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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The chain user crouched in return. Now the club user was behind Marcus; the ranged guard was getting throwing daggers ready.

    Marcus better finished this fight quickly; if it went on for longer, there were risks of others finding out and with three against one, he would soon fall under disadvantage.
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus tried to position himself in between the ranged guard and the chain-wielder.
    He also prepared to drop prone and thrust upwards towards the first nearby attacker, making sure both melee guards were in view.
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The youth saw in the distance, the town bursting ablaze and something, something incredible large rising from the buildings. With violet flames flashing through the air, the huge thing sank its necks into the ground— instantly breaking the houses apart and sending another roar of inferno into the sky.

    The youth narrowed his eyes. Many lives were being lost— he couldn't feel excited by that fact like others in the Order did— neither did he feel guilt, something a normal human would've felt. Now, there was nothing in him— the only thing might've been pity. Pity for the weak, having no chance against something so off-the-class. That monster, «Pride», could only be taken care by another such monster, like «Wrath» or the «Sword Saint».

    The youth— who called himself Shade— sighed deeply. This was fate — nothing could change it. When he did try and change it in the past, all it caused was disaster.

    "And now— the town is being destroyed because of your actions. Your thoughts on that?" Shade said, turning to the cowering figure inside the empty merchant hall. This merchant who had put the witch's item on sale — Muse Goels— looked up to the youth and screamed.

    "Y-y-y-you monster—! Do you r-realise how many lives are being lost!!"

    "Oh, I'm aware of that." Shade took a step forward, making the man flinch. No wonder the merchant was so scared—— the youth, Shade, had single-handedly taken out over a hundred soldiers in less than twenty minutes. Not by power— just by skills. He had avoided every attack and killed each and every enemy with not a wasted movement. Shade leaned down and grabbed Goels by his hair, lifting him up to his eye level.

    "This is what happens when you mess with the Witch, human." Shade said, his eyes cool and expressionless. "Didn't you know that?"

    "Uuu....u-u...." The merchant gave a miserable growl as Shade let go. The youth turned his head to see again «Pride»'s destruction. Then—

    "Why.... WHY——!!??" The merchant screamed. In the man's raised hands was a strangely-shaped metal tube— from which point had came out a small tiny ball at impossibly high speed, blasted with magic and firepowder. It was a machine invented in Vorkir, named guns. And, the youth had stepped aside and dodged the bullet without even looking.

    "I'm sorry. That was a good move though— that was about worth three lives of mine." Shade turned, glaring with his purple eyes. "But you're done with. Sleep.... with the rest of this town."

    In the next moment, Shade had drawn the sword on his back and slashed down at the merchant, cleanly cleaving his head off.

    "Now then——" Without care for the bloodied sword and putting it back in his scabbard, Shade looked up to the other direction to where «Pride» was wreaking destruction. A full moon was shining, lighting the night sky.

    "....Things are going to go bad." He sighed. "Now for starters, let's see how Greed does."
  4. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    A throwing knife shot towards Marcus— which he blocked with his pelt, though he felt dull pain on his back. He dodged the other one, but it touched across his cheek, drawing a straight cut. Gritting his teeth, the hunter spun and tried to hit the chani-user. The guard's weapon did not let him have defence— his only choice was to curl the chain around Marcus's stick and hold it tight.

    Marcus's movements were stopped; then he grinned. He pulled the chains towards him, making the guard go unbalanced. Just when the stick made contact with the man's thigh, a violent shock ran through his body, and his leg bent at an unnatural angle in an instant. Screaming in pain, the man fell to the ground.

    More throwing knives were coming— and now the club wielder was right behind Marcus, his club lifted high for a devastating blow.
  5. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus ignored the club-wielded and gunned it towards the thower with adrenaline, leaping over bodies of needs be.
    He kept his head somewhat down to protect his face, and kept one hand on his pelt to serve as a shield.
  6. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Soo I decided I want to change character. Now my question is : What is the procedure? Do we post an application just like we did with the first one or we have to do something else?
  7. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Send me a PM. we'll discuss it
  8. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll go try and cacth the thieves with the knights.
  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Andrei Kurgan
    31 years old
    Race: Human
    Andrei was born in a simple hunting village in the mountainside, and spent his earlier years learning how to hunt inside the forest and such. He was born with the Divine Blessing of the Beast Hunter, which connected his consciousness to all nearby beasts and let him trace its whereabouts without seeing it. With this ability, he could also hunt witchfiends, which often caused harm near his village.

    At the age of seventeen he had killed so much witchfiends that he was receiving high fame near the area, which eventually reached the ears of another man who studied witchfiends, named Tyrinel Amir, who was immune to the miasma. Andrei served as an assistant for Tyrinel for over 7 years, where he learnt about many witchfiends. He even encountered one of the Three Great Demon Beasts, the White Whale, and lived to tell about it.

