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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. CrazyCoaster101

    CrazyCoaster101 King of Gave- I Mean, Nothing VIP+

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    What can I improve on? I would love to know so I may be able to get into the guild in the future?
  2. dumb etan

    dumb etan Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    im never getting accepted lol
  3. xct

    xct Perseverance CHAMPION

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  4. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    Sorry but we need people who are active thru the week too,not people who are active only thru weekend.
  5. Gamerboy

    Gamerboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    IGN: Gamerboy3303
    Highest Class & Level: 100 warrior and 100 mage
    Why you want to join: Ehm because i think hax is a nice guild
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc):farming and attacking because i already have high lvls and i don't want to lvl up anymore so i have time to farm for the guild
    Timezone: Europe
    How active are you? often online
    Anything else we should know? Nothing i think
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?i think 9 or 10 because i was in lir and hax but i left
    What Guild were you previously in?Lir-Hax-mine
    Why were you kick/left said guild?I prefer to not answer
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?:192 hours but i think i played more
  6. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I need an answer.
    Loxotus and Tomix like this.
  7. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    Hi guys! I would like to address some of you guys who were upset because you were denied. I understand a ton of you are really eager to join this guild, and to some of you it probably means a whole lot to you in order for you to apply. I had just applied about a week ago, and I was extremely serious about joining, I wasn't gonna get denied for any reason. You can ask anyone that saw my app, it was a well written application! The fact that I have some job experience and decent language skills helped a bit. I do understand that most of you aren't old enough to have a job, but everyone should put some effort to make a good application. You may take this lightly, but if you truly want to be a part of this guild, you must stand out! As a reference, here is my application highlighted in my favorite color =3

    Hi! My name is Lumeis and I would like to join your guild! After playing Wynncraft for a very long time, I have decided to expand my knowledge of how guilds work, this is not something I have dabbled in all that much. I hope you find me worthy to be a part of such a huge group of amazing people :)

    Highest Class & Level: Hunter (Lvl: 93) Other high level classes include Mage (Lvl: 79), and assassin (Lvl: 76)
    Why you want to join:
    - I seek to join your guild to be a part of this family of people, and I would like to further my understanding of guilds, which may in turn further my other experiences. I am so excited!
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc): I get bored with doing too much of one thing, I would like to do both equally in order to not get bored with it, and thus become inactive. I do not wish to become one of those inactive guild members.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you?
    - I am on almost every day around 10 pm-3 am, sometimes earlier then 10, and any time on Mondays and Wednesdays. I work at a local grocery store and I am in college, so I think this is pretty generous to the guild to give that much time with my schedule. Schedule may change around with classes, although I will give y'all some notice beforehand if you would like that.
    Anything else we should know? I am leader of a guild right now called Assassin Fangs. The reason I am asking to join your guild is because I am not efficient as a leader, and all my members quit, leaving my guild completely dead. If you accept my application, I will be disbanding my guild as soon as I get word from you guys as to if I can join. At the time that I created my guild and up to now, I still have hardly any idea how they work, so I am not fit to run one at all. Also, if there is a Skype or Discord, I will gladly be a part of that! My skype is (BLANKETY BLANKETY BLANK THIS ISNT PART OF THE ORIGINAL APP>:D)
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount)?
    4: I know how it works, I am capable of winning them singlehandedly, but as for practical knowledge, I still do not know the ins and outs. You will find I am very inexperienced with these types of things, but I am a quick learner.
    What Guild were you previously in? Assassin Fangs (AsF)
    Why were you kick/left said guild? I have not left the guild yet, it is the one I own. It is currently going nowhere fast at all, and I dont even contribute to it anymore.
    How many total hours do you have on wynncraft?:92 hours

    This was my app, and it is roughly 1.7 times the length of most of the apps I see after mine. I will not lie, there are some applications that are truly atrocious, and you can tell that the person didn't care, and they just want the credit of being in the guild. I am poking at one particular person, but against the wishes of my guild-mates I will not mention who that was. I do however have an example of what not to do. While it is obvious, even if you are jokingly writing this in your application, you must have some good solid material in your application along with it. This is an example of how to NOT write your application:

    IGN: Surra
    Highest Class & Level: Archer lvl 85
    Why you want to join: I'm lonely
    What role are you more attracted towards? (attacking, farming, etc) etc
    Timezone: UTC How active are you? I got no life
    Anything else we should know? I like pandas.
    Rate your guild war experience 1 to 10(1 means none 10 is a huge amount) 1 Whats a guild war?

    This is obviously a pretty bad application, and under normal circumstances would absolutely not be accepted. While most applications aren't this bad, I have seen a few that have been denied for other reasons including these:
    - Our number one reason for denying people as of late is the fact that we are too full! We are sorry, but there is a limit we have to adhere to. Of course, if your application is promising, we might have you replace an existing member of the guild who is inactive or does not hold their position to as much value.
    - You simply don't care! I have seen apps in the past where the person just fills it out with minimum detail, doesn't even try, or fills it out with the air like they don't give two hoots! It honestly shoots my blood pressure through the roof. If your'e gonna take the time to apply, you better damn well put some effort into your app. MAKE US WANT YOU! There is nothing appealing about a lazy bum who thinks they can make their way into a top guild just because they're good at the game. Yes, being good at the game helps, and while we aren't exactly centered around community, we don't want turdheads wasting our time, asking us for benefits, and then treating us like crap. I like to have good conversations, and I like having fun AND being productive at the same time, and most of our higher up guild members feel the same way.
    - Poor grammar. While most of these reasons sprout from the roots of not caring and grows into a tree of screw you, lets talk about some other reasons that aren't necessarily because of bad intentions. Some people don't intend to use poor grammar, but do have the decency to fix all of your grammatical errors before you submit your application post.
    - You did not follow the format or did not read the extra notes. Please read up on how to fill out your application and always give as much detail as possible. This includes meeting the prerequisites we have laid out, such as the level prerequisite.
    - Be clear! If your application is unclear and vague, we're gonna have to question you and do an awkward background check just to make sure you're good in the hood.

