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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    “He’s right.” Kayde said, eyeing Marcus. "Charging into that battle with our current damage, there's no way..."

    "But then...!" Angela looked towards the battle, where Estelle was being pushed back by the centipede. Just when the centipede was about to hit the green-haired woman, Fourier in his fox form rushed down and picked her up with his mouth, bringing her up to a roof to safety. "They are going to...."


    As they turned towards the voice, a large black cat leapt into view, with two figures on its back. With a surprising agility, one of the girls jumped off the black cat and landed in the middle of the group.

    The silver-haired half-elf girl, Alice, rose, and at the same time the black cat landed besides her. Everyone looked surprised, even Roswaal.

    "Wait..... I took someone to help you..."

    The second girl sitting on the black cat, the Great Spirit Dia, slid off his back.

    A brown-haired girl with two brown animal ears on her head, wearing a white-blue robe belonging to the Royal Knights.

    "......So you are here, «Blue»."

    The girl grinned towards Roswaal, who said in a cool tone. "Hey, it's the Rainbow lady! Hello~!"

    "Fenri!" Diabel called towards the fox-eared girl.

    "He~y Diabel, Carol, Alex! I'm here~!"

    "......who's that?" Kayde turned towards Diabel standing next to him.

    "The best healing artist in the Kingdom, Fenri Argoyle." Diabel said, a light of hope in his expression. "You're back!"

    "E~he, I came back as fast as I could from the edge of the world when I heard of the Uprising!" The girl, Fenri, laughed. "Come come~, I'll heal whoever needs healin'!"

    Alice smiled at them. "Quickly, we can't let those people fight all alone!"
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but only the power to heal the dead is going to save us, here.”
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "My body can't take in a large amount of mana currently, so healing would be helpful"
  4. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "You showing up is rather... convenient. But I won't complain for now."
  5. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "If I can cast magic after, I'm up for it." I say, walking over to her.
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Angela recognised the fox-eared girl who appeared. The seraph had only seen her a few times, but Fenri Argoyle was the younger brother of Estelle's knight, Fourier. She was the holder of the title «Blue», meaning she was the most adept at using water magic in the entire Kingdom—more than even Roswaal, who was the holder of «Red», «Yellow» and «Green». «Black» and «White» were currently unnamed.

    Because of Fenri's talent she was constantly needed all around the world and barely was at the Belstain House.

    "Oh~, you're that seraph girl!" Fenri winked towards Angela. "I'm sorry, I can't recharge the mana inside you. That has to happen naturally."

    Roswaal didn't seem too amused as she looked at Fenri say and approach Archibaud.

    The girl touched Archibaud's skin. Immediately a warm blue light was emitted from her fingers.

    Those who could feel the flow of magic sensed an enormous surge of mana from the girl—and in that single instant, Archibaud's wounds were gone. She kept her water magic on for a few more seconds, then opened her eyes and patted Archibaud.

    "Done now~. Come on, next!"

    Fenri called towards the rest of them, who were silent from shock.


    In less than a few minutes, those who could fight were healed physically.

    The centipede was still fighting with Estelle and Fourier, along with more royal knights that appeared— including Affrice Ordo's first knight, Lucian Eulaus, a purple-haired dual rapier wielder.
    I'm busy for the next two weeks as well. I'll reply as I find time.
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    But seriously. @Kyubi & Kylin and @Kylin&Kyubi !

    Don't blame me when I get you two mixed up.......okay!!?


    anyways. For @TheStormLizard and @Kyubi & Kylin , these are your characters.

    @Kyubi & Kylin (changed some stuff.)
    Ramadel Kryst
    15 years old
    Race: Human

    Ramadel was a slave in the City-State of Kararagi, raised in an underground organisation for training assassins. Ramadel's parents were murdered and he was kidnapped when there were words of a rare Divine Blessing user in the slums.
    For two-three years Ramadel trained, nurturing his fighting techniques with lightweight small weapons, to which point he was an aspiring assassin apprentice.

    It all changed when a certain young woman, named Affrice Ordo started up a trading company and grew it to the level it almost took over the authorities of the poor city-state of Kararagi, one of the Four Countries of the world. Under the Ordo Trading Company's influence, Kararagi's streets became more lively and rich, its public order more enforced.... with slavery banned and assassination business hunted down by the «Iron Fangs», a private elite mercenary squad hired by Affrice Ordo, consisted of many powerful and skilled fighters from all around.

    When Ramadel's organisation was demolished, the slaves in its care went under the protection of the government, but the leader of the Iron Fangs took Ramadel to his liking and adopted him into the Iron Fangs. Thus, Ramadel has worked as a mercenary under Affrice Ordo for four years, until now.

