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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I make the area of the tornado smaller, only a meter around me while making it significantly stronger, trying to make the knives "orbit" me.
    I will try to deflect a knife with my sword in the direction of the woman, and while she's distracted I will jump and grab her head, leaping over her
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  2. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The scythe sped towards the elf's body, ready to cut her———

    A large rock shot at the scythe, deflecting it slightly away. The black blade cut the slave across her chest— before a chunk of earth pulled her back. The tall elf screamed in pain.

    "——!" The smaller elf ran up to the tall one, screaming something incomprehensible. Archibaud hesitated for a second; with tears in her eyes that used to be expressionless, the smaller elf raised her hand— and multiple spikes shot from all around him, giving him no choice but to retreat a bit.


    The ability user, Rodriguez, that had been watching the fight until now, sneered and stepped forward. He made his way towards the fallen elf slave and looked down on her. Blood was pooling from her wound; the smaller elf was desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

    The pauched man's leg moved in an instant, kicking the elf on top and making her crash into the wall on the other side. He leaned down and grabbed the wounded slave by her neck, easily lifting her up. His face turned into a malicious smirk.

    "You're no use anymore, you failed. The compensation is.... your life."

    The woman started gagging and clawing at her throat where she was being grabbed. Her skin started to turn even paler, and more shrivelled.

    That moron is taking in mana from her Odo, her soul! Izanami told Archibaud.
  3. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "That's low even for him" I go running at the man trying to stop him
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The doctor turned away completely, making Marcus click his tongue in irritation.

    Kavenhaitos, while continuing his attack non-stop, sighed and yawned in an exaggerated way. "Haaah, I'm bored. Can't you do, like, anything more that can entertain me?"

    "Hm?" Roswaal smiled slightly, then she swung her arm. "Al Goa!" The woman shouted, then a wall of fire burst forward, filling the air in front of her instantly.

    ".....!!" The fire covered Kavenhaitos in a flash. Before it could clear, Roswaal summoned various wind-blades and ice crystals, which she started shooting at Kavenhaitos in a barrage. The fire cleared, and the Sin came back into view. Hundreds of tiny knife-like blades without handles were circling the man on different layers, travelling with so much speed that it was dissipating all the magic attacks.

    Kavenhaitos opened his eyes wide and laughed madly. "Ahahahahaha! What are you going to do, magic caster!" More knives shot at Roswaal, but she deflected them all with a flick of her hand.

    Roswaal narrowed her eyes, and muttered loud enough for Marcus to hear. "It seems neither of us are getting an upper haaaand. What to do, hm~?"

    Kavenhaitos smirked. "But my attack will never end; it seems that this battle will end up my victory when your mana runs out."
  5. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "It might be beneficial to try and get up and close."
    Marcus says back, so that Kavenhaitos cannot hear.
    "How long can you keep up a consistent wind?"
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Kayde's copy lifted his shield up and crouched, while Rathius's copy hid behind it too. Carol's copy stepped forward, drawing her sword in a refined motion. She kicked off forward; running through the wall of fire and escaping quickly. The false knight reached Rathius in a second; and before he realised, the knight was cutting against his skills from his blind spots, moving quickly. Rathius felt pain go up his entire body, as the sword managed to break through his scales in softer spots of his body.

    "——!" Carol started to leap forward, but Kayde stopped her. "No, Carol, you go towards them! We'll hold off your copy!"

    Carol looked at Kayde as if he was crazy for a second, then realising she had no time, nodded reluctantly and dashed towards Juhel and the others.\\\

    "Rathius! De-transform now!" Kayde shouted.
    The woman dodges the knife at a hair's width, surprise visible on her face. Angela jumps forward and over the woman, landing lightly behind her.
    "—————!!!" A dry scream came from the wall, and numerous chunks of earth shot from the wall. They hit against the man, but no damage seemed to get through. Lifting an eyebrow in annoyance, Rodriguez held up the other hand at the direction of the smaller elf. The earth magic seemed to lose its power, and the elf stumbled forward, suddenly significantly weaker.

    But the girl's attacks let Archibaud approach from the back without the Eight Fingers executive from noticing. His back was free.
    Roswaal half turned her face. "Perhaps not for long." She readied her stance once again, then ran forward.

