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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I get in front of him, bow in hand, with an arrow ready to shoot, in an attempt to get the Sin's attention on me
    "You keep on hurting someone and others get hurt, this is your "Authority" isn't it? Stop it! " I shout at her
    "Maybe this has something to do with the chains, maybe once someone gets hurt everyone thats close and has a link with that person also gets wounded" I aim at her arm and shoot. This time however, I shoot at the chain that hit the knight
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The earthworm screeched and shot down at Tyrinel. He dodged the creature, and it burrowed down into the ground.

    The rider nimbly somersaulted through the air and landed on a roof.

    Tyrinel heard growls behind him, and he turned. Five large dog-like witchfiends jumped at him.
  3. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I prod my staff with a knife, releasing a thick spore-cloud, then roll backwards.
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    “Alright, I can’t fight anyways.” Affrice moved back with the other Elders. However—

    “Lady Estelle and Lady Tristia... please hurry.” Archibaud asked without turning around.

    “I can fight.” Estelle stated.

    “Nobody shall force me to make a decision.” Tristia looked at the Sin. “I feel things are going to become interesting.”

    Other than the two of them, the three knights of the candidates stayed.

    Archibaud gritted his teeth. “Then— please do not use magic. I take in mana from the atmosphere to raise my fighting power. Using magic will drain you out completely." He looked at «Greed».

    "You let Lady Affrice and the Elders evacuate. What is your goal?"

    Rikuld Kavenhaitos shrugged. "A goal? Hm...."

    All of the weapons floating mid-air pointed at Archibaud.

    "Like hell I'd tell you." He grinned maliciously. And the weapons flew at the Scythe.
    yes, Rigel left to the direction he was originally heading to, somewhat more in a hurry.

    "Guuaaahh!" Diabel let out a cry behind Rathius. Rathius spotted him, stepping into the pouring lava.

    Rathius widened his eyes in horror. "What are you doing!?"

    Diabel, gritting his teeth and trembling from the pain, opened an eye and looked at Rathius. "This lava is not real. This is an illusion!"
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  5. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "An illusion? How?" He looks around him and touches the lava. "I have to go after him, I'll transform if I have to."
    He grabs his dagger and holds it against his arm. "This is going to hurt."
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Real lava..... hah....is molten... stone. Guh!" He took off his leg and fell backwards. His leg was a painful sight— the part where it had been in the lava had completely molten off, showing his flesh and bones.

    "If this was real, its temperature would be so high, it would've killed us instantly. Although.... the illusion of pain and heat is no joke....." Diabel was panting hard in pain, and sweat was furiously rolling down him. "I... don't think I can..... keep my consciousness...."

    "Wait longer!" Rathius had no choice but to lower his shield— and was instantly hit by the death rain. His entire body flared with so much pain, it brought tears to his eyes. For a few seconds, he was unable to speak or move at all, but eventually the pain was so much it started numbing his senses.

    With a trembling hand he reached to his dagger and— stabbed himself in the stomach.

    Compared to the pain from the rain, the wound felt like nothing.

    He felt the blood in him starting to go out of control——

    He opened his eyes, and found himself in an appearance of a blood-red dragon. The first transformation he had done in almost two years. He turned his neck and saw Diabel lying on the ground, seemingly passed out.
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I attack the weapons and try sending them back to greed
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The chain flung up, curling around and catching the arrow in a quick motion. The arrow came flying back, and Angela barely dodged. Rolling, she found herself cornered next to a broken house.



    A blade of ice deflected the the chain away from Angela, and it crashed into the wall next to her. Turning, she saw the knight Kayde panting hard, his palm raised.

    He had frozen himself where he was cut by Lust's Authority.

    "You will still stand even when cut! How full of love you are!" Bellatrix cried happily. "Oh, I love both of you so much! Never have I ever met those who would fight back this much!"
    A dark aura rose from around Archibaud, a result of all the mana being sucked into his body. With movements faster than an eye could follow, He started spinning his scythe and deflecting the weapons. The barrage of weapons kept coming, coming, coming——— and then, stopped.

    Archibaud was standing in middle of hundreds of weapons fallen on the floor, not having lost his breath at all.

    The weapons he deflected back had stabbed into the wall behind Rikuld, but none had actually hit him.

    "Is that all you got?" Archibaud spun his scythe back onto his back. Then—

    Archi! Beneath you! Izanami screamed in Archibaud's head.

    The weapons beneath Archibaud started rattling. The Sin of Greed was grinning.
  9. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He moves over to Diabel. He grabs him with his mouth and places him on his back, taking of soon after.
    "I should go after that Sin..." He thinks: "..or should I take Diabel to safety first?"
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The dog-like witchfiends— which you identify as Ulgrams— whine and writhe in pain. There movements were stopped, and now Tyrinel moved around between them finishing them with his knife and staff.

    The small figure watching from the roof laughed happily. "Ahahah! That was great! You sure are used to dealing with witchfiends, aren't you? I'm glad I'm fighting such a strong opponent!" He cried in a child-like manner— no, he was a child.

    The boy had long brown hair that went down to his chest. He was bent low in a hunching position, making him look smaller than he already was. He equipped himself with two short sword attached to his wrists. He wore ragged and old looking clothes, which was fit for moving around nimbly.

    Tyrinel realised that the boy was emitting a huge amount of miasma. He guessed that this child was the one who was leading the witchfiends, through unknown means.
  11. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I jump in the air to dodge what I think is an attack on me and run towards greed ready to attack him
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Rathius's whole body was hurting from the rain, but as soon as he flew out of the area, his pain started subsiding little-by-little. Arching his neck, he saw that Diabel's leg was slowly regenerating as well.

