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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Alright ty for letting me know James. We'll make room asap @secresity
    Slayne likes this.
  2. walid achlaf

    walid achlaf Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    IGN: walidoo_2002
    Age: 15
    Highest class and level: Mage level 90
    Why you want to join the guild: Because I want to help the guild and get new friends so we can help each other.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and XP
    Timezone: UTC - 05:00 Eastern Time
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Almost everyday
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm sociable
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10
    Previous Guild(s): HackForums
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Because I took a break of Wynncraft and you guys kicked me xD
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 30 hours
    How often do you change your name? Never. I only changed once
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yep
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 3-4
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes

    P.S. can I get my rank in the guild back? I gave a lot of money to the guild xD
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  3. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    While you were in the guild before, the guild has become a bit more strict with the requirements. Please meet the ones listed on the app page and then reapply. Thank you for taking the time and interest in joining us again.
    Slayne likes this.
  4. MissRoxie

    MissRoxie Newbie Adventurer

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    IGN: TheDarkAngel3232
    Age: 20
    Highest class and level: Warrior, level 94
    Why you want to join the guild: I'm in a small guild right now, and joining a better guild would be an interesting and new experience for me. I've never been involved in any large community/guild, I have always been a player who has never really stood out.
    Which role do you prefer?: XP/Emerald Farming and Warring
    Timezone: PST (Pacific Timezone)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I'm usually on for 3-4 hours a day
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm all about teamwork and am ready to help out as soon as I can
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 5, I've done guild wars before once.
    Previous Guild(s): Storming Knights, though I will leave it soon.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild:
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 34 hours so far
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: At namemc (Then in the search bar type TheDarkAngel3232 and that is the page)
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Somewhat, I'm able to run from attacks and charge if necessary.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As long as it takes for the mobs to spawn
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes, I do. I plan on keeping this name.
  5. Andkorn

    Andkorn Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: Andkorn
    Age: 17
    Highest class and level: 100, (2x archer, 1x mage, 1x assassin)
    Why you want to join the guild: Old one was inactive, and i know a fair ammount of people in Hax
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): Dont need to get XP for classes anymore so i can gather a bunch of XP, (Putting guild xp on 100%) when using classes already at 100
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours.: Pretty daily on wynn, occasionally i may not be on for a few days if im on vacation.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I got a 59 day streak with Dark ;)
    Guild War Experience(1-10): Not too too much guild warring but im able to solo most territories
    Previous Guild(s): WTh (R.I.P Inactive)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: It became inactive and while still chatting with the people, noone comes online really
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: Erm, i dont think its very accurate but: Total Playtime 174 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Havent changed my name since i became Andkorn when the name change ability came out (About a year ago i became AndkornLilies for a joke, changed it back after 1 month)
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: I think so, havent fought her recently but i used to Solo her on archer for le (Charged 4 le for a master catylest before they changed the req's for picking up drops)
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: Depends on the day, i may do tons a day or depending on how im feeling i may only do 1 or 2
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Sure thing
  6. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    Excuse me I still come online.
    Love likes this.
  7. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    "Last Seen 15 days ago"
    colin350 likes this.
  8. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    I've been caught.

    Sometimes I confuse the build server with actual Wynncraft.
    orange0402 likes this.
  9. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Denied, but thank you for taking the time and interest to apply.
    Slayne likes this.
  10. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Accepted and invited.
    Slayne likes this.
  11. td193616

    td193616 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: TD19
    Age: 22
    Highest class and level: Archer lv:91
    Why you want to join the guild: To play with others and learn more about the guild side of the game
    Which role do you prefer?: XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: CST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: trying to do 10 hours a week
    Anything else we should know about you?: N/A
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 1
    Previous Guild(s):Tonks (solo Guild)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Would like to be in a guild that is not just me.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 56 Hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: Very little, 1)td193616 to TD19 mid 2014ish
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Maybe with my glass cannon archer
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: How many every i can fit in to 2-4 hours
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes i do accept to not change my name while i am a part of this guild.
  12. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Denied, however I suggest applying to Blacklisted if you're looking for a great guild to be a part of and interact with others. Alternatively, you are free to reapply for Hax in 2 weeks. Thank you for applying. :)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Slayne likes this.
  13. Angus Beef

    Angus Beef Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: The_Cosmic_Ngus
    How old are you: 14
    Highest Class & Level: lvl 96 9th bar (warrior) aiming for 1 week lvl 100
    Why you want to join: I am a loner and would like to join a community :<and my guild isn't active
    What role are you more attracted towards? Going in war and getting more territories.
    Timezone: Australia (Greta south)
    How active are you? I am available everyday, ussaly 2-5 on week days depnding on hw nad active 3-7 hours on weekends
    Anything else we should know? I might get pee'ed off alot
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 8
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: THS and another guild thats is currently top 30
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: No one plays in my guild and becuase they are too low lvl
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 97 hours
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): Angusintokyo (4 months ago) The_Cosmic_Ngus (current)
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Depends if lag does somethng to me, but if no lag i can defeat the new mobs.
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: I can do 30-40 at most if I am bored. Maybe 10/day? 10- 70 a day depending on my souls.
    "I will not change my name while i'm in a guild" I will ask before chnaging my name and ask a member to invite me back after i leave and change my name. I Agree To These Terms
  14. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Your submission is a copy-paste of your previous application, which shows a lack of care and attention to detail.
    I have to deny this application, but thank you for reapplying.
    Slayne likes this.
  15. Angus Beef

    Angus Beef Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    sorry it was for a different guild forget i even applied
  16. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    So you used an application form from Hax for another guild? Let me know how that works out for you.
    Slayne and AscendedZombie like this.
  17. EriC__L

    EriC__L Travelled Adventurer

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    IGN: EriC__L
    Age: 22
    Highest class and level: Archer LV:90
    Why you want to join the guild: best guild ever!that why :3
    Which role do you prefer?: war and exp
    Timezone: UTC+9:00
    How active are you on Wynncraft?:10 x 7 almost ever week
    Anything else we should know about you?: not really :3
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10 (if possible)
    Previous Guild(s):na
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: cuz i don't have one!
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 1570 minutes
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: never
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: never solo it before,but it should be fine.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 4?maybe even more.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes, and i dont think i have a reason 2 change my username at all :3
  18. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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  19. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    How can you have a 10 in guild war experience if you've never been in a guild?
    Also 1570 minutes doesn't meet the requiremnet as it's only 26 hours, for future applications you should try not to be deceptive with your answers.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    Slayne and Woraxe like this.
  20. negativestar54

    negativestar54 Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: ckappel11
    Age: 14-15, soon to be 16-20
    Highest class and level: Level 100 Mage
    Your current build: Mana/spell damage
    Why you want to join the guild: I don't have much to do in Wynn and I want to get back into it, Hax should be able to help me with that
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring
    Timezone: CST (GMT -6)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I am not very active at the moment, but I should be more active once accepted
    Anything else we should know about you?: No, not really
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 4, I was in Hax earlier but was kicked for inactivity
    Previous Guild(s): Wielder of LEs (LEs)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: No one was doing anything in it
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?:
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: I don't change it at all
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Likely, I haven't tried
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 25-30, including retries
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes, I agree
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