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Guild ♔ Imperial | NOT A WYNN GUILD PLS READ IDK ☕

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ascended Kitten, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. hiimNayNay

    hiimNayNay Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Bump bump Bump
    le_mega_barbare likes this.
  2. CheesyButt572

    CheesyButt572 CheesyButt VIP

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    Nickname: Cheesy
    Discord Tag: CheesyButt#9414
    Minecraft Username: CheesyButt572
    Location and Timezone: USA, Texas - Central Standard Time

    This is an in-game application

    My highest level class is currently a level 79 Archer, and my main hobby in Wynncraft at the moment would have to be quests. But even with my little experience I am quite interested in warring.

    I was in a guild with some old friends of mine before a few years back, but unfortunately due to some circumstances we grew apart.

    I would like to think that I am an active player who can get along with a whole variety of people. I maybe be a little inexperienced when it comes to others, but I try to do all that I can to get done what needs to be done.

    As of late some activities that I really enjoy are playing Wynncraft, but that's probably obvious. Other then that I do enjoy watching/reading anime/manga. Playing video games with some friends is always fun too. Discussing random topics and subjects about math and science is extremely fun since I find that kind of stuff fascinating.

    Well the aspect of warring sounds very fun and from what I can tell Imperial goes to war quite a bit, so that should be exciting. Imperial also seems like a extremely organized and well put together guild that has things undercontrol, so it's nice to not deal with all the chaos of a messy group. And this may not be an interest but I am currently not in a guild nor do I have a lot of experience with guilds in general, so trying out the guild system in Wynncraft entirely with such a big guild would be very interesing to see and be apart of. It also seems quite fun to hang out with a large group of people like I used to on other servers.

    Whether I'm accepted or not, I appreciate you taking the time to read and consider my application! :D
  3. Ambiebear

    Ambiebear Newbie Adventurer

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname : Ambie
    II. discord tag : Frosty's Ambiebear#6210
    III. Minecraft username : Ambiebear
    IV. Location and Timezone : United Kingdom, GMT

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    - In-game-member

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    - My main class is a level 74 shaman but i'm leveling up at a reasonably fast rate so naturally I like to farm dungeons, mobs and doing the quests all for the simple reason of self improvement ^w^

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left
    - Big Bless Ape; basically just a meme guild which was inactive apart from a few players who got online.
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    - Still really new to the server (been playing for about a week during the time I was writing this) so I'm not very good yet and don't know what to do about gear.. If it looks good I'll put it on basically.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    - I like drawing (even though I'm terrible), and trampolining <3

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    I can't seem to convince any of my friends to play this server with me, so I'd like to join Imperial so I can make some friends with similar interests~!
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  4. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    le_mega_barbare likes this.
  5. MysticStrider

    MysticStrider Retired Emperor of Sindria HERO

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    Cool bump for a cool guild ^-^
    le_mega_barbare likes this.
  6. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  7. MysticStrider

    MysticStrider Retired Emperor of Sindria HERO

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    Let's scooch this thread back to page 1 shall we (:
    le_mega_barbare likes this.
  8. DotRekt

    DotRekt Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname : Store
    II. discord tag : jitsu#3594
    III. Minecraft username : StoreHypixelNet
    IV. Location and Timezone : Canada, Mountain Time

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    - In-game Member Application

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    - 86 Assassin, my favourite hobby right now is questing and dungeons!

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left
    - N/A

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    - Recently got back into the server after 4-5 years, and I am still trying to figure out everything (which is a lot) that has changed since I left in the first place. Could use some guidance on builds/gear since I am not knowledgeable at all anymore haha.
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    - I play alot of soccer and have a great interest in calculus.

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    - Trying to meet new friends to play with on a daily basis!
  9. Pathrick Tuquero

    Pathrick Tuquero Newbie Adventurer VIP

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    Application form:
    1. What is your:
    I. nickname :Pat
    II. discord tag :PAT#6969
    III. Minecraft username :xXPathrickXx
    IV. Location and Timezone :Philippines,Philippine Standard Time GMT+8

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    -In-game Member application

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    -level 76 assasin and my main hobby right now is grinding levels and earning ingame money

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    -I play for fun, i really enjoy mmorpg games i tend to grind every single day even i max out everything

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    -Play videogames like MINECRAFT and watch anime and movies

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    - Organize and also the noble title its looks cool and respectable
  10. Yugito

    Yugito Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    bumping to the top
    Kirito23221 likes this.
  11. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!

