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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "I've been training this way since I was six." Carol laughed while she stretched her arm. "I'll be impressed if you can reach my speed."

    Carol explained before that she was originally the youngest of many siblings in an archbishop family in the Holy Kingdom of the north; and as a young child she wanted to become an adventurer—and started training on her own in secret. She was taken as a disciple under a swordsman named Siegfried — by the age of 13, she was one of the most skilled fighter in the Holy Kingdom. She left the country and travelled west, where she came to the Arcuntar Kingdom and became a Royal Knight. Years of hunting monsters in the countryside and training against Alexander and other skilled fighters, she had became very, very strong.
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Shrug "It's just a way of saying it. Training to at least be able to see them would be good."
    Turn around and look for anything I can test my aim with magic at.
  3. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "And even if he was able to block Carol's and Archibaud's attacks, magical attacks could still form a problem. Swings from weapons and shots from bows can be blocked with a shield or a sword, but magic isn't as easy. Earth is sturdy and strong and won't be blocked by a simple shield. On the other hand; Water, Air, Fire and Lightning don't even have a physical form and can't be blocked or cut in half."
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Kayde nodded. "That is why I'm trying to increase the range of the 'future' I can see so I can completely avoid them.... but my brain gets overloaded with information when it goes above 5 seconds...."

    Diabel was lecturing on efficient use of magic, but Angela's wind magic was on the top-level, potentially higher than Diabel's. Instead she spent her time trying to counter different kinds of elemental magic with just wind. They can't use huge spells because the room isn't large enough.
    With Izanami's assistance as well, Rathius, Marcus and James improved in their magic levels as well.
    Until the next event, I would like to build up on technicals of you players, like different types of magic, stuff like that. Not much but I think necessary.
    I will start off @Kyubi & Kylin and @TheStormLizard 's characters soon too.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2018
  5. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    As in?
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    non-incantation magic. I'll reply next time about it.
    Tisaun likes this.
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Magic can, ofcourse, disable other magic. Water beats fire and stuff like that. We magic users can always teach you."
  8. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Does anybody remember back when I said I was gonna join XD
    (It was WAY back at the beginning.)
    That was kind of optimistic of me to think I'd be able to be active again at that time. :P
    Amun_Ra, JoshLegacy and Tisaun like this.
  9. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Kinda funny really. Technically what I do is magic, but how good I am in a fight ultimately relies on how good I am at the concept of 'point the sharp bit at the enemy'."
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Tisaun @Enhanced_Human @BlueSlimerino
    ".....alright. Let me lecture you guys a bit on magic, then." Izanami said, floating into the air to the middle of the group.

    "But I can't use magic, Iza?" Archibaud asked, standing up.

    "That's true, I can't cast spells on my own. And neither can you, Archi.... like Carol, you have no magical affinity. But not being able to use magic and know about magic are different."

    "Let's start with the definition of magic. 'Magic' is the ending result of different coloured mana becoming woven together into physical phenomenon. There are seven colours of mana, red for Fire, blue for Water, green for Wind, yellow for Earth, black for Shadow, white for Light, and transparent for pure energy. Magic casters use the mana inside their body which is channelled through their magical 'gate' to create numerous spells. How well one can use magic is the natural mana capacity one is born with, and how much one's gate is used to channeling magic. For some like Carol and Archibaud, their gate is dysfunctional. Spirit artists use their spirit as the 'gate' through which they use the mana in the atmosphere to cast spells, like Diabel."


    "Magic grows in proportion with how well one is comfortable with their mana element and used to using one's gate." Izanami turned to Rathius. "As for your case..... you are special. In your dragon form, you technically channel red heat mana from your inner gate to breath fire, so your magical capabilities should've grown rapidly.... now, try to create a fireball over your hand."

    "Like this....? Goa!" Rathius chanted, and a fireball lit up over his fingers.

    Izanami nodded. "Incantations automatically 'bring out' a certain result of programmed mana movements, while absorbing mana from one's gate. Technically you should be able to use the high-class «Al Goa» if you shouted with the intention of casting the spell, but your gate and mana capacity would not hold to create the spell, thus it will fail. It is, however, possible to increase the intensity of a low-tier spell like «Goa»..... like Roswaal. She can cast «Goa» and wipe out a section of a town in an instant."

    "I use ice magic without incantations. What does that mean then?" James asked, activating his horn and summoning a few ice crystals rotating around him.

    "Incantation-free magic is a very skilful technique that requires the caster to mold the mana into a certain result, a certain spell. James, your horn of an yeti acts as a gate that absorbs in red mana from the atmosphere and lower its heat to the point the water vapour in the air freezes—thus creating ice shards."


    to summarise her lecture:
    Fire magic uses red mana (heat mana, more accurately) to heat a certain point in space enough to light up a fire. From «Goa» to «Al Goa», the changes only occur in power, range and intensity— so a «Goa» mixed with non-incantation addition can become the same as «Al Goa».

