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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    fuck fuck shit fuck
    Abandon mission! I repeat, abandon mission!
    We should probably get the children to Fleur.
    Or maybe it's a bad idea since the traffickers were gonna bring them there.
    3DSMate, Tisaun and Amun_Ra like this.
  2. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I promised lady Alice that I would support her. I see no reason for me to join your side."
  3. 3DSMate

    3DSMate The shadow assassin VIP+

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    "Well, err. I don't really intend on leaving this forest, but I could escort you people out the forest and maybe a bit more. I'l just think about it for a few minutes."
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Nozomi Tojo ~ @Host_Legacy @TheStormLizard

    "Neither do I. Not when you, Lady Affrice, are...." Kayde muttered, glaring at Affrice's expression glimmering with evil intent.

    "Then you would leave the people of Fleur because of your foolish pride~?"

    "No, but we will compromise. There are risks, of course, but when what you wish from us is....." Kayde shook his head. "We can't do it. Not that."

    Affrice narrowed her eyes and sat back into her chair. There was again a silence between them.

    "......Gren. What do you think?" Affrice's knight, Lucian Eulaus, suddenly asked the man sitting back in his chair.

    "Eh? Y-you're asking me?" Gren met Lucian's eyes, then he sighed and rubbed his neck. "They're good. I think you're overreacting."

    "Ah~. I think so too, my knight, you're too paranoid." Affrice shrugged lightly, breaking her evil aura in that instant. "It doesn't feel good being the bad guy, you know~?" The woman then turned towards Kayde, Rathius and James.

    "As confirmation.... the information that the White Whale will appear is without doubt?"

    Kayde couldn't hide his confusion, but nodded. "Y-yes......?"

    Affrice stared at Kayde for a few seconds, then nodded. "....I can't see through lies like Belstain's young lady, but I think this is enough. I see. Lady Alice has gathered good knights———Kayde Ferris, Rathius Tinzel, James Boubon, representing the overall will of the Alice Camp. I've decided to assist in the defence the merchant city Fleur."

    "Wait.... what?"

    "Why would I forsake the citizens of a country I am going to rule~? I will give our camp's full support by sending Lucian and the entire Iron Fangs."

    Kayde slowly remembered Gren's warning beforehand—'to not to give in' to Affrice's conditions. That was what it meant—they had been testing them.

    —but understanding that didn't mean Kayde could accept it. He couldn't completely shake off his sense of distaste towards Affrice Ordo.

    "Uh.... thank you, I guess."
    Carol was blown away once again, but as if she had anticipated the attack she landed smoothly.

    ".....with that strength, normal witchfiends should be no problem." Carol said, spinning her sword skilfully in her hand. "But «Gluttony» probably won't leave you alone, a long-range attacker that you are at nature. If she comes at you, you have to retreat at any cost, even if you overuse your mana. Those blasts of wind should be effective." Carol continues to evaluate Angela's fighting style. "Your reaction speed is quick thanks to your seraph origin, so you can react to most attacks.....yeah. Damn, Angela! You're strong!" Smiling, Carol patted Angela on her shoulder. "I don't think I can win if we really fight!"
  5. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Yeah. Just go with it, Kayde."
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    It is more rational to take the children to Fleur, a reasonably large town, rather than a small village. The town was under Ordo Trading Company's influence, under a King Candidate's watch, so getting them safely back to the Capital and handing in the traffickers wouldn't be a problem.

    However, it was almost sunset, and leaving towards Fleur with this much people unguarded on carriages without their riders was dangerous. Because this road was a minor trading route it didn't have anti-witchfiend barriers; it was suicidal to go deeper into the forest during night-time. Andrei could've dealt with a few witchfiends if he were alone, and Jand too, but with the 30 children here and more monsters drawn towards them, they didn't want to take risks.

    "It's too late and we're too far away to go back to the village or to Fleur.... the safest is to stay here and camp through the night." Jand suggested.

    "Alright. Can you make those earth pillars to surround us for the night?"

    Jand nodded—as a descendant of the Giant race he was overflowing with Earth mana.

    ——it was decided; they were spending the night here. When they told the children about it, they seemed worried, but did not argue. They were kids who grew up in a wealthy city; they had no way of surviving without help of them two, and they knew that.

    The earth walls were formed around the clearing; Andrei found food supplies from the traffickers and his own carriages.

    The sun was already down, and sounds of wolf-like howls started echoing through the forest from time to time; the witchfiends were starting to come out. Jand and Andrei agreed to watch the area during the night. After rounding the traffickers inside an earth prison Jand made and the dragons to one side, they got the children inside the carriages just to be safe.

    There was one child who did not follow—the young girl with the scars, Rey. She was gazing into the air nonchalantly as she listened the witchfiend howls and sat against one of the earth pillars, holding her knees in her arms.
  7. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "I don't think so, you're way more skilled in swords than I could ever be." Smile at her and sheathe the sword.
    "But tell me..." Turn at her worriedly. "Do you think we will be able to do this? Like, actual chances?"
  8. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Fuck fuck shit fuck.....
    "Hey, Rey. Is something wrong?" Andrei says as he sits down beside her.
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Telling you, the best cure to her problem is a knife to the guts
  10. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    No! That's not enough! I need to be sure...

    She needs a knife to the guts, a shot to the head, an arrow to the knee, a stake to the heart and she needs to be burned to ashes!
    Tisaun likes this.
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Healing factor.

    About right. Also I love how you guys are reacting to this.
  12. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    She has a healing factor???
    So what's her weakness? Do I need kryptonite? Fire? The color yellow? Do I need a man to tie her hands? Do I need to know her true name? Sunlight? Stakes? Garlic? Fucking Asbestos???
    Do you like watching us squirm? You love our fear?
    Tisaun, Amun_Ra and Tsukiji like this.
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    I just like long names.... I’m sorry....

