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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    A blackness had swallowed Kayde, and he blinked multiple times. In front of him stood Rikuld Mammon Kavenhaitos, or «Greed» of the Witch's Order.

    The Sin had an expression of cold rage upon his face—much different from his carefree and arrogant attitude he always wore.

    "So you are the other one." He spat, glaring at Kayde—or more accurately, at his left eye.

    "I didn't hear about this, Echid....——————"

    All sounds were cut off the moment Rikuld started to speak a name—and at the same time, the blonde man disappeared from in front of Kayde.

    A cold feeling approached Kayde from behind him, and he turned, narrowing his eyes.

    "Who's there!?"

    But darkness was all there was. Suddenly, a feminine voice echoed through the shadows.

    ——What about some tea, Kayde Ferris?


    In the next moment, Kayde found himself standing on top of a beautiful, green hill, under a clear blue sky.

    The colours were so vibrant, and yet so unrealistic, it was if he had come into a world of dreams. He checked his stomach—and realised that the wound he received from Tovias had gone.

    Then it really is a dream...? Kayde wondered.

    "Your thinking is right, Kayde. This is inside my castle, the dream world of my imagination."

    The voice Kayde had heard before in that world of darkness called from behind him. Turning, he saw a white table and chairs lined on top the hill where he stood. Under a shade created by a white umbrella sat a woman, sipping from the expensive looking cup in her hand.

    She was a beautiful young woman with an impression of 'white'. With a pale skin and long, silky white hair, she wore a pitch-black dress which brought out her whiteness and beauty even more.

    But what captivated Kayde—or perhaps scared him— was the woman's eyes. Pitch-black in colour just like her dress, and filled with an accumulation of hundreds of years of intelligence, which seemed to see past everything about Kayde. He felt his left eye tingle with discomfort, his body shiver uncontrollably, and sweat form upon his skin.

    The aura of oppression the woman had around her was unbelievable— the Sins from the Witch Cult seemed like cute babies compared with the pure pressure she exerted on people just by sitting there.

    Perhaps——this woman was a 'Witch' the cultists worshiped......

    Then the feeling stopped altogether. The woman smiled approvingly.

    "It looks like this one's good. Don't you think so?"

    She turned towards her side, where a short black-haired youth was standing a distance away, clad in a black robe that Kayde faintly recognised—what the cultists he had met had worn. He narrowed his eyes at Kayde, then shrugged.

    "I don't know, if you like him, then isn't that good for you? It's not like I can understand how you witches think."

    The woman lifted her hands in defence and smiled. "That's unexpected. Why so cold? Aren't we both working for the same goal?"

    The youth ignored the woman, then turned his eyes back at Kayde.

    And he smiled, a nice, genuine smile—with a tint of sadness.

    "I hope we get along well, Kayde. Someday, we'll meet again."

    "Wait——" Kayde tried to say, but his voice wouldn't work. The white-haired woman smiled and clicked her fingers—and darkness slowly started covering the entire sky, and it came down upon them swallowing the green hill, the white table, and everyone in the world.

    Before his vision went completely dark, Kayde faintly saw the boy's right eye glowing yellow, and both of the woman's eyes glowing the same colour———————


    And as he felt something being taken away from inside him, he stumbled forward, coughing up blood. In front of him, all of the weapons Rikuld had created disintegrated, as he as well, bent over while clutching his chest in pain.
  2. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I rush to his aid.
    I just realized, this isn't an RP. This is a visual novel without any pictures.
    Tisaun likes this.
  3. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I summon my bow back, aiming at the Sin's neck before shooting.
    I then rush towards Kayde, helping him stand up or lay down.
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    With pictures. xD
    [​IMG] (btw I can't draw this well this isn't mine)
    Malkavian and Tisaun like this.
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Carol replied, then brandished her sword and charged towards the snakeman. The demi-human reacted with his bare hands, having his glaive taken away. With a flowing smooth motion, his hands touched the side of Carol's blade and pushed on it lightly. That alone was enough to unbalance the knight, and she fell forwards to the side of Libre. She quickly lifted her sword, quick enough to deflect his tail attack.

    Archibaud rushed in, swinging up his scythe in an direct uppercut. Libre again stopped the swing with his palms pressed against the two sides of the blade, but then he was distracted.

    Carol leapt up, and with a continuous motion she cut off Libre's tail, then stabbed her blade into his chest from behind.