    Kavenhaitos snorted and sent more swords shooting at the magic caster, but she deflected all of them with her wind shield. She got closer and closer, as her face started to strain, then she put her fist through Kavehaitos's own shield of orbiting blades.

    "....!" Kavehaitos's face turned into an expression of surprise. Roswaal, while gritting her teeth, shouted.

    "Al Calusera!"

    A huge blast of force, mixed with other elements of water, fire and light exploded right in front of the Sin, blowing away all of the weapons in the air and the Sin himself. The blond man was knocked back as his shield was destroyed. He landed many meters away, lying facing up without moving.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  7. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I try to get a big slice in
  8. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Moments after the blast, Marcus quickly dashed over to the body of the Sin. Once he was at the body, he readied his dagger and sliced the neck of Kavenhaitos.
  9. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He starts to transform back to normal while trying to shake Carol's copy of of him.
  10. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    If the knives are still around me I will throw two at her and attack while she's distracted
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Archibaud stepped in forward powerfully, then summoning his strength, swung his scythe. The black weapon cut against the man's back.


    Archi, hold that position for the moment, I'm stealing mana from him! Izanami said quickly, and Archibaud kept the blade in the man's back.

    Rodriguez turned with a raged expression and sent in a punch. Archibaud moved his scythe and blocked it with the handle; but the impact knocked him back.

    "Aghhhh. Now you've done it." The man growled, throwing the tall elf's body to the side. He cracked his knuckles.

    I managed to take in a lot of mana. You'll be able to fight full on for more than three minutes with this.

    The knife had stopped a centimeter away from the Sin's neck; no matter how hard Marcus tried, he could not move it. When he looked up, he met eyes with Kavenhaitos, who was grinning.

    Marcus felt the dagger moving on its own; Marcus leapt back and put up his pelt before the dagger shot at him.

    "Useful pelt." Kavenhaitos remarked, then raised a hand.

    Marcus sensed a shift in the air behind him; he lifted his pelt just when another dagger shot at him. However, just when he turned, a full swing on a mace hit him across his side, sending him tumbling back painfully. Marcus got up gritting his teeth, feeling blood coming down his side.

    Kavenhaitos immediately turned his attention to Roswaal, who was resting her body against a nearby wall. She widened her eyes in alert, then swung her hand and summoned her wind shield just before the barrage of swords hit her. She gave a little strained cry as the Sin's attack pushed her back and back. Then——

    The swords and knives that had fallen to the ground now started to rise, and all shot at Roswaal from all directions.

    "Aaaaaahhhhh!!" Roswaal screamed as she held up the shield. Then———

    With an audible sound like glass shattering, the shield broke apart. The impact sent her body towards the wall, where she stayed limp.

    Kavenhaitos laughed. "You were strong, I admit that. But not enough to reach me!" He looked at the direction of Marcus. "I like your resolve too. I shall leave the two of you alive."

    ".....then what about me?" The doctor asked, his expression indifferent.

    Kavenhaitos narrowed his eyes. "You die."
  12. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I smirk and go running at him using the same strategy that I used on the soldiers on my way here
  13. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    As light flashed and Rathius transformed back to his human form, Carol's copy fell to the ground, no longer having her foothold.

    Through steam created by the heat, Rathius staggered. His entire body felt weak as he stood up.

    "Don't worry. I'll hold her until you recover." Rathius lifted his head and saw Kayde, standing between him and Carol's copy.

    Before Rathius could respond, Kayde kicked off forward at the same time as the copy did. The knight swung its sword directly down, which Kayde blocked with his large shield. The copy immediately leapt over the shield and sent in a thrust at Kayde. But..... As if he knew the attack was coming, Kayde had lifted his sword and had sent in an upward slash from underneath, making the copy stagger a bit. In the next moment, he had his shield in front. Rathius saw Kayde's face strained slightly, and saw that he was concentrating extremely hard.
    Rodriguez was moving just like before; he didn't seem like he was kept by the wound. He turned and sent an upward punch, which Archibaud blocked with the handle of his scythe. Boosting his ability with mana from Izanami, he leapt upwards and jumped over the ability user. He landed behind the large man, then instantly sent a slash in.

