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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Aaand baaacckkk!!!

    Right after my exam week ended I caught a cold and had fever for 'bout three days. Sorry for the inactiveness.

    I'll start my replies now. Planning to start the other new characters as well.
    Malkavian, Tisaun and Tsukiji like this.
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Linwood Welheart @Tisaun @Host_Legacy

    They left the castle, guided by Roswaal's maid Fanatia Lauzen and «Blue» Fenri Argoyle.

    With Fenri's presence, they encountered no trouble as they got on a dragon carriage and left to the streets of the Capital.

    They sat in silence inside the carriage as it headed towards Roswaal's mansion in the Capital. They saw on their way the damage done to the streets—many Royal Guards and citizens were helping put fallen rubbles out of the way of the streets and were engaged in the restoration of the city, even after a few days had passed after the attack.

    And soon after 20 minutes, they arrived at the mansion.


    They retrieved their equipments (which were taken when they were imprisoned) from the mansion room.

    When they briefly said their plan to Roswaal, she agreed easily.

    "I~'m glad you came up with the idea. The Tristia camp aside, we were plaaanning to have a friendly relationship with the Estelle and Affrice Camps. You better not make our relationship wooorse, though~?" She laughed amusedly, seemingly happy that the five of them had reached that conclusion.


    Lastly, they met with Alice before leaving the mansion. She was helping Karifer with packing the things on the long travel dragon carriage when the five of them found her.

    "Thank you, all of you, for assisting me." Alice said, crossing her hands over her chest. "Before I came here with Roswaal, I didn't think I wanted to be a King. But as I looked at the Capital, and the many people that lived within...... and met with the other King Candidates, I now think that I have a reason to pursue the goal as well."

    Carol smiled gently at the silver-haired girl. She was like a younger sister to her, despite their difference in status. "Which is, Lady Alice?"

    "I want to make this country equal. Where everyone..... demi-humans, Vorkirians, even half-elves like me.... can live in peace and cohesion."

    Kayde narrowed his eyes. A dream probably in vain. He thought to himself, though he didn't voice it out. Alice must've been a lot through this couple of days, discriminated heavily by everyone she met, feared as having the same appearance with the Witch of Envy.

    There were even some voices in the public, even amongst the elders, that Alice's existence led to the attack on the Capital by both Witch's Order and the Sphinx.

    "......to do that, I must learn to become a good King. I will follow Roswaal to convince the nobles all around the Kingdom to support our camp."

    Alice was fighting her own battle as well. They understood that as they heard her determined words, and also realised that she had grown up from someone who was simply following orders from Roswaal, to someone with a stronger will.
    .......So did the distaste against Roswaal grew inside them, at the same time.

    "Then, everyone. I can't thank you enough."

    *** *** ***
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Fenri Argoyle was waiting them outside the mansion when they greeted with Alice. She stood up her fox ears sensitively as she heard the five of them leaving with their equipments.

    "A~lright! So Angela and Carol, you guys ready~?" She asked leisurely as she motioned towards the dragon carriage by her side, with the symbol of the Belstain House on its side.

    Carol and Angela looked at each other, then nodded.

    "We will meet again when things settle somewhat." Kayde said to the two of them. "Remember, by tomorrow night, we must leave or else we won't be able to encounter the White Whale."

    "I was thinking," Angela asked from the side. "Can't we catch «Gluttony» before she summons the White Whale?"

    Kayde shook his head. "Rey Beelzebub Farrenveitos will be inside that town for the whole day. She will definitely call it out on the third day midnight..... but if we arrive before that, she will react and most likely act quicker than planned. We must have our forces ready as possible before we face them." He then stopped, then turned to Carol.

    "Oh, before I forget....." Kayde unfastened the wristband on his arm, and offered it to Carol— it was the magic item that turned into a magical tower shield.... a treasure of her Remendis family in the Holy Kingdom in the north that Carol took with her when she became an adventurer. Kayde had borrowed the item before the raid on the underground facility.

    "No, you keep it, Kayde. As I said earlier, my fighting style doesn't go well with large shields." She said shaking her head with a smile.

    Kayde thought for a moment, then shrugged. ".......alright. Thanks, Carol."

    Fenri, who was quiet until now, tapped against the carriage with her sharp nails. "Come on, guys~. Lady Estelle's waiting for us!"

    With that— Carol Remendis and Angela Serafina went onto the carriage towards the Belstain mansion.

  4. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Speaking of making relationships worse. Roswaal, how are we supposed to convince the camps to help us? We're still criminals in their eyes, aren't we?"
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The carriage rolled to a slowdown, and Alice peeked out of the window—and she saw the familiar scene of the massive black-and white mansion standing within a wall and a garden. One of the powerful noble families governing the numerous lands around the Kingdom— the Belstain House.

