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Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by _Romzy_, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Romzy shuffles into the Emporium's warmly lit interior and tosses his fur-lined bowler hat onto the nearby coat rack.

    Whistling a holiday tune, he adjusts his inventory book to log his most recent sale. Pausing to recall his meeting with @Americafy, he sends thoughts of care and well-wishes knowing that the adventurer will be setting off to regions beyond the Wynn province -- not returning until after the Craftmas holiday.

    [Sold Influence #3]
  2. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    Jester Necklace Dont Have a Link,pls say the stats and probably i'll buy it
  3. Americafy

    Americafy Well-Known Adventurer

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    thanks you for this Influence's epitaph... :°°)
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  4. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    You see Romzy wiping clean a glass case teaming with jewelry. A magical light shining through the various crystals, casting an rainbow of colors across the room.

    Aha, welcome to my humble shop! It would seem that the Jester items are in demand today!
    I have five un-ID'd Jester Necklaces. What stats is it that you are looking for?

    You may send me a PM for easier correspondence. =)
  5. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    You're very welcome! I look forward to seeing you in the shop again!

    [Sold Jester's Ring]
  6. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Having come to a fine deal with @Olsereta, Romzy thanks his most recent patron -- a striking adventurer with wild blue eyes and a wit for bargaining. Romzy plays with his mustache in approval.

    Thank you for your patronage! I look forward to when we may meet again. =)

    [Sold Dislocator dagger and Battle Bishop helm]
  7. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    =) thank you!
  8. Woraxe

    Woraxe Wynnic Dad HERO

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    “Balthazar the Berserker,” Woraxe says with a grin.

    “A mountain of a man and a proud Berserker from the Ice Islands! When word came that my uncle, a general in Troms, had fallen to one of the hordes, my father moved us there within the week. I saw a great deal of bloodshed in my youth, and I took to battle like a berserker to… well battle! So many lost souls, even in Nodguj the world didn’t seem as cold as those days.

    “So what happened to him, asked the shopkeeper inquisitively”

    My father’s regimen say he fought with more ferocity than the Balrog whose pelt laid across his back, painting the path to the Nether Portal with blaze powder and then paved it once more with undead! But all mortal men have their time, that battle was both his proudest and his last. May he rest well…

    Archer Reia bursts in… Sir! Another swarm is nearing Troms!

    “Good day shopkeeper, may my new armament give me strength!”

    With a mighty battle cry the warrior and his companion ride off to Troms.
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  9. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    "Balthazar The Berserker! Ah-ha! I knew I could not mistake the proud kin of old Balthazar! Many moons ago I helped equip your father and his clan to serve justice upon those hordes..."

    As Romzy realizes Woraxe is already three-quarters out the door,
    "Woah son, in your haste of vengeance you've forgotten the helm! And surely a discount for the kin of Balthazar is only fitting!"

    Not one to allow a hero to go into the heat of battle without one of his tried and tested armourments, Romzy grabs the helm and dashes off in pursuit of the battle hungry warrior.
    "Eldamuer!" Romzy calls out and in a flash mounts the shining white steed that rounds the corner "Adventure is at foot! Ho!"

    Off Romzy rides, on the tails of the two adventurers ahead. Behind, the shop door closes slowly on it's own accord, the fireplace's purple flames slow and stop their mysterious dance, and the window sign turns to show it's illuminated text: "Away Adventuring."
    Plasma~ likes this.
  10. Zephlee1

    Zephlee1 . VIP+

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    can i have dead sands
  11. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Romzy studies this most recent patron with an intense inquisitiveness. Having seen many a curious thing -- and many a curious hero -- in his day, never before had he seen a ninja clad in a royal red outfit with white fur linings. He thought that this one nearly looked like a Father Craftmas, turned ninja warrior. What a sight!

    "Can you have those pants? Hmm, will put them to use against creatures of darkness? Then yes, I would be honored to equip you with them!"

    "Please, state your offer, good adventurer."
    Romzy welcomes the return of a familiar face with a smile.

    "Aha, blue eyed warrior! Hungry for more adventuring tools I see! It is good to see you in my shop once more."

    Romzy turns to the helmet that has been indicated. Running one's hand along it, the intense hum of magic could be felt pulsing from it's surface and around it, wisps of mana radiate in an elegant dance.

