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Guild ♔ Imperial | NOT A WYNN GUILD PLS READ IDK ☕

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ascended Kitten, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. Rob Jones

    Rob Jones Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Application form:
    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    - No nickname just call me Rob
    - The_Aviansie#2950
    - Rob Jones
    - Wales, UK
    - BST (GMT +1)
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    I have a level 69 Mage, my main things to do in Wynncraft are raiding, questing and searching out caves for riches.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    - None this would be my first guild
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    - I am a web developer by profession, I try to expand my knowledge by coding discord bots, other types of code etc..
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    - Nice guy, naive at times
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    - Runescape, Wynncraft and GTA (oh and beer!)

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    - I would like to start off as eX and helping the imperial community, maybe looking at other branches as I get settled.

    Corruptplex likes this.
  2. Ecliptics

    Ecliptics Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? Hi, my nickname is ecliptics i guess, discord tag ecliptics#0515, username is ecliptics also haha. locations is Lithuania, timezone UTC +3
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc) My highest level class is assassin which is level 88 right now but im like 1% away from level 89 lol. Favorite hobby in wynncraft would be just doing quests and leveling up, i also seem to really enjoy being in some kind of party and killing some high level bosses, something about it brings me lots of fun and joy.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s): Never been in any guild before applying to this one right now, im also not sure if im doing this right way.
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life? well im not really talented but i like to draw sometimes, to be honest not sure about anything else.
    5. What do you think about yourself? i consider myself to be a pretty boring person, but thats just for now, because im still trying to figure myself out. Other than that im trying to be friendly and kind to others, and i think i am good at being like that haha. Also my English speaking abilities are not the best.
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life? i like to play video games, watching Tv shows, and listening to music!
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why? I think it would be eX, because as i read the summary in the thread it seems like the place where i would feel most comfortable.
    Alex1 and Corruptplex like this.
  3. Chefster

    Chefster Night Emperor HERO

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    Imp still alive :) good shit! Keep it up guys :D
    Corruptplex likes this.
  4. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Corruptplex likes this.
  5. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Thank you, we honestly appreciate it :)

    Say, did you notice because you were an ex member?
    Chefster likes this.
  6. Fully_Maverick

    Fully_Maverick Heavy Melee is best build

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?

    I don't go by any nicknames
    My discord tag is Merit#2723
    My Minecraft Username is Fully_Maverick
    Location and Timezone: El Paso, TX - MST

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)

    My highest level class is my level 92 (almost 93) archer, and my hobby in Wynncraft is just playing and talking with people because playing solo is boring. I also enjoy buying and selling things to people too.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):

    I just came back from a looooong brake so I don't remember any of my old guild affiliations or guild members.

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?

    I'm physically coordinated, I'm able to solve mathematical equations with ease and I'm able to understand difficult wording if they are said to me.

    5. What do you think about yourself?

    I think of myself as a smart individual that tries his hardest to stay in everyone's good side and not their bad side.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?

    The things that I enjoy doing are playing football, weight lift and hanging out with family and friends.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    If I could choose more than one, I would choose the IG and eX. I want to help the guild as much as possible during wars and I also want to have fun with my guild-mates.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
    Corruptplex likes this.
  7. nus-1237

    nus-1237 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location, and timezone?
    - nus1237 - nus1237#3119 - nus1237 - Denmark - CEST
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    - my highest class is a mage level 102, archer level 94 and assassin level 93. my favorite hobby in Wynncraft is to war because it's fun to fight against mobs and to try and get as many territories as I can together with an amazing guild
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    - I have been previously in Sins of Sedia when it was the number 1 guild. there I also help a lot with waring, emeralds and XP
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    - I really like to play video games (especially Wynncraft), go mountain biking and making people happy
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I think that I'm a really nice and positive person, that always tries my hardest to everything good for everyone
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    - My favorite thing to do in real life is to go mountain biking and play on Wynncraft participating in wars.
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    - I'm not quite sure what any of them mean, but I would always want to help where help is needed.
    Corruptplex and Alex1 like this.
  8. Chefster

    Chefster Night Emperor HERO

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    Corruptplex likes this.
  9. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Chefster likes this.
  10. nus-1237

    nus-1237 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    do you know who that can accept my apply?
  11. Chefster

    Chefster Night Emperor HERO

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    Thanks and dont worry :)
    Corruptplex likes this.
  12. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Well, here in Imperial we have an application team. How it is works is that all of us votes on every single individual application. We do this so we can understand each other's perspective on how the applicant's application shows their true color and what they can bring for the guild. I hope that answered your question, ask if you have anymore?
  13. CommanderKronos

