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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. TeaCookie

    TeaCookie Stale for 2 years

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    IGN: TeaCookie
    How old are you: 14-15
    Highest Class & Level: 97 Assassin
    Why you want to join: Wynncraft already has a huge community so I thought why not join a even bigger one?
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): Economy, Farming
    Timezone: PST-8
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): 5 hours a day less on weekends D:
    Anything else we should know? Not that I can say at this moment.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 0
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: Fallen Heros
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: I left because there weren't many players active.
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 54
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): None
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yes
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I have time for?
  2. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    BEPPETTO Newbie Adventurer VIP+

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    How old are you: 16-20
    Highest Class & Level: Archer 98
    Why you want to join:
    because i want to see new people and play with them (even if i suck at talking in english) and i want to see how it is to play in a big guild with so many people
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): farming,attacking
    Timezone: UTC+1
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): 4/5 hours a day and i'm on almost every day... more likely i'm not gonna be on on holydays
    Anything else we should know? i'm working on my mage lvl 18
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 6
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: xXThE GrEmSyXx
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: because we were just some friends and we created that guild just for fun but now we want to be more serious and join good guilds :P
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 44
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): i've never changed my minecraft name xD
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: yes
    (yes, no, I am not sure) How many wars are you willing to do per day?:at least 6-7,and also it depends if i'm in mood or not
  4. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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  5. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    Sorry Denied
  6. _eYe_

    _eYe_ Bespectacled Cephalopod VIP+

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    IGN: eYe_YT
    Age: 17
    Highest class: Warrior 91
    Why I want to join: Becuase I want to be in the best guild and hopefully make it better
    Role: Attacking, Farming, pretty much anything
    Timezone: EDT
    Activity: 1-2 hours most weekdays, 8+ hours on most weekends
    Anything else?: I joined wynncraft a long time before gavel, sometime in late 2014 or early 2015.
    Guild war experience: 2 (the guilds i was in before did not go to war very often)
    What guild were you in?: LOZ, Legdens of Zushi (creator of guild messed up named)
    Why I left: Nobody in guild was active and I was tired of joining guilds that were not good, and so i am looking for a guild of greatness
    Hours played: 30
    How many wars willing to do per day: as many as necessary
  7. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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  8. EmanuOssas_

    EmanuOssas_ Not-Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: xXEmanuXx
    How old are you: 14-15
    Highest Class & Level: Assassin 101
    Why you want to join: Looking for a good and active guild
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): Farming and Attacking
    Timezone: CET (GMT +1)
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): 2-4 hours per day everyday
    Anything else we should know? I have some lag when i join worlds
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 4
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: UXS
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: I left because that guid was inactive
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 136 hours
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): None
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: I'm not sure because If i join a war i Take up to 3 mins to join in that world and i think i Will spawn directly died
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: 4+
  9. iEddie

    iEddie Sad :( VIP+

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    IGN: iEddie
    How old are you: 15
    Highest Class & Level: Level 100 Hunter
    Why you want to join: The reason I want to join is because I heard that Hax is a really great guild and I'd love to meet more op people, ever since I've heard of this guild I loved to join it one day but I wasn't a high enough level, Hope I get in ;p.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): I'm both Farming and Attacking.
    Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): On everyday grinding trying to get all my OP Donator classes to level 100, Though due to school I play for like 3-4 hours a day, If It were the weekends then yes i'd play for mostly half the day or maybe yanno all.
    Anything else we should know? There's nothing much
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 8, I've been in a few wars.
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: Mage Legacy
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: The Guild turned into a Trading Guild so the owner kicked everyone to start a fresh new Trading Guild.
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 89 Hours.
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): https://namemc.com/profile/iEddie.3
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: My mage can, warrior is a tankish, Archer Isn't that great just speed but if I dodge mostly every mob then and if there's mage or healing pots then yes.
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As much as I need to in order to impress you guys.
  10. vs2011

    vs2011 You don't say...

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    IGN: vs2011
    How old are you: 16-20
    Highest Class & Level: Warrior, lvl 100
    Why you want to join: I would like to join this guild primarily because of its prestige and authority amongst all other guilds
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): Attacking and occasionally farming with my lvl 100 for guild xp
    Timezone: MST
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): I'm online 1-2 hours every weekday and 4-5 hours on weekends
    Anything else we should know? N/A
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 8
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: Grim Nation
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: Everyone became inactive and no longer did our leader show up
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 185 hours
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): No name changes
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yes I can survive a guild war with the new mobs
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: Per weekdays about 4-5/day and weekends can extend from 8-20/day (Average)
  11. UpstreamYeti

    UpstreamYeti idk? a fucking pirate? who knows HERO

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    IGN: UpstreamYeti
    How old are you: 16-20
    Highest Class & Level: Archer - 100
    Why you want to join: I want to join because I find it to be satisfying to be engaged in a guild with lots of dedication and now how in the server. I think this guild takes a lot of pride in it's prestige and wants to maintain that status and that's something I respect.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): I like being on the trade scene and I do a lot of price checks. If I'm not doing that, I'm probably questing or farming.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): I am active for about 3-4 hours a day but that is for about 4 days a week. I have a very tight schedule with my job and school but when I am most active is on the weekends with about 5-6 hours.
    Anything else we should know? Not really. I throw myself to the judgement of the recruiters.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 7
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: A small guild with friends called Meiji (it's a Japanese Chocolate idk the leader was a weeb.)
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: I left because the owner left Wynn and I have been guildless since.
    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 143
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I've actually had like 20 but most of them were month to month in the first year that name changes came out. I am sticking with this.
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: Yes.
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I can contribute in.
  12. amitay

    amitay Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: mukolit
    How old are you: 11-13
    Highest Class & Level: archer 84
    Why you want to join: cuz i serch good guild alot of time.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): farming
    Timezone: israel
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): 1-6 hours,can play all the days.
    Anything else we should know?: im no so good in english.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?:8
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: TNA,IMP
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: TNA closed,IMP i was no play alot of time.
  13. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    Accpeted! /guild join Hax
    Accepted! /guild join Hax
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  14. amitay

    amitay Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    How many total hours do you have on Wynncraft (as shown on your official stats page): 145 hours
    How many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): i dont understand this (im sorry) but if its what i think so:0
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs lvl 90/89 mobs: yes
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: 7
  15. JackyKit

    JackyKit Any gamebreaking glitch founder, fixed by Jumla HERO

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    apply when u hit lv 90
  16. Bensert

    Bensert Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: Kaninmos (Changing to xBenny__ l8r)
    How old are you: 13
    Highest Class & Level: Mage 70
    Why you want to join: My Guild is inactive and i have no one to play with so i get pretty lonley.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc.): I like to Farm EXP, Breed horses and trying to get good stuff
    Timezone: Europe
    How active are you? (Hours/day and what days you can be on): I am at my mom and dad Every other week. When im at my mom i can play like 6hr a day if i want to but at my dads i can¨t play so much. but its like 2hr's+ Each day
    Anything else we should know? I am Norweagian
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?: 5. I have only been in one guild before.
    What Guild(s) were you previously in?: I was in Impulse
    Why were you kicked/left said guild(s)?: I left the Guild because everyone is inactive now. My friends are in the guild but the stopped playing and one got banned.
  17. GodlySinbad

    GodlySinbad Inactive

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    Minimum level is 90.
  18. vs2011

    vs2011 You don't say...

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    I think the guild is full. It won't let me to join Hax
  19. iEddie

    iEddie Sad :( VIP+

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  20. Psykko

    Psykko Biggest of Bois CHAMPION

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    Try typing in the command when you get online!
    Welcome to Hax!
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