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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I try to protect Carol as i say to Iza ''Iza any mana left in you?''
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    yes, you have your sword and dagger, and shield. Sorry for that.
    * * *

    ".....and you want us to pay you for that!?"

    A deep voice that was somehow irritating to hear was raising his voice.

    There were sounds of blades shooting through air. Silence. "Don't get cocky, Vorkirian."

    Marcus recognised both voices.

    A tall blonde young man wearing black robes was facing an obese, middle-aged man. Marcus identified the former as the «Greed» of the Witch's Order, Rikuld Mammon Kavenhaitos— and the latter as the mana Ability User, as well as an executive of the Eight Fingers, Rodriguez Oplane Lepunzo.

    Kavenhaitos had summoned four long knives that were pointed at Rodriguez's neck from all directions.

    ".....we've made a deal, didn't we? I was following it very precisely and loyally, as a proper human being, you know?" Rikuld was saying. "And yet, you who didn't fulfil your job, is angry, and I am the one being shouted at? Sure, it's free for people to get angry, I respect that, and I'm not trying to talk about freedom of speech, or anything of that sort here. But.... you know? You're the one that's at fault here, and even though you have significantly small power compared to my humble self, you are shouting at me. I really hate those kind of people, who think they are strong, and use their so called 'power' to forcefully shut out people weaker than them. It's unfair, and also their arrogance blinds them from seeing that in reality, they aren't actually strong. Opponents whom they can't inflict fear into, when they face that kind of enemies, they are completely unprepared. When they actually face a superior enemy, they have nothing they can do. They lack understanding of what strength really means." «Greed» clicked his fingers, and more swords appeared behind him.

    "But that means that, right? You are denying me my rights, my authority, my power, my goodwill, my being!"

    "....he's crazy." Rathius whispered as they watched. He was contradicting himself so much in his words.

    "............lord, I didn't mean that. I am truly sorry from the depth of my heart." Rodriguez had sweat rolling down his entire body as he begged for his life.

    Rikuld smiled. "It's good if you understand. We humans, we can all understand each other, right?" He removed the weapons, which disappeared into thin air. "However, I understand your concern, dear executive of the Eight Fingers. As a compliment to the offer, I will give you information."

    "....Information, lord Kavenhaitos?"

    "Yes, information." Rikuld smiled again. "The date, time, and whereabouts of the next appearance—— of the White Whale."

    White Whale. One of the Three Great Witchfiends, along with the Great Rabbit. The monster appeared without notice all around the continent, erasing thousands of lives on the roads to nothingness. It was like an embodiment of the word 'disaster' itself— and for 400 years, it had been let out without ever getting subjugated. It's fighting prowess was enough to kill the «Sword Saint» from the last generation.
  3. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius carefully listens. Not moving an inch while trying not to make any noise.
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    oh damn Angela, what are you doing.... he's not dead yet....
    * * *


    Even before Angela could point her knife at the fallen gun user, a croaked voice cried from the back of the corridor. Instantly the knife shot out from her hand, falling to the ground away from her.

    "...!" James turned with more ice crystals, but they all shattered instantly before the yeti could move.

    The bandit boy, the one with the attack nullifying ability, staggered up while leaning on the walls.

    "As if.... I'd let you.....kill....him....!" He cried, coughing out blood—perhaps a side effect of his ability.

    ".....Day....." The gun user whispered weakly.
  5. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus kept his distance and continued to listen.
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I mean, how could I know. Other than that tho, rip.
    Am I close to him or still by Kayde?
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yes, Izanami replied. But Sphinx's spell is making it go out of control. I can barely keep it from harming your body, much less let you use it. You'll have to fight them without your boost.

    "Knight Carol, are you okay?"

    Carol shook her head. "The witch's spell is not affecting me too much...... since I don't have a good affiliation... with magic. But this cut..." She groaned as she held an arm over her side, where she was grazed by Libre Fluemi's weapon.

