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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. LCT8

    LCT8 The Kickoff Elite HERO

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  2. SteppingOnALego

    SteppingOnALego Seasoned Lego Stomper

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    IGN: LegoManQui
    Highest Class & Level: Mage, Level 92
    Why you want to join: I have been without a guild for a while and I would like to join a new and active one :3
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) I think that I can do both attacking and farming because being a level 92 there is a gap to my next quest and I also have access to good exp so I believe I could do both
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? I get on usually for an hour to and hour and a half a day (Except maybe not as much on Tue and Thur, because I have Soccer)
    Anything else we should know? Wynncraft is one of my favorites servers and I look forward to maybe being apart of something bigger
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? I would say a 7 because in my old guild every day we would try to take over the jungle entirely
    What Guild were you previously in? I was in a guild called The Sirhcus (Sirhcs guild the youtube)
    Why were you kick/left said guild? I left because after a while most people where incredibly inactive and so I just went lone wolf
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: I don't know where to find that xD but I would say around 70
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): None, I have never changed my name
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" Oh ya, I can do that i grind with them everyday
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as possible
  3. Qripton

    Qripton Just a normal adventurer ❤️ HERO

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    ok Thanks Tomix
  4. SebXD

    SebXD Province leader VIP

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    IGN: XDoodlesNight
    Highest Class & Level: Mage 92
    Why you want to join: this is an awesome guild and some of my friends are in it! :D I want to be with the best of the best cause that's where I believe I will fit in! :D
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) Any role you asign me to I don't really care I'm very pliable! :)
    Timezone: Mountain standard
    How active are you? Very active I get on alot! 4 hours ever day! :D
    Anything else we should know? Not really but I have very good gear ;) I also have skype!
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 8
    What Guild were you previously in? WynnExplorers
    Why were you kick/left said guild? Cause this guild looked way better and I'm better off not messing with the low levels in that guild. Also it was very inactive so I left cause no one was on.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: I'm not sure around 40 probably.
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I haven't changed my name
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" I am not sure but possibly yes I am a very good fighter! I can also heal the people while they rush to the front lines I know you guys have been looking for a tank mage that can heal the strongest players for war! :)
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: as many as you do! And I'm always up for a good fight I'll war whenever you need me too!

    Thank you for considering me joining your guild I hope you look at this application and decide that I will soon be a new member of the best guild in the whole Wynn craft server I hope you guys keep going strong and thank you!

    - Doodles (XDoodlesNight)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
  5. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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  6. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Accepted! /guild join hax
    ShawolStena likes this.
  7. DeathHallowed

    DeathHallowed Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: DeathHallowed
    Highest Class & Level: 90 Archer (Still levelling up) [It is my favourite class though]
    Why you want to join: To have friends to play and join some of PvP but not only soloing, I don't really enjoy soloing. I choose this guild as it is active and I can try out PvP through guild wars which PvP is not really common in normal grinding life.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) I like grinding the most and I would like to try what builds suit me and my skills are by the guild wars
    Timezone: GMT +8
    How active are you? At least 3-4 hours every week day, and active in weekends(Sat 3 p.m. to Sun 1-2 a.m. & Sun 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 7 p.m. to 12 p.m.). And very active on special holidays (Tbh, I think I shouldn't be having 23 hours play time only as mentioned in the stat website)
    Anything else we should know? I am a come-back veteran(just joined back a few weeks ago), and trying to rush back the progress as fast as I can. I hope I can learn from guild members.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 1, I hope I can learn from the experience.
    What Guild were you previously in? PlayArtOnline(My own guild created before the gameplay update, which all members become inactive and they can't play with me)
    Why were you kick/left said guild? As mentioned above, all members become inactive and they can't play with me due to their work, so I decided to join the community for more fun.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 23 (P.S. I know I don't have enough required total hours, but I will reach that in a short period(or even 1 hour later)
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): Changed once from Anson_HK to DeathHallowed on 28th Mar., 2015, which my another account had changed the name to Anson_HK.
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" I am not quite sure, but currently my build is DPS based which gives constant damage. Might change the play style if required or if I find something is more fun.
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: I can do anytime when I am online(but not when I was afking or having something important to do)

    Finally, I hope I can be accepted and have fun with you all. :)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
  8. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Accepted. /Guild join Hax.
    Accepted. /Guild join Hax.
    @XDoodlesNight leave your guild and message recruiter+ to invite you.

    To both of you,make sure that if you want to change ur name,leave the guild/tell someone to kick you and invite back after you change it,if you'll change it in the guild you will be stuck forever and you will have double chat.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2016
  9. SebXD

    SebXD Province leader VIP

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    Can U guys invite me again I left my guild and I'm online now
  10. SagaLord

    SagaLord Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Can i ask what the reason is for me getting denied? just wondering =P
  11. SteppingOnALego

    SteppingOnALego Seasoned Lego Stomper

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    Hey guys, I can't thank you enough for accepting me! I will be on for the next 30 or so mins and than I have to leave to visit family for the holidays, hope you guys don't mind if you could invite me now that would be perfect, Happy Holidays
  12. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Oh wow, we're level 70
  13. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Read the title.
  14. Frostlyy

    Frostlyy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    deleted ._.
  15. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Follow the full format.