    Are you even asking that at this point? The answer is; of course.
    Malkavian, Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Tsuin @Host_Legacy @TheStormLizard

    Kayde looked at Rathius, then sighed. "....alright."

    Standing up, he faced Affrice Ordo smiling in a good mood.

    "I hope we can build a good relationship~!"

    "Y-yes, I hope so too...."

    They shook hands—their negotiation was struck as well.

    ——it was a few minutes of discussion after when Fourier Argoyle, Estelle Belstain's knight, came to the building.


    Carol's expression darkened a little bit. ".....I don't know. Our fighting power is massive, but the enemy's is, as well. A witchfiend that has survived for 400 years which can even kill a «Sword Saint», and a Cardinal Sin of the Witch Cult who can control witchfiends...."

    She looked up. "But we have to do this. Too much is at stake..... we can't pull back. Being negative at this stage is pointless, Angela."

    Angela smiled weakly. "....you're right. Sorry, Carol."

    "Don't mind it......huh, they're here."

    When Angela looked towards where Carol was gazing towards, she saw numerous dragon carriages entering. Everyone in the yard stopped their movements and stared at the newcomers.

    Angela and Carol approached Estelle, Siegfried and Fenri as they walked towards the carriages stopping in front of the Belstain mansion.

    Fourier came out of the carriage first, then gave way to the figure behind him—the petite woman with soft curly light-purple hair wearing white expensive-looking dress stepped out: the King Candidate Affrice Ordo. Several figures came out from the carriages, including Affrice's first knight Lucian Eulaus and a few other followers, then Kayde, Rathius and James.

    Estelle, along with Fenri and Carol, walked up to meet Affrice, Lucian and Kayde.

    "Greetings, Lady Affrice." Estelle nodded towards her fellow King Candidate.

    "Good evening~, Belstain's young lady. It'll be a pleasure working with you as well against the White Whale and «Gluttony» this time~." Affrice shrugged and said.

    "Yes. We are happy to receive your aid." Estelle said, meeting eyes with Carol, who nodded.

    ———things were slowly approaching to get ready.

    This battle's preparations:

    Alice Camp:
    - Kayde Ferris (vs. Gluttony)
    - Carol Remendis (vs. Gluttony)
    - Rathius Tinzel (vs. White Whale)
    - James Bourbon (vs. White Whale[maybe Gluttony])

    Estelle Camp:
    - Estelle Belstain (vs. White Whale)
    - Siegfried van Hestiria (vs. White Whale)
    - Angela Serafina (vs. Gluttony)
    - Fourier Argoyle (vs. White Whale)
    - Fenri Argoyle (support healer)
    - Fighters gathered from around, Estelle's knights (vs. both)

    Affrice Camp:
    - Lucian Eulaus (vs. both)
    - Ramadel Kryst (vs. Gluttony)
    - Rujeld (vs. White Whale)
    - Members of the Iron Fangs (vs. both)

    - Gren Walker (vs. Gluttony)
    - Isaac Lorfyr (vs. White Whale)

    (pls tell me if I'm forgetting people.)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018
    Tisaun likes this.
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    your section of post is continued. sorry if that wasn't clear.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius salutes Lady Estelle by tipping his forehead.

    "So.. how does the White Whale move forward? Assuming from its name, it's a sea creature. Does it fly or someting?"
  17. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry. I meant that your powers are suited for both opponents, but more tipped towards the White Whale

    "According to witnesses from survivors, the White Whale is an enormous whichfiend that moves through the air. In all cases it appears during the night and in a fog—so there is nobody who has seen its actual appearances. But yes, it is safe to assume it is a flying creature." Siegfried, the most knowledgeable of the monster, said.
  19. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Then I'll make it my task to get those who can't fly themselves towards the creature. As a dragon, I could carry about 2 people."
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Rey looked up towards Andrei as Jand watched from the side. "........you are taking us to the town.... Fleur, right...?"

    "Yeah. You'll be safe there." Andrei sat down on a piece of wood across from the girl. He couldn't help but wince at the sight of the girl's skin—the terrible scars that filled its surface.

    She lowered her head and hugged herself. Andrei noticed that the girl was holding something in her arms.

    A small black leatherbound book, oddly clean on its surface. It was strange how a girl kept in such a condition by the traffickers owned something like that.

    "What's that?"

    Rey looked up to Andrei, then hugged the book closer to herself. ".....it's something important to me.....to us." She muttered. At the same time, there was a loud howl of a witchfiend outside, followed by another, followed by another. Rey's shoulders jumped, and started trembling in fear.

    Jand stood up, narrowing his eyes. "....they're closing in..... be alert, in case." He told Andrei.

    "It's alright, Rey. We're here, so there's nothing to be scared of." Andrei told the shivering girl. The girl didn't answer.


    A scream came from one of the carriages. At the same time——

    Numerous black shapes — six of them— appeared from behind the carriages, ignoring the children and approaching Jand, Andrei and Rey.

    They immediately identified the shapes as witchfiends, which looked like gigantic wolf with dark fur blending into the darkness, with glowing red eyes and a short horn on its forehead. They were each as big as a man—Andrei and James realised that these monsters were different to the other wolf-type witchfiends common in the forest, named the juggernauts.

    These witchfiends had leapt over the earth walls and approached them without them realising at all——

    They rushed forward at a terrifying speed towards them, or more accurately, straight at Rey. Before either Andrei or Jand could react, the one at the front bit into the girl's leg and threw her back towards the clearing, where the other monsters jumped on her.
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