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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    accepted! /guild join Hax
    McManCz likes this.
  2. VisionWard13

    VisionWard13 Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: VisionWard13
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Mage, 91
    Your curent build: Mana Regen + Water Mage Build
    Why you want to join the guild: I need an active, friendly guild
    Which role do you prefer?: XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: MYT
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: 2 Hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: No
    Guild War Experience(1-10): I have no experience in guild wars
    Previous Guild(s): Snt ( House of Sentinels )
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Snt got disbanded
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 34 Hours, ( Sorry, my Mana Regen + Water Mage Build is the one I'm focusing on )
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): Yes, except for The Qira Hive ( I'm too weak ;-; )
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 104, #2069
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Sure
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: 1-2
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Dweeb#7543
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes
    Kogut likes this.
  3. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
  4. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    Just updated our min level and some guild information! Feel free to apply, we're looking for new members.
    Avidify likes this.
  5. RainbowDragn

    RainbowDragn Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    IGN: RainbowDragn
    I have 3 100s, my favorite are my Archer and mage
    Archer: speed build, mage: mana regen build
    I really never had an active guild, I prefer active guilds, this one, I heard, is a good guild.
    I prefer warring
    I can get on between 7 AM- 10:30 PM EST, unless i have school or I am doing something with my family (Vacations included) I should be on at least 1 hour every day, maybe more during the summer.
    My level 100 assassin is the only class that made it through Qira, before they nerfed cancer, but I can solo LI on my archer with skill potions.
    5 on war experience
    I have been in 2 guilds but I forgot their names
    The guild got disbanded
    129 hours as of right now
    I have completed all the quests that were listed
    I am willing to war
    1 or 2
    I have joined the discord server
  6. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, welcome to the guild!
  7. RainbowDragn

    RainbowDragn Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Who do I contact to join?
  8. Rodoroc_

    Rodoroc_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: warrior mage archer (all 100)
    Your curent build: speed archer
    Why you want to join the guild:cause Im trying to become more active on wynncraft
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) emerald farming
    Timezone: Central Usa
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. I can try to log on everyday. days like july 4th I most likely wont be on at all
    Anything else we should know about you?: im a star wars nerd and a quiet person
    Guild War Experience(1-10): im not very good at guild war but I can aggro mobs with speed archer
    Previous Guild(s): the lucky LE
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: it went very inactive so I left
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 95 Hours
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): on my warrior yes
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 104 rainbowdragn
    Are you willing to war when told so?: yea
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: I don't know
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim):
    Aurora is Dumb (ᗒᨓᗕ)#9306
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): no if I get accepted I will
    Kogut likes this.
  9. Kogut

    Kogut Well-Known Adventurer

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    Accepted! Message a captain+ for a invite!
  10. Hatchworth

    Hatchworth Schizophrenic Spellspammer HERO

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    IGN: Hatchworth
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Archer, 92
    Current build: Bomb Arrow focused Heracul earth build
    Why you want to join the guild: Growing up playing Minecraft since it's inception and being a part of a prestigious, respectful, and loving community as a builder for many years prior, I was impressed and amazed at what Wynncraft had created with the resources it had, cultivating within me a sense of extreme interest to explore this server when I first heard about it. Unfortunately, my old community finally dissolved after many wonderful years and I found myself alone and stuck in limbo, unable to find that sort of love and warmth that I once was accustomed to.

    Though I still felt that sense of respect and community in admiring the world that was crafted, exploring the lands and taming the wilderness alone as an archer. This experience felt very special and personal to me since it made me feel like I was a part of something again, appreciating the work of others who had a vision and extreme passion. And most importantly, it made me forget just a little bit about the family that I left -- the wonders of the continents haunting my reverie. But as I've come to travel the world, getting lost in the mesa and snow-capped mountains and forests of Wynn to scrambling to describe mystical creatures in the swamps of Gavel, to now trudging through corrupted sand tombs with newfound friends and members of this guild, I felt that tinge of pain once more and understood that I was still alone, missing something important.

