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General ★ Store Feedback ★ [ Improvement Ideas ]

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Moderabo, Nov 3, 2016.

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  1. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    The new store has rolled out and I have some feedback on it. Everything I say are how I experience the update. And I do not at all hate on Wynncraft, it is the best server I've played on. I just want Wynncraft to be better and this is how I feel that could be done.




    First off of the ranks, VIP. The rank Wynncraft doesn't seem to care about anymore. This is the only rank that I see is not at all worth its price. The only thing you get is 10 minutes of extra XP a day and two class reskins plus some extra class slots. That's about it. $25 for that is in my opinion not worth it. Where is the cosmetics VIP used to get? Where are the bombs? It just feels like Wynncraft downgraded VIP from what it used to be.

    Next up, VIP+. The rank that is definitely worth it. Wynncraft did not take anything away from VIP+, except the bombs. Why take away the bombs? Sure you don't get the cosmetics right away, but instead have to wait to get them from crates, but it is not taken away. The only thing changed is the addition of 20 minutes of totems a day and the chance to get new cosmetics

    Lastly, HERO. The rank I'm not quite sure about yet. A new rank, what can I say. It did get the things I thought it would, or rather, it did not get the stuff I didn't think it would, if that makes any sense. While I do believe what you get is not worth the price of $100, it is supposed to be the ultimate rank which means it can cost a lot. Everything that HERO gets are good. The only real problems I have is that HERO doesn't get anything that VIP+ doesn't get apart from beta access in the future, and that you only support Wynncraft with three hearts when it should be four hearts as the rank cost double the amount of VIP+.

    Conclution of the Ranks
    While I do think the classes are sort of worth it, except of course VIP, I still think that the ranks are missing something to actually stand out more. I will go into more detail on how I think the Wynncraft store can be better later on.



    Now this is the only thing I have no reason to even think about complaining. The pets were much better than I anticipated. I just thought Wynncraft would add back the old pet packages there once was, instead they added much more advanced pets. Again, nothing bad to say about this, although the prices might seem high, all other servers I've seen with pets have these prices aswell, it may even be so that Wynncraft's prices are actually lower than other servers based on the complexity of the pets. *cough* Hypixel *cough* $35 for a penguin while Wynncraft offers a cuter penguin for $25.

    All in all the bombs are great, didn't really use the ones I got from VIP+ though and I haven't bought any so my experience with bombs is small.
    • XP Bombs - One of the best, if not the best one. The price seems fair for what it is. $6 for 80 minutes of double XP is a reasonable price. Sad it doesn't work on quests, but I understand why. A great bomb that didn't change from before.
    • Shout Bombs - Very good if you want a message to be seen by the community. Fair price here too, nothing really bad to say. Only thing I find a bit confusing is that it states "no advertising allowed", however it seems like everyone uses shouts to sell their items, might want to change that to say somethings in the lines of not advertise YouTube or Twitch.
    • Loot Bombs - The best bomb in my eyes. Now with totems XP isn't that hard to get and XP bombs not affecting quests make them a bit worse. However loot you can always use more of. And think about getting two mythics at once, you'll be rich.
    • Soul Points Bombs - This one is weird as I never thought there was a problem with soul points, but I guess more bombs the better, and the price isn't at all bad for what it gives.
    • Party Bombs - Fun if you have a big party, have an event or just in Detlas WC1, other than that I see no use. But they are not at all bad. And the price is really good on this. 8 bombs for $4.
    • Item Bombs - Liked the old ones better, but after seeing how it could be abused by throwing it in an enclosed area around others I do see why it changed. Not sure about the price, but if you throw it on a full server with only level 90+ then you'll get 120+ total level 90 items spread across all players, and that seems like it would be worth the price.
    • Disguise Bombs - Same as the Party Bombs. Still fair price though.

