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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "No objection. I'm ready to give my life."

    He puts his hand on his heart.
  2. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Welp, if anything bad happens...it was nice knowing you guys."
  3. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I spend a moment gathering my thoughts before looking over to Affrice with the same resolve in my eyes, and nodding slightly.
    Rip. I dun even know you guys well. xd
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Affrice isn't present. She is in the capital.
    Tisaun likes this.
  5. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Is this actually canon in Re:Zero?

    I mean.... "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"
    Tisaun likes this.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    yep yep. That's why Petelgeuse gets knocked back after trying to catch his gospel, he goes outside of the carriage's blessing range and falls off.
    Malkavian likes this.
  7. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I swear that I can read normally. xd
    I just stay silent, I guess. >.<
  8. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Just, try to stay alive you all. Please?" Look at everyone, then look a moment longer at the main people from the Estelle Camp and the people I was in jail with.
    "We'll manage this."
  9. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    I find that oddly specific and weird XD
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  10. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    Jand comes over to Rey's side to help her up.
  11. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    And then stuff happens.
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Gah. Sorry. I've been busy and will be for few more weeks.

    Rey moved her head sluggishly, then looked at Jand holding her up. The girl's eyes widened—then giving a short cry, she leapt up and landed on her hands and legs a few meters away agilely, shocking the two of them with her sudden movement.

    Rey winced as she landed, and she crouched, holding her abdomen where she was clawed by the witchfiends. "Ah.....ugh, it hurts...." She glared up at Jand and Andrei, frowning slightly. "What..... who are....." She muttered confusedly, clearly bewildered.

    ".....how are you feeling? You seem a bit.....confused." Andrei asked, stepping forward, to which Rey flinched slightly. For some reason, to Andrei, he couldn't help but think that the atmosphere around Rey had somehow changed.

    ".......huh...? .....ah." Rey smiled—not the dark, troubled expression she had always wore, but a more light smile with a child-like manner. "Right. Andrei.... and Jand. You..... saved us from the traffickers, right?"

    "You are okay?"

    Rey shrugged to Jand's question, and her child-like attire disappeared. "I..... I don't know.....haha....it feels like I've been sleeping for a long time....." She said with a dry laugh, looking down and ruffling her hair. The girl shook her head, then smiled weakly at the two. ".....thank you, for saving me. And I.... I, can I have my book....?"

    Andrei flinched. ".....why?"

    "I can't.....settle without it. Please." She reached out a hand longingly, a slight tint of desperation in her expression.

    Andrei was troubled—but didn't decline the young girl's request. Taking out the black spellbound book, he handed it to her. Receiving the book, Rey sighed as if relieved.

    "....thank you..... I....."

    "...you should rest. We are leaving in a few hours time with dawn." Andrei suggested, looking up to the pitch-black sky. It was well into midnight—perhaps sunrise was in two or three hours.

    "....yeah." Rey muttered, then curled up around her black book on the spot where she had been sleeping earlier. With her back against the two, Andrei and Jand looked at each other, sharing their uneasiness and wariness at the mysterious girl.

    There wasn't a single witchfiend activity until dawn, as if the entire forest had gone silent.

  13. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    You're back! ^^
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    This is long, sorry. A couple more for everyone to get into action.
    Estelle smiled. "We have many of the largest fighting powers in the Kingdom gathered here. We will make this succeed."

    Cries of enthusiasm and rising morals responded to Estelle.

    "A~lright! Let's move out, y'all~!!" Fenri cried, and the two groups divided, one at the Flugel's Tree, another heading towards Fleur.


    As they started to move out, Carol standing at the back turned back to face Siegfried van Hestiria, her old master.

    Before Carol could say anything, Siegfried lowered his head. "Carol.... despite me abandoning you as a young child that day because of my foolish actions..... I can't express enough gratitude to the fact that you helped me in the end to achieve my goal.... to avenge my wife.....I....."