    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
  12. Ramattra

    Ramattra Ravager CHAMPION

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    imp = super epic guild
  13. Acrobit

    Acrobit Only a damaged soul could hurt another human... VIP+

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    Corona bump
  14. Acrobit

    Acrobit Only a damaged soul could hurt another human... VIP+

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    im baby, call 199
  15. youneTHM

    youneTHM Skilled Adventurer

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname :youne
    II. discord tag :youne#6154
    III. Minecraft username :youneTHM
    IV. Location and Timezone :CET central europe time

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    this application is to become a in-game member of imperial

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    my highest class level is 44 mage and rising, I'm mostly doing quest so i can level up a lot and completing the game, after i am around level 100 i'm going to level all my other stats so i can max out every class in long term

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left
    i haven't joined any guilds yet

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    i think that I can make a lot of proggress in anything if i want to and always want to make friends to do it all together and having fun

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I'm mostly sporting irl but i also play the piano and have animals. I'm also playing games on the pc

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    I love community based guilds so you can become friends and even a family forever and have a lot of fun, I also want to become someone that people can count on for help and war​
  16. Lssssss

    Lssssss Skilled Adventurer

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname : Noah
    II. discord tag : !.Noah#7447
    III. Minecraft username : Lssss
    IV. Location and Timezone : England, GMT

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    - in-game member

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    - My highest level class is mage, which is level 101. My main hobby in wynncraft I would say is warring/levelling

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left
    -I was previously in haxforums a couple months ago but I left because I stopped playing the game

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    -i have just started getting back into the game after not playing for around 6-12 months, I love to grind and play all day and complete games, I also like to socialise with others

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    -I love to ski and workout

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    - I was looking for a guild which Is big so there’s always people online for me to help and get help from
  17. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!


    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!
  18. mayjune127

    mayjune127 half asleep VIP

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname : April
    II. discord tag : WildAllure#6861
    III. Minecraft username : mayjune127
    IV. Location and Timezone : Pacific Standard Time, USA

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    In-game member

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    My highest level class is a Level 68 archer, though I am planning to grind much higher in the coming days because of quarantine. My favorite part of Wynncraft and probably my main hobby would be quests, but warring is something that definitely interests me which I've never gotten the chance to try yet.

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I think I'm a fairly supportive and nice person, but also I do get competitive at times. Even though I am fairly new to this game, I do get quite dedicated to things I enjoy, like Wynncraft, probably because I do tend to be a completionist.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I actually do archery in real life, it's one of my favorite hobbies and one I've kept up with for a few years. I also play tennis and ski. I draw a lot (both physically and digitally) too, and have a bullet journal. I also do quite like math, weirdly.

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    Warring is definitely something which interests me, and the structure of Imperial's warring was definitely something interesting. It seems very well put-together and structured, and not something which would be a mess (goes for the entire guild, actually) Also, it would be nice to have friends who play the game, and the Imperial community seems very welcoming.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
  19. iSuccessful

    iSuccessful Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. What is your:
    I. nickname : Ryan
    II. discord tag : TheHandsomeOne#3243
    III. Minecraft username : iSuccessful
    IV. Location and Timezone : Eastern Standard Time (Eastern US)

    2. Is this a duocitizenship application or an in-game member application. (For duocitizenship applications, state your current guild)
    - In-Game member application

    3. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, etc.)?
    - 88 Archer, Ive loved questing up to this point but coming up to the end of the main quest line i'm looking for more stuff to do (wars, figuring out end gamer builds and such)

    4. Previous guild affiliation(s) and why you left
    - I joined The Simple Ones (ILQ) a few weeks ago but while they are active I was never invited to any ingame events or found anyone within the guild to play with so i'm looking for a more engaging guild to play with.

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    - I'm a nice person looking for a fun community to play wynn with. I love to joke around as well.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    - Mountain bike and workout.

    7. Which aspect of Imperial interests you the most? (IG, eX).
    - I'd love to join the imperial guard but I'm completely new to wars.
  20. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
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