    Crates and their Rewards
    The crates are a great addition to Wynncraft. They only give cosmetic rewards and they are fairly priced. I have nothing bad to say about the crates themselves, however I do think there aren't nearly as many cosmetics as I would have hoped. And that is what I think makes the new store bad. Don't get me wrong, the rewards are great, but in the scale of Wynncraft it seems like the cosmetics are very few. I'll compare Wynncraft to Hypixel, as it seems like the Wynncraft store is leaning that way. Before I go on, I must say that I don't like how Hypixel just throws stuff at you to make you upgrade to a rank to get all cosmetics and privileges. What I do want to compare with is the amount of cosmetic items. While Hypixel is a minigames server it still has a lot of cosmetics that, for the most part, only can be used in the lobbies. Wynncraft is a vast open world to explore, which makes it in my opinion more logical to have lots of particle effects and different weapon skins. You are meant to create your own character, but that is hard when you don't have that many choices. If you have every cosmetic you are bound to find someone that has a style nearly identical to you. If we had like Hypixel, hundreds of different cosmetic items there would be much less of a chance of that happening and every player would feel unique, that is if they donated. I also feel like it is actually easy to get every cosmetic in the game. That might just be me, but it feels like there aren't enough cosmetics for it to sustain in the long run as everyone would just have everything after some time.


    What could Wynncraft do to improve the store? Here is what would improve the store and make Wynncraft a better game.

    Here is what I think could be changed with the ranks.

    • Give VIP 1x T1 ★ Crate a day.
    • Give VIP+ 1x T2 ★★ Crate a day.
    • Give HERO 1x T3 ★★★ Crate a day.
    Now before you yell at me, let me explain. As I've said I really think VIP should get some cosmetics, and this is the easiest and simplest way for it. However, for this to work the crates need to be reworked. There should come a new tier of crates, T1 ★. In those crates only common can be found with a very, very small chance of rare. What is now called T1 ★ would be changed to T2 ★★, and T2 ★★ changed to T3 ★★★, and T3 ★★★ changed to T4 ★★★★. So the only way to get the T1 ★ would be if you had VIP. The crates you buy in the store would stay the same, just update their name to the new ones, T2 T3 T4. Some might argue that VIP+ won't get anything exclusive from VIP, but that is just wrong. VIP+ gets both the jukebox and the two most impressive class reskins. This would make so VIP doesn't lose anything that the rank once had.

    • Give HERO one XP Bomb a month.
    I do think each rank should have something that is exclisive for that rank or higher, VIP has, well the VIP rank, VIP+ has the jukebox and two reskins, but HERO only have beta access, and that won't really be used. As of now the only thing HERO gets is more stuff than VIP+. One measly XP bomb a month would give HERO something new. And it would take, if you only consider the bomb, 100 months for it to start paying off, 100 XP Bombs is around $100. And if you think that isn't enough then throw in like one Party Bomb a week or something. Give HERO something unique.

    • Give HERO more class slots.
    Seriously, just do it. Nearly everyone wants it, or at least those I've seen, especially one guy that gives a ton of likes. This would maybe mess with the leaderboard more, but come on the leaderboard is already broken with VIP+. The only thing it would do is add another reason to purchase the rank.

    My thoughts on how to improve the cosmetics, that are really good and very well done, but still needs changing.

    • Don't stop with the cosmetics, make more and more. We need a lot of them.
    This is the biggest thing I see need a change. There aren't enough cosmetic items in the game as of now. I understand why there aren't a lot, the update had to come out. But that doesn't stop Wynncraft from adding more vanities along the way. Don't postpone new cosmetics, after all it is the base for Wynncraft. After some time there might be much more cosmetics and those with lots of money will always have a reason to donate as new cosmetics roll in.


    I can not only tell and complain about the bad things when there were a lot of good new things aswell with the store. So I'll put them in a list.

    • Pets
    As I already said, nothing is bad with the pets. I really like how Wynncraft managed to create for the most part new ideas for pets. And as stated they were much cooler than expected.

