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Guild ♔ Imperial | NOT A WYNN GUILD PLS READ IDK ☕

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Ascended Kitten, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you both that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  2. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    When I first joined Imperial several months ago, I couldn't imagine myself standing today on the front of the ceremony stage and getting not one, but three medals for my service in Imperial.

    Some would say that I made everything for the medals, but it's not true.
    When I'm sitting and writing this post I can say with 100% confidence that I made it for the community of Imperial and Valkyrie.
    I walked through rough way and experienced many failures, but I'll keep going in that way because I feel a real connection to those people that I'm more than glad to call them my family.

    I invite everyone who reads this post to join us, and become part of such a great community ^-^
    Love you all
    Bear MedalCeremony#1.png MedalCeremony#4.png.jpg
  3. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    join imp uwu
    le_mega_barbare and Fox like this.
  4. Idan

    Idan a hoe HERO

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    hey there funkywunkers look
    yes that is from the ceremony pretty photo
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  5. Datac_

    Datac_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    IGN: Datacrafter123 (don't judge lolol) DT: Jellybean #7131 (also don't judge lolol) Location: NJ, USA. TZ: EST

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    Highest level class: Assassin, combat lvl 75. Main hobby: Dying to lvl 1 zombies, also exploring the scenery and admiring the builds.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    TheDarkMenace(TDM), TheHighFae (THF)(current guild)

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    I have none :( (Tennis, violin, playing Wynncraft hours on end, doing quick maths, among other things.) Some of my friends would also call me a "diplomat," as I don't like arguing with people and try to keep things peaceful. I also appreciate good jokes :)

    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I like myself, but not too much. I think of myself as kinda laid back. Also, I'm a bit of an introvert and may not talk that much in the in-game chat, particularly if I'm concentrating on a quest, other than joking around a bit and communication. I do love bantering though.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    My favorite things to do in real life are playing games, sleeping, eating, sleeping some more, and hanging out with my good friends =) I also appreciate curling up in my beanbag chair and reading a good book.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    Although I'm kinda busy, I like grinding in my spare time, and would like to join IG when I reach a high enough level, but for now eX looks fun :) I also migghtt be able to code some bots, I know python and some java, but've never coded a bot before.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2019
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  6. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  7. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    join imp uwu
    Acrobit likes this.
  8. Vibin5202_789

    Vibin5202_789 Hmmm CHAMPION

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    I'm gonna try to rejoin

    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? vbn, !vbn5202_789/Luminous Crawler#5085, vbn5202_789, i am in the UK and therefore my timezone is GMT

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc) Lvl100 and smth warrior and mage. My main hobby is warring and grinding my woodcutting level up. I also enjoy doing quests and im trying 100% all quests and locations on my warrior.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s): DsA, this guild, LeF, HoF,HoS, some other guilds

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?One of my aptitudes is that I am good at strategy board games like chess, checkers ect, No other aptitudes

    5. What do you think about yourself? I think myself to be a shy person who doesn't get into many conversations(mostly due to me not liking talking.) I am self conscious. Irl I like to play chess, do rowing or just play video games. I dont spend much time outdoors unless I am doing rowing. Mostly I spend my time indoors playing strategy games like chess, mahjong or some form of card game ( that is if i am not on my computer).

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life? Play video games, watch anime, play on my guitar, kill furries. I like board games as well.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why? Probably IG because last time i enjoyed being in it. Currently its only IG because I prefer warring to any of the other things which the other branches do
    Bear_Force likes this.
  9. Juiceboxing

    Juiceboxing Owner of Snt | Vampire | Aspiring Artist HERO

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    Lets kick it!
    1. Nick: Juice/Noodle/bat/many other things
    Discord: juiceboxing#0117
    Location: Ontario Canada, EST

    2. Highest level: 103 warrior that no longer wars
    What I do in wynn: nothing much, I've become inactive ingame wise but when I am on I usuallu grind out levels (sometimes with friends). I used to war a ton but I'm 99% sure those days are over. I spend most of my time however on discord as wynn has helped me meet many awesome people who I love to talk and hang out with.

