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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. Viertuoso

    Viertuoso it's epic HERO

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    you have about 3 hours
    pAggYDaRP and HappyLanding like this.
  2. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Contemplating the task, Erin the shakes her head, deciding against participating. Thinking in her head, she realizes that it would take longer to travel back to Wynn from her current position in faraways shores.

    "Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to complete the request in that amount of time. But, I thank you for the offer and the visit. You are always welcome to the forge, my friend!"

    Respectually, she bows her head, wishing that the adventurer finds the stacks of pinkish wool he had been seeking.
    pAggYDaRP likes this.
  3. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff patiently sits and waits for Erin to finish, then smiles as he accepts the paper. As soon as his eyes lay on the paper, he can't help but smile as Erin's handwriting is much, MUCH nicer than his own. He reads everything over a couple times and folds the parchment, tucking it away in one of his pouches. "Thank you very much, Erin!" His blue eyes reflected his gracious smile. "I really appreciate your help - and the tea." He said, slightly raising up his tea cup in good cheers.

    "I do have a couple questions, however; Would you mind if I stopped by every so often with different business inquiries and shopping requests? I am not as strong and skilled in combat as you are [I'm level 53], therefore the items I can offer will be limited to different customers around my skill level... And I am quite impressed with some of the items you have around here, and I may like to purchase them anyway for personal expense! His cheeks dimpled into a grin at his own comment.

    "Also, are you taking donations for your shop? I have forged some fine weapons myself; and I would love for you to inspect them to see if they're of quality enough to be sold." He kept his mouth moving, so he wouldn't stop to question if he should keep asking. "And if possible, I'd love to see how you determine its price and sell these items."

    He took his final sip of tea, letting his questions hang in the air.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Merrily laughing, Erin nods at the fellow blacksmith before offering a slight bow to her gracious guest. Her ears turning a slight bit pink from all the appraise thrown about her shop. She then sets herself back down onto the worn leather chair, already imagining the wonderful shop her new friend Jeff will bring in the near future.

    "You are always welcome to make a stopover at the forge if you are ever in need of any further questions! And I'd also like you to hold onto those wares you had forged, the more items in your future shop, the better!"

    The Smith smiles kindly at the adventurer, glad that she was able to assist such a remarkable visitor.
  5. Demonknight24

    Demonknight24 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As the adventurer continues his travels with his mighty Iron String bow, he realizes he needs a trusty steed to accompany him during his travels. The adventurer recalls a merchant he met not too long ago and once again beings to inquire about their whereabouts.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  6. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Sensing an adventurer in need of her goods, Erin quickly grabs the wand sitting atop the piles of emeralds laid out on her oaken desk, before sending out a teleportation spell to meet the Wynncraftian calling for her, leaving behind bright, aureate gold particles as she leaves the grounds of the shop. The next second later, she appears in a blink, with white smoke spiraling out from the ground surrounding her, and she looks around for the adventurer. Immediately spotting him, she walks over, welcoming him in her presence with a warm smile.

    "Ho there, traveller! You are in need of my goods?"

    Erin then stands there to patiently wait for a reply from the figure in front of her.
  7. Demonknight24

    Demonknight24 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The adventurer hears rumors of a merchant selling goods in Detlas; He searches the city for her, but does not find the merchant. He waits patiently for her arrival in the 15th realm.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Looking around, the marketeer then decides to warp back to her shop to gather her travelling equipment in order to take a temporary leave from the lands of Wynn. Of course, she makes a mental note to properly attend to the horse-seeking adventurer when she gets back.

    (I'm actually on my way to visit my parents, at the moment, meaning that I'm away from my computer and cannot make an appearance in game! You have my apologies, but I will see you at another time, I hope?)
  9. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    He nods with a warm smile. "I highly appreciate it, Erin! I will definitely take you up on your offer!" "I'm really pleased with how this turned out!" He thought to himself. "She's really sweet, for such a seasoned adventurer and blacksmith!"

    "Allow me to show you what I've brought with me." He groaned, knowing he'd have to leave the comfort of his chair and fireplace. Jeff climbed to his feet and grabbed a hold of his bag, escorting it to the front counter. He set the large cloth bag on the ground, gently displaying its contents and smiling at the fact that nothing was damaged.