    • HERO
    A new rank, that is in my opinion a really exciting. If I look away from the small flaws I see with HERO it is a great rank and very good as an ultimate rank, one that I will buy.

    • Cosmetics
    While there aren't enough, the ones we have are really well made. The particle effects are great and the weapon skins look awesome. Everything with the looks and the rarity of the cosmetics are very well made.

    • Crates
    I love crates, don't know why but I bet it is the sensation right when you open them. Great thing to add to the game.

    • Bombs
    While some of them seem odd, Soul Points Bombs, they are a great addition. Won't buy them myself, but for those who do they are great.

    • Artwork
    The art used in the shop really makes it stand out from other servers. I love the art, espacially when you hover over the different bombs and the picture changes.

    • A lot more things
    Everything I haven't taken up are things that are good and really don't need any changes or improvements. If I were to list everything it would take to much time.


    The update was great. I love to see new stuff added to the store. There wasn't anything bad with the update, just things that could be improved.

    Wynncraft need donations to stay open, and these are changes that would maybe help with that. With this thread I wanted to share my thoughts and ideas surrounding this update.

    Before you hate on me for wanting to give ranks more/better rewards I do think it is the best for Wynncraft's survival and after all, it is just cosmetics. Nowhere in the thread did I want to add pay to win.

    These are just my thought and opinions on the new store. You might agree or disagree with me and that is totally fine.

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  2. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    xav is tht u
  3. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Advertising in shout context is twitch channels and YouTube channels, stuff like that.

    Edit: don't assume that no more cosmetics will be added.
    coolname2034 and Moderabo like this.
  4. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    Never did. I just said what is in the store as of now. I do assume, and hope that new cosmetics will come to keep adding new reasons to buy crates. Under Improvements - Cosmetics I even said that, or was at least supposed to say that.
  5. icebreaker

    icebreaker Retired YouTuber & Full Stack Web Developer Media HERO

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    Honestly tho , VIP rank is not as worthy as before , after the store update :(
  6. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    uh hi that's me
    I bought another account cause I was fed up with waiting so there's no need for that now XD
  7. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    Yeah, this is far from all the cosmetics we're gonna throw at you guys.
    XavierEXE and Pokextreme like this.
  8. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    There is no way vip would get a t1 vip+ a tier 2 etc

    Tier 1: Mostly commons sometimes rare
    Tier 2: Some rares, commons sometimes epics and rarely godlys
    Tier 3: Mostly rares and epics, sometimes godlys

    Do you see how broken it will be to give t3's to hero?
  9. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    Did you read the thread? The equivalent of a T3 would be a T4. What I suggested was to change the crates. So HERO would get a T3, that contains exactly the same stuff as a T2 does today. This is so a new crate can be added that is worse than T1.
  10. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    This is pretty good feedback, and the ideas for changes aren't that bad.

    The only thing I disagree with that hasn't been addressed is Monthly XP Bombs.
    Though monthly is pretty balanced, I don't think one Store Item should contain another Store Item.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  11. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    Oh sorry it wasn't clear
    If that's it I agree.
    CookedPelvis and Moderabo like this.
  12. Thom_Com

    Thom_Com A Yoshi HERO

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    I don't really care too much about the other stuff that you think should get added, but if this get's added I'm definitely gonna buy Hero (not sure if it's worth another $50 atm)
    XavierEXE likes this.
  13. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Or we can add the 4 reskins suggestion that is in my signature

    Ya know, cuz in their system 25$ = 2 reskins and here has none

    Also, with an extra 5 slots

    Thom_Com and XavierEXE like this.
  14. TempleOfLegends

    TempleOfLegends Emma CHAMPION

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    "Sometimes" I see at least 1 rare every crate I open, I've gotten 4 epics and seen 7, and have seen 3 godlys in a Tier 1.
  15. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    So? Ofc there is a chance for epic and godly
  16. TempleOfLegends

    TempleOfLegends Emma CHAMPION

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    but you say Sometimes you see rares
    yet i see one all the time
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