    3. Previous guild affiliations: You probably know as the revive Snt guy, that is my guild and ill probably stay here permanently, I've also been in PUN THI and DsA although not recently (but i do know and talk to many people in all these guilds still)

    4. What do i do irl: Well how nice of you to ask, I am focused a lot on school due to being in grade 12 and nearing University but outside of that i hang out will irl friends and wynn friends, play a lot of overwatch and obsess over halo and pokemon. I've put some time into photography courses at school and as such I do now make memes at home as my own weird form of art. But I don't just make photos i do make videos too, me and a lot of my friends all make videos together directed by myself with the ideas, acting, inspiration, and success from my friends.

    5. What do you think about yourself: I am a bit of a leader (revive snt) although I'm not great at it, I do try my best. I am a quiet person but I will always love to chat whether it be vcs or via texting on discord. I am also a natural pessimist but I try very hard to be as positive as possible!

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life: Well quite obviously making photos or videos is my personal favorite thing to do! I just love the process of turning a photo or a few dumb videos or ideas into a bigger project and showing other people (if you wanna see hmu) Also by making these photos or videos I spend quite a bit of time with my friends which is always a pleasure. I also really love food, I am lucky to live where I do since there's so many different types of food to try out.

    7. Which branch: Community! If you haven't figured it out yet snt is my baby and I'll never leave it. But I have many friends in imperial that it would be great to hang out even more with! You probably see me chatting in the discord quite a bit already uwu. But this would also be an awesome opportunity to meet even more people and make even more friends and stories and projects! Also Lou is my child I will protect him at all costs.

    Man I haven't done one of these in forever this is exciting!
    Bear_Force and Gelato 101 like this.
  10. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We regret to inform you that your application was denied by the guild’s members and its council. However, do not lose faith, and feel free to apply again in one week.

    Best of luck to you!

    We are glad to inform you two that your applications have been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Bear_Force, Fox, Visc and 2 others like this.
  11. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Even though I'm gone it still feels odd to see this on second page. Have a free bump.
    Fox and Ascended Kitten like this.
  12. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Loyal beyond death </3
    Fox and Altakar like this.
  13. Slime

    Slime ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VIP

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    Hey, how is it going?

    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone?
    My nickname is Alex, Slime, whatever really. I live in the United States and am in the EST timezone. My discord tag is MeeseMan#7880 and my in game username is Sliem.
    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)
    My highest level class is a level 74 warrior. My main hobby is to grind mobs so that I may sell their drops on the market, it gives me something to do while listening to a podcast. I hope to enjoy warring/guilds as another hobby since I have not experienced them yet.
    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):
    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?
    Since 2016 I have been teaching myself to 3D model in blender so that I can make models for games or to 3d print later. I can send renders of models I have made if you want to see them. I know how to code in HTML, Javascript, and CSS for the purpose of making websites. Other than that I do well in school.
    5. What do you think about yourself?
    I believe that I am able to learn just about anything if I can find a good teaching resource and spend enough time practicing it. Also, I am capable of completing large amounts of work in a short amount of time if sufficient pressure is applied to me (having to write very long essays the night before they are due, that sort of thing).
    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?
    I enjoy playing overwatch, reading sci-fi/horror novels, watching anime, and biking around my city.
    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?
    Because I am only level 74 right now I would like to be in the eX. I started playing wynncraft again over the past two weeks. However I have been missing the experience of hanging out with other people and grinding mobs together. With the eX I hope to make some new friends and possibly chat over discord with them. I would also like to participate in guild wars because I stopped playing wynncraft just after the guild update was released and would like an additional thing to do while adventuring around new areas.
    Fox likes this.
  14. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
  15. Slime

    Slime ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ VIP

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    Awesome! Will be on soon.
  16. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    1: Nickname: Epic or Nick, Discord: Epicness937#0730, IGN: Epicness937, NA West (Oregon), PST

    2: a 103 warrior soon to be 104 (formally 101 pre 1.18) in Wynn I tend to gravitate towards build making as I enjoy experimenting with different gameplay styles and abusing whatever the hell I can. I also enjoy farming stuff and trying to sell it for whatever I can manage.

    3: Eco

    4: Thinking things out and experimenting (hence why I like build making), I always enjoy anything I find challenges me/makes me think. Along with this I would say I work well with others and enjoy doing so.