    It really was an illusion.... Rathius thought. That could've killed us both from the pain!

    Diabel groaned on Rathius's back. He suddenly tensed, after finding himself on a dragon's back. He then looked down and saw the lava on the ground beneath, and seemed to realise.

    "Are you... Rathius?" Diabel asked slowly. Rathius turned his neck and tried to nod.

    Diabel seemed to be shocked deeply, but seemed to understand that the situation hadn't changed. Actually, it had gone from bad to worse.

    "Don't mind about me. Chase after that Sin, please—!!"
  13. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I have to find a place to drop him off then." He thinks, looking around the area.
    He hovers near on of the building, and gestures Diabel to get off. He leaves once Diabel is standing on the building, and then searches for the Sin.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The weapons stabbed into the ceiling, and Archibaud blocked the rest with his scythe. He kicked off and shot straight at Greed. They started fighting at close range at an increasing pace.

    Behind all these——-

    Amidst sparks, Izanami materialised in middle of Estelle Belstain and Tristia Felodore.

    "Great Spirit!" Estelle looked surprised. "You are able to materialise apart from your scythe?"

    "Not for long." Izanami curtly replied. "Anyway. You all lot better leave. If Archibaud and I were to go serious, you will only be in the way. And—" She turned to Estelle and the Knights. "If you really want to fight against that man, you will have no choice but to use magic. And which, as my contractor said, you can't use."

    She turned to Tristia. "As for you.... I honestly don't know what you are. But leave for now."

    Tristia, surprisingly, didn't argue. "I am not foolish enough to argue against a Great Spirit." Tristia said. "And if what you said earlier is true, then there are probably more outside. I will leave this «Greed» to you and your contractor."

    Izanami nodded. "Appreciated. Now go!" She started to turn into sparks, then returned back to Archibaud.

    The others behind you are gone. We should take the fight outside!

    There was a window at the side of the room, large enough for him and «Greed» to pass through if broken.
  15. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    OOC:Quick question on what floor are we?
  16. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    What potions and/or poisons am I currently carrying?

    "Hm. How interesting. Perhaps they follow you because you smell so much like them," I muse out loud.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Uhh... like the 15th floor. Come on, it's no problem! xD
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    If izanami can communicate with me then I probably can also so I say to her"Iza you do know that we're on the 15th floor right?"
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Damn, your character's pretty short. (changed your former occupation)

    Verillian (Ver) Haron
    16 years old
    Race: Human
    Verillian was born in a city-state of Luminagi inside the Kingdom lands. (this is where Candidate Affrice Ordo is from)

    He was grown up as a warrior and joined the mercenary team «Iron Fang» of Luminagi. He was gifted with the Divine Blessing of Projectile Weapons, which let every projectile he throws to hit accurately (not arrows though) and throwing weapons such as boomerangs and chakrams return to his hand. His Divine Blessing made him to develop an unique fighting style consisted of only projectile weapons, such as throwing picks, throwing knives, boomerangs and chakrams.

    However one day he was wrongly framed and accused of destroying an entire squadron of the Iron Fang, and was made a fugitive. He fled through into a forest, and lived inside there for quite a while, hunting small animals for food. One day when the search for him subsided, he found a group of merchants and joined them, giving them almost all the money he had. Looking for a job while travelling with the merchants all around, he ended up in the Capital of Arcuntar Kingdom....
    Occupation: None

    Appearance: Short in height; short dark brown hair and dark green eyes. Wears a full body black outfit.

    Equipment: All kinds of projectile weapons, ranging from slings, throwing picks, throwing knives, bladed boomerangs, and chakrams, all hidden under his cloak.

    Abilities: Mastery of all the weapons listed above

    Magic: Compatible with Light element

    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of Projectile Weapons

    Spells he can use (not a lot):
    Fluct: Clears eyesight (clears mind too)
    Jemia: Shines a bright light
    Sekki: Increase speed (drains mana steadily)
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    James Bourbon
    24 years old
    Race: Demi-human (Yeti tribe)
    Born in the northern mountains of the world, he was always accustomed with the cold and ice. Members of his race always had a horn on his head that grew out when active. (otherwise he was indistinguishable from humans.) These horns had the ability to suck in heat and mana from the air, giving them the ability to freeze and materialise ice crystals. James, since he was young, could use this power to a full extent, earning the title of the 'Crystal Warden'.

    James decided to become a 'traveller'— a status a lot of the Yeti people detested. They treated James as an outsider and sent him away.

    James first travelled to the Vorkir empire, but did not like the atmosphere there. He exited the place and came into the Kingdom, travelling around the different demi-human settlements and interacting with their people. When he single-handedly saved a local village from the attack of witchfiends, he caught the attention of the town of Diamelda. He was recruited by the army, but he refused, not wanting to be controlled by other people.

    However he was hired to become an investigator and go into the Capital to search for an rumored large-scale underground organisation which managed many of the underground businesses within the Kingdom.

    Occupation: Investigator; Traveller

    Appearance: Middle-length grey hair, blue eyes. He is quite tall, but is indistinguishable from humans unless he activated his 'horn'.

    Equipment: No weapon, as he can summon weapons out of the air.

    Abilities: Materialising of ice crystals into weapons

    Magic: Actually compatible with fire element (since his 'crystals' are not formed out of water mana, but taking in of heat from the atmosphere)

    Divine Blessing: None

    Info: He cannot use Fire magic spells, although he is compatible with that element.
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