    Carol narrowed her eyes and smiled. "Let us not be so formal, Master. I'm not holding any grudges—I still respect you as a teacher and as a person."

    Siegfried looked at Carol, widening his eyes, while the girl scratched her cheek embarrassedly. The old man closed his eyes and smiled. ".....yes. I am honoured to have such a disciple.... Thank you, Carol Remendis. As promised.... when I have taken revenge of my wife and all of this is done—I will devote myself into your education. You have more than enough potential to become much stronger."

    Carol's expression brightened—and like a child who was finally acknowledged by her most respected person, nodded happily. "Yes!"

    The two of them shook their hands—and bid their farewells. Carol joined the final ranks of the leavers heading towards Fleur.

    Kayde rode up next to Carol on his earthdragon after the group had completely left Flugel's Tree.

    "It was good for you that you could make up with your master." Kayde said to the knight, who nodded thoughtfully in return.

    "Thanks..... Now I know that everything I've done until now wasn't in vain." Carol said happily. Kayde didn't inquire deeper into Carol's relationship with Siegfried, as he could pretty much guess.

    After a few moments of silence, Carol turned to Kayde. "Kayde, have you had any new premonitions?"

    ".....No. I haven't had a single vision since."

    "I see." Carol looked forward, towards the town of Fleur in the distance. "....then what do you think, will happen?" There was an edge of uneasiness in her tone.

    "I don't know. But as Lady Estelle said, we have more than enough fighting powers against «Gluttony». I've fought her once, and yes, she's strong.... but you alone might be able to beat her one on one. As for the White Whale, I'm confident as well. It's just that........"


    Kayde pursed his lips. "No.... nothing." He shook his head. Carol frowned, but didn't ask further. The knight understood that becoming pessimistic wouldn't help before a large battle.


    Roswaal M. Mathers. «Gluttony». White Whale. Three Great Witchfiends. The white-haired woman in his dreams. Cardinal Sins. Witch Everia. Alice. The black-haired boy with the golden right eye. «Greed».

    Kayde couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. But he just couldn't tell what.....————
    I have to sleep now. Sorry things are slow, everything is transitioning.
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  15. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Your transitions are better than many fights in books I've read, don't worry about it!
    Amun_Ra and Tsukiji like this.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Was Kayde going to the White Whale just like Rathius? I forgot.
  17. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    Amun_Ra likes this.
  18. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Thanks. Ignore last reply, Amun.
    Tsukiji, Amun_Ra and Tisaun like this.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Tsuin @Tisaun @Linwood Welheart @Host_Legacy @SansWolf @3DSMate

    ——————————the next morning———

    Kayde stepped out to the streets of Fleur, which was busy even when it was only an hour after sunrise. Dragon carriages passed every few seconds, carrying people and goods out of the town towards Amethysia down the Lifaus Highway.

    The night they arrived at Fleur, a large-scale search was conducted by the three camps, but no signs of «Gluttony» and the Witch Cult were found. There didn't seem to be an immediate attack coming, so Estelle Belstain ordered the main fighting powers to get their rest, considering they had barely rested since two days ago.

    ——Estelle knew what she was saying; Kayde was surprised at how much he felt refreshed after sleeping for three hours in his shift. At the same time, he was impressed by Estelle Belstain's abilities as a leader.

    As the boy walked down the streets, a few members of Estelle's guards and the Iron Fangs saluted to him; Kayde was on a higher rank than them as a King Candidate's direct knight, even though he was greatly discomforted by the sudden rise in his status as he nodded politely back.

    He approached one of the gates of Fleur; though it was nothing special, only wooden doors and fences marking the borders of the town. There, he noticed sounds of metal ringing, and two figures facing each other in a public clearing near the gate.

    ——Ramadel Kryst, holding his two shortswords on both hands, were in combat against the former Royal Knight and self-employed information broker, Gren Walker.

