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«rp» Fate's Eye [7/7] ~arc 3~

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Amun_Ra, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "Yes, ready when you are"
  2. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Thank you for taking care of everything for us, I would lose my head if you didn't appear" I joke with a smile
  3. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "You won't be coming with us, Margrave?" Diabel asked, his voice with mixed emotions.

    Roswaal smiled mischievously. "I have sooomething I would like to check alone. Pleeeaase do not mind me."

    Diabel and Carol looked at each other; but they did not say anything.

    Now everyone except for the four who had entered wore their cloaks; and were ready to go. As Roswaal closed the large door behind them, the various gears and machinery on it whirled and clicked, and four metal disks slid onto its surface. As the door locked shut, the discs gace off a faint magical glow. A golden pin-like object ejected out of the center of the door, which Roswaal took out.

    "Here you go~." Roswaal flicked the key to Diabel, who caughted and bowed slightly. The magic caster turned and placed her hand on the door. With that an electric shock ran through the door, and the discs slowly lost colour.

    "I've turned the door's power off. That way, we can slooow them finding you all, right~?" The idea was to make it look like the door lost power, and the prisoners were still locked inside, while everyone had already escaped outside.

    Now they made their way down the dark corridor. Roswaal led Diabel, Carol and Izanami with her to the guards to return the key. The rest passed the corridor then, while the guards' attentions were on the four. A highest-ranked noble; a Great Spirit; a famous Spirit Knight even amongst the Royal Knights; and a knight of the Remendis family. It was a sight that caught most people's attention. Diabel was even letting out his spirits, and while everyone was distracted, the six of them slipped past.

    There were many knights on guard inside the prison tower; it took them well over twenty minutes to get through them all. It became clear that this Prison Tower was inside the area of Arcuntar Castle; Rathius, Angela, Tyrinel, James, Archibaud and Kayde all escaped from the tower window out of sight from guards. They later came together with Roswaal and others.

    It was easy then; they got onto Roswaal's dragon carriage, and they rode on out from the castle. As the carriage pulled by the earth-dragon left the castle gates, the passengers all felt their tension in their shoulders relax. Their escape was complete.

    Carol still didn't seem to be feeling comfortable, and she was sitting to the side, watching at the six of them with caution. Fifteen minutes later, the carriage slid to a stop, and Roswaal stepped out.

    "Good jooob in the escape, my friends." Roswaal narrowed her eyes and smiled. "I hope you do not get captured again, would you~? And Miss Carol, you know where to lead them."

    "Of course, Margrave." Carol bowed. They all said their thanks; and the carriage left, leaving its owner behind on the streets.

    There was silence in the carriage. Unexpectedly, it was knight Carol who spoke up first. She turned her eyes to the doors, then looked at everyone else.

    "Please.... be aware of Lady Roswaal. You might think of her as just a nice, kind-hearted person. I've only been with her for just a few days but.... there's something in her that I just can't.... trust."
  4. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Oh, and why is that? She seems like a nice lady to me, or atleast nicer than some of the women I've met in this place."
  5. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    "What do you mean by that?"
  6. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "Ooohoho. This is a very entertaining sight, isn't it? Ha!" There was a voice, and the people's attention went to the figures that entered into the room. Marcus sucked in a breath; he recognised the man who had spoken— the obese man who had drained the mana from him earlier. He was making a malicious grin as he looked down at the citizens of the Capital who had been captured. He turned to the tall figure next to him, and nodded his head. "Isn't that right, Bishop Kavenhaitos?"

    The figure smiled slightly. "Indeed— there are more than promised. Is it alright to take all these?"

    "Ooof course of course. Because of your little 'uprising' we managed to capture many other things. But you are not using them for your Order?"

    "Ha!" The blond man spat. "I can't care less about those other Sins who only care about themselves. Besides, they won't be useful to «Pride» who cares about quality, and «Gluttony» who cares about quantity. Everyone else will just enjoy killing them off. No, they’ll go under my care.” The man licked his lips.

    —And hearing this from nearby, Marcus shivered. An aura emitted from the blond man that sent a chill down his back.
  7. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "If you say soo..." I say quietly, wondering how that sweet woman could do something bad
  8. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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  9. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    Carol glared at Rathius. "If you are talking about me, quiet up."

    Diabel sighed. "I agree with Knight Carol on this. I wouldn't say don't trust her, but definitely don't put your complete trust in her." He smiled weakly. "I guess that came out strange."

    "She freed us and believed our innocence." Kayde said. "Why would we distrust her?"

    Carol shrugged. "I wonder if you'll be able to keep the same opinion once we reach her current residence."

    It took another ten minutes of awkward atmosphere until they reached Roswaal's temporary residence. It was more like a small mansion; compared to a noble's actual mansion, this much was probably nothing.

    And as they left the carriage, they saw a figure coming out of the doors to greet them. The figure bowed in a perfect courtesy.

    She was a tall woman with a slight muscular build — about to be in her early twenties, she had long pale blond hair that reached her hips, and green eyes. She wore a neat black and white dress worn by high-ranked maids. She raised her hand and opened her mouth— revealing her sharp fangs. She would be a beautiful woman if only she hid her mouth.