    When he was in his mid-twenties, he left Tyrinel and was recruited by the Kingdom to officially become an 'witchfiend hunter'. Because of his successes and ability he was made the leader of a special squad that hunted and researched various witchfiends. Their group encountered the Witch Cultists a few times, so Andrei had previous knowledge of them beforehand. He fell in love with one of his squad members, and he was content in his job for a while.

    Two~three years before the current day, when he was approaching his thirties, a disaster led up to the death of five members out of the squad of eight, including his loved one. Because of this he quit his job, and went slightly insane with grief. He retreated from society and started his neverending hunt for whichfiends all across the country, murdering them in savage ways.

    Andrei was following a rumoured 'witchfiend controller' into the Capital when the attack by the Witch's Order happened, and he fought many witchfiends which was said to be the deeds of his old master, Tyrinel Amir. Andrei didn't believe that Tyrinel was capable of such attack, and decided to investigate. By luck, he found a secret passageway leading underground, then he was captured by men dressed up in dark cloaks all over.........

    Occupation: None, former 'Witchfiend Hunter'

    Appearance: Grey eyes, black hair, light complexion. His face is grotesquely scarred due to past failures, he usually covers it with a mask and/or a broad-brimmed hat. He prefers light armor concealed under a long coat or cloak.

    Equipment: Long coat, broad-brimmed hat, iron mask with an emotionless expression.

    Weapons: A set of paired curved swords, called 'Mercy' and 'Respite' respectively. Their edges are jagged and designed to cause heavy bleeding. Also a fair hand with throwing weapons, but prefers his swords.

    Abilities: Enhanced reflexes and agility from years of fighting witchfiends; sword fighting; finding life-forms without seeing them(divine blessing)

    Magic: Compatible with Wind element.

    Divine Blessing: Divine Blessing of the Beast Hunter

    Info: He has not met Tyrinel ever since the time they parted ways many years ago.

  10. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Aaaaall right then~." Roswaal said to James before he went. "Do noooot use your power in the public. And when you fiiiind them, foooollow them without engaging in battle. Finding their lair is the hiiiighest priority, alright~? Please go after Miss Carol, perhaps you might be able to spot her with your sight~?"

    (forget the fact that the knights might be too far away by now. Let's say it's only a minute or so since their departure.)

    @BlueSlimerino @Tisaun
    (and a few minutes later after the knights and James had left)

    Archibaud stood back with Izanami next to him while Angela, Rathius, and Tyrinel retrieved their equipments. Roswaal turned to the butler, Karifer.

    "Karifer, pleeeaase accompany us. We are goooing underground; we might have to need your support."

    "As you wish, master." Karifer bowed.

    "Yooouu stay here, Fanatia. Hold the fort for us while we are out."

    "As you say, Lady Roswaal. I sincerely hope for your safe return."

    Roswaal nodded in a satisfied way at the two servants' responses, then turned back to Archibaud, Izanami, Tyrinel, Angela, and Rathius.

    "Then leeeet us go." The woman said, then she tapped the side of her head. "They seeeeem to have separated into two ways. Lady Alice and knight Diabel are following the «Unarm» ability user, while Kayde and knight Carol are following the slime ability user. Mister yeti had went to support Miss Carol and Kayde boy. Noooow that we are ready, we are moving onto our own operation." She flinched. "Oh? Lady Alice and mister knight seemed to have pinpointed the entrance. Hm— the slime girl is moving completely different direction.... Then there are probably two, or more entrances into the lair....."
    (I'm sorry for all these disconnected replies, things are going to get individual again once inside the Eight Fingers lair.....)
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
  11. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He puts on his armor and over those he puts his cloak.
    "They are in for a big surprise."

    He looks at Fanatia and gives a friendly smile. "Take care."
    (Do I actually have an helmet?)
  12. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    (@Tree_Legacy )

    Panting, Kayde leaned himself back on the wall next to the alley entrance— and next to him came the female knight Carol and the yeti youth who had caught up quickly, James. Both of them did not seem tired as much— even though keeping up with the speed of the chase alone was enough to throw him off his breath completely.

    ".....!" Carol suddenly sucked in a breath. "Her presence is gone! She just.... disappeared!"

    The reason why they had managed to keep track of the girl was completely dependent on Carol's unnaturally high senses — which she claimed could sense the girl's presence without actually seeing. It was a skill so impressive that Kayde actually started doubting on the fact that Carol was a human.

    The Royal Knights really are something.
    Kayde thought to himself. It was a level that average people like himself could never reach. Maybe special people like Rathius and Angela could— but certainly, he couldn't.

    "What do you mean, disappeared?" James asked Carol. The yeti's slightly growing horn from his forehead emitted a chilly aura, as it sucked in heat mana from the atmosphere.

    Carol frowned. "I don't know, but she's not here anymore. We can come out. Here, let's go, Kayde."

    The three of them walked into the alleyway— which was dark and narrow, with no doors in sight. It didn't seem like the girl had escaped off to the roofs again– she had definitely been here a few seconds ago.
  13. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "So when are we moving in on them?"
  14. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Three more picks landed on Marcus's pelt; but he blocked them all. Now, the old hunter was in front of the thrower guard.