    "Roswaal, she's...." Archibaud turned to where the two magic casters faced each other. Roswaal seemed to be in an extremely tight spot—because her biggest weapon, magic, had been rendered useless.

    "How unsightly, Margrave. When you depend on your biggest firepower too much, it ends up being your downfall." Sphinx said idly with a small smile.

    ".....you've got me." Roswaal said quietly, grasping her fists together.

    Sphinx narrowed her eyes down at the sorcerer. "This is the end, Margrave Mathers."

    The elf swung her arm, and dozens of light bolts appeared behind her— and all at once, they rained down to where Roswaal was standing.

    "Shit....!!" Archibaud swore.

    "Lady Roswaal!!"

    Gargur and Libre did not attack, and merely stood there as everything happened.

    Sphinx's light magic exploded, sending dust flaring up all around the room. The elf floated down to land on the ground a few meters away.

    ".....! You witch!!" Carol kicked off the ground, dashing across towards Sphinx while brandishing her sword. Even though it was only a temporary relationship, Roswaal and Carol had been of a master-and-servant relationship. It was Carol's duty as a knight to protect her master, and yet, and yet.....

    Sphinx sighed and lifted a hand. Light flashed on the girl's small palm, as it was aimed at the oncoming knight———

    And the elf's body was knocked into the air, bent at an unnatural angle at her stomach, as an immense force hit her from the side. She went spiralling through the air with a trail of blood, then she righted herself in the air by her flying magic. "What......."

    "Lady..... Roswaal....."

    "Thank you for your concern, Carol. But please refrain from calling that abomination a 'Witch'." Roswaal gave a mischievous smile towards the knight, who was at a loss of words in shock.

    Before Sphinx could act, Roswaal bent down, then leapt off the ground— immediately reaching the magic caster in the air and knocking her out of the air with a downward axe kick. The tiny body of the elf was sent down with such force that the impact created cracks on the ground.

    As Roswaal landed lightly near the spot where the elf had fallen, Sphinx rose with blood pouring from her mouth. "You are.... supposed to be a magic caster..."

    Roswaal smiled. "'Magic casters are not able to carry out physical combat'—who decided that? It's a hole in a common preconception in the world—even real Witches fall for this." She gave a happy laugh, then cracked her neck bone. She squatted and stretched throughly, then turned towards Carol and Archibaud. "Please hold out against those two. I shall finish this quickly."

    "You, you, you——!!!!" Sphinx screamed— she jumped into the air where she floated again. She lifted her hand, and numerous fireballs materialised into the air.

    "Now....!" Roswaal shouted — and she shot towards under where Sphinx was.

    At the same time, Gragur and Libre started moving towards where Archibaud was.
  8. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Knowing that I'm no match for Graugr with no mana I'll focous on dodging his attack and try to slow down Libre somehow with my scythe probably being longer then his sword (he had a sword right?) I'll try blocking grom a distance, But my main goal currently is protecting Carol
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Rodriguez stood silent for a few seconds, then made a doubtful face. "The White Whale's.... next appearance?"

    "Ah—ha. Of course, that's a natural reaction. A Witchfiend that had escaped from subjugation for 400 years—it's main reason being nobody being able to find it due to its elusive nature. How would I know of something like that, that's what you're thinking, right?" The Sin of «Greed» smiled.

    "My organisation, the Witch's Order, have members able to control Witchfiends. This information comes from «Gluttony», the creator. The place will be the on the Lifaus Highway, under the Flugel's Tree."

    "Lifaus Highway, my lord? That's where the warehouse of Ordo Trading Company stands as a hub of trade in that region...."

    "Yes. You know what that means, hm?"

    Rodriguez's face slowly twisted into a smile. "What about you, Lord Kavenhaitos?"

    Rikuld nodded. "I will be conducting «the Ordeal» on behalf of my organisation. Even if I hate it, I must obey its orders. At the exact timing «Gluttony» calls the White Whale, I will commence my attack."

