playing with somebody/helping them.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Definitely will not change my name for a very long period of time.
  4. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Please leave your current guild before I accept or deny your application.

    Denied, thank you for your interest in the guild and taking the time to apply. You're free to review your application and reapply in 2 weeks.

    Accepted! You've been invited to the guild.
    Slayne likes this.
  5. Frostlyy

    Frostlyy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Apparantly, i cant since i changed my name into Frostlyy last time, but when i Jonatz told me to change my name back into what it was (so i did) it still wont let me...
    but please do not deny it for that reason, i have reported it and itll be fixed when Guild revamp.

    Until then, please let it stay on hold!
  6. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    IGN: Celsonic
    Highest class and level: 101 Assassin, I plan on 101 warrior
    Your curent build: Melee Flameshot, Cactus/Poison Mage, Water Warrior
    Why you want to join the guild: Cause my old guild never got to warring.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring
    Timezone: Eastern Standard
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: On Every Day, the only thing that would keep me off is a swim meet or vacation.
    Anything else we should know about you?: im f4t
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10
    Previous Guild(s): Arcane, Sinners, Necrimonicon, ReBorn Villains, HackForums
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: They didn't get along with warring
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 246 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I plan on keeping this one https://namemc.com/profile/Celsonic.2
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: h3ll n0000000 lm40 sh3 1s0t m3 up d3r ass (yes)
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: All of them until we capture all territories
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: M4yb3 (yes)

    hint 3 is who i got banned by
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  7. Luckyling

    Luckyling Luck is strange

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    IGN: Luckyling
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: 100 Archer, Mage, Warrior
    Your current build: Air & Thunder Archer / Earth Melee Mage / Fire Melee Warrior
    Why you want to join the guild: I would like to join because I have a friend in the guild and would like to have an active guild to hang out with
    Which role do you prefer?: I would like to do warring but haven't done it ever, I could be useful for xp and emerald farming right now because I'm grinding for mythic and I'm not leveling up another class
    Timezone: Time discount GMT +02:00
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I'm active now because I have summer break, I'm probably online from 1-6h daily right now. I will be offline for more then 72h if I go on vacation but otherwise, I think I'm good.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I live in Sweden and my English isn't top notch, and I may ask a lot of questions if it's okey.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1/10.
    Previous Guild(s): AllStars.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: It wasn't fun to hang out with them in Wynn and most of them were inactive.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 82h.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I have changed it a lot but I like this name now :) The names I had is Samiiz (first) / _ImDroop (2015-03-26 @ 18:36:08) / BrotherRumble (2015-09-20 @ 09:50:40) / ItsMagic_ (2015-10-26 @ 08:53:21) MrMario_Jr / (2016-01-10 @ 16:52:15) / MrVlP (2016-03-06 @ 13:54:05) / DrTrickster (2016-04-15 @ 20:12:24) / DrPooop (2016-07-12 @ 13:35:41) / Monkey_Logic (2016-08-12 @ 19:47:15) / 144fps (2016-11-23 @ 17:17:33) / stenhag (2017-01-09 @ 15:16:12) / IceMonster_ (2017-03-20 @ 16:00:57) / Luckyling (2017-06-18 @ 18:18:36).
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: I don't know how long it takes to do wars so I can't say how many tries I would do and how many successful it would be. I'm a fighter that doesn't give up in the first hands. If it takes about 20 minutes to do a war and let us say 2/3 fails, I would do 0-2 daily wich means I would spend 0-2h.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes.
  8. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    nah your rip unfortunately, and the update where guilds is fixed is a long wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    way too far away
    because salted has to rewrite ALL the code
    not just some
    but ALL
  9. yurux123

    yurux123 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: yurux123
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Mage level 100
    Your curent build: Water build
    Why you want to join the guild: This guild seems good and active and i know a few members from the guild
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring
    Timezone: GMT +2
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Maybe going on vacation
    Anything else we should know about you?: No really
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 7
    Previous Guild(s): necronomicon
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: They arent really active
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 66 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: im not changing my name
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: ofcourse
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 3 if long ones 5-6 if shorts
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: im not changing my name anyways so sure
  10. Dracium_Z