    "My friend, it is not always the color of the item's label that indicates its worth. This artifact's maximum mana regeneration makes it quite sought after. I've seen similar helms sell for as much as 1LE on the market; letting it go for 25EB would be an injustice to it's mystical properties. A keen adventurer such as yourself certainly has the means to procure an offer more worthy of this helmet, yes?"
  12. IllusionFigures

    IllusionFigures Unrecognized Merchant HERO

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    (Slipping into the monocled merchant's shop through the lightly gaped wooden door without much attention, the adventurer stares at the weaponry stocked within. As he observes the weapons closely, he finds a sharp spear's blade glimmering between some daggers and pulls it out from where it lies and eyes at Romzy, wondering if he has noticed about it.
    He attempts to return the spear to where it belongs and accidentially has its shaft knocked down a hammer in the process, creating a large bang. Hoping to put it back into place before the shop owner notices, the adventurer tries to pick up the weapons in haste and put them back into place.)
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  13. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Occupied with attempting to return the bundle of weapons to their place, the silent one is slightly startled when he looks up to see the shopkeeper immediately by his side. Nearly as quickly as they came falling down, the weapons are returned to their respective places in a calm yet instantaneous blur. The adventurer realizes that each artifact now glistens with a newly polishes sheen. Mystified by the shopkeeper's nimble work, it takes a moment to realize the spear which had originally caught his interest now lays across the two open palms of his hands.

    Romzy's finger points to a previously unnoticed engraving on the shaft of the weapon. Leaning in, the silent one sees the carven letters glow softly as he nears and slowly shift shape into a new set of unreadable symbols. He looks up inquisitively at Romzy.

    "Ah yes, it would seem that the spear has taken to you. You wonder about the engraving? That is not an answer I am privileged to give. When finding a worthy hero to wield it, the spear's inscription morph's to match what the hero is truly seeking from their adventures. An answer that is only legible once the hero has discovered that for themselves."

    Romzy lifts the spear, giving it a flip in the air before returning it to the open palms of the adventurer,
    "So what say you? Will you put this to use in your quest for discovering what you seek?"
    Plasma~ and IllusionFigures like this.
  14. IllusionFigures

    IllusionFigures Unrecognized Merchant HERO

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    The adventurer examines the spear's now patent symbols, conjecturing the possible meanings the uncomprehendable signs carry. For a second, his eyes didn't look as dull and flashed a tiny glint of hope and resolution.
    Realising that he is acting churlish as investigating something that does not belong to him, he quickly puts a stop to his former actions and turns to Romzy, as if he wants to speak.
    "...Can I--"
    ...The sentence stops after merely two words as the adventurer glances at the spear being held by him again. He remains quiet and still for what feels like minutes, then the determination and hope seen in the black orbs fades and is replaced by the usual plaintive sight. The adventurer lowers his head, handing out the spear in his hold to the shopkeeper and claims that he is not the one worthy enough to use such a mystical weapon, not forgetting to mention that he only wishes to return the spear to where it should be from the pile of daggers.
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  15. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    "No need to feel any guilt, my friend. These items find the right adventurer all in the proper time."

    Romzy takes up the spear once more and gently mounts it on the wall, giving it a loving stroke.
    IllusionFigures likes this.
  16. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Having managed to catch up to the berserker's war party, Romzy dismounts his horse. Clangs and shouts of the already heated battle could be heard in the nearby jungle forest. Panting (not having the stamina he once had in his earlier adventuring days) he hastens to equip their leader, @Leader_Woraxe, with his armour.

    Upon completing their trade, the two exchange hearty hand clasps and the larger man gives the shopkeeper a firm head knock (a ritual that always manages to leave Romzy a bit dazed). Romzy watches the massive man and his entourage rush headlong into the woods. From inside the jungle, a tremendous roar shakes the trees to their very roots and blows off the monocle from Romzy's face. The shop keeper is left with a massive grin, grateful to hear the unmistakable battle cry of Balthazar's kin once again.

    [Sold Faded helm]
    Plasma~ likes this.
  17. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Romzy drum's his fingers on the Emporium's counter, day dreaming of adventures past, and patiently awaiting the next hero to wander into his humble shop.
  18. ~loulouluffy

    ~loulouluffy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Damn man Your shop is really well done !
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  19. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Romzy smiles at the appearance of a new face within his shop,
    "Why thank you, kind adventurer! Welcome to my beloved Emporium! Please, don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything that strikes your fancy."
  20. ~loulouluffy

    ~loulouluffy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Will you ever start selling level 75+ items? Really looking forward to that, my main class's level is above level 75.
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