    Libre hissed and released his hands on Archibuad's scythe—and using that moment of distraction, Archibaud swung the scythe overhead and severed the demi-human's head off its shoulders. The body shook violently as it convulsed, then purple markings grew upon its skin. Then it was gone——Libre's entire body turned into ash and disintegrated.

    Archibaud immediately retreated from the pile of ash, then turned to the direction of Gragur, whom he thought was going to attack him. However.....

    "He's not attacking?" Carol muttered.

    Look; Izanami's voice echoed. The Undead King's Sacrament is fading.

    There were purple markings on Gragur's body as well; indicating the spell embedded into their dead bodies. The markings were fading in colour, and Gragur's bluish skin was slowly turning gray.

    "Then that means......" Archibaud turned to the direction of the room where Roswaal and Sphinx had been fighting up until now.

    There———— Roswaal had her whole arm stabbed into the tiny body of the elf-witch through the chest and out from the back.

    A shock went through Sphinx as blood came out violently from her mouth. Archibaud saw that the witch's body was full of bruises and broken bones—where Roswaal had landed her blows into. The sorcerer, in comparison, had no major injuries visible.

    "Why..... are you......... Even though....... Mother......... created.... me....." Sphinx gasped as blood poured out endlessly from her tiny body.

    Roswaal smiled. "Then more the reason you won't be able to beat me. Don't a failed experiment like you disgrace my Teacher by calling her a mother....!!"

    With raising her voice in cold rage, Roswaal grasped her fist on the arm which had pierced through Sphinx's body. Another shock went through Sphinx's body.

    Archibaud suddenly felt his body grow lighter— the mana in the atmosphere was restored again, and Izanami was gathering them in.

    "This is the end, Sphinx." Roswaal muttered quietly and let the body of the witch slide out from her arm and fall to the ground. Both Archibaud and Carol didn't say a word, as Gragur also faded into ash.

    Roswaal looked towards the ceiling, her sight looking somewhere far away.

    "Teacher, the cleaning up the mess is done———" She whispered quietly into the air. Then.........

    Sphinx's arm grasped weakly at Roswaal's ankle. Seeming surprised, Roswaal looked down at the elf.

    "If.......I'm going to lose..... then let it be.... a draw——"

    Roswaal's eyes widened in shock; Sphinx's destroyed body was covered with purple markings like with Libre and Gragur. "You used the Sacrament on yourself!?"

    Archibaud faintly saw Roswaal turning her eyes towards him and Carol———then a small smile.

    And at the next second, an enormous explosion rocked the entire room, and purple light flashed everywhere.
  6. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    if the explosion comes near us I spin the scythe to atlest protect carol by apsorbing the mana from the explosion
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    What about us?
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    writing right now. Please wait!"
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Please do not blame Miss Louisa here, weredragon boy." The doctor said, patting the ability user on her shoulder lightly. "It was the works of a certain executive of the Eight Fingers, who betrayed our cause. That executive's ability was quite powerful, which 'controlled another ability by touching the user'. She was convinced into betrayal by the witch Sphinx, as well as two other executives, including Rodriguez over there."

    "I-I'm sorry for what happened t-then." Louisa lowered her head. "I did such horrible things to you...."

    The doctor smiled at the two of them. "Aaand that's what happened. Mister Marcus, I apologise for keeping my identity hidden like that. I wanted to infiltrate into this without anyone noticing you know?" He bowed deeply with one arm raised. "My name is Sirius. I happen to be a head of the Special Abilities Organisation, Eight Fingers."

  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius coughs after here the surrise.
    "What?! You can't be serious!"
  11. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    “Good to know that your organization is so disjointed that they jailed their own leader.”
    Marcus growled, trying to make humor out of the situation.
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    One more week. One more week and school's over.........

    Kayde retreated a few staggering steps back, coughing hard.

    "Kayde!" James rushed forward to support him. Angela readied her bow at Rikuld, who was in a similar condition, coughing up blood.

    "I'm....okay." Kayde groaned, then looked up towards the Sin. ".......please do it, Diabel, Angela."

    "Ik, El Dona. Aro, El Fula!"

    As soon as a voice muttered behind them, the earth cracked and rose up to trap Rikuld's legs. And at the same time blasts of wind attacked the Sin from both sides. they were the magic spells casted by Diabel.

    Angela released her arrow from her bow, aiming at Rikuld's shoulder.

    ".....rruuaaaaghh!!" The blonde man released a growl——and the arrow stopped mid-air.