    "Before I describe these items I've brought; how much is it for your Earth Powder? I am working on a new piece of weaponry for myself, and I have heard rumors that by combining two strong powders, a mystical power will awaken within the weapon. I have one already, and I'm lucky to have found one here!" He offered a polite smile, with a hint of awe at the thought of this powerful magic potential.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Glancing over at her stock of powders lined across a small nook in the corner of her shop, Erin smiles at Jeff while strolling on over to retrieve a sack full of finely grounded particles of green dust. Holding it up to present the item to him, Erin then looks over to her magical book holding boundless amounts of knowledge in all subjects of Wynn, before turning its pages over to a section dealing with powders lies.

    "I believe each powder of the fourth tier costs 24 eb! And to address your request, I'd be glad to look at what you've brought."

    Placing the sack of green powder down onto a flat surface, the merchant then turns back over to the items her guest who had taken the liberty of setting out, ready to look over the items with those adept gray eyes of her's already accustomed to marking prices for myriads of wares. She then walks over to the shop's counter, leaning against the newly lacquered slab of rustically themed wood.

    "Now, what might we have here?"
  11. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    [OOC: Dang, you're good...]

    Jeff admires the bag for a second. "Twenty-four emerald blocks huh? That will take some grinding to get back... still, it's worth it for the experience of its ability." He thought to himself.

    "Oh wait." He noted, his blue eyes drifting over to Erin, who was looking over his three items. "I guess it's time to shine!"

    The first item ,on the far left, lay a very familiar chain vest that smelled like a finely cut Oak tree. In fact, its recognizable smell smelled like that of sawdust.

    "A classic piece," Jeff added, "my original Master said there weren't many of its kind... so I did my best to recreate it. This one is pretty 'standard' as they come, but the thorns aspect is 9% instead of its base."

    He then waved his hand over the middle item; a pair of finely-strung chain boots. Upon running his fingers across it, a very familiar crunch could be heard. It sounded like someone was walking on tightly-packed sand - that gritty sound.

    "I recently developed these one day while studying in Almuj. They allow for much quicker treks through the desert; and offer some pretty good protection while out there. They're called the StandStirm Walker." [Standard but XP bonus is 11% and 12 Loot Bonus].

    His voice sighed in wonder as he gazed upon the third and final item; a spear with a saw of some sort at the top - engulfed in flames.

    "I personally carry one of these with me at all times. I thought it was good enough to sell!" He joked with a wink. "I call it Couer De Lion, which means LionHeart in French. I find it to be a trustworthy weapon, I always feel like I can take more hits while wielding it." [Standard but with 11** defense instead of the base]

    Jeff rolled his armored shoulders and placed his hands behind his back, a smile on his face. Both proud of what he displayed, and glad he didn't ascratch any of it during his nap...
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. ForTheTeam

    ForTheTeam Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ill buy morph amethest (bad spelling) #2 and morph gold for 1 and 1/2 le Ill try to get in contact with you or to check if Im online /msg ForTheTeam
    HappyLanding likes this.
  13. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Erin studies the items, her lips tugging into a smile at the enthusiasm from Jeff as he presents them each at a time. Thoughts of praise for the craftsmanship of the items race through her mind, but the marketeer makes sure to remain offhand and flashes a grin at the fellow blacksmith. She then deems the items to be valuable enough to stand at a good place in her friend's future shop, and decides to tell him of this.

    "These are very fine items, indeed! But it would be a shame to see them be placed in a shop not of their origination!"

    The merchant then takes a step back, holding her hands up.

    "I would like you to keep them, as they could serve as valuable wares in your shop. Though, I would also like to thank you for presenting them to me, and you also have my apologies for having you lug them over here so fruitlessly!"
    The merchant turns her head to meet the gaze of an visitor inquiring about a couple of items in her shop. Happy to equip him with the ware-seeking individual gracing the forge with their presencd, Erin smiles at him, immediately walking over to take the items down for him.