    Occupation: Mercenary at the Iron Fangs, which is an organisation in direct command under Affrice Ordo

    Appearance: Short black hair, wears tight durable clothing, covered by a long brown cloak. His stature his quite small and thin. Has green eyes, and small scars all over his arms, legs, and torso.

    Equipment: Clothing that have mobility in mind, with a dark theme. A shortsword, 2 daggers, as well as a number of darts.

    Abilities: Quick skilled fighting with a shortsword using his small stature, twin-wielding daggers, throwing darts

    Magic: Compatible with the Water element (though not highly capable of magic)

    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of Energy Channelling. This lets the user become able to control the energy inside him, so he can designate more energy inside him for a certain task, enhancing his movements, speed, and strength while using up his store of energy quicker than usual. The highest speed he can reach is almost 7x his normal speed (it looks like an instant to the average human eyes), but this damages his body when used for more than one or two seconds. He can increase the power of his punches, physical strength, etc.
    This does not include his magic, he cannot strengthen his magic capabilities as mana and energy are different things.

    Info: Highly skilled fighter even amongst the Iron Fangs. The Iron Fangs has one leader (wolf-type demihuman named Rujeld) and a few second-in-commands. The rest are all free and range from magic-casters to simple fighters. Most of them are demi-humans. They're a messy group, but when pretty organised when needed to be.
    Ramadel is one of the fighters, but has good relations with Rujeld.

    @TheStormLizard (i've changed your character quite a lot. Since you're joining midway you need to be someone who can become involved. Tell me if you want things changed.)
    Isaac Lorfyr
    23 years old
    Race: Human
    Isaac was born in a small human village in the kingdom, a son between a mother from Vorkir and a father from the Kingdom. Because of his Vorkir lineage he was born an ability user—but because he was half from Arcuntar, he could also use magic. His ability is named «Mirage», an ability to create a blue flame on his will. With this ability and his unusually high fire-magic capabilities, he was quickly known around as a two-coloured fire user.

    Isaac was recruited into the Knights Brigade for his talents, but he quickly quit, disliking the things expected from the nobles faction. Because Isaac was arrogant and loud, the Brigade didn't really try to stop him from leaving either. (Plus having an ability-user in the Kingdom ranks was quite troubling). He became a self-employed mercenary in the outer areas of the Kingdom.

    One day, he suddenly realised that he couldn't remember who his parents were, at all. He hadn't realised until that moment, that he even 'forgot' them. He somehow knew that he was raised by someone, in the village he was born in, but he just couldn't remember. He couldn't remember about anyone in the village he grew up in.

    Attacked with an enormous headache and foreboding, he travelled to his homevillage, where he remembered it to be. There, he found that one year ago, the village he grew up in, and many other settlements around, had completely disappeared from the map.

    Apparently, it was the deeds of the 'Witchfiend of Fog', the White Whale. One day the White Whale appeared over the area, destroyed everything in the place, and disappeared off. The inhabitants of the neighbouring town told Isaac that one year ago, an enormous fog covered the entire area. It was there for an entire night—and when it cleared, the people living inside the area covered by the fog disappeared from peoples' memories. All they found were numerous settlements filled with dead bodies, and nobody knew who they were.

    The White Whale is known to 'erase' a person's existence from the world. People who are 'erased' become forgotten by the world.

    Understanding that Isaac once had families and friends who cared for him in the past, but were completely erased from existence and reduced to unknown dead bodies, he was overcome with a large disgust and a feeling of loss. He bowed to himself that one day he would hunt the witchfiend down......

    Occupation: A drifter mercenary.

    Appearance: Mixture of black and brown hair (Short in the front and medium in the back), one eye is red and other is blue, pale skin.

    Equipment: Has a leather armor, a brown cloak, a sword on his belt and several daggers in his cloak.

    Abilities: Ability «Mirage». Able to create a blue fire on his will. The fire does no physical damage, but looks very real. The blue flame is cold when touched, and when someone comes into contact, they are attacked with slight dizziness, headache and nausea. The coldness can be increased, to the level an opponent can feel like he's in a winter environment. The effects of «Mirage» purely attacks the minds, and has no physical effects.
    Isaac is also able to control fire magic to a great amount, to the level of being able to control real flames without incarnations to some level (because he is used with flames with his ability).

    Magic: Highly compatible with the Fire element.
    Malkavian, Tsukiji and Tisaun like this.
  9. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Not blaming anyone here.

    Try to find spaces between the centipede's shells and shoot arrows there.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Alright. I'm ready for more."

