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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I still stand my ground waiting for them to make a move
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Libre Fluemi...." Carol muttered next to Archibaud. "He was one of the Three Enemies of the Demi Human war...."

    Roswaal sighed, and lifted her hands. "That's how much you want to fight me one-to-one, Sphinx?" She said, shaking her head.

    Sphinx stared at Roswaal. "Yes. That is why I started this attack on the Kingdom. The greedy Executives of the Eight Fingers were all up to the idea even if it risked their country war."

    Roswaal seemed taken aback for the first time. "You did all this just for you to fight me? Aha~... That's very interesting...." She turned towards Archibaud and Carol. "You two..... would you mind dealing with those two enemies over there? Sadly, I won't be able to fight against the three of them all at once, even with my magic."
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ''No problem with me'' then I turn to Carol ''Chose one I'll take the other one''
  4. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus stays silent, watching a bit of the ruckus while Lienya writes.
  5. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I conjure a shortsword and start swinging.
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    It was midnight. The fortress town of Gilde in the Vorkir empire was extremely quiet.

    ".........I can't believe that town actually fell." A man spoke with obvious shock in his voice. "It was one of the strongest fort-town in Vorkir, and yet..... it was destroyed in a single night?"

    He was a well-built man wearing a short beard; he was dressed in black metal armour and had a sheathed golden greatsword slung from his waist. He had black hair and black eyes— typical appearance of a Vorkirian. His hair was tied behind his head in a small ponytail, and wore a bright red cape that flapped behind him in the slight wind.

    «Golden Berserker», Stride Gamlet. He was the third ranked of the «Nine God Generals» of the Vorkir Military. He was one of the strongest figures in the Vorkir military. And yet, he still shivered at the idea that one man could take down a Vorkirian fort town, if the report was accurate. He only knew of two monsters who could do it— one was the «Sword Saint» of Arcuntar, Alexander van Hestiria. He himself had seen the «Sword Saint» in action— and it was probably true that he was the strongest man in the world.

    And the second monster he knew———

    "Whaaat's up, Stride?"

    With a light and carefree voice a young man stepped up next to Stride. He had bright blue hair that was tied in a ponytail, just like Stride's—but much longer, reaching his back. He wore a blue and grey kimono that was tied up loosely, and had two long katanas on his waist. He had a handsome face with yellow eyes, wearing an expression devoid of any fear, anxiousness, or any negative expression whatsoever.

    This man, who had walked up next to Stride without making a single sound, was.......

    "Cecilus. At least you must be nervous, or something....."

    "Noooope. Why?" The man—Cecilus—smiled a childish grin at Stride. "I could probably take down a fort-town or two easily if I wanted to."

    «Blue Lightning», Cecilus Segmund— the first ranked of the «Nine God General», undoubtedly the strongest individual in Vorkir.

    "That's exactly why....... there might be someone stronger than you who attacked this place." Stride sighed.

    Cecilus brightened up. "Really!? Someone stronger than me!? I've gotta go check!"

    "Hey, Cecilus...."

    "I'll have a run around the streets for a sec!" Cecilus cried— then disappeared.

    No, not disappeared– he had dashed off into the town through the broken gate so fast that no human eye could capture his sight. The only thing they could see related to him was a flash of blue electricity travelling after his trail, as well as the cloud of dust which flared up as he kicked off.


    "Hehehe, this is what I love about scavenging a town turned warfield." A voice was laughing, followed by sounds of thrashing and screaming.

    "Let me go!"

    "Shut up, brat." A dry sound of a fist hitting against a face, and the screaming stopped.

    A group of bandits were scavenging the absolutely-destroyed streets, finding survivors and capturing them. Their aim was probably selling them to the underground slave market.

    "Any sign of 'em yet?" The large man called.

    "No, boss! There isn't sight of not even one Vorkirian soldier in the streets!" A bandit standing on a half-broken clock tower called back.

    "Hah, what cowardly bunch they were, they are probably scared of the monsters who destroyed this town.... though they are long gone!"

    Suddenly, lightning flashed in the area.