    Rodriguez bowed. "That is great information, my lord. The Eight Fingers can benefit from this situation greatly."

    "And for the earlier deal, executive of the Eight Fingers?"

    "Of course, I shall see to it completed. I will send an ability user under my loyal command to your guide."

    "Very well." Rikuld said, then turned away.

    Rathius and Marcus looked at each other. The information they had just learned was a crucial one— something that had to be delivered to people like Roswaal as quick as possible. What were they going to do....?
  10. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus motioned for Rathius to follow, then turned away from the evil men and walked off, trying to stay quiet.
  11. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "We have to tell the others. And fast." He whispered and takes a few steps back.
  12. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I put my fingers to my lips and nod.
    Linwood Welheart likes this.
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    You're close to both. @Tree_Legacy is by Kayde.

    "Tovias... stand back." The boy—Day— motioned to the gun user. "You can't win against these people."

    The gun user gritted his teeth, and for the first time, his expression held a deep emotion of rage. "You're joking! ....They killed Megan, my sister.....You're telling me to stand back against them.... That's what you're saying!?" With a trembling hand, he aimed his gun towards Angela who stood the closest to him, and laid his finger on the trigger.....


    The gun flew out of Tovias's hand, just as Day fell to one knee, clutching his chest and breathing heavily. ".....stop, just stop....."

    "We..... didn't kill that girl..." Kayde having moved himself to the wall with the help of James, painfully let his words out.

    "She was already....dead when we came here." James glared at Tovias.

    Silence followed as Tovias's eyes widened.

    "....It was the «Spider», Tovias." Day let out from between his gasps. "The executives.... set out to eliminate us."
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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  15. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "No one killed no one here. But you came pretty close to doing so." I point with my head towards Kayde.
    "We didn't do anything. But I personally won't let this go so easily"
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Holding oneself against two enemies such as Libre and Gargur was easier said than done. Much less when Archibaud could not use his 'mana form'.

    Nonetheless, Archibaud without his mana absorption was still able to outmatch even the stronger individuals of the Royal Knights Brigade. However—against two demi-humans who were stronger than any knight around, it was no easy task.

    Libre's movements were quick — however, Archibaud could still keep up with the speed, and with his mid-ranged scythe, it was a good match against Libre's double-edged glaive.

    But while Archibaud exchanged blows with Libre, Gragur intervened with the gigantic swings of his greatswords. Fatigue soon started to manifest in his body– something that he barely experienced in normal circumstances.

    "Hnh...!" Archibaud blocked Libre's quick Jab with his glaive, then turned to swing his scythe to meet Gragur's upward slash. The swing brought Archibaud into the air—where he spun and landed a distance away.

    A figure came up next to Archibaud. Carol. "Scythe Archibaud, I will take the multi-armed man. I can probably deal with him with my size and speed."

    "What about your injury?"

    "I've used my last healing crystal. The next time I receive a wound, I'll be done for."

    Archibaud nodded. "Then don't get cut."

    The two of them kicked off towards the two enemies.


    Roswaal darted down the stone floor with her body nearly vertical to the ground as she nimbly dodged Sphinx's fireballs.

    "Roswaal———!!!" The elf screamed in anger as she again swung her arm. Hundreds of ice crystals appeared in the atmosphere, so packed together there was no space to dodge. She released all of them at once, and the crystals literally rained upon Roswaal.

    But the margrave dealt with the attack with a single sweep of her dark-violet cloak, on which the ice shattered away upon contact.

    Before Sphinx could launch another attack, Roswaal had leapt into the air again.

    "This is the martial combat art I had trained with since I was a young girl, in order to kill you. Enjoy it to your heart's content." Roswaal told Sphinx as she spun in the air and landed a powerful side kick. The body of the elf was knocked away without any means of defence, and she crashed into a stone pillar—breaking it.

    Roswaal lightly stepped back on the ground, then kicked off just as fast, towards where Sphinx had fallen.