    5: I tend to think of myself as a very laid back and somewhat easy going person willing to help wherever they can. Usually

    6: I enjoy making things in/for minecraft (skins, mods, modpacks, builds), I’m a total Lego addict, I am usually am reading if I’m not doing homework or minecraft, I’m an avid climber and biker and find they clear my head really well.

    7: IG is what I would find myself a part in as I am very into the pve/pvp side of this game and enjoy testing builds out during wars and enjoy just grinding mobs in general. I also would love to make new friends within this game’s community and I think this would be an awesome way to do it (that's not branch specific I suppose though).
    Evereston likes this.
  17. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    We are glad to inform you that your application has been accepted. You will be receiving a message with necessary information about the guild.

    See you on our discord server and in our in-game guild. Welcome into Imperial, we are glad to have you with us!
    Epicness937 and Ascended Kitten like this.
  18. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Sorry about wasting some of your defenses, but I wanted to test myself against some 1000 mob defenses so of course I came straight for Imp territory.

    Edit: Didn't find anything besides level 50 stall defenses unfortunately. Time to check DCave I guess?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    Ascended Kitten and Fox like this.
  19. Tanzu

    Tanzu Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location, and timezone?

    Tanzu, Tanzu#9047, Tanzu, US, Pacific

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc)

    Currently, my highest level is 98 combat power. I’ve had multiple level 100’s on other accounts. My favorite thing to do in Wynncraft is to help new people with quests and whatever they need. I also enjoy just playing around with friends, doing hide-and-seek, tag, and duels.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s):

    I’ve been a part of many guilds. I usually enjoy joining smaller guilds and trying to make them grow from the bottom up, but after many years of doing this, I’ve decided that I just want to be a member of a larger group.

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life?

    In my real life, I am often creating games and 3d modeling things in Unity and Maya. I’ve become quite good at it, so it had become one of my favorite talents. I am also a competitive swimmer and water polo player.

    5. What do you think about yourself?

    The word that would best describe me is adventurous. I enjoy turning over every stone and trying everything I can. That especially includes food (I love trying food from different cultures). I’ve tried lots of dishes (my favorites are always from Italy) and I’ve always wanted to visit places around the world. I’d love to visit Italy and Germany. I’m interested in European history so visiting there would be a dream come true. I also really enjoy backpacking into the backcountry on 7-10 mile hikes. I would consider myself slightly introverted because I don’t usually like to go out of my way to make friends, but when I do become acquainted with them, I’m very friendly.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life?

    My life revolves around three things for the most part: swimming, gaming, and school. They are what I spend most of my days doing. Throughout the week, I spend at least 2 hours a day swimming, and the rest of the time at school/doing homework. On the weekends and during any free time throughout the week, I play a lot of video games. I’m mostly interested in Minecraft and Overwatch.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why?

    I would be most interested in joining the Imperial Guard or the eXcursion. I would want to join the Imperial Guard because I enjoy the combat in Wynncraft, especially the support spells such as heal. I definitely focus more on helping out my team, than doing the most damage. I’d love to join the eXcursion because I want to be able to learn how to most effectively use classes other than Mage and level them up a bit more.
    Fox and Ascended Kitten like this.
  20. Bofur_Fordragon

    Bofur_Fordragon Mountain King HERO

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    1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? My name is Bofur, my discord tag is Lord of Chaos#0716, my username is Bofur_Fordragon and I live at New England(NA), EST.

    2. What is your highest level class and what is your main hobby in Wynncraft and why? (could be the market, builds, warring, quests, guilds, partying, etc) Currently a level 17 Dark Wizard.

    3. Previous guild affiliation(s): None

    4. What are your aptitudes in real life? Currently studying for programming, other than that I'm rather average on most other things for the most part.

    5. What do you think about yourself? I think I"m alright, average. Nothing really special in terms of personality.

    6. What are your favorite things to do in real life? Play video games, write stories, program.

    7. Which branch (IG, MIB, eX, IFTA, Duma Community) would you like to potentially be a part of and why? I think id like to start in eX due to my low level, or IFTA if I'm given the chance. I do know that once I get towards a high enough level ill try the IG, and maybe try to shoot for Duma if I think I like the community enough to attempt it.
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