    Ice magic can occur in two ways—a person with 'red affinity' (James, yetis in general) can lower heat mana to the point things freeze. This is different to ice magic with 'blue affinity', which (though Izanami doesn't explain in my words because science doesn't exist) stops the movements of water molecules and collect them together to the point they become solid (something like that).

    Healing magic can only be used by those with 'blue affinity', but are generally high-level. Kayde, who is a low-tier water affinity can only use small class ice magic, but not healing magic.

    Wind magic controls the current of air in the atmosphere, and can be used to create shockwaves, blasts of wind, blades of wind, et cetera. Almost most of these Angela can use, and she is even adept at non-incantation magic.

    Earth magic is a complicated art that controls the earth particles as well as 'pressure' as source of power. «Dona» brings up a pillar of earth of the ground, while the second-tier «El Dona» focuses pressure to a certain point inside solids and make it explode. Earth magic with non-incantation are full of potential, as it can create explosions in the earth, as well as launching stone bullets that have destructive power.

    Shadow magic is the art of controlling the 'time and space', while Light magic being an art of controlling pure energy from the sun. Both of these forms of magics were lost from hundreds of years ago, and the remnants of these two elements only exist in forms of 'debuffs' (very-faintly disturbing time and space in someone to cause blindness, slowness, etc.) and 'buffs' (channels energy directly from the sun to raise strength, speed, etc.)
  11. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "I've been trying to improve my magic capabilities, but all I can do so far is shrink down and divide my fireballs until they are nothing but sparks or flames."
  12. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Sorry I just had to do it

    "Doesn't that make air magic able to do some copies of sorts of some elements? I mean, if the person was good enough, couldn't they make an air current around water and move it around?" Lean in closer, interested.
    Tsukiji and Amun_Ra like this.
  13. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Is this the filler episode so the anime doesn't catch up to the manga?
    Amun_Ra, Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Izanami shrugged at this. "There isn't much I can help you with. But know that as you transform to a dragon, your gate is becoming more and more stable."

    (most people in this world cannot use high-level magic at all, to tell you. On the level when they cast «goa» they become tired af. Compared to those people, everyone in the room is high-class. Rathius originally was like that, but as you become dragon your magic capabilities increase. Since you had years of blank when you didn't become dragon and use magic while being City Guards in the Capital, your growth was stopped as well. Now it's going up again.)

    "It's much less efficient though." Diabel said to Angela. "By trying to, say, shoot waterballs at enemies, you have to concentrate on movements like moving air to scoop water up into the air, keeping the current running so that its shape doesn't break apart, and while doing so, you must send a wind that shoots it towards enemies while keeping its shape. It uses concentration, excess mana..... its more effective to use «Fula» to damage opponents." Diabel says, creating a waterball floating over his fingertips and launching at a nearby wall. "Water magic directly controls the water, so it's much simpler."

    what are you talking about? lol
    @Nozomi Tojo ~ @TheStormLizard I'm sorry, it might take a bit more time to start off your characters. Thanks for waiting.
    Malkavian and Tsukiji like this.
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    (That is interesting, tbf.)
    Amun_Ra likes this.
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Third night in the circular dungeon.

    Kayde had a dream.


    He was standing upon a familiar hill, under an unnaturally blue sky. A soft breeze blew against his face.

    Behind him was a white table, with four chairs, and an umbrella shielding them from the sun. And in one of the chairs, a white-haired young woman was sitting, sipping at her tea while closing her eyes.

    She opened one eye and looked at Kayde. "Hello, Kayde. Why don't you come up?"

    Kayde again felt the oppressing aura being emitted from the woman... from the Witch. He swallowed—then walked up towards the table.

    ".....where's the creepy boy from back then?" Kayde asked the woman, remembering the black-haired boy who was in the dream from four days ago.

    She shrugged. "He's a very busy person, unlike me. He doesn't like spending time in this place with myself, as well. That's not nice of him....don't you think? I'm always alone, and I like having visitors once every often." After talking nonchalantly by herself, she motioned towards Kayde, who was standing behind the chair until now. "Come on, relax. Have a seat."

    ".....alright." Kayde felt sweat form on his palm as he pulled the chair and awkwardly sat down.

    "How about tea?" She asked with a smile, and when Kayde didn't reply, she took the teapot at the centre of the table and poured its content into an empty cup with practiced movements. She offered the golden-brown liquid towards Kayde, then crossed her fingers in front of her.

    Kayde hardened his resolution and taking the cup, drained the contents in one swing.

    The woman whistled. "That's impressive, drinking something offered by a Witch in one gulp."

    "I don't really have a choice, do I....." Kayde muttered, placing the cup back onto the table. "It wasn't bad, but it didn't taste good either. What was that?"

    "Well.... if you'd say, that was my body fluid."

    Kayde choked on his breath. He immediately tried to spit out the liquid, but it had already dissolved into him. "W-what are you making me drink!? Disgusting...."

    The woman narrowed her eyes. "This whole place is a part of myself, you see. But you're much comfortable now, aren't you?"