    He holds up his sword, ready to attack.
  11. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I’m confuzzled, can I use both the blue fire and normal fire?
  12. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    JoshLegacy and Tisaun like this.
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Linwood Welheart @Kylin&Kyubi @Enhanced_Human @Host_Legacy @BlueSlimerino @Kyubi & Kylin @TheStormLizard
    I died. I've been like, super busy as school restarted for me. Bunch of tests and assignments.
    I'm sorry that things haven't progressed at all. We should get this arc over with.
    This might be a bit rushed.........i'm really, really, sorry........


    "Well then, Margrave... we will be going."

    When Roswaal turned around, she saw the head of Eight Fingers, Sirius, standing with Velvet. The other Eight Fingers members, precisely 23 of them, were behind the man.

    The sorcerer smiled and shrugged. "I wooon't stop you from leeaaaving, you know~? You don't have to be sooo tense."

    Sirius gave a wry and weak smile back. "I'm glad you said that. It would've been hard for us to fight any more without casualties." The man said, then turned his head towards those who were watching the centipede fight— and to a black-haired boy, Day.

    "«Unarm», Day..... you are not officially amidst our ranks. However, if you are coming, we will take you."

    The boy turned, his eyes hollow and expressionless.


    Sirius sighed. "Is that so. Well then..... Lady Roswaal, and others of the Kingdom... we bid you farewell."

    Roswaal laughed. "I'll make some story up for the Elders, aaaall right~? But still, do prepaaare for the Kingdom to put pressure to your organisation~."

    "Well..... we already knew that would happen when our executives turned rogue." Sirius sighed once more, truly looking tired. He then turned to the group of Ability users standing behind. "All right... let us go."

    A blue light expanded on the ground beneath them, as a large teleportation circle appeared under their feet. And just like that——they were gone.

    "Haaah.... I'm surprised you let them go at all, Royal Magics Advisor~." Fenri, the healing artist, walked up to Roswaal and said lightly.

    "It's not my problem to haaandle, «Blue»." Roswaal shrugged, making a bitter face at the fox-eared demi-human.

    Fenri smirked. "Heh.... not that I care~!"

    Roswaal ignored the healing artist and walked away from her. She approached a figure sitting on a large piece of rubble quietly as he gazed at the centipede battle.

    "Weeeell well well.... how are you doooing, young Kayde~?"

    Kayde didn't look at the sorcerer. ".....Margrave. What is your goal?"

    "What might you be taaalking about?"

    Kayde glanced at Day, who was standing far away, then glared at Roswaal—with one eye golden.

    "You're the one that hired the Ability user bandits to steal Lady Alice's insignia in the first place, right?"

    Roswaal widened her eyes—then laughed amusedly. "Ahaha.....hahah..! Ahh, you're much better than we anticipated, Kayde~! Haha! How did you tell?"

    "You used some information broker to bring this offer to Day and that slime girl, Megan.... then hired a powerful assassin to eliminate them in the end, which is the 'string user' Day was talking about. You let Day live because you knew he was not actually part of Eight Fingers, and that his ability was useful...." Kayde cut his words off, then glared even harder at the sorcerer smiling down at him. "Why did you get us involved in this fight? I understand you wanted to eliminate Sphinx from the start.... I could tell that from the way you talked and got yourself to actually fight her when we were teleported randomly around in groups."

    A shadow set in Roswaal's smile—as her grin widened wickedly. "Why, you've figured out that much.... very impressive." She said, no longer in her joking tone. She laid down three fingers up. "Let me tell you, one who figured out so much, the answer."

    Kayde sensed a slight change in wind—and he understood Roswaal was controlling the air so that no sounds of their conversation were heard by others.

    "First, as you said.....I wanted to eliminate Sphinx. She was an abomination that had to be erased from this world." She folded a finger and and said. "Second.... to involve you lot to our camp's affairs."

    "Your camp.... Lady Alice's camp?"

    "Ahh~ha. You see, while other camps have been growing in power, Lady Alice has yet to introduce herself to the world, and because of her appearance as a silver-haired half elf, she would not gain any support in the future....naturally. By using prisoners with death sentences and dragging them into a King Candidate's private affairs, it would make those prisoners impossible to decline the offer to become Lady Alice's subordinates. Because if they don't receive protection under someone as important as King Candidates, they would be forcefully executed even if they tried to prove their innocence."

    Kayde grasped his fists together in silent rage, but he knew there was not a slightest chance of beating the sorcerer here.

    "Ooh, you won't be telling this to the others, thoough? If they knew, they would decline Lady Alice's knightship.... and they would be executed in the end no matter what. That is a definite, unchangeable fate."