    At that moment, the dust cleared, and the bloodied form of Sphinx lifted her arms.

    ".....!!" Roswaal flung her cloak in front of her.

    "Fel Jiwald—!!"

    An explosive shock filled the air—and a bright orb of light vaporised the atmosphere in a form of a sphere. The aftershock was great—the room shook, and pieces of stones fell from the ceiling. Sphinx staggered back, coughing, then again floated up into the air.

    Also coughing, Roswaal rose from right in middle of a massive crater in the ground. She had covered herself over with her mantle, but even that magic item was burnt on the surface and was burning.

    "For forty years I have waited to have revenge on you, granddaughter of Roswaal——!!"

    Roswaal narrowed her eyes and muttered coldly. "Me too, I've waited for two generations to finish you."

    And they clashed once again.

  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll mainly fight defensively until I get an opening to try to disarm him
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "It's not something we can just go, 'oh, it was just a misunderstanding, we're all good now.'." Kayde agreed, his face twisted in pain from the shot wound in his abdomen.

    "Dude.... are you really okay?" James turned a worried look at Kayde.

    "I'm sure.... I avoided the bullet from hitting my internal organs. It still hurts like hell, though." He turned his gaze to Angela. "How about you, Angela?"

    "Yeah....it's only a graze. I'm stopping the bleeding with wind magic for now." Angela responded, also looking to her side.

    The gun user—Tovias, made a small snorting sound, to which Angela reacted with a deadly glare.

    "What are you laughing at?"

    "Ha. I found it funny how the people of the Kingdom use magic so easily like that." Tovias said, tearing up his cloak and tying them as bandages around his own wounds—which seemed serious than any in the place. "You don't understand—that you are blessed beyond compare. You don't know what life in Vorkir is like."

    ".....and you want us to feel sympathy for you?" James asked in a low voice.

    Tovias smirked. "Hell no. I just found it funny. When a damned witch has taken over our organisation, when my sister was killed by my superiors....." He ran his fingers through the girl's hair. She was the slime ability user who had attacked Roswaal's house aboveground with the unarm ability user Day—and also was killed by an assassin of the Eight Fingers.

    Day narrowed his eyes, his face devoid of emotions. "How long do you think you'll last, Tovias?"

    "An hour or two. I've trained to deal with pain but.... this is too much."

    "What do you mean?" Kayde asked, his expression slowly changing, from anger to surprise.

    "One of your ice crystals—it's punctured through my stomach. I'll either die from loss of blood or something in a few hours." The youth's expression didn't change at all as he told the shocking truth.

    Blood was dripping down his legs from his stomach even as he talked.
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "And also, Vorkirian." Rathius and Marcus heard «Greed» say as they hurried away from the scene. "I heard sounds coming from the corridor just now. Probably some trash spying on our conversation. Go clean them up."

    ".....!!" The two of them tensed immediately. He caught sounds of our footsteps from this far.... that's not a hearing of a normal human...!!

    "Damn it, run as fast as you can....!!" Marcus hissed at Rathius just as they heard the Eight Fingers executive exclaimed without words.

    They both started dashing down the corridor, trying to cover as much distance as possible——

    "Guaah!!" Marcus was kicked from the back with an immense shock, sending him down to the ground in an instant.

    "Oh, so it is you." The displeasing voice of Rodriguez groaned right behind Marcus.

    "Huaargh!" Rathius swung his fist—which the fat man caught with his hand easily.

    "....Cheap." He spat, then swung Rathius around and crashed him into a wall. Rathius's vision went black for a second, then he found himself lying on the ground next to the wall.

    Rathius saw through half closed eyes at Rodriguez lifting Marcus by grabbing his shoulder, who thrashed weakly in pain. Rathius felt a large part of his forehead skin burnt out by the friction against the stone wall and pouring out blood.
  20. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He startles back up.
    "Let him go!"
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