    "I would be glad to equip you with these morph-set wares. Let me just reserve them for you and we could decide on a meeting time in privacy!"
  14. Vaward

    Vaward First 100% Discoveries as of 12/19/17 22:42 CHAMPION

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    Looks like a new Romzy has set up shop ;)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    During the thick, and rather long period of tending to market affairs, an adventurer steps through the doors of the forge. As he roams around the interior interior bedecked with homely ornamentations of wood, stone, and even gold trim, the familiarity of its decor striking him and he soon looks to the shop's merchant, commenting on the recognizable furnishings the store holds. However, upon hearing a certain name, Erin's head snaps quickly over to the Wynncraftian hero, flashing him a bright smile as she stands there, likely reminiscing the days when the grand Emporium stood with its doors welcomingly opened.

    "Ah, I still terribly miss that monocled merchant, and was ever distraught when he suddenly disappeared from Wynn shores. He brought along a certain manner that both amused and touched the hearts of adventurers, and I found myself upset knowing that others could not experience the sort of magic he let off with his absense."

    The merchant then glances around the vicinity, staring at each and every furbishment thick with an Romzy-ian inspiried undertone (which is plenty), before casting her gray gaze back over to @Vaward.

    "The shop was christened the Forge for a reason! And this whole establishment is dedicated to the good ole' Romzy who roused me to build a similar merchant stand in order to make-up for a small bit of Wynn's lost magic."
  16. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    The young blacksmith allows himself aslightly softer smile as he sheepishly packs his things in his bag. "That's alright! I wasn't sure if you were accepting donations, so I figured I'd ask!" His hands quickly tie the bag in a flutter of finger motions.

    He slowly slid off a gold bracelet that faintly omitted the primary color of each element. He gently placed it on top of his helmet, which was followed by the retort of metal clanging together. The bracelet appeared to be weighted.

    The young man's eyes traced up from the desk to the woman across from him. He hasn't noticed it until now, but her outfit seemed to be very cyber-punk; a style he hasn't seen in a long time - except from this one guy on Selchar. Jeff chuckled to himself, the poor guy wouldn't stop talking about -
    "Corkus..." Jeff mouthed to himself. Upon looking back into the eyes of his fellow blacksmith, he jumped into the question, "Erin, I'm curious, are you by chance from Corkus?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  17. Jellegar

    Jellegar Travelled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    i love this shop
    HappyLanding likes this.
  18. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The dark rims around Erin's smoked, slate eyes light up in delight at the posed question. The blacksmith then glances over at her rather steampunk-ish mechanical arm, affording her friend an enigmatic smile while letting out a light, amused smile at the posed question.

    "Ah, so you'd like to know a bit about the lore shrouded around the Smith? Or, more particularly, my origins. Well, despite the appearance, I am not from the land of Corkus, or even Wynn, in the same fashion."

    The merchant's smile then curls up into a friendly grin as she crosses her legs while also placing her hands over her back.

    "I suppose that makes the Forge a shop surrounded in mystery, haha!"
    While touching up on a few wares at the shop's lacquered slab of raw, rustic wood, another traveller walks into the shop, glancing around at each and every detail with awe. The traveller then continues to roam its grounds, smiling to himself at the welcoming atmosphere the forge holds. Then, he turns to the merchant, offering a statement of praise to which she responds by laying a hand on her heart.

    "I pour my heart out into this shop and it always warms me up to know that people can appreciate the additional implementations I have instilled within it!"
    Vanward likes this.
  19. 4516Minor

    4516Minor Well-Known Adventurer

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    Can I get that 1st glare for 50 ebs? Kinda poor rn
    HappyLanding likes this.
  20. blasterdud97

    blasterdud97 Adventurer, Apprentice Blacksmith

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    Jeff's returns her mystery with a slight smirk, propping himself on a hand and leaning against the table. "Now you've gotten me very curious, Erin! I too am not from Wynn... not anything really close... But tell me," he starts, his sharp blue eyes piercing into her gray ones, but that same side-cocked smile across his lips. "Where are you from? What is the mystery behind this place, and the Master Smith that stands before me?"

    [OOC: I understand this is a place of business so if you're more comfortable continuing this in a PM, I'm cool with it! I just enjoyed this little 'story' too much XD haha]
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