    CommanderKronos To be or not to be, Thats not the question. VIP

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    Nickname: Kronos
    Discord Tag: CommanderKronos#3390
    Username: CommanderKronos
    Location: The Netherlands
    Timezone: GMT+1
    Highest Level Class: Hunter, Lvl 34

    My main hobby in wynncraft and why:
    I spend most of my time in wynncraft doing quests and building my character. Although I miss the social part of the game a bit since I don't have alot of friends that also play wynncraft. Joining this guild would be great to make connections and friends to play with! But since I'm still a pretty low level I haven't seen the full extent of the game yet. Which is another reason for why I would want to join this guild, To show me more of the game and features I haven't seen yet. I've been playing for a while now (Member since 2014) but I've had a long break. After that break I deleted all my characters and I started again. I think my highest level I ever got was around 60 but I'm not sure about that.

    Previous Guild Affiliation(s):

    My aptitudes in real life:
    I'm a pretty logical and persistent person. When I'm playing a game with a clear progression and goal, I tend to get really focused on that goal which makes me unable to stop until I finish what I was doing (This has translated into my software development study as a useful bug fixing skill). I've noticed that it also has huge benefits to games like wynncraft. The "grind" of rpg's almost never bore me because I always set a goal for my grinding. Which in turn makes me persistent to get to that goal which keeps it fun for me. Basically when I set my mind to something I automatically make it easier and fun for myself.

    What I think about myself:
    I think I'm a pretty fun energetic person that almost always fits in with communities. I've never had alot of trouble trying to make friends when joining guild, groups, clans or factions in other games. So I think that I'll fit in nicely in this guild.

    My favorite things to do in real life:
    In real life I spend my time studying, practicing archery, programming, hanging with friends and playing video games (No wonder I almost always play archer/hunter).

    Branch I would like to potentially be a part of and why:
    Definetly eX, Since that sounds like the branch that would provide me the most enjoyment at the level I am at right now. But once I hit lvl 80 and I start to really get into the big parts of the game I would love to be apart of IG. I've never been able to experience the guild wars and such, But I would really like to since it sounds like a great big challenge to become good at PvP and guild wars.

    First of I would like to thank Corruptplex for linking me to this guild thread. He seems like a generous person :P. I would also like to apologize in advance for any spelling and grammar errors. I'm Dutch so this is the best I can do. I hope it will suffice.

    Pls accept. I is fun.
    Corruptplex likes this.
  14. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Ecliptics likes this.
  15. BurningSandals

    BurningSandals Newbie Adventurer

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    Application form:
    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    Nickname: Burning, Discord tag: BurningSandals#1493, Chicago, Central time zone
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest lvl class would be my mage, currently level 31, My main hobby is to venture around the map while taking upon dungeons and bosses i find to level up my class.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    Some of my aptitudes does involve working with computers but also knowing alot about nature, and fishing.
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    Im a outgoing person, that likes to lay back sometimes and have some fun with friends and or online.
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    Atv, Off road, fishing, Outdoor activities mainly.
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would like to be in IG, But Because of my lvl being under 80, if i have read it currently i would like to be part of eX because it seems fun and filled with like minded people and players.
    Corruptplex likes this.
  16. LowBasz

    LowBasz Newbie Adventurer

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    Application Form:

    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    LowBasz, LowBasz#7573, LowBasz, Chicago, Central Daylight Time​
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class is a level 31 Mage and my main hobby in Wynncraft is running dungeons, slaying high level monsters, and playing with friends.​
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    None, as I have never been in a guild.​
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I work well with computers and technology in general and I take high level courses in school and tend to do well.​
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I think of myself as a creative, determined, and hard working individual. I like to set goals for myself to see progression. I'm sort of introverted in social situations but work well with others.​
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I like to listen to music, fish, play sports and video games, explore new places, and experience new things.​
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    I would like to be potentially apart of IG as I was recommended by a player in game but eX looks like the place for me as I am under level 80.​
    Corruptplex likes this.
  17. nus-1237

    nus-1237 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Thanks! it Helped a lot :D
    Corruptplex likes this.
  18. Corruptplex

    Corruptplex Just an ordinary player HERO

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    Good luck to all new applicants!
    CommanderKronos likes this.
  19. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild on discord.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Alex1 likes this.
  20. 8bitkefka

    8bitkefka Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    What is the avg. age of members?
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