    "Ooooh. Is that so, they're gone, huh. That's a shame."

    "Wha——!" The large man turned towards the voice—— spotting the blue-haired young man sheath his katana. "Who are————— bueh."

    Over thirty bandits in total, scattered around the area, even the one standing on the tower— dropped all at once, cut in half at the waist with a clean stroke.

    Cecilus sighed deeply. "Aaah aaah. The strong person's gone huh~~. Such.... a shame!" He kicked a nearby rubble in a childish manner—not caring that the piece of stone shattered like glass and went flying.

    "Ever since I fought Alexander two years ago in a mock battle, I've been searching for strong individuals to train against. But nooope! There aren't any enemies in Vorkir who's as strong as me. There are only two in the world who can fight at most evenly fight against me, «Eternal Wanderer» Halibel from the City State and «Mad Prince» Jircniv El Nix from the Theocracy. But they are from two different nations, so I can't duel them! And now a new one appears, but he's already gone!"

    A huge shockwave occurred as a heavy figure landed on the ground next to Cecilus, making a huge crater. Stride stood up from the dust, turning at the sight of the dead bandits with disgust.

    "Damned criminals after a battle inside a town. Happens all the time." The man spat, then turned to Cecilus. "I've got more info from an informant about the attackers. They named themself the «Witch's Order»." Stride said darkly.

    "Hmmmm." Cecilus hummed, not seemingly interested or concerned at that cursed name of the organisation.

    Stride sighed. "Fine. The one who destroyed this town was indeed one person. He named himself 'Acrux Lucifer Cythas', with the title 'Cardinal Sin of the Witch's Order, representing «Pride»'."

    "Acrux Lucifer Cythas, «Pride», huh...." Cecilus murmured.

    "According to eyewitnesses, he surrounded himself with tentacle-like purple fire that consumed anything in his path. With a swing of his arm, he massacred over two hundred soldiers at once. Their bodies immediately turned to ash."

    "Hmmm. Interesting." Cecilus grinned, then looked up to the sky. "Very interesting. «Pride», huh....."

  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "So, Alexander......" Diabel started explaining their situation— their 'escape', how Roswaal and Alice took them in, but in return was attacked by ability users of Eight Fingers (though Diabel refused to give too much information, as giving too much insider info to opposing camps were risky). How they all raised an attack onto the Eight Fingers.

    Diabel explained how he and two others had fought an gigantic centipede witchfiend underground, to absolutely no avail and defeat. Rathius told them about the fight with an ability user who created copies of enemies with Knight Carol and Kayde; Alice explained her capture and escape against an shadow-controlling ability use with Angela; Lienya briefly wrote down about her former position as one of the executive's slave, and her sister's death, as well as her meeting with Scythe Archibaud. In the end, Marcus told them about his encounter with the Sin of «Greed» from the Witch's Order, and the fight along with Roswaal.

    ".....What was his name again?" Alexander asked.

    "He named himself, Rikuld Mammon Kavenhaitos."

    "....is that so. Actually, this is a news that only came into notice a few hours ago, and was only told to the highest ranking knights and the King Candidates. Apparently, Gilde, one of the strongest fortress town of Vorkir Empire, went under attack, and was destroyed." The Sword Saint said.

    Diabel widened his eyes in shock. "That town? Who did it?"

    Alexander narrowed his eyes. "A mysterious organisation who named themselves the «Witch's Order»." At this, everyone sucked in their breaths. "And even worse, it was reported that one individual single-handedly took down the town. His name...... was 'Acrux Lucifer Cythas'.... who named himself «Pride»."

    "Aaaand that's why the higher-ups started arguing about the credibility of the claims of criminals who brought an attack to the capital." Remilia said from the counter. "They probably figured out your escape by now."

    "......." Rathius had a pale face. He bit his lips.

    Acrux, «Pride». It was a name he recognised.
    Carol let out a short, slightly-panicked laugh. "You're asking that to me, Honoured Scythe? Then....." Carol breathed out deeply, then looked towards the snakeman.

    "Let me take Libre Fluemi, if you will."

    Archibaud nodded. "Then me the multi-armed man."

