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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. XxMrHadesxX

    XxMrHadesxX Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    In-Game Username: XxMrHadesxX
    Country and Time-Zone: Cest
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19

    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I play Wynncraft daily for around 4-9 hours a day.
    What's your main class and its level?: My main class is Warrior almost level 80.

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): First of all the quests and playing with friends. There are so many things to discover in the map! And always fun n chat with random people.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I'm searching for a new guild that is active and where I can learn more about guilds and about the server! Im currently warchief in an other guild that died... It isnt fun anymore to play for the guild caus no one is doing anything.

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Yes and I left caus of there inactivity

    Do you have Discord?: Yes, XxMrHadesxX#1804

    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A

    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
    Lego_DW, Tekenen and Luky0 like this.
  2. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    im bump rn
    Luky0 likes this.
  3. ASlimeThatRhymes

    ASlimeThatRhymes Hey! Phrasing... HERO

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: ASlimeThatRhymes
    Country and Time-Zone: Canada and Eastern Standard Time
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 22
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Recently, I have started playing for upwards of 3-4 hours a day.
    What's your main class and its level?: My main class is a mage and I am currently level 99.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy loot running, talking to other players for fun, and making up class builds (Have come back for over a year offline, so I am getting used to new content and new metas.)
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: This guild has been advertised often and seems to remain very active since its founding.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I was a part of an old guild known as the Harbringers of Qira. Since my hiatus, the guild has been offline for a long time and seems inactive for the most part.
    Do you have Discord?: I do have discord and check it often. I have a microphone and enjoy communicating this way.
    Who invited you? (Optional): No one. I found this clan on my own.
    Additional Notes (Optional): I enjoy getting to know the people in my guilds or clans. I find communication is helpful when maintaing a large guild. I like to take charge in activities I am well-versed in. I like to keep conversations lighthearted and friendly. I often participate in group activities and emphasize collaboration in tasks like a guild war. I am, however, behind in the current update and am beginning to get up on my own two feet. I look forward to gaining more knowledge from a guild like this! :D
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  4. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Well that was annoyingly unfunny

    Hmmm, I would be wary about letting him in with that skin ngl

    Also, BUMP
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  5. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    Imma pull a ok boomer card
    Lego_DW, Luky0 and Cloud Man like this.
  6. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    That's racist
  7. KekBoi

    KekBoi Travelled Adventurer

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: EthicaDD
    Country and Time-Zone: Bosnia and Herzegowina, GMT+1
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 14
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I started playing on Wynncraft a week ago and i play 5 hours daily
    What's your main class and its level?: Assasin, Total level 202, combat level 47
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Doing quests and farming bosses
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I think more people in a guild=more fun, more guild wars and better communication among the guild
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: No guilds
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, it is Kektus#7878
    Who invited you? (Optional): i found this on forums
    Additional Notes (Optional): Well i got nothing to say, except if i get invited to GoF i will donate 70% of emeralds (ill do more in future i am poor now)​
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  8. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Okay that was actually pretty funny to be fair and that did make me laugh XD, but just to clarify if someone sees this in the future I was talking about him having a face mask on his Minecraft character skin and nothing else lol
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  9. Luky0

    Luky0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    Lego_DW likes this.
  10. itsronin

    itsronin Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    In-Game Username: itsronin
    Country and Time-Zone: Norway - CET
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I've just recently started to come back, so I'm unsure on how often i'll be playing but at least twice a week with a 2 or 3 hour session per time, might be more depending on work etc

    What's your main class and its level?: I'm a hawkeye main with a combat level of 90 and a total level of 444

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): wELL, i'm a fantasy nerd and therefore have loved the RPG aspect of the server, doing quests that wouldn't be able to be done irl and shit, the mobs and the unique story lines basically make this a haven for me.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I'm not quite sure how the whole guild system works but since the early days of me joining Wynncraft i've seen that FOX has been a pretty powerful one and have wanted to try and join for quite a while but haven't found a good enough reason for me to get the motivation to apply