    The man in front of Marcus stepped back in a flinch and reached for a small dagger at his waste. But faster than that, Marcus's stick made contact with the man's head— instantly sending him flying to a nearby wall and crash in a spray of blood. At the same time, the stick cracked, then fell apart.

    Marcus swore. Its use is limited!? Then he turned back. The club-wielder was the only one left— he was slowly approaching, cornering Marcus against the wall.
  15. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Marcus pulled out only one of his daggers and crouched next to the downed body of the guard, frantically searching for keys before the club weilder got to hit him.
  16. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'll wacth our back.
  17. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Nice. I like the tie-in to the previous character.

    I'm guessing my wind incantations are fairly low-level, right?
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I pick up my bow and quiver, putting the second one on my back "Soo, we'll be going now?" I ask in a rather rethorical tone
    "I really could use some rest, but this is more important" I think to myself
  19. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    @Amun_Ra ?

    It's been a few days.
  20. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Yes, sorry. I've had like five tests this week. All good now.
    Fanatia bowed to Rathius's comment. "You too, sir."

    Roswaal ran his eyes over everyone now. "Leeeet us get this straight, now? Including those who have left before us, we will be attacking with the force of thirteen."

    She raised up a finger. "First, the herbalist, Tyrinel. As we aren't against the Cultists nor witchfiends, we must depend on his healing arts." Roswaal lifted another finger. "Weredragon, Rathius. Though his ability to transform into a dragon might not come to use in an underground facility but we can count on him as a fighting power. Aaaal right?" Rathius nodded back, and the woman lifted another finger. "Angela, the seraph. Your gift with a bow and wind magic is on a level of a high-class Royal Knight or higher. Though her flight will not come to use, her potential is large." She lifted another. "Kayde. He might be the most determined out of the most of us, but the weakest. Don't take offense in my words, but I do not see him becoming of use in this attack. But he is smart; may he be the 'brains' for us, while we fiiight." Roswaal shrugged, then another finger. "James, the yeti. He is also one with a large potential, having an ability to summon weapons out of ice in almost unlimited quantity."

    Roswaal folded a finger. "Knight Carol. Even amongst the hundred-or-so Royal Knights, she is one of the most skilled. We can say her potential is that of equal to James and Angela." Another finger. "Knight Diabel. Though not as skilled with a sword as knight Carol, his qualities as a Spirit User increases his potential, to the level of Angela and others as well." Another finger. "My butler here, Karifer. He is a vampire, and he is strong in darkness and when alone. A wild card, I say, that collects information for us." Karifer bowed. Roswaal then folded her last two fingers. "Scythe Archibaud and his spirit Izanami. Their fighting potential is one of highest out of all of us. They will be our 'tank', I say; we must put you against the strongest foes."

    "Then, Lady Alice and her spirit Dia. Though Dia might not look like it, he is the strongest spirit existing with the fire mana affinity. He cannot put out his full power for reasons, but their potential will be on the same as the knights, Angela, and James." Roswaal said, lifting up two fingers back again. "I feel uncomfortable putting them into danger, but they are strong, and when Lady Alice's insignia was stolen, it was almost inevitable that they had to fight."

    And looking at all of them again, Roswaal smiled mischievously. "And finally, me. You can coooount on me; I might not look like it, but I haaaave the title of the Kingdom's Head Mage. I shall deal with aaaall the magics part."

    "Healers are..... me, knight Diabel, Lady Alice, and you, is that right?" Tyrinel asked. Roswaal's eyes widened, then she smiled apologetically. "I am sorry; I cannot use healing magic. Offense, leave to me— but healing? Out of luuuck, sorry~."

    "Aaaaaand our opponents. If rumours are correct, the 'Eight Fingers' is an enormous criminal organisation from Vorkir. They have a significant amount of 'Ability Users', like the two from before. We can expect more when we clash with them. When you encounter one, we must prevent ourselves from falling in their hands; figure out their Ability before counterattacking. Gooot it?"
    Marcus felt a metal ring brush against his fingers— without checking, he grabbed at it and rolled to the side just as the club landed. The guard grunted and lifted it up back again, next time swinging sideways at Marcus's side.
    Carol licked her lips, looking anxious. "This is not good. If we do not find her soon, we might be too late."

    Kayde taught for a few moments. "...Miss Carol? Your method of finding her was 'presence', right? Does that mean you are doing a meditation of sorts? Can you read wind?"

    "Don't call me 'miss', we're not that different in age you know." Carol muttered. "And yes, I've trained in concentrating my senses to catch up many things. But without Divine Blessings, I can't go as far as wind— their particles are too small."

    Kayde turned to James. "Can you create tiny ice particles, like snow crystals — in the air, in the same logic as how you summon weapons? Can you do that enough to fill the entire area?"
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
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