    You sure? Izanami asked Archibaud inside his head.

    Knight Carol is skilled, but she lacks power and speed overall to deal with four greatswords at once. Compared to that «Greed» we fought three days ago—that shouldn't be a problem for us.

    Archibaud explained as he and Carol split up, facing their respective warriors.

    They seemed to not move.

    "Not making the first move? Then here I come——!" Carol kicked off the ground— and faster than any normal human could run, she shot forwards towards the expressionless snakeman with her sword raised.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The ability user made a cold expression— then started moving around in a peculiar way that was not possible for a human.

    His two hands moved and the guns aimed at James's ice sword and Angela's just-fired arrow right at the same time and shot the bullets. He then rolled without wasting a split second and dodged the first Fula. He threw the gun on his right hand up into the air and took out a knife instead, slashing at the wind blades and nullifying them. He caught the gun with the same hand, then threw the dagger at Kayde instantly, who barely blocked it with his sword.

    "....!" The three of them were unable to react for a second, shocked by the enemy's moves.

    That second was fatal.

    The ability user had pointed his guns again at James and Angela simultaneously. However, Kayde was already moving even before the gun was pointing at the two— and raising his shield he blocked one bullet, and deflected the other with his sword.

    Angela stared at awe at what had happened. The ability user was undoubtedly strong; he could have eliminated them all if their reactions were late for half a second.

    But what brought more confusion to her was Kayde. He was already moving even before the ability user was aiming, and blocked every bullet that shot towards them with a perfect timing. It was like he was reading the enemy's movements to every detail———no, that didn't seem right either. It was more like....

    he could see the split future.

    ".....as if." Angela muttered. The ability user had stopped attacking, and was now staring at Kayde. The knight, in return was panting hard. Even if he could block the bullets, his physical attributes were not enhanced by race like Angela and James, and neither was he supremely talented or trained like Diabel and Carol. He was just an average city guard—and yet.

    "How can you tell where my bullets are going?" The ability user asked, glaring at the brown-haired knight.

    Kayde didn't answer to the youth, though. Angela and James couldn't see the boy's expression,
  9. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Yeah, I've heard of <Pride> before." Rathius quietly speaks.

    "But, back to important things, how will we get Alice's coin back."
  10. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I start running at the multi armed giants side so that I might at firt only be dealing with 2 arms
  11. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Cover us with shields, yes yeti?" I say blankly, still looking at the ability user.
    I put my hand out to him.
    "Al Fula"
  12. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "What I do best."
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Sorry guys, I've been sick for the past few days. I'll start working on my replies now.
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Diabel nodded. "We must get that insignia back at all costs."

    "I'm sorry you all got involved into this...." Alice lowered her head.

    "Please raise your head, Lady Alice." Alexander said, then turned to Remilia. "Lady Remilia......"

    "Heh. Why don't ya all take my knight then? He's an idiot, but the one thing that he's worth is that he's strong." Remilia suggested, turning with her head.

    "I'm honoured to be complimented by your honoured self, Lady Remilia."

    "I didn' compliment you! Agh, that's what I hate abou' you...."

    "Then, Alexander....." Diabel brightened up.

    "Yes. I've got permission from my master." The Sword Saint smiled and nodded reassuringly. "I will accompany you to their lair. You can count on me."

    Suddenly, Alexander tensed his shoulders and turned to the door.

    There were knockings on the door. Diabel stood up, hand reaching for his sword, when Alexander lifted a hand.

    "It's okay. She's not an enemy."

    She? Rathius thought as the door creaked open.

    "....! Fanatia!" Alice squealed happily.

    The tall blond woman at the door bowed elegantly. "I am sorry for the late arrival, Lady Alice. I, Fanatia, is at your service."
  15. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "Who is this, now?"
    Marcus grumbled.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Hey Fanatia, how are things?"
    He turns towards Fanatia and gives her a genuine smile.