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I've been in Wrath of Poseidon (OCE) and that is probably the only guild i can remember being in, the reason i left is because i haven't really gotten close to any of the guild members except for the owner of the guild and so i kinda feel like an outsider in there

    Do you have Discord?: Yes I do, it's ronin | bek#9334

    Who invited you? (Optional): I wouldn't really count it as inviting but my friend yarapara suggested that i should join

    Additional Notes (Optional): if you can't tell from my minecraft skin, i'm a weeb so this whole shit is like an isekai for me lulw
    Lego_DW, Luky0 and yarapara like this.
  11. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    bolyai and Luky0 like this.
  12. ChaseMan126

    ChaseMan126 On the lookout for Mythics VIP

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: ChaseMan126 (If you're gonna look at player stats it's BirdGred for some reason)
    Country and Time-Zone: US Eastern Standard Time
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16 (Turning 17)
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Almost everyday, and for 2-4 hours at a time
    What's your main class and its level?: Mage lvl 103
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Mostly for the fact that its a top guild and I could get reliable people to help with dungeons etc
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: None, first time applying for any guild
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, pm me and I'll respond within a couple of minutes
    Additional Notes (Optional): Thank you so much for taking your time to read this. :)
    Last edited: May 10, 2020
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  13. DQTR

    DQTR IGN mediumEd

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    In-Game Username: Dqtr
    Country and Time-Zone: The best goddamn country America, EST
    Gender: Dood
    Age (Optional): 15
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 4 hours daily idk
    What's your main class and its level?: my archer is 105 but im leveling up my mage its at 103 rn
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Slap
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Active Community
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: nah
    Do you have Discord?: yes
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  14. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  15. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    don't join

    for now!
    or apply if you REALLY want to and maybe you'll get in
    Lego_DW, Cloud__, Luky0 and 1 other person like this.
  16. Cloud__

    Cloud__ wynncraft is cool duh VIP+

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    Lol xD
    Lego_DW and Luky0 like this.
  17. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    fuck it

    up arrow
    Lego_DW likes this.
  18. AlmogE

    AlmogE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: AlmogE
    Country and Time-Zone: israel GMT + 2
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional):22
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: few hours every day
    What's your main class and its level?:shaman lvl 105, now playing lvl 52 mage
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): doing dangeuns together
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: saw some reccomendations on shouts
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: i left another guild because it was inactive
    Do you have Discord?: yes my discord is Almog#3350
    Who invited you? (Optional): shouts jqspar
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Lego_DW likes this.
  19. Gidion01

    Gidion01 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: GidionGames
    Country and Time-Zone: Europe EU
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18+
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Currently about 3 hours a day minimun will probably change to a few hours a week
    What's your main class and its level?: assasin 100, warrior 100
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): currently grinding but I do enjoy warring when I have a build again
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Basically all my friends who play wynn are in Fox...
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: DsQ (years ago) left cause I quit wynn, Nih gave to alt to join / creat Oys, Oys left cause I quit wynn, I own Nih now.
    Do you have Discord?: yes Gidion#1198 I m already in Fox discord
    Who invited you? (Optional): Lego a few times, Snowy I think Godenn as well and Jqspar as well ig.
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Lego_DW likes this.
  20. Ikasy_

    Ikasy_ Official Dilck Spokesperson CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: Ikasy_
    Country and Time-Zone: Denmark GMT +2
    Gender: Female
    Age (Optional): 17
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I play almost everyday I can. I play around 2-5 hours when i really get going
    What's your main class and its level?: My main class is a mage and its level 104
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I like going questing and exploring, i also like to farm for items.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: My favorite animal is a fox, that is why this guild caught my attention in the first place, and i thought it was cool that it was a guild on Wynncraft, since then i have come to learn that it is in fact the biggest guild on the server and over all is very well spoken of, that is why this guild specificly caught my attention
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I have yet to be in a guild, since i havent wanted to join any others but this one
    Do you have Discord?: Yes i do Binja Ikasy#3883, with a microphone as well
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    Lego_DW likes this.
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