    Seeing Angela draw in a breath, Fenri laughed and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Angela! The criminal charges on you have been lifted, right~? Lady's saying she would welcome you back!"

    "Y-yeah." Angela muttered, forcing a smile back. What was engraved in her mind was the scene of Estelle's face twisted into silent anger as she blew away her after the battle with «Lust». She shivered a little.

    As they entered through the gates, which many people and carriages were passing through, they got off and walked towards the mansion, where three figures were waiting at the entrance.

    Angela felt Carol tense beside her.

    The one standing at the front was Estelle Belstain, the handsome dark-green haired young woman and the head of the Belstain House. She looked more tired than when Angela last saw her, with bags under her eyes. She lowered her chin slightly upon seeing Angela, and an awkward atmosphere passed through the two.

    Behind Estelle were two men, which one of them was her first knight, Fourier Argoyle, Fenri's older brother. He furrowed his eyebrows as well.

    The other was an old man around his sixties, dressed in a black butler's suit. He emitted a powerful aura as his back stood perfectly straight, his face expressionless, his old body seeing no deterioration at all. On his waist slung a sword with the Belstain House's lion symbol.

    Siegfried Trias— an old butler serving Estelle from way before Angela had been. He was barely present at the Belstain House, always on an expedition outside the city. Anegla knew, however, that this man's strength with a sword was unmatched even in the Royal Knights.

    Siegfried narrowed his eyes, and muttered. "........Carol, is that you?"

    ".......Master." Carol bowed awkwardly back, not meeting his eye.

    Looking at the two of them with a bitter smile, Estelle turned towards Angela and Fenri. "Alright..... come in."
    (you guys are all discharged of your crimes, the news of «Pride»'s attack on a city in the Empire proved their innocence. The Elders and King Candidates are aware of the Witch Cult's existence and powers.)
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Linwood Welheart @Host_Legacy

    "We'll head out as well." Kayde told Rathius and James as they saw the carriage with Fenri, Angela and Carol leave.

    "So... where would Affrice Ordo be?" James asked.

    "Our best guess is the Ordo Trading Company's office." Kayde said.

    "That's in the merchant section of the city. It's nearby, we can walk there." Rathius added; he was a former Royal Guard for nothing, he knew where things were.

    "Ok. Let's go."


    As they walked, they came across a crowd of people gathered around at the side of a street. There was a board on the side of the wall, with five large wallpapers posted on it.

    «King Candidate: Estelle Belstain»
    «King Candidate: Tristia Felodore»
    «King Candidate: Affrice Ordo»
    «King Candidate: Remilia»
    «King Candidate: Alice»

    ".........Affrice Ordo made it clear she'll bring in influence from the Kararagi City State in the east. Isn't that bad?"

    "Not for us merchants. New trade routes mean new business."

    "But Ordo Trading Company's going to be a single monopoly in the future......."

    "We don't benefit either from Estelle Belstain, you know? She's declared she will heavily increase tax from merchants and nobles."

    " 'It's rational for money to come from those who have it.'..... was that what she said? I get it, but it's certainly not good for us..."

    "But she's the most eligible, don't ya think? Experience, power, status, charisma.... Belstain has it all."

    "Yeah, gotta agree on that one..... Tristia Felodore, she didn't make clear what she wants, honestly."

    "That blonde brat, Remilia... I heard that the «Sword Saint» found her in the slums in Diamelda."

    "Haha! Seriously?"

    "How the hell would a dirty slum filth be able to rule a country!?"

    "If you say that.... the fifth candidate is no better."

    "A silver-haired half-elf, right? What is that crazy clown margrave thinking......"

    " 'I want to make a country where everyone is equal.....' What a joke! She's saying that!?"

    "Yeah, there's no way there's going to be votes for the fourth and fifth........"

    Naturally, the three of them pursed their lips and narrowed their eyes quietly as they heard those words.
  7. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Getting out of the carriage slowly, I give a quick glance at Estelle before looking down.
    "Uhm, hey." I say, looking at the ground under the woman.
  8. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Joke about the 2016 American Presidential Election.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
    Malkavian and Amun_Ra like this.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    oh.................. wtf lol i did not think of that ahahahahahahhahaha

    Oh god this made my week
  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Is there anything on the board? Like a voting place where we can vote on the next ruler?
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The Royal Election goes on for 2 years through which each camp collects supporters and advertise themselves by setting up deeds and stuff. I'm sorry it wasn't clear, the term 'vote' isn't literal.
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  12. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "And that's where you're wrong. There will be votes for the fourth and the fifth. People who want change in this world will vote for them. I'm sure Alice has a lot of demi-humans backing her up who want to achieve the same thing. I do, atleast."

