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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Not really a party yet, people still separate.
    Archibaud is fighting a guy that can take mana out of the air, with the twist that in the latest reply one of the people helping the guy that he was fighting against actually rebelled against him.
    Rathius, Carol and Kayde managed to fight off and win against copies of themselves created by an ability user and are now pretending to interrogate him. Mind the guy's arm was cut clean off.
    Angela was fighting a woman who manipulates shadows and had Alice uncouscious with her. Managed to defeat and get a pretty nasty wound on the woman's arm.
    Marcus let some people free and met with Roswaal, then she proceeded to fight with Greed and the doctor apparently is a martial artist that is way stronger than pretty much any player character we have as of now.
    And you well, you probably know your shit around.
    Andrei was fighting some guys but Paradoxical took a break for personal reasons and now we gotta wait to see him in the roleplay again.
    I guess thats everyone
    Don't take the joy of doing something useful once in my life away from me
    Malkavian, Paradoxical and Amun_Ra like this.
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The young elf raised her hand and screamed hoarsely. Spikes of earth shot out of the ground beneath Rodriguez, piercing into his body.

    "Gah!" Rodriguez screamed in pain, then swung his fist, breaking the stone spikes and going free. He was about to rush forward again—before Archibaud swung his scythe in an underarm swing, stabbing the whole blade through his body.

    Archibaud brought his face closer to Rodriguez's, who had his eyes widened in surprise and blood gurgling out of his mouth. "This is your doom."

    At the same time, he called to his spirit. Iza, now!

    A black aura emitted from the scythe; Izanami directly started taking in the vast store of mana from the man's body. Rodriguez was too busy trying to keep himself alive; he could make no resistance as more and more mana was taken from him. The ground crackled as Rodriguez fell back on his back, and stone rose around his large body and covered it whole, only leaving his face out. Turning, Archibaud saw the elf girl raising her hands with tears in her eyes. A cut had opened by her belly and the fabric she wore was drenched by her blood.

    This is enough, Archi. We need him alive as instructed by that noble woman.

    Archibaud took his scythe out; the earth covered the part instantly. Sparks emitted from the black weapon, then it disintegrated. In its stead, a thin girl with long black hair appeared, landing lightly next to Archibaud.

    Izanami, now in her human form, turned to the elf girl. "Touch my hand, dear." She said. The elf girl widened her eyes, almost as if scared, then with trembling hands she touched Izanami's outstretched fingers.

    Archibaud could sense through his link with Izanami, the Great Spirit sharing her vast amount of mana gained from the ability user with the elf girl. "Harden your magic, make sure he does not escape."

    The elf girl nodded, and she kneeled next to the mound of earth and touched it. Cracks could be heard, then the earth turned grey, then blackish in colour.

    Izanami had walked over to the taller elf, then touched her cheek gently. Archibaud met eyes with the spirit; she shook her head. The older elf was dead.

    Izanami reappeared right next to Archibaud, then sighed. The younger one had lost her voice. What should we do with her?

    The doctor smiled. "Let me see that wound, hunter."

    He kneeled next to Marcus, then with swift movements, had extracted few equipments from his pouch beneath his coat and started treating the wound. He occasionally cast magic, but it never lasted for long. Soon, the doctor had wrapped bandages around Marcus's abdomen; the hunter barely felt any pain.

    "Thanks. Why not use healing magic?" Marcus asked, to which the doctor shrugged.

    "People of Vorkir were never well-affiliated with casting of magic through mana, nor do we ever receive Divine Blessings. I'm not adequate enough to fully heal a wound with magic."

    The doctor stood up, then walked forward in front of Marcus. He turned, narrowing his eyes kindly.

    "You are a very interesting man, Marcus. So, let me give you an advice, a life tip, if you will."

    He smiled. "Never trust the person standing in front of you. Be it that Sin of the Witch's Order, be it that magic caster, nor a humble doctor from Vorkir. Because maybe, maybe— they might just be the person who you should have to kill the most."
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    ''She might know somethings even if she has lost her voice she can still show us, besides she was a slave i doubt that she would ally with anyone here now that she's free''
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Ah.... haha......you're very right. I can't argue even a bit." Laughing weakly, Elenor slumped against a wall.

