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Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by _Romzy_, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. Atromic

    Atromic Atromic CHAMPION

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    Dear Romzy, My Lord.

    If you would wish to purchase many legendaries from me, I am happy to sell. I hold a couple of legendary bows, wands, and even a spear. I also have a Venision, if you wish to purchase it, my lord. Thank you.

    _Romzy_ likes this.
  2. Cursed Mage

    Cursed Mage Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Am i Correct in Saying that Diablo is lvl 38 or have i read it wrong
  3. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    My apologies, I incorrectly labeled that wand. The proper minimum level is 58. I realize it may be some time before you are able to wield it.
  4. Sirstealyourkill

    Sirstealyourkill Meerkat Merchant|Lives off LE to give to Zhight

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    Because I can't make up my mind and I'm bad with trade marketing stuff I don't want to buy the higher ws boots.....how much for the Almuj walker #3?
  5. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    That is quite alright, I want to be sure that you feel comfortable in whatever purchasing decision you make! Considering that pair of boots is of lower quality properties and has been re-identified, I would be willing to sell them for only 2.5LE. This is at the low end of prices when compared to average market sales for Almuj's Walker boots.

    Romzy pulls out the boots from their viewing shelf. It is clear that they have seen some use in the travels of some previous owner, though the shopkeeper has taken great care to return them to a nice golden shine.
  6. Sirstealyourkill

    Sirstealyourkill Meerkat Merchant|Lives off LE to give to Zhight

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    Sirstealyourkill observes the shiny boots that he would like to purchice he can see they have been worn and restored to a susceptible value he also wonders how in the world it's possible to re identify stuff to give it better/worse stats he thinks that it must be some dark magic from the item identifier (he is secretly a wizard!)

    Could you go 2le? If so deal!
  7. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Noting the adventurer's extended gaze upon on the boots and the curious look that followed,

    "Yes, it is a wonder how those re-identifiers work their magic, is it not? Recently, I've looked to see if it may be something to do with their long noses, but for the life of me I cannot catch even a twitch when they cast their identifying spells. Their powers must come from some other means..." (Romzy twiddles his mustache, pondering the question which has long tickled his curiosity)

    "A perplexity to be resolved on another day, I suppose! Now, regarding the sale price... allow us to meet in the middle, at 2LE and 16EB, and I believe we will have ourselves a fine deal!"
    Sirstealyourkill likes this.
  8. Sirstealyourkill

    Sirstealyourkill Meerkat Merchant|Lives off LE to give to Zhight

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    The deal is done!
    I can meet anytime from 3.30 - 8.00 GMT tomorrow if that is ok with you! :)

    Sirstealyourkill observers the item identifier and try's to bribe him with some emeralds to tell him how he works his statistic magic as the item identifier refuses Sirstealyourkill pokes him on the nose....it was ineffective and he got slapped with a enchanted book named 'how to be magic with your nose'

    As Sirstealyourkill leaves he knows he must get the book and give himself some magic nose power
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  9. RaptorJesus

    RaptorJesus The Jesus of raptors HERO

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    Raptor walks into @_Romzy_ 's Emporium and notices an exchange for a marvelous pair of boots.

    What a fine pair of boots to purchase, I wish you good luck in your adventuring!

    Raptor then proceeds to walk over to Romzy

    What a fine day it is, care to join me in adventuring, or should I say shall I join you in adventuring as my Archer is out of quests and would like to have something to do other than mindlessly killing mobs?
  10. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Splendid! Always a pleasure to negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement. I shall be available to meet tomorrow [at 4:00 GMT].

    Ohh, and take care -- those identifiers do not take lightly to having their noses prodded. You are lucky he did not challenge you to a duel for such an offense!
    Romzy smiles, always appreciative of kind discourse between his patrons and friends within the community.
    It is grand to see you! Though my heart yearns for adventuring in the open wilds, I fear I must focus on organizing my overflowing stock rooms.

    [A kind request: I very much appreciate the visit to the shop, but please be mindful to limit non item buying posts to when the shop has not received a "bump" for some time. If the shop has already been on the front page recently, I'd prefer such an inquiry to be sent via private message to avoid hogging the front page. Thank you!]
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  11. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    The eyes of the starring Quilby follow the hooded figure on his slow path, noting the careful intention that is placed with each step -- the type of intention that comes only with the widsom of ages. The small Wybel watches the strange figure disappear into the evening's thick fog, before jumping down from its seat in the shopfront window to retrieve the slipped note. Bouncing nimbly with note in mouth, it delivers the message to the monocled man at the back of the shop.