    Naturally, Rathius joins this conversation, being the person he is
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  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "........this place's got too many people. Let's go in." Fourier said, waving his hand and turning. True to his words, numerous members of the mansion and merchants from outside were looking towards them.

    "Yup yup, Four's right." Fenri said, following her brother. "Come on, Lady, stop being so dark!" She said, tapping Estelle's shoulder.

    "....yes. Please, come in, Angela and Knight Carol." Estelle said, greeting them inside the mansion.


    At first Carol was to wait outside, as her standing was as Lady Alice's knight and their conversation would be between Estelle Camp members, but Angela insisted her to stay. Carol was a trusted friend, and she also came in contact with the Witch's Order, so she could provide information. Estelle agreed after some thought, and they entered her office room which was covered with a special wind spell that made the room sound-proof.

    They sat—Angela and Carol next to each other, facing Estelle with Fourier and Fenri from across the table. The old butler, Siegfried, stood to their left side.

    Angela was slightly curious about the old man and Carol's relationship, but as there was no conversation going between them, she kept quiet.

    ".......Please let me make something clear." Estelle spoke up, looking straight into Angela's eyes. "You did not participate in the massacre that occurred in the Capital five days ago. Is that correct?"

    Angela nodded strongly. "......Yes."

    Estelle looked at Angela for a few seconds, then sighed in relief and rubbed between her eyes tiredly. "Good... I'm relieved you're back with us, Angela."

    Carol looked confused next to Angela—— but Angela knew as Estelle's knight, about the woman's Divine Blessing of Wind Reading. It gave her an ability to look past lies in conversations..... it was something Angela couldn't tell other people easily, even to Carol, because it granted Estelle an upper hand in negotiations, and it was very important to keep it a secret.

    With their conversation, Estelle had confirmed from Angela that they were indeed not the ones involved in the «Uprising» five days ago.

    "Something in me is still urging that you are an enemy.... this must be the effect of «Sloth»'s Authority. Angela, I am truly sorry for my actions against you in the Capital..... please forgive me." Estelle said, then lowered her head in apology.

    "N-no, Lady Estelle, please raise your head!" Angela cried, flustered. If anyone saw a master lowering her head to a servant.....

    "Don't worry, there are only acquaintances in this room." Estelle said, then sat up and smiled at Angela. "...but please, tell me honestly, Angela. I have done terrible things to you, something that is not easily forgiven. I would like you to return to my camp, as my knight, but I know I have no right to force it onto you..... what do you say...?"
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "H-huh? But really..... would anyone support people like those...."

    "Yeah, I don't think even demi-humans would want to support somebody with that appearance....."

    Instead, the attention fell on Rathius while everyone muttered agreements to the general idea.

    Kayde pulled Rathius's sleeve, and muttered. "Come on, we shouldn't be drawing too many attention. «Gluttony» won't wait for us before she calls the White Whale."

    Rathius frowned unhappily, but nodded. "....alright."

    The three of them exited——not noticing one person in the crowd, with one blue and one red eyes, glaring at them as they left————



    "———the White Whale."

    Isaac Lorfyr muttered the word he had just heard. He was standing in a crowd examining the wallpapers of the five King Candidates to be elected two years later. Honestly speaking, Isaac had no interest in something like that.

    But his temporary partner, a Royal Guard named Gren Walker, insisted they stay.

    Gren was an old acquaintance of Isaac from the time he was a Royal Knight (Gren was a Royal Knight then, but he quit the job and became a Guard) who provided Isaac with information on the Capital every once and then.

    Gren called Isaac after the «Uprising», when he apparently encountered a young girl who could control witchfiends to her will, naming herself «Gluttony». Gren talked to Isaac about the truth of the «uprising» he had learnt from gathering information, about a group named the «Witch's Order» attacking the city, and one of their abilities altering the memories of everyone in town to believe that the people who fought back were the one's who cause the attack in the first place.

    Gren Walker was one of the people who was blamed for the attack, but he fled and escaped the grasps of the Royal Knights who came after him. A few days later, an attack by the infamous 'Sphinx' came by the Capital, and after that their innocence were proven somehow.

    Back to the point——

    Isaac was drawn to the information about this girl «Gluttony» who could control witchfiends, but after three days of gathering information from even within the government, nothing could be heard about her.

    Just as Isaac was giving up..... he heard the words of a brown-haired boy, mentioning «Gluttony» and the «White Whale».

    ".......what's up?" Gren asked Isaac as he saw his expression. He had not heard the brown-haired boy's words as his attention was on the board.
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Nozomi Tojo ~


    While panting, Ramadel lifted his sword from the large wolf-man's neck, sliding it into his sheathe.