    "How's the house after what happened?"
  17. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Gragur half turned and swung the two greatswords at Archibaud—one horizontal, one diagonal slash. Archibaud leapt over the first strike and deflected the second. He turned his scythe to cut at the opening at the demi-human's side, but a third arm swung at Archibaud, and he barely dodged it by rolling backwards. As soon as he got up, a greatsword swung down at his head. He again rolled sideways, and the greatsword landed on the pavement— cracking it hard and sending a shockwave.

    What strength. Izanami commented as Archibaud leapt back and created a distance, while Gragur lifted all four of his arms up.

    He's also fast. Archibaud said, swinging the scythe. This is going to be tough.

    Besides, Carol was exchanging blows with the snakeman, Libre.

    "Hngh!" Carol swung her sword to block the demi-human's blade which came from an underarm swing. Immediately Libre turned his double-sided sword and attacked with the other blade in an downcut. Carol arched her back and barely missed the blow—the tip of the blade made contact with Carol's shoulder armour, making sparks flash. The knight somersaulted back with amazing agility, then kicked forward again. Libre crouched, and in the next moment his tail slashed at Carol's legs, sweeping her off balance.

    Carol sucked her breath hard as she fell painfully on her back. Libre brought down his sword down at the knight's chest, but Carol blocked it barely with the flat side of her sword.

    Libre's forked tongue licked around his mouth, then a strange odor reached Carol's nose.

    "Wha....!" She quickly escaped from under Libre and leapt away, coughing. Around Libre was a thin layer of green-coloured gas.

    "A poison user..." The knight gritted her teeth and muttered to herself.

    And perhaps the biggest fight of all was.....

    "Al Jiwald!"

    "Al Clarista!"

    Sphinx's light magic and Roswaal's original fire-wind-water magic made contact, exploding between them. The pink-haired elf floated up, raising her hand high into the air. "Al Juwar Feld!"

    Numerous magic circles appeared in the air, and lightning-like spells shot from them, down at where Roswaal was standing. She swung her arm, and the attacks were all dispersed away from her. The sorcerer, no longer smiling, pulled her cloak closer—then kicked off the ground, shooting at the witch while boosting herself with wind magic. She lifted her hand and shouted, "Goa!"

    A gigantic explosion—hard to believe it was the weakest spell out of all fire magic— covered the space where Sphinx was. But as soon as the smoke cleared, Sphinx came into view, numerous flying debris making a shield around her.

    ....So that's a battle between the most powerful magic casters. Archibaud thought as he witnessed the scale of the battle— and how neither one failed to get an upper hand.
  18. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Seeing as there is a large amount of mana being used in the area I should be able to absorb some of the attack that sphinx is using to boost myself and help roswaal a bit
    As for my battle strategy I try to slide under the giant to get to his back and try to cut an arm off
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Kayde leapt backwards; Ice cracked in front of the three of them and forming shields——

    and from Angela's hand shot out a devastating spell.

    Kayde gritted his teeth and blocked himself from all the wind with his large shield. The spell, strong enough to even blow away a building, shot straight at the gun user.

    The youth widened his eyes for a second, then lifted his cloak up and crouched. Still, the impact sent him flying back down the corridor hard. Through the small storm, his hands moved slightly and fired two shots— which trajectory curved all over the place by the wind, but still hit against Angela's shield. Jame's hardened ice withstanded the first shot, but the second one pierced through, and the bullet grazed against the seraph's side.

    Angela staggered back as blood soaked her clothes, and the spell dispersed. James lifted his hands and summoned ice crystals into the air, making them shoot at the boy. The ability user took out numerous objects from under his cloak, and threw the tiny things into the air, seemingly randomly.

    But the boy's shots were not random— each small pebble that was thrown shot quick and precise at the crystals, breaking them mid-air. The rest of the crystals the boy either dodged or deflected with his knife.

    "He's too strong....!" Kayde groaned, lifting his shield and standing guard over Angela and James.
  20. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I get up, breathing hardly and holding my side
    "I call bullshit." I say as if to myself. Looking at Kayde, I throw an idea in the air "We should move closer. Even if that makes his shots easier, soo will it be for us to attack him. It's not like we can be here forever, taking shots and hardly defending ourselves." I look at my bloodied hand.
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