    Throughout my journeys, I would often find myself talking to people about their adventures but never paid much attention to them. I was selfish and was too engrossed in my own campaign and story that I rarely asked if anyone wanted a hand with everything, although if someone ever asked me to help them I'd oblige happily. Nonetheless, I wanted this to be my own story, one where I would explore the world myself. But I learned that the Wynncraft experience is so much more than that. As I continued on my adventures, I started to find myself getting into more dire situations where it was getting harder for me to do things alone, and the first time I ever asked for help was when I needed to confront the CoW. The person who helped me did it without any questions asked, wishing me luck and leaving without asking for anything in return. I understood then just how special a small action could mean to someone. I knew then that being in this world and being able to explore alone isn't worth it; having people alongside you and being part of a community is everything. Because of that, I started helping others too, treating everyone with respect and not caring for whatever they needed help on. I gave people directions and actually traveled with them, showing them the way and teaching them about the world I studied and grew to love. I marched through the dungeons of Ragni and Troms and opened Bob's tomb with others who needed me, knowing that although they cannot help with the reincarnation I were to open the tomb once again for, at least they can progress in their own story. I wanted others to feel like they could be a part of something more and that they are not alone. And it's okay to ask for help.

    I want to join this guild not because it's prestigious alone, but because it seemed like a very friendly, respectful, and accepting family to be a part of. Looking through the other guild threads, I saw the crispness and dedication that was given to the presentation of HackForums and it reminded me of the communities that I was once a part of a long time ago where I made so many amazing and lifelong friends. Although there may not be fancy graphics, it shows that between the lines there's an underlying community that doesn't need those attributes to gather members. This guild felt to me like a home that actually cared about its individual members and regards them not as simply a means to grow in power, but as family members and friends first and foremost. Although yes, this guild is a warring community and yes, it's a tremendously important aspect of why the guild is here at the top, it still feels like there's much more than that. There is kinship, respect, passion, and a family built on brotherhood and conquest, of love, of perseverance.

    You guys seem like people who show and practice genuine care and compassion for even people outside of the guild, supporting players through their own journeys just like that player once did for me. I want to be a part of that and to reignite that flame that kept me going. I want to be able to laugh and share ideas and adventures with other people and to explore the world with friends by my side. Running through CSST and meeting a certain member of the guild, they wanted me to join. They saw something within me and they were very respectful and friendly to me as we conversed while doing the dungeon. They listened to me and replied to what I had to say and made me feel like I was already a part of a community where I wasn't. They made me feel welcome and encouraged me to join despite not knowing too much about the guild system. Because there is so much more to that in HackForums.

    Which role do you prefer?: Helping others with quests or with whatever is on their mind. I'm willing to listen and give a hand to anyone who needs help and is a shoulder to lean on. I will lend a hand in supporting others no matter the problem if I could.
    Timezone: PST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I've been on a hiatus for some time though I'm starting to find the passion for the game and this amazing server and community once again, being pretty active ever since. I'm on daily and have been steadily leveling up and exploring the world. That doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon with school ending!
    Anything else we should know about you?: Although these guild wars and mechanics are relatively unknown and new to me despite joining the server three years ago, I am happy and willing to contribute as much as I can to the cause. I understand that although this guild is built upon the foundations of supporting others and respect, we still have wars to win and enemies to defeat! Oh, and this past Saturday was my birthday!
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 2, I admit that I do not know a lot about the guild system at all except the very basics. Though I must say that I am 100% willing to participate and learn, fighting the wars that need to be fought. I won't hesitate if I'm able to join battles though please bear with me while I'm learning the details!
    Previous Guild(s): None.
    The reason you are no longer in your previous guild: N/A
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 24 though I will be playing the whole day and will get 30+ hours by the end of the weekend most likely.
    Have you completed all of these quests?: No, I haven't completed The Qira Hive though everything else is finished.
    Last page number and applicant post ID: 2181? (104 + 2077)
    Are you willing to war when told so?: See Guild War Experience and Anything Else answer!
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: I'm not sure how to answer this since I don't have experience. Though I would like to balance my duties with my adventures if possible.
    Discord: Pommégranate#3369
    Joined the discord?: Yes, just earlier today.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
    Kogut likes this.
  11. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted! Message a captain or higher for an invite
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
  12. ItsxKoala

    ItsxKoala Koala CHAMPION

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    IGN: ItzNotKoala
    Highest Class & Level: 94-Mage
    Why you want to join: I want to join because I previously had an inactive guild.
    What role are you more attracted towards? I can am a good grinder.
    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    How active are you? Every weekend for more than 2 hours and I play for 1 hour or more during the week
    Anything else we should know? My schedule is sometime busy because of baseball.
  13. McManCz

