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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. Mrten

    Mrten Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Are you able to meet now?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  2. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Seated at her desk with a small oil lamp burning beside her. Though, as she continues on working through the night, her eyes begin to droop as she tries her best to keep sleep at bay. However, as a lingering adventurer approaches the Smith once more, she snaps awake.


    Erin then begins to listen to their inquiry while nodding her head and setting down the long feathered quill in hand.

    "Unfortunately, it is the dead of night in my time zone! I urge you to meet with me during the shop hours listed on the store bulletin!"
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
  3. Undiscovered

    Undiscovered -redacted-

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    A mysterious adventurer with no name walks into the shop, seeking for the items he desires. After sifting through the items in stock, he comes across a helmet he is quite fond of. The helmet is known as Pelier, and the adventurer is very keen on procuring the helmet. X looks for the shop owner, but alas, she is not present.

    X then for the first time looks at the shop hours, and realizes the shop has not yet opened for the day. Quickly and quietly, he leaves the following message on a piece of paper- no, it couldn't be! It's much too soft... is it written on an Old Touroto Hide?? :

    "Salutations! You may call me X. I have searched far and wide for a helm such as Pelier, but to no avail. I am exceedingly interested in acquiring this item, if you do not mind. I am even willing to pay extra in order to convince you to lend me the helmet. You need not seek me out for the trade; I wish to stay anonymous to all but one. Instead, I will seek you out."

    On closer inspection, there is a hidden message on the back, suggesting an improvement.

    "While I was searching through the warehouse, I had no trouble finding the item I was looking for. However, there may be a pause for some individuals that are looking not for a helm, but perhaps any weapon, or some leggings, or rather some boots or necklaces or bracelets. The reason behind this is based upon the common listing system that puts lower levelled items near the bottom of the inventory, and higher levelled items at the peak." Perhaps he means some items should be rearranged based by level?

    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. Exploder

    Exploder Legend in the Making VIP+

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    Hey there! I'm sorry, I'm not that great at writing the story-like responses that you guys do. But I am interested in buying a Cascade, a Phoenix Wing, and a Third Eye. Will you take 4.5 LE for all three?
    P.S. I love the way you have set up the shop! It really adds some character and fun to the sometimes-bleak Wynncraft shopping experience! Keep doing what you're doing!
    HappyLanding likes this.
  5. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Waking up to the gentle sun rays pouring into the nearby window, the Smith awakens to stretch and prepare her person for the day's events, before shuffling into the inviting rich-wood interior of the forge. Though, before anything, Erin saunters her way over to the large-- and rather messy-- desk with intentions of gathering a few papers essential to the beginning of a Wynncraftian business day, however; as she closes in on the tabletop scattered with several papers, she notices a certain slip placed neatly by the inkwell set near her nameplate.

    "What's this?"

    Taking hold of the slip, the shopkeeper lets up a small smile as she notes the plush feel to the note before reading it over.

    "I'd best write anonymous back! Lest I lose the opportunity to meet with an adventurer with such nice penmanship!"

    Chuckling, the merchant then brings out a slip of parchment of her own, which, to add, is not nearly as supple as the paper-like material presented; and her trusted quill in preparation of writing out the letter.

    Dear X,

    I am writing in regard to the interest you had exhibited toward a certain item I have in-stock. And, of course, I would gladly equip your person with the great Pelier helmet.

    Believe me when I say that I look forward to this encounter. But until then, cheers!


    P.S. Thank you for the suggestion!
    (Haha, don't worry about it :) )

    Soon after throwing open the large iron in-laid doors of the forge, adventurers from around the province pour into the shop with intentions of seeking out their desired wares. With a chuckle, the merchant picks up a broom to begin the morning cleaning when she is approached by a hooded traveller with arcane particles swirling around him. Immediately, Erin throws him a kind smile while setting the broom aside before listening to the visitor's inquiry.

    "Of course! It would be my honor to equip a Wynncraftian adventurer such as yourself for the requested price!"

    Pulling out a small notepad-- a new addition to her shop-- she looks up to meet @Exploder's gaze.

    "When can we meet?"
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    blasterdud97 and Undiscovered like this.
  6. stopandsea

    stopandsea Skilled Adventurer

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    I would like to buy the 1 le pelier please
    As well as adamantite 2
    HappyLanding likes this.
  7. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Just as she sends the messenger pony out to deliver a message to a certain shop visitor, another adventurer makes their way to the Smith. Turning to face them, the marketeer smiles while listening to their inquire-- her smile soon faltering a bit from the circumstance.

    "Hu-oh! It seems that another adventurer is interested in the same Pelier! So, in good market fashion, there would either have to be a bid war or a peaceful step-down!"