    "This is why I hate magic items——!!!" The Sin spat and swung his hand——and the arrow broke into pieces. With inhuman strength he broke out of the earth that bound him, then summoned dozens of knives around him, making them spin extremely quickly to disperse the wind pressure. With bloodied eyes filled with rage he glared at all of them.

    James, Angela and Diabel all readied another wave of attacks, when Kayde raised his arm. "Guys..... stop."

    Rikuld did not attack. Instead, he lowered his outstretched arm and looked at Kayde.

    "You can't attack me." Kayde said, glaring back at the Sin. Rikuld didn't answer; instead, he reached to inside his robe, and took out a leatherbound black book.

    Kayde flinched and held his left eye upon seeing the book; the Sin flipped through its pages for a few silent seconds, then sighing, closed it.

    "......I will pull back for now." Rikuld said quietly, narrowing his eyes at Kayde with cold rage. "Next time, I will kill you and break the curse."

    "......! Don't you think you'll escape!" Diabel cried, stepping forward, his six contracted spirits spinning around him.

    "Diabel, stop!" Kayde shouted, his voice exerting a strange pressure. "Let him go. We can't win against him even if we attacked at once."

    "How do you know!?"

    "......because I can see it. Isn't that right, «Greed»?"

    Rikuld snorted and turned around. The shield made from his daggers was still present around him.

    "My work in the Capital is hereby finished. I will spare you for now." He turned back—and they saw him smile maliciously.

    "At least..... enjoy our gift to you and the Eight Fingers."

    With that the Sin walked away. The six of them didn't lower their guards until a long time after the man was out of sight.

  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The explosion filled the entire room and shook the very earth. Archibaud barely managed to hold against the massive force of magical energy while raising the level of mana inside him to the highest extent. And after exerting his physical limits with the sudden overflow of mana, Archibaud dropped to one knee in front of Carol. The explosion was over then.

    Archi, release me now! Izanami gave an alarmed shout inside Archibaud's head, and he immediately let go of his scythe. Izanami materialised above Archibaud and Carol, then the great spirit raised her palm. "Mel, Viria—————!!"

    Archibaud felt a large chunk of his body's mana disappear along with Izanami's spell. The next moment———the very space above them split.

    The falling debris was stopped mid-air by the slight divergence in dimension. Slowly Izanami released her spell, making the debris slide away from above them and onto the ground.

    "...........ah." Izanami released her spell, and Archibaud felt the draining of mana from inside him cease. The spirit lowered next to Archibaud. "I'm sorry, Archi. I had to use the mana inside you."

    Archibaud shook his head to assure his contracted spirit, then looked around him in silent shock.

    "——! Lady Roswaal!" Carol got up painfully, then rushed towards the direction from where the explosion had occured. Archibaud and Izanami followed the knight.

    It was impossible to have a clear vision inside the destroyed room filled with dust and smoke, but they still managed to spot the figure laying powerless against the wall.

    Roswaal M. Mathers had received that magical explosion right on——and yet, she survived. But with her broken body and splattered blood everywhere, she was nowhere near being unscathed.

    "Ah.....ahaha...... even I could not expect that......" She was laughing weakly when the three of them came up to the sorcerer.

    "Lady Roswaal! Are you okay!?" Carol rushed towards the woman's side, lifting her upper body up gently.

    "......my dear knight...... I suggest you get back. ——things are not over yet."

    ".........!?" Archibaud and Izanami turned at the same time behind them. Amidst the fallen debris and dust, a strange silhouette was rising.

    Roswaal, while gritting her teeth, sat up and glared at the rising shape. ".....so you've finally let yourself overcome by the «Sanctuary»'s curse." She muttered towards it. "But you know, Sphinx...... you and I.... we'll never become the 'Witch' we've always admired......."

    "Damn it....!!" Archibaud growled, grasping his fists together.

    The thing was made from a shadowy substance, forming many wavering leg-like shapes supporting its 'body' in the air. The body was also consisted of the dark corrupted mana, which surrounded a small speck of flesh in the center.

    Sphinx's destroyed body, with her entire lower body blown off was producing the massive amount of miasma. The elf had completely turned into a monster.

    "Roooossswaaaalll!!!!!" A hollow scream echoed through the room.

  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    A few minutes before the explosion.

    Sirius shrugged, then laughed. "...ahaha. I didn't intend to surprise you, that was the only way I could sneak in under Sphinx's radar. You need not worry, I won't cause any harm towards you two, alright?" He told Rathius and Marcus, who had tensed at the chance of a battle.