    McManCz Former member of the HackForums guild VIP+

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    Your application is incomplete. We advice you to complete the rest of the questions aswell.
    LogicalTitan likes this.
  14. Noietz

    Noietz Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: Nigth_Dragon
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Mage Level 100
    Your curent build: Its a pretty shitty one, wynndata.tk/s/mZ4CeA, I plan to move on to this https://wynndata.tk/s/xC3Ig5 , Any critiques will be accepted
    Why you want to join the guild: I Want to Fight on wars, For the glory of Nice and big clan, meet new people and learn a lot
    Which role do you prefer?: Emerald Farming, I am a more of a collector type of person, i like to have a lot of things and be able to borrow to other people and display it
    Timezone: Brasília hour/Brasil
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I Join mostly every day to try to get some LE and maybe Mythics, if i am bored i join the maximum of 3x times of a week
    Anything else we should know about you?: I Am a bit impatient and i can easily blow on anger when someone annoys me, I have a great knowledge on Drawing, Ive already wielded two mythics (One pure that i got from a friend and a Warchief that ive found , ive sold both)
    Guild War Experience(1-10): Fought some wars, Because Both clans that i had were small and Unexperienced on wars, we lost all ( All happened on IFC)
    Previous Guild(s): Pão de Forma, Palavra's original Guild, IFC, a personal Friend guild
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: The Guild Just died, The first one (IFC) Was only active because of a couple of friends, it also wasn't very active, soo i just quit and joined Pão de Forma (Palavras original Guild) Which also died because of inactivity, soo I Just quit it also, And i am now here searching for a Guild that can provide me Fun (Wars, PvP training, Trading, ETC, ETC)
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 60 hours, It may not be a lot but i am very experienced on this server, i am just poor Unfortunatly
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): All of them,King's Recruit (Obviously), Realm of Light was pretty easy, I soloed both bosses with no problem, Flight in Distress also obviously , i hate going to llevigar to go to nemract to go to detlas, Marauders also, No problem in anything in that quest, Qira I can solo easily all the divisions , I have some problems on soloing Qira herself but i can solo her also
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes, With pleasure (I love wars even tought i didn't fought many of them)
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as needed to do (If i am not Busy at school or Something important)
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): „Schweizer des Schwertes"#1524
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
    Kogut likes this.
  15. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application was accepted! Welcome to the guild
    McManCz and Kogut like this.
  16. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    IGN: GuestFring
    Age: 14
    Highest class and level: 91, Assasin
    Your curent build: Water, Air: My endgame build is third eye, aquarius, vaward, and memento. with an alazarin.
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to be part of a big guild, and I think I can make a difference.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) Warring
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I literally just got back playing.
    Anything else we should know about you?: Nope. Im a cool guy, im pretty funny, just a fun guy to have in a guild.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 2 (Successful)
    Previous Guild(s): Duckling_Cake's guild, My old guild, i disbanded it, and jaguar's guild.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Jaguar isnt a nice dude, Duckling became inactive, and i disbanded mine idk why.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 64 hours.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: every month, but I keep the word "Guest" In my usernames, try namemc. I wont change my username in a while though.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Never been in, but sure.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: unless im in a quest, any.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Deal.

    Re pasting my old app with some new edits.
    CountBurn and Kogut like this.
  17. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application was accepted! Contact a member with the rank of recruiter or higher for an invite.
    Kogut likes this.
  18. afterburner0128

    afterburner0128 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Wooooo, New Application forum, Finally got rid of a lot of useless questions (13), Now its much better and easier to do!
    McManCz and Kogut like this.
  19. Voraxe

    Voraxe Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Voraxe
    Age: 17
    Will you help war? Definitely
    Did you join our discord: I can if I am accepted
    Are you active? How often are you online and for how long? Activity varies on updates and school but I tend to stay fairly active. I've been gone for a while but the past few weeks I've been playing more and thought I should join a guild
    What time zone are you in: CST
    Kogut likes this.
  20. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    Your application was accepted! Contact a member with the rank of recruiter or higher for an invite.
    Ps: I already invited you myself ;)
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