    ".......and the third reason...?"

    Roswaal bent down—and brought her face inches close to Kayde's. As she stared into Kayde's differently coloured eyes with her own differently coloured eyes, she licked her lip and smiled.

    "That is....... for you to encounter the «Sin of Greed» and for your «Eye» to develop."

    Kayde couldn't hide his shock from these words—he opened his mouth, but no sounds came out. He staggered backwards and lost balance to the ground. "Wha......who....really, are you...?"

    In Kayde's mind was the image of the black-haired boy with golden right eye, equipping a scythe on his back— and the white-haired Witch in black dress with both her eyes glowing golden coloured in the 'dream' she showed Kayde.

    Roswaal's left eye—was coloured yellowish gold.

    "What.... are you people....." Kayde felt an uncontrollable shivering go through his body.

    Roswaal straightened up, looking down at Kayde sprawled on the ground. She smiled once again—and Kayde thought he saw some sadness in the sorcerer's expression.

    "Remember, boy. Witches are not evil."

    With that final world, Roswaal flapped her ripped cape around and walked away.


    While this conversation was going on, the centipede witchfiend was defeated.

  14. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    (So we heard this? Cause she controlled the wind, but she also said that Kayde shouldn't tell the others.)
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Nobody except Kayde and Roswaal heard this conversation. If Kayde does not tell, nobody knows.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius looks at Roswaal walking away.
    "Are we going after her, Kayde? We could use her help."
  17. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Now that was of great help." Frown at Roswaal leaving and sigh, just to look over to Estelle.
  18. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Death by school. A terrible fate.
    Amun_Ra, Tisaun and Tsukiji like this.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @Linwood Welheart @Kylin&Kyubi @Enhanced_Human @Host_Legacy @BlueSlimerino

    The casualties of the attack of the Witch's Cult and Sphinx on the Capital of Arcuntar Kingdom went up to over 2000. The damage done to the streets was said to take months, even years to repair.

    However——none of the culprits that caused the attack were captured by the attack. The Sin of Greed and the Sin of Gluttony were confirmed escaped by the Sword Saint in the destroyed underground facility.

    And the party led by the Kingdom's Royal Magics Advisor Roswaal M. Mathers that battled the Sphinx and her minions underground the Capital's streets——were put into prison once again.


    Their cell was a wide, round room, different from the Prison Tower where they were kept before.

    With a 10-meter diameter and height of 4 meters, the well-lit room was built underground the Royal Castle as a dungeon.

    Kayde, Archibaud, Rathius, Angela, James, Marcus, Carol, Diabel, Izanami (she was allowed to stay) — the nine of them were imprisoned inside the place. Day was apparently being kept in the Prison Tower, and Roswaal under watch outside because she would break down any sort of barrier cast by Kingdom sorcerers.

    They were being kept inside the prison 'for the time being' until the authorities of the Kingdom could get the information sorted and get everything back running from the aftermath of the attack. It has been two days.

    Fenri Argoyle, a.k.a. «Blue» came down a few times to finalise their healing, then a Royal Knight was sent three times a day for meals. Maybe it was Roswaal's doing, but their treatment was much better than inside the Prison Tower.

    With their equipment taken, they spent the many hours inside the room training and learning hand-to-hand combat from Carol and Diabel, two of the strongest Royal Knights.


    Even when Rathius asked many times, Kayde kept quiet about his conversation with Roswaal or the dream he had when he encountered «Greed». He barely started a conversation from himself, and was quiet for the most part, often blanking off. He did, however, tell them about his unusual «left eye» — which he was getting better at controlling; 'a future seeing' ability.

    When he 'used' his left eye, it would turn golden in colour, and he would be able to see 1-5 seconds into the future—that way he could react to almost any surprise attacks and dodge any kinds of melee attacks. Where, how and why he received this 'eye' was completely unknown to Kayde. Continuously using this eye for long time tired him.

    However with this ability, Carol and Archibaud were the only ones who could match and defeat Kayde in hand-to-hand combat. Those two would still win against Kayde because their reaction speeds were awfully quick, so they could adjust to any changes in movements Kayde made, so in Kayde's future-seeing their figures became completely blurred. Kayde's «left eye» was a great ability, but was not omnipotent.
    Malkavian likes this.
  20. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "So, you should train to become quicker, correct?" Say, getting up and stretching my arms and wings.
    "Afterall, if you became as quick as Carol or Archibaud, who could really stop you? You'd be perhaps one of the greatest warriors on the Kingdom." Smile at him.
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