    The demi-human blinked a few times, then opened his mouth——and laughed in a volume that was no joke.

    "——Uaahahahaha!! I've lost again!?"

    Ramadel stepped away from the demi-human, wincing and holding his ears. ".......ugh.... so loud...."

    The wolf-man stood up, towering over Ramadel with his height over two meters. He picked up the greatsword that was on the ground, and sheathed it into his back.

    "Gahaha! You're gettin' stronger, eh, Ramadel!?"

    The demi-human—the leader of the mercenary group the «Iron Fangs», Rujeld — laughed again.

    Ramadel was personally recruited by Rujeld when he was still a slave in the City State of the East, to which Ramadel was always grateful. They dueled often, but Ramadel's small body and quickness was more effective over Rujeld's attacks with his greatswords.

    The «Iron Fangs» were currently in the Capital city of Arcuntar Kingdom, and the two of them were training.

    "————huh, you are a strong one, don't you think Lucian~?"

    A slow voice called behind Ramadel, and he turned, surprised.

    The petite woman with soft purple hair, wearing expensive looking clothes with a white fox fur around her neck came into view——Affrice Ordo, the Iron Fang's boss. Next to her stood her first knight, Lucian Eulaus.

    Lucian narrowed his eyes thin. "Ramadel, was it? Even though you're so young......"

    "Oh hey, young master!" Rujeld shouted, grinning widely at Affrice. "What'cha doin' here!?"

    "Just having a walk, Rujeld. You're too loud, as always." Affrice smiled back, then she looked at Ramadel—who tensed, suddenly his boss's attention on him.

    "Aah ahh, don't be so nervous. I'm just impressed, ya know~?" Affrice shrugged, then looked towards Lucian. "I won't stop you~?"

    Lucian nodded. "Ramadel.... would you like a duel with me? As Lady Afrrice's knight, I am responsible for keeping the «Iron Fang» under check. No offence to you, Rujeld......" Lucian eyed the large wolf-man, then looked back to Ramadel. "But you're a relatively new member, right? I would like to grasp the extent of your strength. Is that fine with you?"

    He asked, placing his hands on the two rapiers hung on either side of his waist.
  16. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    I let out a deep sigh.
    "Give me a break, won't you?..."
    I reach for my sword while saying that.
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Andrei V. Carnes
    31 years old
    Andrei is a free merchant and an information broker mainly going between the big cities of Arcuntar and his base in the small merchant town Fleur. He trades goods between towns, sometimes transport things/people on requests, gathers/sells informations in general. He owns a dragon carriage, and a earth dragon named Ludo.

    Andrei has a Divine Blessing that lets him control the 'flesh' of himself, others, and dead bodies. Because of this ability he was abandoned by his family, and ever since, he has been hiding his ability from the public.
    Occupation: Free merchant, transporter, information broker.

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Has sort and rough ash-blonde hair, with green eyes. He is relatively tall, but average-looking for the most part. However with his ability he can change his appearances. He doesn't change his appearances during his job because it tires him, and wants to keep himself in low identity (overly handsome will draw attention)

    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of Fleshcrafting.

    His ability is a Divine Blessing that gives him the ability control the 'flesh' of himself and others through touch. He can change his appearances through concentration, merge with dead bodies to give him enhanced abilities (merging with dead animals to use their abilities, etc.), control bodies of small animals as 'minions' (e.g. rats, birds, etc.), restrain peoples' movements by touching them (tenses the target's flesh so that they are unable to move, but Andrei must concentrate while doing so), and can also detach his flesh and control them to mid-ranged defence and attack.
    Also, as long as the flesh isn't burnt, he can 'regenerate' his body.

    Magic: Almost nonexistent, but Earth affinity.
    "I'm glad you understand." Lucian smiled, then drew his two rapiers. Silver in colour, both of them were identical to each other.

    He took a fighting stance with one arm held high, other low.

    "You can attack first?" Lucian laughed.
    Tisaun likes this.
  18. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I know I'm not supposed to draw attention, but I can't stand people bad mouthing others without good reason. I'll try to keep focus, sorry."
  19. Tsukiji

    Tsukiji Basking in nostalgia

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    How much energy do I have left after that fight?
    How long can that energy sustain the doubling of my speed?
    I just simply pull the sword out of my sheath and slash it towards his lower body. Not at full strength to give myself enough leeway to pull back or parry if he decides to counterattack. I need to test the waters afterall.
  20. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Lean over in my chair towards her. "Please, don't worry about that. I'm glad to be back."
    Extend my hand in friendly way, as in to hold hands for a bit.
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