    Dracium_Z A very high experienced 100% Player CHAMPION

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    IGN: Dracium_Z
    Age: 16-20 ( 16 )
    Highest class and level: Archer Level 101
    Your curent build: Hive Build
    Why you want to join the guild: Because i want play in an active guild who the players are at my level
    Which role do you prefer?: Questing ( Help players with quests )
    Timezone: CET
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I play almost every day more than 3 hours on Wynncraft
    Anything else we should know about you?: Im form germany so my english is not perfect but i try my best
    Guild War Experience(1-10): (1 worst – 10 best ) 8
    Previous Guild(s): OneUp
    Reasons you are no longer in your previous guild: The Owner and Co-Owner (Erdnussmotorad and WynnmelonofDoom) deleted the guild OneUp because the made there own MMORPG-Server
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: over 257 hours
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes i agree with that.
  11. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    Denied Bye
    Accepted, do /guild join Hax in game
    orange0404 likes this.
  12. ItsNeel

    ItsNeel An Old Mage HERO

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    IGN: NeelCraftsYT
    Age: 28

    Highest class and level: Mage and Level 100
    Your curent build: My current build atm, is a rainbow tank (typical), I have a mana and spell dam build, and I am working on a tank and MR build.
    Why you want to join the guild: HackForums is the prime example of an excellent guild, there are loads of cool people in the guild, and I'd like the opportunity to be part of that family once again :D.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): I'm comfortable with warring and farming when needed. I am active as I said before so I'll be participating in any wars that take place, and I have a lot of free time on the server so I do not mind farming.
    Timezone: Eastern Time Zone (UTC - 05:00)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I am on wynncraft for about 2-3 hours per day, and the only time I'll every be offline for more than two days will be because of work related issues.
    Anything else we should know about you?: Well, as some of you may know I have been on this server pretty much since the beginning, I am familiar with the various events in the server and the various glitches in the server and how to persevere :) .
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10 for sure, I've had plenty of experience in war.
    Previous Guild(s): DsO (Divine souls), And the Arcane Immortals, HackForums
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Spike in inactivity.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 115 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Only changed it once, was NeelTheMaster.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I can before I go offline :)))
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes I agree.
  13. Luckyling

    Luckyling Luck is strange

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    May I apply in 2 weeks again?
  14. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Yes you can.
    Slayne likes this.
  15. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    Accepted! Do /guild join Hax in game
    Yes, revise your app and apply again after 2 weeks
  16. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    okay then ur back from the dead
    you owe me my stardust
  17. Tepster101

    Tepster101 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Age: 5-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-20, 21+ 11-13
    Highest class and level: Mage 100
    Your curent build: Element tank
    Why you want to join the guild: Because the guild is beast
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and XP
    Timezone: CET
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Everyday around 3-4 hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: I was In hax before but I left because I suck
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 9
    Previous Guild(s): Hax, lib,
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Lib cause they aren't a fun squad
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 181
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: No changes
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Der
  18. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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  19. CavemanJimbo

    CavemanJimbo What a lonely profile

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    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: Archer 99 (Almost 100)
    Your current build: Air and some Thunder
    Why do you want to join the guild: I want to join an active, friendly, and helpful guild that can help me with Quests, etc. I can also help in some guild wars. I don't want a guild where only a couple peo
    Which role do you prefer: XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft: I'm just starting to get back on it, so probably a couple hours each day. 3-4 hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm not that strong at fighting, but I can still help contribute XP
    Guild War Experience: 1
    Previous Guilds: Blacklisted
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I'm pretty sure I got kicked or it was disbanded.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 61 hours (Feels like 100)
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: CavemanJimbo to Sniggly to CavemanJimbo https://namemc.com/profile/CavemanJimbo.2
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Probably
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: Probably a couple wars each day
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
  20. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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