    "Gaaaaahh!" Rodriguez screamed, then turned around, gritting his teeth angrily.

    Did you see, Archi? The wound you gave earlier, it had healed. He's using his own mana to heal. If we keep hurting him, he'll end up using up his own store of mana. He doesn't seem to be able to steal mana when I'm holding it. Izanami said.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  14. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I start attacking him from all sides while darting around the room
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Elenor crouched down and sank into the ground; from the walls, numerous knives shot out. Angela summoned a blast of wind with El Fula and deflected all of them.

    She heard the woman stumble out of the wall behind her, and turned. Angela saw Elenor was clutching her chest, panting. Her skin was slightly paler.

    Is it her ability taking its toll? Or is it.... that she can't stay in the shadows for too long?

    "You really are.... strong, aren't you?" Elenor narrowed her eyes at Angela. "This.... isn't what I intended or wanted... to do, but it seems.... that I have no choice."

    Elenor sank into the ground; Angela turned and saw her standing behind Alice, a knife pressed against her neck.
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Rathius slowly gets up, holding his arm around his stomach.
    "Carol.. we need to.. take out Juhel."

    He slowly grabs his sword.
    "Got a plan?"
  17. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus sought a wall to lean against, clutching his side and turning his attention away from Kavenhaitos or the doctor for a possible escape, although not inclined to take whatever route he finds immediately.
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I give her a worn out and sad expression, like if I was expecting more of her.
    "I said we could talk this out in the moment I saw you... Please don't do this" I say, moving a few steps closer, with the whirlwind still up
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "AAAAGGHHHH!" The man screamed as Archibaud shot around the room slashing with his scythe. He saw at the corner of his eyes the smaller elf pulling the taller one away; he increased his speed slightly.

    Clothes ripped; blood splattered. If we keep going on this pace, we can beat him....


    Come on!!! Archibaud swung down the blade down at his head—

    "You......damn.....vermin!" Holding the scythe between his hands, Rodriguez growled. His wounds all over his body started closing up——

    The ability user wrenched the scythe away from Archibaud's grasp, making it clatter against the wall to the side, then landed a punch into Archibaud's abdomen.

    "Hngh!" Archibaud slid back, then stood up. The punch had became significantly weaker.
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Kayde shrugged. "Nope."

    The fake Carol ran forward; Kayde blocked the blow with his shield. "I can defend; do the offense, I'll cover you!"

    Rathius charged with his sword, deflecting the knight's blade. Kayde lifted his shield and shouted, "Huma!"

    An ice crystal shot at the copy's foot, shattering against the ground. It made her stagger and lose balance for a split second; in which Rathius attacked again. He blocked a kick with his buckler, then stabbed the blade at the copy's face. However she turned her head sideways to dodge. Another ice crystal shot directly at her face at that exact timing, making her lean back all the way for her to avoid. Rathius brought the sword down in a slash, cutting the copy's shoulder as she flipped back.

    The copy rose, glaring.

    "Keep going, I'll support you!"

    Rathius nodded and charged again, blocking and attacking at the same time. Kayde kept shooting ice crystals at exact spots where the copy landed her feet at the precise timing, making her constantly lose balance and making it easier for Rathius to attack.

    "Gah!" Kayde lurched forward, coughing hard. Wiping saliva from his mouth, he raised a hand and released another ice crystal with a "Huma!" Disbanding the shield, he was now holding his stomach. "Out of mana..... not right now!"

    Bright light flashed; a huge gray dragon rose in front of Carol. She readied her sword and crouched. "Is that your final card, ability user!" She kicked off, shooting straight at Kayde. She dodged a barrage of fire, then leapt over Kayde's copy smoothly. She started exchanging blows quickly, soon overwhelming the copy and slicing him in half.

    She moved quickly through the dragon's legs, slicing at its soft parts, then ran off to the other direction– towards Juhel. He gritted his teeth and started to raise an arm——which landed on the stone floor across the room, blood trailing after it.

    Juhel gasped and fell on his knees, holding his shoulder where his right arm was cut right off. Carol pointed her sword at him.

    And all around the room, the copies created by the young man's ability shattered and disappeared.
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