    This is meant to help you apply in the future. We will always try to give you a general reason from now on based on why we denied your application if it was to be denied. If you try to argue with us or berate us, we will not acknowledge or respond to you. Wub ya <3

    We hope to recruit some truly good members! Keep the apps coming, and if you get accepted, we will be happy to welcome you to the guild and our guild discord :) When you are accepted by one of the chiefs, be sure to message a recruiter such as myself in-game and I will add you into the guild. Hope to see some of you soon!
  8. Gamerboy

    Gamerboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    i got kicked from lir because i asked to the co-owner to start a war but he was busy and i asked him to get the rank to start it and he kicked me
    and hax i left it because my best friend did too
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  9. PerfectlyColored

    PerfectlyColored Generic Title

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    I just stumbled upon this post and.... RIP light theme
  10. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    Pretty gud m8
    [Everything in ur app totally means a lot after u join the guild, and a lot of us aren't like 10/10 so serious, even though we has lots of territories]
    Also, if you get denied, do not be discouraged to reapply a week later.
  11. Loxotus

    Loxotus Lotus King VIP

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    Take me back again ;-;
  12. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Accepted! /guild join hax
    Loxotus likes this.
  13. DownDeeper

    DownDeeper Wanna go DownDeeper? Into caves, you dirty mind. VIP+

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    IGN: DownDeeper

    Highest Class & Level: Archer level 98

    Why You want To Join: Why I want to join HackForums is because I want to be in an active guild. Most guilds I join seem to die, and I just want to join a guild that I know people will be on whenever I get online. I am a very helpful person who will help whenever I am available. I want to be apart of a great guild, which I know this is and has potential to be even better. I had amazing experiences in HackForums, and I want to continue making those.

    What Role Are You Attracted Towards: Attacking and defending. The only part of Wynncraft that gets me excited anymore is the attacking and defending aspect of guilds.

    Timezone: EST

    Anything Else We Should Know: Nothing much other than my personal life. I am in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program and Debate, Student Government, and Criminal Justice Clubs.

    Rate Your Guild War Experience: My experience in guild warring is a 10. I have been chief, co-owner, and owner in many other guilds. So that adds a lot of responsibility for warring. Also when I was in HackForums I did all the wars that I was coincidentally online at the same time for.

    What Guild Were You Previously: From order of first to most recent; Sinners (SNR), WynnTheory (WTh), and then Hax (HackForums).

    Why Was You Kick/Left Said Guild: I left Sinners because the owner, Rani, was and is dating the previous owner of WynnTheory, PaladinArenos, and he gifted me ownership of WynnTheory. I left WynnTheory because when I joined it was a dying guild, and I just couldn't seem to pull it back up, so then I came over to HackForums. I left HackForums because I wanted to join my old, original guild Sinners to try to revive it but I realize that I can't so here I am again.

    How Many Total Hours Do You Have On Wynncraft: 81 hours I believe it was.
  14. Homruh

    Homruh From 0 Emeralds -> 120 Stacks In 5 Months. HERO

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    umm I am active like everyday otherwise I am on a vacation
  15. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    That was reply to CrazyCoaster101 >.>
  16. Surra

    Surra Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  17. Gamerboy

    Gamerboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    whyy? :(
  18. Gamerboy

    Gamerboy Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Choose meeh
  19. HeckinGay

    HeckinGay Classy and Sassy CHAMPION

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    Man @Tomix
    That is some really professional looking grammar there m80...
    solid 8.5/10
    xct and Tomix like this.
  20. Darkassassian

    Darkassassian www.nodiatis.com/pub/18.jpg CHAMPION

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    IGN: Darkassassian
    Highest Class & LvL: My Highest class is Mage lvl 90 which i was lvling with my friend but he decided to stop playing wynn
    Why I want to join this guild: I wish to join this guild because i look up to it and everybody in my guild decided to be inactive forever.
    What role are you more attached to: attacking/farming
    My Timezone: Pacific Daylight time
    How Active are you: I'm on most of the time after school, except when I'm hanging out with my family, friends and girlfriend
    Anything else we should know: I'm anemic and take pills everyday, I'm 13 and the middle child. Also I've never been the best with Language Arts so I never normally write long that's why I'm never staff on servers, or get staff on servers unless I personally know them.
    Guild war experience: My guild war experience is 5/10 because my Guild is never active and it was only me taking places
    Guild you were previously in: The Guild i was previously in was TheDarkAlliance (AOD)
    Why did you leave/get kicked from your previous guild: I left my previous guild because everyone was inactive, not playing, never helping and playing other games.
    Total Hours in Wynncraft: The total number of hours i have on Wynncraft is 68 hours
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
    Redwood and xct like this.
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