    Hunched over his desk, engrossed in the study of a small geared artifact, the shopkeeper pauses to study the newest object of his curiosity. Reading the note, he strokes his waxed mustache in contemplation.
    "Tyralion... and elvish name." (Quilby gives a squeak of agreement, having reached the same conclusion upon beholding the elegantly pointed ears that were barely visible beneath the figure's hood)

    "Well I hope good fortune allows me to discover such a pair of leggings, and the privilege to meet our mysterious elven inquirer."

    Romzy returns to examination of the artifact in front of him, while setting the note carefully to the side as to keep the message in mind.
    Tyralion likes this.
  12. Tyralion

    Tyralion Knights in the Tiger Skin VIP

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    The next night, the elf comes back, with another note.
    "I sincerely hope that my first letter was not...contradictory to what I am writing now.
    You see, my friend, when I was traversing through the fiery lands in the East, to my surprise, I found the greaves when I did not anticipate this to happen. To say that I was blown away by that is the same as to tell nothing!
    However, I've heard in a tavern that there are more than one of Seipodons. I highly advise you to chin up and keep the one you stumble upon in your travels, as the demand is relatively high where I came from.
    I wish you all the luck in your travels. Remember: things come only when you expect them the least.
    ~ Tyralion
    The note simply flies under the door, blown by the wind.
    And the elf walks away. Forever, or for just a day? Only time will tell.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
    RaptorJesus and _Romzy_ like this.
  13. Cursed Mage

    Cursed Mage Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    How much for:
    [44] Frozen Brook (9% water, 2/4s mana-reg)

    Ill put 20EB
  14. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Romzy looks up from studying his price records and smiles upon seeing the familiar faced of one of his favorite adventuring mages.

    It is lovely to see you back so soon! You come seeking another one of my wands I presume?
    Aha, the Frozen Brook, a fine magical artifact indeed. Some say that it was this very wand that had a hand in creating the frozen lands of Nesaak, long ago when a majickar from the wilds of Troms was filled with malice for a Nesaak mayor (who he believed had wronged him greatly).

    Though it has the tendency to go for a higher value, you have been so kind as to continue supporting my shop.
    I'm more than pleased to equip you with it for the reduced price of 20EB! =)

    [I am available in-game now to commence trading]
  15. Cursed Mage

    Cursed Mage Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thank you It will Aid me in my Journey To become the Lvl 100 Cursed Mage It will Serve me Well I will continue to come here as a first resort when i need an Item Best of luck in your future endeavours
    _Romzy_ likes this.
  16. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Your continued support is a wonderful privilege. It is always my honor to assist you in your aspirations. Thank you and I look forward to seeing your moving picture film!

    [Sold Frozen Brook]
  17. Symfynx

    Symfynx Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I remind you, I am awful at pricing so please dont get offended here, but 2LE for the Jester Neck?
  18. _Romzy_

    _Romzy_ The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People VIP+

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    Tis great to see your countenance within the Emporium once more! And no offense taken. I assure you, that I am just pleased that you have given a fair try at putting forth an offer.

    Romzy pauses for a moment, realizing another adventurer's eye has been captivated by the devious piece of jewelry known in legend as the Jester Necklace. The emerald necklace was truly a work to behold, gleaming both yellow and green, those who looked upon it would find their gaze seemingly pulled deeper and deeper into its facets. Despite being familiar with the artifact's mischievous nature, it still took the shopkeeper considerable effort to tear his gaze away from the clutches of the bewitched jewels.

    I will offer you the same warning I have to other adventurers. You must be wary of this artifact, tales say it is cursed with a magic of a devilish nature. Though I was considering auctioning this item, my recent price research has show another similar necklace being sold at 3.5LE. Please let me know if you are still interested.

    "Hmm, I should also send word to another adventurer, @ItzJustAPrankBro, who recently inquired about the same item," Romzy thought to himself before requesting the aid of Quilby to deliver a letter regarding the recent price update.
    ItzJustAPrankBro likes this.
  19. Symfynx

    Symfynx Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    After your warning, I took a minute to look up the mentioned items, and I unfortunately have to decline my previous offer. I do appreciate the warning. :)
  20. RaptorJesus

    RaptorJesus The Jesus of raptors HERO

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    Raptor is on his late-night walk/assassination as he nears @_Romzy_ 's Emporium and realizes that he needs a new bow to bridge the gap between levels 55 and 70 and necklace, unfortunately Romzy does not have any bows of the specific caliber he is looking for. Raptor quickly scribbles a note to Romzy and slides it under the door.

    Dear Romzy,
    I seem to have run into quite a wall, I don't seem to do enough damage as I would like and kindly request that if you happen upon a Clairvoyance​
    do notify me and I will gladly negotiate a price for it. As well as I would like to negotiate a price for that marvelous max loot Jester necklace you have, say 5LE?
    Your Nighttime Assassin
    _Romzy_ likes this.
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