    "Welcome back, Lady Carol. And on behalf of my master, I, Fanatia Lauzen, welcome you honoured guests."
  10. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He looks at the woman's fangs.
    "Uhm.. I don't know if I'm going to offend you if I ask, but are you a vampire?"
  11. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    "V-vampire?" The maid— Fanatia seemed surprised. "I, uh. I'm sorry for my rudeness. I am a... what do you say? A beast-type demi-human."
  12. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Did I offend you? My apologies." He bows. "Let me make it up to you."
    He stands straight and opens his mouth. With a finger he pulls back his cheeck and shows her his sharp teeth.
    "Look. I got some too." He smiles.
  13. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "One would think he'd be Gluttony..."
    Marcus says silently under his breath, making sure his pin and daggers are safely hidden.
  14. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    I interrupt their conversation and extend my hand to the woman with a smile "Thank you for taking us in your home. I'm Angela."
  15. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    “We don’t need those kind of things right now, Rathius...” Kayde muttered from next to him.

    “Fufu.” Fanatia put her hand to her hands and laughed quietly. “You remind me of someone. But Lady Carol, aren’t these people the ones who—...”

    Carol shook her head tiredly. “Yes, Lady Roswaal took them in. I’m sorry to cactus’s trouble, Fanatia.”

    Fanatia nodded. “Understood.” She narrowed her eyes. “And there is no need to apologise, ma’am. It’s something master does all the time.”

    She straightened up and faced the guests. “I apologise, I have kept you for too long. Allow me to lead your way.”

    *** *** ***

    Fanatia led them to a greeting room, and now they were all seated down in front of a table with served tea. The Maid then excused herself from the room.

    “Where did she go?” Angela asked.

    “She went to call somebody from the mansion.” Carol said, then glared at everyone else. “When this person comes, do take care to behave in front of her.”

    “Who’re you, our mom...?” James snorted from the side. But before she could reply, the door opened, and Fanatia entered.

    “Excuse me.” She bowed, then moved to the side, making way for the figure behind.

    It was a young girl, around 17 or so. Wearing a white dress, she was stunningly beautiful.

    Slightly-slanted purple eyes, fair and smooth skin. Soft-looking silver hair fell down to her shoulders, revealing her pointed ears. Too rounded for an elf’s, but too slanted to be a human’s.

    Everyone except for Carol and Fanatia were lost for words.

    Silver hair and elf ears — no, a half-elf.

    Her appearance matched exactly with the descriptions on what Everia, the Witch of Envy, was told to have looked like.

    The girl softly tilted her head sideways. "Uh... Hello."
  16. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Good morning." He looks around the room. "Is it still morning?"

    He looks back at the maid and the girl and takes a sip from his tea.
  17. BlueSlimerino

    BlueSlimerino Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I just quietly drink my tea
  18. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    "Hellooo... Thank you for taking us in your house" I start knocking my fingers on the table nervously, adjusting my posture.
    I take a sip of tea, without taking my eyes off her
  19. Amun_Ra

    Amun_Ra 『One Who Steals the Principle of Fire』

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    The blond man walked forward, looking intensely at the people. Soon he was close to where Marcus was, turning his back to the direction of the hunter.

    He reached into his dark robes, taking out a dark object— a book. He opened it and flipped through the pages. A few seconds after, he closed it shut with a satisfied look and put it back into its original position. He turned back to the large man behind him.

    "Alright. These are going to Vorkir. As for the payment— I shall see to it."

    "Aaaahaa. Thank you thank you. I am honoured to do business with you, Lord Kavenhaitos."

    Now Kavenhaitos was right close to where Marcus was— his back was wide open. The obese man motioned to one of the guards, who readied their keys. They were leaving.
    There was a silence in the room. Carol pursed her lips, then smiled at the girl. "Hello, Lady Alice. How are you doing?"

    "Ah, Carol! I'm happy you are here. Where's Roswaal? And who're these.... guests?"

    "Yes, they're guests Lady Roswaal invited. Please have a seat." Fanatia said. The girl— Alice— smiled and nodded. She walked over towards where Carol was sitting and sat next to the knight.

    Carol looked kindly at the girl, then turned a serious expression towards the others. "Everyone— this is Lady Alice. Her position is somewhat complicated.... Please, may I ask you to show them the stone?"

    "Eh? Already? Uh, yes." Alice seemed confused at first, then she reached into her pocket and took out a tiny object.

    It was a triangular insignia with a slick black surface. There was a golden symbol of the dragon on one side. Alice the turned the stone around— revealing a small gemstone embedded into it. The stone was giving out a faint glow for everyone to see. Diabel, Archibaud and Angela widened their eyes— they had seen this object before, and knew what it meant.

    "As you can see," Carol said and gestured to the glowing stone on Alice's hand. "Lady Alice is recognised by the Dragon's stone."

    "....that means...." Diabel muttered in an unusually shaken voice.

    Alice smiled somewhat apologetically. "Yes. I'm the fifth Candidate for the throne. Roswaal is my.... supporter of sorts."
  20. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    He stirs through his tea. After a few seconds of stirring, he leans his head on his right arm and look at Alice.
    "So.. what is our part in this?"

    He then looks at Fanatia.
    "Fanatia, could you get me some sugar for my tea?"
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