    "I.... should I, cast healing magic on her, Miss.....Angela, right?" Alice looked up at Angela, looking troubled.

    "That's right, Lady Alice. I'm glad you're okay. Please do.... to the level she won't die from bleeding."

    Alice nodded, then aligned her palm over the wound and closed her eyes. The lesser spirits aided her with mana as she cast the magic.

    "....Where is your contracted Great Spirit, Lady Alice?" Angela asked. Alice lowered her eyes uncomfortably.

    "It's part of a contract with Dia, he can't materialise at nighttime. I didn't know the sun was setting and.... I didn't have time to call him with mana from my odo."

    Alice lifted her hand, finishing her spell. Elenor narrowed her eyes. "Thank you."
  5. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Juhel looked up and cocked his head at Rathius. "My ability is very useful. That's why I— no, most of the ability users under Eight Fingers— are picked up. But this time, something is different. Eight Fingers used to be protective haven for us; now that she is here, we are slaves under the organisation."

    He let his cloak drop to the ground, then revealed a red gem on his chest, connected by a pendant. He pointed at it silently, then made a motion with his fingers tracing them across his neck.

    "You'll die if you talk, or betray." Kayde inferred, and Juhel looked at him, which was possibly an affirmation. He seemingly couldn't nod.

    "This is bad, isn't it? Even if he wants to help, he can't." Carol muttered, pinching between her eyes.

    "Let me tell you something useful." Juhel said, pointing up a finger. "Eight Fingers is believed to be a criminal organisation; it is not truly so."

    "What....?" Kayde widened his eyes.

    Juhel pointed up another finger. "And we have many ability users on the same rank or much more powerful than me. A top knight of the Kingdom barely can defeat one of us. What do you think prevents us from taking control of the Kingdom at all?"

    He raised his hands, seemingly saying he could say no more.
    @Tree_Legacy @Paradoxical

    Welcome back both of you. I'm glad you guys aren't dead. The story's progressed a bit too much as of now, I'll get you involved again in the next few replies. Please wait, and sorry!
  6. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    By the way, the biggest reason I keep dropping in and out of this RP is your requirement that everyone read everything, which I simply don't have the time to do.
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He looks at the gem.
    "I see.. And there probably isn't any way of remove it, is there?"

    "But what do you mean Eight Fingers isn't a criminal organisation?"
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Izanami nodded silently; she walked over to the girl and touched her shoulder. The girl was crying; tears rolling down her opened eyes, her shoulder quavering.

    "Answer me with a nod or shake of your hand." Izanami said softly to the elf girl, who turned to the spirit.

    "Thank you. First, were you working under that man by your own will?"

    Shake of head.

    "You were forced; it was not your will to do so."


    "Is that woman over there your family member?"

    The elf teared up again; but she nodded weakly.

    Izanami narrowed her eyes. "We are attacking this organisation. Are you willing to lend us support?"

    A moment of hesitation, a slow nod.

    Izanami turned to Archibaud.
    Ahh..... I understand, and I apologise for that. You can get past stuff by not reading but.... it'll be confusing. A lot.
  9. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    OOC: Wait is this the elf that i cut the leg off of or was that the other one
  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Juhel shook his head; he could not answer. He seemed constantly aware of his pendant; but there had been no change.

    "Eight Fingers.... did terrible things." Kayde said slowly, seemingly choosing his words carefully. "I've witnessed their deeds. But if what you said is true, those things, and this.... these are 'exceptions' to the real Eight Fingers?"

    Juhel stared at Kayde, then slowly nodded.
    Was it?

    Oh shit why are so many characters missing limbs now!

    Um. Ehem.