    "Huh?" Kayde then realised that he was no longer scared of the woman. Her evil and oppressive aura had all but disappeared.

    "Good, good." The Witch leaned back into her chair, looking satisfied. "Having you becoming afraid of me every time you come here would be a pain, wouldn't it?"

    Kayde had mixed feelings about being tricked into drinking a Witch's body fluid, but didn't comment on the matter any further. "A-anyway. Why did you call me here?"

    He somehow knew that if he had asked questions about the woman herself, she wouldn't answer.

    The Witch smiled mischievously..... the smile was familiar—but Kayde couldn't recall why it was so.

    "To give you an advise, of course." She said. "Soon, something interesting will happen. You have yet to control your eye.... so I'm here to assist you."


    The woman stood and leaned forward over the table, bringing her face close to Kayde. With her strangely familiar smile, she stared into Kayde's eyes. As he saw, the woman's left eye slowly turned golden from the center of her pupil.

    She lifted a finger and touched Kayde's forehead. And just like that, Kayde's consciousness faded.

    "See you later, Kayde."


    Kayde woke up in darkness, in ragged breaths, covered in sweat all over his body.

    A heavy nausea welling up his chest, he staggered up. His vision was filled with blinking lights, and his sense of direction was all over the place. Holding his mouth, he made his way desperately to the separate room that was the bathroom—the designer of this dungeon was kind enough to provide a space hidden in the walls where prisoners could do their business.

    He straight up vomited out everything he ate that day. His throat was parched, sweat was rolling down his face at an alarming rate. He closed his eyes hard—and vomited again. And again. And again.

    Drained completely of energy, he fell backwards to the ground.

    "Kayde! Are you okay!?"

    A light came into his vision—it was Carol, with Rathius behind her, who was lighting up a fire for light.

    Without energy to give a reply, he only lay unmoving as Carol carried him towards the room while Rathius woke up the others. Diabel cast a healing magic on Kayde, and he felt ever-so-slightly better. His body was still heavy and unmovable, but his mind was clearer.

    "What happened, Kayde?" Carol asked, resting him on a wall.

    Even Kayde himself understood entirely what had happened. But he knew one thing.

    ——when the Witch touched his forehead, his left eye's ability to «see the future» was forcefully activated.

    He had seen a vision—a vision that was bound to happen in the future.

    "..........exactly three days later...... the White Whale will appear over the Lifaus Highway.... next to the Flugel's Tree, along with «Gluttony»....." Kayde managed to gasp out between his breaths, and he could hear Rathius and Marcus suck in their breaths.

    Kayde looked up at Carol, at everyone around, then said. ".....and at the same time, «Greed» will murder everyone in the Mathers land, including all the members of the Alice Camp."
  17. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Wait.. so that means us aswell? We have to tell the guards about this!"

    (Also, 'body fluid'? What fluid are we talking about. Pee, or the other thing?)
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Nod looking at the ground. "Yeaaah."
    "Would work just fine for scaring people away with multiple controls though."
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The next day, the eight of them were released from the dungeon.


    Watched over by Royal Knights on every side, they were transferred through the Castle to another room.

    "Weeell well. You are looking raaather well, I'm glad." The person who greeted them was Roswaal M. Mathers.

    "Where is Lady Alice?" Diabel asked, looking around.

    "She is aaaat the mansion, getting ready to leave to the Mathers land." Roswaal said, gesturing nonchalantly. "But.... rather than that, let me eeexplain a few things that have happened, aaall right?


    The following— Carol Remendis, Diabel Karstein, Kayde Ferris, Rathius Tinzel, and James Bourbon— were officially made knights of the 5th King Candidate Alice to prevent their execution decided in majority amongst the Council of Elders. Marcus was initially uninvolved in the matter, and was decided to be released. Scythe Archibaud and Great Spirit Izanami were to continue serving the Kingdom as Scythe protecting the Castle.

    As for Angela, 1st Candidate Estelle Belstain asked Roswaal to keep her without allegiances for now. Hearing this, Angela sucked in a breath.

    "Well, I was initially planning to serve lady Alice, but.... Diabel, are you really okay about this?" Carol asked the blue-haired knight standing next to her. "Your vow to serve no masters?"

    Diabel narrowed his eyes, then shrugged. "I am a criminal now anyways. When the Royal Elections get to later stages, I would eventually be forced to join a camp... I have no objections."

    "Gooood good. I am glaaad to hear that." Roswaal said with a smile. "We—Lady Alice, myself, our two servants Fanatia and Karifer, and the little elf girl Lady Alice took in—will be returning to our mansion in Mathers Land two days' travel from here. Knight Diabel will accompany us.”

    There was a silence in the room.

    Roswaal laughed to herself. “Aaalright, you lot. Let us move oout~”


    That was how their party of eight disbanded.

    That’s the woman’s attempt of a joke. I guess.

    The world is technically a part of herself, so everything in it will be her body parts.
  20. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    *Whispers* By any chance does this still count?
    Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
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