    Gren Walker fought using numerous blades attached to chains, ropes and strings entangled to his hands, which he controlled with such practised and precise techniques, it almost looked like he was remotely controlling the weapons. Ramadel fought back with his Divine Blessing of Energy Chanelling and his unpredictable movements caused by sudden outbursts of speed and power; but the young mercenary could not close the distance between him and the man because of the blades flying around in the air, attacking him from all directions.

    Kayde watched from a few meters back, so that he didn't disturb the two's duel. He was impressed by Ramadel's skill when the boy was so young, but was even more awed by the sheer level of strength owned by Gren Walker...... as expected of a Royal Knight.

    Soon enough, Ramadel dropped to the ground breathing heavily, finally reaching his limits. Gren smiled and pulled back the blades to his numerous belts on his body nonchalantly. While Ramadel had been vigorously moving around, Gren had barely moved at all.

    "....you were on a good line. But when you got tired, your movements became easier to read. How you twitch your fingers, where you are looking towards, how you change your grip on your weapons." Gren said as he walked up to Ramadel and pulled him up. "With your fighting style, it's the end for you if the enemy can anticipate your attacks. That's where you should improve on—surprise attacks, trick movements, faints, things like that."

    "....ah.....hah...... Yes, thank you.... for your guidance....." Ramadel answered through his ragged breaths. Gren laughed and patted the boy on his back.

    "You're strong, and you have the potential to become much more......don't you think, Kayde?"

    Kayde nodded as he stepped out—not surprised that Gren had noticed his presence already. "Ramadel's still young, so it's only to be expected." He said. "But it's a strange combination, you teaching Ramadel...?"

    "Ah. Lucian asked me to fight him. For experience." Gren said, and Ramadel nodded.

    "....I see. It's just, you shouldn't drain yourself before a large fight." Kayde turned to Ramadel, a worried look on his face.

    "No.... I'm, fine. I.... recover quickly." Ramadel smiled weakly back. "It's like a small warmup."

    "If you say so...." Kayde shrugged. Just then....

    They heard shouts outside of the town, just as a few carriages entered through the gates, surrounded by members of the Iron Fangs.

    It was a strange sight———six carriages, seemingly filled with children, all haughty and dirty. Iron Fangs demi-humans stayed alert as they took away a few tied-up men from the carriage at the back, and at the large figure towering over the carriages.

    ——A giant; Kayde immediately understood the tall man's race. Over 3-meters tall, the man had dark skin and held a warhammer on his back. Knowing another Giant Race, Old Rom from Remilia Camp, Kayde was shocked at this giant's size, and his seeming youngness compared with Rom's ancient appearance.

    One of the Iron Fangs saw the trio and came running up to them.

    "We found them approaching Fleur from a minor forest route. Apparently, they came across a bunch of traffickers carrying kidnapped children from the Capitol from the Uprising. They were escorting the children to safety.... we have checked the truths in their claims, and apprehended the traffickers."

    "....is that so. Good work." Gren said as he walked up towards the group, which stopped near the clearing. Kayde and Ramadel followed.

    The giant, and a ragged man standing beside him, turned upon their approach.

    ———just then.

    Without warning, Gren threw a dagger out from his belt, connected to a rope, and the blade pierced through one of the children being escorted out from the carriages.

    A scream split through the air as Gren pulled back his rope, sending the target—a scrawny girl with long brown hair—flying into the air while splattering her blood everywhere.

    "Rey!!" The ragged merchant (Andrei) next to the giant cried in alarm after the girl.

    But Kayde recognised the girl attacked by Gren.

    «Gluttony» Rey Beelzebub Farrenveitos.

    "————Witch Cultists!!" He shouted as he activated his magic shield, and pointed his sword at the giant and the merchant.

    *** *** ***

    Everyone else, please wait. you guys are resting. Sorry!!!
  20. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    (!!! O-O)
    Was I ever given a debrief on what Gluttony looked like?
    Or is this just another cultist to me?
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