    Technical difficulties.
    (can we make it so that it never happened? Authority of Sloth!)
    Tisaun likes this.
  11. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    “There’s a reason I hunt by myself.”
    Marcus trotted over to Roswaal.
    “Now, I’d like to get the hell out of here. You in?”
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yeah sure that makes things easier
    "More help is always better, just for now you talk to her I'm not that good at comforting someone who just lost a member of their family"
  13. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Then who are the real Eight Fingers. If they are a organisation that means no harm, then why are we getting attacked? What happened that made things change? Who is this 'She' you spoke about?"
  14. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Can you walk? I was recommended to bring people alive, but I really don't want you to get killed." I make a small pause "Soo please don't try anything, or we will be forced to do things we don't want to."
    "Lady Alice, could you please summon a few fireballs? I don't see anything in this room." I ask kindly

    If Elenor decides to come, I will make a quick check at the light of the fireballs to see if she has any weapons.
  15. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I never though to ask, but, why exactly? Wouldn't anything we read there be meta-knowledge anyway?
  16. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    No, actually. Every comment builds up the world of this RP and some small details might give hints to enormous reveals later on in the story. In that sense it should be better for you to keep up with all that's happening. It's alright if you don't, but things get really complicated in the future I promise you.
  17. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I still don't understand what the point is. Shouldn't our characters be limited to knowing about what happens to them?

    If you insist, fine, but I really don't have time at the moment to read all the comments I've missed. Any way you can summarize?
  18. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    @BlueSlimerino @Enhanced_Human @Linwood Welheart @Tisaun @Tree_Legacy @Paradoxical

    .......Everything happened right then.

    "Then who are the real Eight Fingers?" Rathius questioned the man, Juhel. "If they are a organisation that means no harm, then why are we getting attacked? What happened that made things change? Who is this 'She' you spoke about?"

    Juhel looked up, and Kayde saw a mix of emotions in his eyes. It was.... pity?

    ".......Eight Fingers used to be haven for us." He repeated. "However, those in power of this organisation will bring everything down."

    "What....." Kayde couldn't find his words. Everything he believed about the organisation was now falling apart.

    "She will bring us all down." Juhel said, spitting his words out. Then————


    Angela and Alice stood up; however, Elenor stayed sitting down in her position.

    "What are you doing?" Angela said slowly, her hands tense for casting of magic. They had already confisticated the woman's weapons, and created no shadows, but...

    "I'm sorry, Angela, Alice." Elenor said, looking up. "I hope you survive. I won't, either way."


    "What.... the hell is this?"

    Archibaud, Izanami, and the young elf girl tensed as they looked down at their feet. Blue circles of light had appeared under them, rotating slowly. Archibaud had instinctively leapt back, but the circle did not disappear.

    This—was happening with everyone attacking the Eight Fingers base; between Carol, Kayde and Rathius; Tyrinel, James and Diabel; Angela and Alice; Marcus and Roswaal; Andrei as well.

    "Izanami!" Archibaud shouted.

    "I can't disarm it!" The spirit screamed. "It's not magic; it's an ability!"

    "It can't kill us, right? That'll be too powerful an ability......." Suddenly, they heard laughter, coming from the Eight Fingers executive, Rodriguez. Beneath him was also the blue circle.

    "You are all too late. You will die, die..... die..........."


    "Do you know what this is, doctor?" Marcus asked warily as he stopped in his tracks and stared at the light that appeared beneath him. Turning, he saw the same pattern under the doctor and the unconscious Roswaal as well.

    "This is an ability, casted by a young ability user I know. I see— this is where they all are."

    "What are you saying....? You know the Eight Fingers' ability user....."

    The doctor turned with a small smile. "I told you, Marcus; do not trust those in front of you. Now, I like you very much. I sincerely hope you don't end up in the worst of places."


    And then—— Everything broke apart.

    The circles of light that appeared beneath everyone shone brightly— and they disappeared.

    please wait for me type it all up ;-;
    True. It would be best if you acted by the character acted the way you said. But wouldn't it be better for you guys to see the bigger picture? I don't know, you choose either way.

    On summarising, Tisaun did a pretty good job at the top of the page. You can ask specific q's if you don't understand.
    Malkavian and Tisaun like this.
  19. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Okay. By the way, where is Andrei in all of this?
  20. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Do we respond to this or...?
    Are we knocked out perhaps?
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