    The merchant then chuckled a bit before fixing the set of goggles from slipping off her head.
  8. stopandsea

    stopandsea Skilled Adventurer

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    The adventurer silently laid down 1.5 le and said
    "will this sway the balance in my favor?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  9. Exploder

    Exploder Legend in the Making VIP+

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    Well it seems the server is down for me at the moment, but I think I have a character in Detlas right now. Is it okay to meet there on server 10 once I can?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. Undiscovered

    Undiscovered -redacted-

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    As X returns to his home, he receives a message telling him that another adventurer is interested in the same armour piece that he was going to purchase. He thinks long and hard about the situation. As much as it pains him, he comes to the conclusion that the other visitor might need it more than he. Reluctantly, he writes the following note to The Forge:

    "It appears another buyer may need the requested piece more than I do. It pains me to write this, but I will allow him to take Pelier without increasing my previous bid. May our paths cross again." It appears he will retract his current price offer, so that @stopandsea is able to buy the product for the original price: 1 LE.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  11. stopandsea

    stopandsea Skilled Adventurer

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    I also can meet in detlas
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Glancing over at the glittering emeralds set atop her desk, she calculated the amount before looking up to the adventurer and nodding. With a thirty-two adventurer must be bent on acquiring the item.

    "Ah, yes--"

    Though, before she can continue, a letter in received into her hand stating the decision of the previous adventurer interested in the helmet.

    "However, it seems that the adventurer has decided to drop out of the bid war! He also urges you to pay the 1 le instead of the previously offered price."
    Throwing the adventurer another smile, Erin nods.

    "It seems that the gates of Wynn are closed off to everyone! And to address your question, I would gladly meet there once entry into the lands is made available."
    Setting the note down subsequent to reading its contents, the marketeer nods. Already, with the kind act done by this anonymous visitor, the shopkeeper began to admire the fellow before even meeting him! So, as a sort of consultation, Erin decides to pen him another message.

    Dear X,

    After looking upon the presented decision of allowing the alternate adventurer, my opinion of you has only grown higher. The act you committed was kind-- admirable even-- and it deserves to be commended.

    Know that you are always welcomed to visit to forge; whether it be for business, creative, pleasure, or anything in between.

    May our paths soon cross again,
    Nodding once more, the shopkeeper flashes @stopandsea another smile before pulling out her trusted linen cloth to polish the wares with for the time being.

    "I look forward to this meeting."

    (I will see you after the server gates are open.)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2017
    blasterdud97 and Undiscovered like this.
  13. Exploder

    Exploder Legend in the Making VIP+

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    The gates are open! I'm on server 9 when you are ready.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. Mrten

    Mrten Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Would you be able to meet now?
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    ("Oh don't worry about it" Proceeds to school the poor boy with writing prowess. Hahaha)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  16. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Taking her a cloak down from a nearby coat rack, Erin nods.

    "I'll see you soon."
    "Ah, yes! I'll be on WC 9 soon!"

    With that, the Smith leaves to go meet with an adventurer.
  17. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    When Erin agreed to portray her first experiences in Wynn, and per chance something to tease her about later, Jeff grinned.

    "Still can't be as bad as mine, I practically resisted adventure for the longest time...!"

    Letting his grin fade, the young blacksmith studied Erin's body language as she spoke. He cocked up a corner of his mouth, shaking his head with sympathy.

    "Yeah, fear kinda sucks. It's a new place with new challenges - I'll admit my first couple adventures were quite rocky as well - especially when I was called to fight things. Heck, I forgot not for biting the bullet, and my fear, I probably wouldn't be sitting here today!"

    He shrugged, an elongated sigh escaping his lungs. He let his voice drop, a new curiosity struck him.

    "Do you still keep in contact with these adventurers? Do y'a -" he coughed, "you all still talk?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The Smith glanced at the setting sun gracing the shop with its fading light through the window, before shaking her head. Since her stockpile of work has grown, Erin wasn't able to balance the load and maintain a strong relationship with her beloved friends. It was sad to think about; years worth of bonding consigned to oblivion due to her absense-- she didn't even know where one had gone.

    "Unfortunately, we no longer speak on regular tidings, save for birthday greetings and occaisional salutations."

    Regret rang like a bell in her voice. The times she spent with those people were some of her best, and the memories that came along with them never ceased to bring a smile on her face. Even the nature in which they met was quirky, but of course, high memorable. It was a shame to see such a strong bond felled to the evil grains of time.

    "What about yourself, Jeff? I don't think I've ever seen you around Wynn with company."
    blasterdud97 likes this.
  19. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    That was it, a sore spot. jeff felt the color and breath drain from him as memories of someone sloshes around in his head. Many thoughts of 'what was' between them and the ever-horrifying 'what-if' that possessed itself within her question. No, that was someone he had to bury away... perhaps with more alcohol.

    Jeff shook his head, failing to hide pain in a smile. He forced other thoughts into his head.

    "Yeah, there was one. That didn't last very long; perhaps a week... then I moved on from her and asked my brother to join me after some time training by myself. He got tired of adventuring after a couple weeks of daily adventures." He shrugged, "Can't totally say I blame him. Now I'm just back to doing my own thing - with the occasional entertainment, of course!" He smirked, recounting his time spent outside The Forge with Erin.

    "But I'm also still curious... who and where are these people you used to adventure with?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. Reafema

    Reafema Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hello, I would like to buy your Passus lux and Crystal.
    HappyLanding likes this.
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