    Velvet floated down next to Sirius. ".....Siri, what do you want to do with that Executive?" She pointed at the unconscious Rodriguez.

    "Hmm. Should we erase him like the other two we've captured?" Sirius cocked his head. ".....yes, that should be the optimum solution. Mister Gabrigand, would you please wake him up?"

    "....as you wish, boss." A middle-aged man with whitening hair and beard bowed, then stepped forward while making his way towards Rodriguez. He bent down, then touched the executive's forehead.

    "Ability.... «Cure»."

    A gentle green light emitted from his fingertips, then disappeared. Gabrigand stepped back as Rodriguez's eyes fluttered open.

    Sirius clapped happily. "Good morning, my dear Rodriguez! I'm glad you could finally join us!"

    The executive scurried up, then widened his eyes at the sight in front of him. "B-b-b-boss!? Why are you.....!?" Beads of sweat appeared all over his skin as he stammered.

    "How was your little expedition to the Capital of the Arcuntar Kingdom~?" Sirius asked, slowly walking forward, Velvet following by his side. Rodriguez shook in obvious fear, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly.

    "Boss, I......"

    "Your sin is grave, Rodriguez Oplane Lepunzo VI. You along with two others murdered our 'Jailkeeper' and released the prisoners, incredibly dangerous ability using-assassins. You broke our code to not interfere with the Kingdom's main powers. You disobeyed mine, as well as the Emperor's wishes. Do you remember how we, the Eight Fingers, deal with treasons?"

    Sirius smiled gently then——while letting his murderous aura fill the atmosphere.


    Rodriguez raised his physical ability to its highest from the surrounding mana, then kicked off—towards the door on the other side.

    With his powerful ability to 'take in mana around him', he could've chosen to fight. But even with his extreme strength, he chose to 'run' away from the boss of Eight Fingers.

    Rodriguez did not go far.



    Two voices shouted from behind Sirius. Rodriguez's movement stopped for a split second, and a number of chains broke out of the ground and trapped the executive's limbs.

    Rathius realised that those chains were identical to the chains that had trapped them under the river from back then.

    Rodriguez forcefully broke out from the chains, but he was already slowed down much enough. Velvet had appeared in front of the plump man, blocking the way of exit.

    Sirius tapped the back of Rodriguez's head. "Goodbye, my dear executive."

    The next moment, the man's head exploded into a bloody mess.
  15. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius grabs the chain that was hanging on his shoulder.
    "So.. you did this to us?" He softly mutters.

    Filled with rage, he slams the chain into the ground, letting an echo pass through the corridor.
    "You did this to us! You teleported us to the bottom of that river! You chained us up! And now you're standing here?! Why should I even try and trust you?!"
  16. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus stayed silent, averting his eyes from the main portion of the headless body.
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I stand in between the monster and roswaal in a defensive stance
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I'll walk back to Kayde slowly, putting the bow back.
    "What do we do now?" I also help Kayde stand up
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The young short-haired ability user looked towards Rathius with a tired face. "What, weren't ya listening to what boss said? One of our executives had the ability to 'control other abilities by touching the user'. There was no helping, was it?" He turned, grasping the hilt of his sword, lowering his chin with a thin smile. "But, if ya want to do it, I don't mind it? I'd love to have a go with a legendary dragon."

    Sirius sighed. "Stand back, Lindo. Besides, this is not the time to be doing this.... do you not feel this?"

    Rathius and Marcus understood what the boss of Eight Fingers had said——there was a slight vibration in the air while the mana in the atmosphere reacted to a spell being cast somewhere nearby.

    "Wha......!?" To have this much of an effect on the mana in the atmosphere.... just how powerful was the spell!?


    A deafening sound erupted from above them, and their vision went completely dark.



    A trail of light formed in the air, circling over them in a form of a snake made from fire. It was not magic, Rathius could tell as a fire magic-caster..... it must've been an ability.

    "What happened?" Marcus looked up.....and widened his eyes.

    A purple light had formed a dome over all of them, behind it were chunks of broken earth as the entire ceiling had gave away on top of them.

    "......hey, it's hard maintaining this shield. Would'ya harden it already it, please?" One of the woman amongst the group of ability users said, turning to a young boy next to her.

    "What a bother........" The boy gave a sigh, as he walked over towards the purple dome. He muttered something and touched the shield—which turned solid immediately. The woman lowered her hands tiredly.
  20. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "While a barrier's nice and all,"
    Marcus groaned.
    "What do we do now?"
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