    Highest Class & Level: ANSWER
    Why you want to join: ANSWER
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) ANSWER
    Timezone: ANSWER
    How active are you? ANSWER
    Anything else we should know? ANSWER
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?ANSWER
    What Guild were you previously in?Answer
    Why were you kick/left said guild?Answer
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?:Answer
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc):Answer
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)"Answer
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?:Answer
  16. ComputerLover

    ComputerLover Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sry, I was looking at old ones. Ok, re-do!
    IGN: ComputerLover
    Highest Class & Level: Mage, 99
    Why you want to join: I have never been in an active guild, and I like having a big community that I can openly speak, to, and to donate xp and emeralds!
    What role are you attracted to?: Donating XP and attacking!
    What timezone are you in?: EST-5
    How active are you? At least 5 hours a day, constantly on and just love the game in general.
    Anything else we should know?: After winter break, I have to play tennis from 4:00-6:00, so I will only be on for about 3 hrs on those days, and I joined 3 years ago so I am cool XD.
    Rate your guild war experience?: I would consider it as an 8.
    What guild were you previously in? I was in Marauders.
    Why did you leave said guild?: I left because not enough players were active and nobody was talking and got no help on bosses.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 92 Hours.
    How many name changes have you had?: None.
    Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs: Yes, I am a mage so I can just heal and spam meteor, as I heal my guild, too! :D
    How many wars are you willing to do per day?: I am willing to do as many as I can! XD
    EDIT: Please respond soon!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  17. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Accepted /Guild join Hax.
  18. CreeperInPumpkin

    CreeperInPumpkin Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: CreeperInPumpkin
    Highest Class & Level: 92 mage
    Why you want to join: I would love to be with an active group of people and participate in guild wars!
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) Mainly attacking and farming, I can donate XP as well.
    Timezone: EST-5
    How active are you? 2~3 hrs on week days, 3~4 hrs during weekends
    Anything else we should know? I might be playing a sport after school in spring, so I might not be as active during that season.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 8
    What Guild were you previously in? MoonlitBlackCat
    Why were you kick/left said guild? The guild was very inactive, and the members were very low-leveled.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 37 hrs in total
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I have never changed my name
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" Yes, I run a mana build so I can constantly heal people and dish out damage at the same time (meteor)
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: I can do as many as I can.
  19. TheCatzInTheHatz

    TheCatzInTheHatz Professional Cat Gamer

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    IGN: TheCatzInTheHatz
    Highest Class & Level: Mage: 100
    Why you want to join: My current guilds members are really low levels and no-one seems to be contributing, I would prefer to be in a more active guild.
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc): I feel I am more suited to farming or support as my main build is mage(not the best dps ;p)
    Timezone: UTC+10:00
    How active are you? Recently i've been very active coming on pretty much every day, however when school starts back on again I'll most likely be less active during the week, but will most likely play on weekends.
    Anything else we should know? My special talent is making 2 minute noodles in 58 seconds ;3
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? I'd give myself about a 4/10
    What Guild were you previously in? Endermen Leader
    Why were you kick/left said guild? I decided I wanted to apply for this guild as I wanted a more active guild, that's bigger and does more. My previous guild wasn't really focused on the guild and were more trying to level up, for this reason i want to join a guild that is more focused on the actual guild.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 61 hrs
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc): I have had one name change from catssss to TheCatzInTheHatz on 16/04/2015 @ 18:00:13
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" yes, I would mainly be a support character and heal
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: It depends on the day but between 2-5, this is because I may have things to do in real life such as study or work
  20. Rubiks_Legend

    Rubiks_Legend Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: 3zPzYT/Rubiks_Legend (Got trolled and brother changed my username xD)
    Highest Class & Level: Mage lvl 100
    Why you want to join: Want to be part of an active guild
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) Farming
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you? Mon-Fri: 6 pm-9/10 pm. Saturday: 5pm-9/10pm (Will be more active during breaks and summer)
    Anything else we should know? Starting a youtube channel one i get a better computer (Channel name: Rubiks_Legend)
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)? 2 (I have been in alot of wars but, only two of them spawned mobs)
    What Guild were you previously in? Primeval
    Why were you kick/left said guild? I left because they were not active
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?: 48 hours on 3zPzYT and 10 hours on DarkTesselation
    how many name changes have you had: DATE and NAME (or link namemc to your acc):
    "Can you survive a guild war with the new mobs *lvl 90/89 mobs: answer (yes, no, I am not sure)" Yes
    " how many wars are you willing to do per day?: Untill i have less than 6 soul points left
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
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